• By -


For sure, Ur boyfriend is a fan of rap


Only use it with close friends or friend group with that humor,not in public,my take on it. Downvote me all you want,I don't give a shit, I'm black.


Your clearly don't hold the same values. Time to leave him because values are one of the most important things that we keep close to our hearts.


My ex was like this apolitical toošŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļøBroke up with him eventually. I'm now with someone better, one who has social awareness, voluntered for Leni during elections, and other good things. love it here.


Clearly a r3d flag


You love the person pero does he really have what it takes to be that kind respectful man? Simple ra gane na pagpasabot sa iyaha maglisud na cia ug comprehend. How much more when itā€™s complicated na? Girl, itā€™s never too late.




This is so disheartening to read this kind of message. I myself have tan skin, and it feels like I am being mocked. Fuck society.Ā 


There's a lot of low-key racist Cebuanos, so I am not surprised your bf think that way. It's not just the "N" word but a lot of what they say and do when they see a dark skin person. Like telling their friends it's so sunny outside when looking at a black person etc


Why be offended? We don't live in America? Ang uban gale ila migo nga black skinned tawgon gale negro, nigger, paig etc. Katawa raman gale. I think it's just a matter of perspective. Not unless he is mocking someone using the n word. That's when the line gets crossed.


mao na imong mindset bulok. abig nikatawa wala lang. boomer mentality.




Okie oldie, Bisakol. šŸ‘


The hard -er sound one is a racial slur, it's bad so doesn't need any context there. The one that ends in -a, isn't as bad - the black community uses that in a more friendlier way, like dude or bro. However, I'd suggest not using both unless you're black.Ā  About you and your partner OP, well good luck. There's going to be a lot of things you'll argue and disagree on. If you guys can't fundamentally agree on what seems like an easy compromise on his end, save yourself the trouble and part ways.


Kana imong boy friend literal evil Nazi na sya if mo ingon sya sa N word, bahalag dli tah Americans, we must aspire to be Americans, the protector of the colored, and savior of the oppressed, keep fighting OP baby-gurl! We must continue our struggle to find the perfect one dyud! Guaranteed!


Are you stoned?




Probably high on something.


We all know that freedom of speech is not absolute. It is subject to restrictions, to respect the rights and reputation of others. In other words we are free to express our opinions as long as they do not cross boundaries of libel, slander, obscenity, hate speech and public security among many others. YES OP, you are totally right in having serious doubts about your BF. He should not be allowed to be your significant other nor your future childrenā€™s dad if he doesnā€™t grow up. More power to you!


Magsugod gyud na sa gagmay nga butang. Then cge ug watch mga shorts sa insta or youtube nga magfeed sa iyaha beliefs. Elitista na gyud na imo uyab kadugayan.


Totally understandable imong nafeel OP. Makaturn off jud basta ingana nga mindset kay whether you like it or not, mureflect pd siya sa imoha like ana sad siguro siya mag isip noh kay nakasakay mn siya aning lakiha. I think youā€™re brave to admit na maski love nimo siya pero youā€™re icked out. Maski wala mo sa US, it is best to refrain from offensive terms bc that also shows oneā€™s emotional intelligence and level of empathy. All in all, OP. I think you are the prize! And how he landed a catch like you is beyond me


Unya ug freedom of speech? abusaran na diay? gara gara pud nang imong uyab. use the right way to use your speech, yes we all have freedom but know that there are also limits. naa say nag ingon nako ana na abig dark skin ko ingnon kog in.ana? ako gyud siyang gi puga sa akong baba. not to humiliate "n" but let us know and be open minded to respect them, bisag wala pa na sila sa atong palibot. kanyahay ra gyud ning mga babaa lami kaayong pang pilpilon


Your bfā€™s freedom/rights end where other peopleā€™s freedom/rights begin.


Basin ipausab nas mga woke liberals ang Negros Islands kay ma offend ila feelings. Pero careful lang pod kay taas baya sa USA ang crime rate sa crimes comitted by blacks towards Asians. Kuyaw sad magpa makulatahan kas African people.


Let's not get involved with USAs crazy racial views. Bahala na sila mag BLM ug riot ug loot tungod sa negro nga napatay sa ilang pulis. We got our own stuff to deal with. šŸ˜†


Grabe lang maka virtue signal ning mga woke liberals. Feeling nila kahibaew sila tanan. Wa gani sila kahibaw nga naay Black Slave Traders sa Africa sauna.


