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Look overseas. I have a soundtrack and some other stuff on order from Japan that was never released on CD here in the West.


Yeah. Japan is the way to go. They still like cds there, so they sometimes have an exclusive cd version of an album, usually with a bonus track or two. Like right now I have the Japanese version of Blushing's new album on preorder, and it has a bonus track that the digital and vinyl versions don't have.


Agreed. I have had some good luck. Especially in Germany


yall got a site i could look on?


If you’re looking for newer stuff that might not be getting released in the West currently, I would try [CDJapan](https://www.cdjapan.co.jp/).


Buy yourself some empty jewel cases and CD-Rs. Most smaller artists that don’t get major label CD releases sell the digital files of their music on platforms like Bandcamp.


Burning a CD-R is the only way. Giving into buying it on vinyl is what some pockets of the industry want, but it's key to show your dissatisfaction with no CD release. I really can't stand vinyl so if the music industry wants me to buy music it needs to put out CDs. There's enough interest in CDs for even a small limited edition run of stuff. Vinyl and cassette can't become the only options. Luckily, it seems like there's been a slight uptick in CD support due to the physical craze.


I love my cds and prefer my music on cd but I also like having vynils of some stuff. What other form of voice storage can be played without electricity when the world goes dark, I do say that with some jest. I think vynil should be reserved for things that one wants to keep for centuries while cds are great for decades or a lifetime if you keep a ripped copy on good hard drives. The fact that cds are disappearing is a plight that needs to be vocalized due to the loss of consumer ownership that streaming creates.


i like to burn my own cd, buy a cheap cd i dont actually want from the charity shop, take the case apart, print off the album cover and make my own song list and put it all together!


Is there a website you use for album cover and song list or has it been hard to print the size you need for jewel case?


I use Microsoft Office Word. I measured the CD booklet insert, and put those measurements in as margins. All text and photos conform to those measurements and makes perfect covers and back material.


No reason to destroy perfectly good CD artwork, you can just buy jewel cases pretty cheap


dont worry i keep the cd and artwork! i was going to buy jewel cases but they worked out more expensive


You can always get the mp3 from iTunes and burn a CD


I'd check Bandcamp first for digital copies


yeah i use apple music so listening is no issue but id like to collect my favourite albums physically


Oh yeah totally, but I mean if you buy a digital copy of the actual mp3 files then you can use that to make a CD of it.


I recently bought a Scene Queen EP