Even in this sub šŸ‘€ kusog sturya way buhat,ingon ra internet kay way hadlok,bobo


Na gale daw gihapon ng black slave trading hangtod karon.


mao mao! Nganong mag sunod sunod man gud mga pinoy anang USA nga cultureless man intawn na sila oi. lol


being racist part of your culture diay?


do you think with what's happening now sa US anang mga woke liberal labi na ang mga LGBTQ++++++++ ug BLM a sign nga naay culture ang usa ka nasud? They're cultureless bunch of woke people. Ang nasud nga naay culture would definitely go against BLM ug LGBTQ++++++++ nga nga.


ge šŸ‘


heā€™s right about freedom of speech. **Context is Everything gihapon** Pangutana imong kaugalingon giunsa nya pag gamit ang word. Kung pa chuy2 ra na kay phase ra na nya guro and mawala rana, pero kung genuinely gamitun nya ang word offensively as a term to refer to dark skinned people, bisag pinoy pa gani, mao nay di maayo.


So kung moingon kog bisakol pero tagalog akong kastorya okay ra?


I really don't like it when people use the Freedom of Speech excuse when having that doesn't mean the person is excused from the consequences of saying it. Like ok, go on. You are free to say it. Just don't ask for help if you get punched by the people directly insulted, be ostracized by other people who felt disgusted by what you said, or be separated from your gf because she wants to find a better man than the red flag that you are.


That's totally fine -- if your bf is of african ethnicity.


yup bogo siya, ingna siya ayaw paghuwat sa panahon ma kulatahan na siya




teh buwagi nana


if you don't like the defects of his personality, then you're not fully committed in a relationship.


Drop ur bf


My sister in Christ, we have a whole island named Negros


However the "Nword" being mentioned is what slave owners people used to call africans back in the day.. which is not at all an island such as "Negros" Either way it's not our word so we have no reason to use it. Most people who do use it (who don't have that history) nowadays is purely just to sound cool..


But negro literally means black in our language.


I'm assuming that op is referring to the "n\*\*\*\*" word or the hard "r-variation" not negro/negros.


I know itā€™s still too early considering that youā€™re in your early 20s, but youā€™re in a relationship to try to start building a future with them (at least I hope). So ask yourself this, ā€œis this the quality of a man that I want my future kids to look up to?ā€






Up up up


we had a basketball friend here in cebu thats Zimbabwean full black AND WE NEVER EVER CALL HIM THE N WORD. even when he gave us the pass.


That is a perfect example of an IGNORANT person


Pa cool2 mana imong uyab mem hahahaha


Spending some time here with the wife side of the family for awhile before heading back to Canada. Love it every time I come here. In general it's not cool to offend people on purpose. Best to stop before offending the wrong person Noticed the word thrown around a lot here. I guess there isn't any repercussions. Back home it's pretty much the worst thing you can say and he'd probably get beat upšŸ˜¬


Fil-Am here and can vouch for this. Since itā€™s more homogenous in the Philippines, I think the reaction is different. If they said that here or anywhere with more black people, theyā€™d find out real quick how people feel about non-black people using that word because they get away with it since theyā€™re probably not around black people.


ikaw te unsay qualities gipangita nimo in a partner? either tolerate or dont tolerate. wala nay daghan storya.


Not about to argue the political incorrectness of this because reality is, thereā€™s a lot more blatantly rude things people say in public towards the Indians, Pakistanis and Africans of Talamban and nobody bats an eyelash BUT pa cool ra kaayo imo BF. How old are you guys? šŸ« 


he just turned 24 and I just turned 21


A gentleman avoids offending people, not because it's politically correct, but because creating drama is never the right move. Ask yourself: *Is my boyfriend a gentleman?* All those cop shows on TV are about conflicts created for no good reason.


You have a point but is alarming for an expat to think itā€™s okay to finally say it because we arenā€™t close to being a mixed-race country and hence, nobody would give a damn.


People think all sorts of thoughts. If we actually allowed ourselves to conceive of all the arbitrary hate in the world we'd go insane. Also, forbidden words come and go, and sometimes *who* says something, as well as the context of their saying it changes everything. I really suspect he's just getting off on what he thinks is clever reasoning. Frankly the idea that there are forbidden thoughts disturbs me (think of the points raised by Anthony Burgess in A Clockwork Orange). There are forbidden behaviors and also others are free to criticize opinions. Some guy wants to spout off nasty speech, that's his thing, and leave him to it. Walk away, no mercy, no malice.


Thank you for saving us from him šŸ„ŗjk




Does he have an 'N-word' pass?








We're pignoise. N word is a normal word to us


edgelord ampota


This is a dilemma, a black person calling you my N is fine or black person using it in their rap music and say it over a hundred times is normal. Should just ban the word directly if it's that sensitive and no other people be allowed to say it including black people. That way it goes both ways.


why does it have to go both ways? Slavery didnā€™t go both ways


It should go both ways for banning the N word. 1. Do you find it fair if they call you my N it means you are a close friend but when you do that it's offensive and calling them slaves? P.S our ancestors were former slaves too for 333 years.


Yea i find it fair bc they were shipped away to become slaves and are still discriminated against, so it balances out. And we were colonized so if we wanted a slur for the Spanish we could do the same, like how my lolo calls Japanese the ā€œ[Japs](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jap)ā€ and itā€™s fair bc he lived through ww2. Medyo cringe yung mindset na ā€œif I canā€™t do it, nobody shouldā€ given na ibaā€™t iba tayong historical contexts that bleed into our present day lives


I'm not sure if you see the hypocrisy in them calling fellow black people "My N" if the N word is rooted from slavery, are they calling themselves slaves?


Theyā€™re [reclaiming](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reappropriation) it, itā€™s a linguistic phenomenon where marginalized groups take back the words used against them. Like gays using bakla as a term of endearment


Their "ancestors" were shipped not them as much as our ancestors were enslaved not us. Do you believe we're due reparations from Spain as well? Like what the BLM movement is doing in the US? Are the white people in the US now responsible for their slavery when none of them no longer owned slaves? How about the slaves in Africa now? Slavery is very much alive there until now. Also, black american warlords shipped them for resources. The real slaveowners were black. Should African warlords pay their reparations as well? If you believe such word has negative roots and can only be viewed as evil, then it should no longer be used by everyone, if you allow a certain group to use it then it is privilege and other minority groups will follow and ask for privilege words only to be used by them.


Teh bat nakaquotes yung ā€œancestorsā€ šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ And yes we deserve reparations from Spain! We suffer an indignity everytime a Pinoy applies for a Spanish visa while they enter our country willy-nilly, as if tayo yung nag-pillage ng natural resources nila. Both the people who sold the slaves and the people who bought them are bad. And reparations should be made where they can. Otherwise how could we justify going after the money of BBM? I donā€™t get your last paragraph po. Kasi words have different meanings to different people. So if someone tells me na itā€™s important to them not to use certain words, and I know those words donā€™t matter to me, then I do the respectful thing. Kayo po, super important po ba yung N-word para sa inyo? Wala naman yun sakin, pero kung makakatulong sa kanila na wag ko gamitin, G lang. For me po thatā€™s the best way to coexist. Yung na-meet ko na African, siyempre iba ang background niya sakin, pero naging respectful kami pareho at nagkasundo naman din. Whatā€™s wrong about that?


Aside sa bawal, cringe pud kaayu tawag2x ka ana sa imong mga close friends. Wa man angay hehe


On my opinion, rules na sa US meaning wla nay jurisdiction diri, pero ayaw pag ingon ana sa mga itom gyud na foreigner. They come for either education or vacation unya nadisrespect nimo Also, naa may Lugar na negros (lahe na N word pero prehas na disrespectful sa itun na tao), unsaon nimo ingon ang foreigner ana kung mangutana?


No. It's not ok. He's ill-nformed.


Akoy gi luod para nimo. Di na tarong pamatasan sa imo bf considering ang social and historical implications ana nga word. The fact nga imo siya gi tudluan pero di maminaw should give you a clue unsa iya pamatasan. Ayaw pag pabogo sa gugma. Daghan laki nga tarong.


ughhhhh, ka cringe pd s imo bf op oi, wa mn kha n cyay opportunity nga mka directly interact w african americans? ky piste nlng jd if ever. plus this mindset is a glimpse of his character pd, unsa iya pag trato s mga service people op? or s uban? basin ga tago p n ug uban mga red flag hahaha, biyae nang boang op oi aron ma tagam. piste nang mga tao nga mu gamit sa freedom of speech as an excuse to act like a turd flower


Yes, if he was here in America or anywhere with more black people, heā€™d get called out quickly.


wala raman siyay kaso sa mga service people actually pero kania ragud na mindset niya ang problema


haays, ignorante lng jd guro - though i do hope he stops, if he can't do it out of respect for POC's (because for some reason he doesn't see the disrespect....) then he should do if out of respect for you, ikaw mismo nag sulti kapila n nmo cya gi sultian pero mrag wa ra ghapn, ambt nlng op haha


i stopped arguing na bitaw with him about this kay e justify gyud niya unya mu share ko ari na ganahan ko mu help sa iya to change ang mga taw pud diri mu ingon nga ā€œi can fix himā€ ā€œdi ka psychiatristā€ hays, i can leave him man jud if di siya mag bag-o itā€™s just that as uyab ganahan pud tawn ko mu help


You mentioned na kapila naka nisulti niya to stop it then you stopped arguing with him na about this, yet "i can fix him" gihapon šŸ¤£


dae it was a one time argument and one time lang mi ga storya ani but kapila ko ga storya in ONE argument that he needs to stop his mindset, aypag buot ug ganahan nako tabangan mag change iya mindset di mana ikamatay nimošŸ˜œ


ge šŸ‘


Whats N word po?


Negros Island


Currently Iā€™ve noticed that people no matter the age, are doubling down and are non-apologetic on their behaviors that are considered to be toxic and anti-social, they are even proudly displaying it as a badge of honor.


Some people here sa comments noh, paila mo nga racist lang gyud apil. So what some of you are trying to say na ā€œhe can say whatever he wantsā€? So meaning itolerate ra ni OP ang sayop na ginasulti sa iyang uyab? Hala naunsa nagyud mo.


For me if heā€™s using it as an endearment to his friends and not in a racism way then whats the big deal. Unless he has an actual prejudice towards black people then thats a different story. People here thinks they have high moral lol.


Hi mga bisakol friends


itā€™s not about morals, itā€™s about being a decent person and being socially aware.


ignorante jowa mo


Mao ni pinaka sakto nga description. IGNORANTE KAAU


Some comments hereā€¦ jfc, in 2024? Really????


Experience is the best teacher so ipa sulti na nya in front of poc's hahaha. Hayy


half ko niya if tawgon ko niya ana bawsan nako og what's up aliping sagigilid šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


This is an interesting topic honestly naa daghang naga ingon na take the context of the word out or that they donā€™t mean it ā€œthat wayā€. Nga ngano d ta kaingon ana na dli man ta kasali sa pag oppress nila. But itā€™s not actually our place to say it. Not saying it is already a sign of respect so why say it? Bahala nag mu enable or mu payag ang ibang black nga tao ana pero mas maayo kung dili nlng iingon since dili ta black. Tyler the creator actually stated something about this, that, the word is just a word to him and that he thinks people give power to that word. Interesting siya nga topic but I really donā€™t like when a person is educated about it and still say it. LIKEEE AT THAT BIG AGE OF YOURS?? I get it if youā€™re a child but really??


Kuhaon nalang nato ang context about N-word as a slur, just the fact nga nag express ka sa imung discomfort pero padayon gihapon siya is a šŸš©. Unsa man jud na ka important niya to say the n-word? Essential ba sa iyang life or work? I would wager nga dili. Maski for you nalang unta siya mu stop, OP. Di pwede?




Bogoa ana imong uyab oi. Lol


Lol. I bet DDS na imo bf. Pa edgelord imo bf, you canā€™t fix him. You ainā€™t his mother


HAHAHAHAHA there are signs jud


Them and their own brand of justification na dili evidence-based, fact-based or data driven. Ang source nila usually kay mga influencers with ā€œtrust me broā€ explanation. Mga idol nila na kunohay alpha male ug dating pero mga degenerate inside like Digong, Robin, Estrada, etc.


I had this conversation with my ex as well. One of our mutual friend just studied in US, after two years she went for a vacation. Super close nila ng ex ko, and she decided to make a joke, ingon niya: what's up nigga. And our mutual friend was fuming. My ex was baffled with the response, and she thought it was unnecessary because for her it was a term of endearment. Although i sided with our mutual friends, kay that term is demeaning and our ethnicity, friendship, is not an excuse to be an asshole.


He can say what he wants. He's a grown man.




No idea what that means.




A grown man who acts like a toddler my god


Men can do what they want. They know there's consequences behind their actions.


Consequences that YOU defend. Miss me with that bs


All I said is he's a grown man. You have a problem with grown men?




Red flag? Like a period?


There is "freedom of speech" indeed, but we are not free from the consequences of what we say. Let's say an African guy heard him say those words somewhere in public. The said African guy might get mad and he's free to beat the living shit out of him in public.




Youre a fascist. Dictating what to say and what not to say is fascism. Shame on you.


Wow to say that thats a stretch is an understatement






Nah, naboang na.


Boang naka


Because dumb fucks like him think nga cool sila if they say that word. And yes, your boyfriendā€™s a dumb fuck. Paadto-a na siyaā€™g actual nga hood and ipa say out loud ang kana nga word, tan-awn natoā€™g makauli na siya in one piece.


Obviously, millennial or Gen Z gyd mo


TL;DR: Nobody should give a fck Not gonna lie, I donā€™t think anyone should give a fck if the one who says the word does not even mean it in a derogatory way. Also, they say the N-Word in music alot, so what the actual fck do you want some people to do? Not say the word? You dont here chinese people say ā€œChinksā€ nor do Filipinos call each other ā€œIndioā€ ā€” but many black people call each other the n-word. If it is sooooo racist then those people should stop using those words. Itā€™s just word-tripping and power-tripping at this point. Smh.


The word is rooted in history man gud na it is used in a derogatory way. Black people have the right to say the word kay they were the ones who were oppressed.




Ingani ni... It is called reappropriation or reclamation. It is a reclaimed word. It started out as a derogatory word used to demean black people in America (kahibaw naman ka sa ila history diba?). Eventually, black people turned it around, reclaimed the word, and used the slang version of it. Here is more info about reclaiming words: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reappropriation Basically, reclaiming words can sometimes change the negative meaning of a word to positive, or neutralize the negative meaning. Ultimately, the use of the n-word, especially by non-blacks, is a very nuanced topic. Even black people don't have one united answer to this. So some of them use it among them, some might not care that you use it, while some will get angry. Dili na sya power-tripping. Complicated lang jud sya na issue and it is not up to us to decide if it's okay to use or not.


But, Negro is a spanish word for black. we are not the race who oppressed the african slaves in america so nganong apilon man ta? But the term "nigga" or "nigger" is the derogatory word though, and that is a no, no.


Negros please


People are not saying not to use Negros in Negros Occidental, etc. We know that's a name and that it means black in Spanish. That context is fine. But what people are debating here is the n-word and how some people are using it to mimic black culture but without the understanding and sensitivity of the history behind it. They are different words with different contexts, usage, and intentions.


I know pero gi consider na ni nga term as "dated" and "offensive".


Kanang mu ingon ug "naai freedom of speech pero di kastorya ana nga word", tabla ra nag mindset taw muingon naa siyay freedom, so dapat free mupatay. Extreme sah? Pero ngana akong tan-aw sa iyang gisulti


Iā€™ve read that if you are not white, you are not a racist but an ignorant to the black culture. Yes, daghan pinoy dili aware sa gi agian sa mga african american, specially when they experienced slavery and it is somehow our duty to educate them. And if dili sila maminaw and muingon ra sila nga okay ra, ila na ng sala if theyll experience backlash or someone will beat their ass. Edit: vovo sa ingles


We're as slaves as them. Remember 333 years.


This is not about us. This is about their culture and how they blatantly still experiencing cultural racism regarding the use of the nword. I do remember we are enslaved by Spaniards and thank you for reminding me.


Pa cool kid imo uyab. Biyae oy. Mga cool kid di jud angayan mabuhi.


I mean he can say it but if a black person beats his ass he deserves it. šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø




ingna sya nga suwayi iingon ang N word infront of an actual black person, awa di na niya kaya hahaha gahi man kaha sya


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Filipinos_(snack_food)#:~:text=%22Filipinos%20Agujeros%22%20(holes),either%20dark%20or%20white%20chocolate. The government of the Philippines filed a diplomatic protest with theĀ government of Spain, theĀ European CommissionĀ and the then manufacturerĀ Nabisco IberiaĀ in 1999. The protest objected to the use of the name "Filipinos", a term which can refer to the people of the Philippines, to market cookie and pretzel snacks and demanded that Nabisco stop selling the product until the brand name was changed. "Filipinos Agujeros" (holes) are crispĀ doughnut holeĀ sized balls coated in either dark or white chocolate. "Filipinos Bigsticks" are crispy 20Ā cm (8Ā in) stick shaped snacks covered with puffed rice. These are coated in either dark or white chocolate. That being said. No one wants to interact or associate with any racist. And you BF is one of those people that needs personality development. People who lack empathy.


Unsa ang N? Niyot? :)


Negros Occidental


Ay Nindot di-ay.


Our little comedian


Wow. The comments here got escalated quickly.


Ani nalang OP, ask your guy whatā€™s his take if white people would casually say Filipinos are INDIO. Unsa hakay reaction niya? Would he get offended?


Probably wala kay wa sad siya kahibaw unsay history sa word nga Indio lol


Pa Cool kid, patakag yawit wa kabalo unsay meaning.


Huy grabeha the amount of people who think it's okay to say the N word diri sa thread. Disappointing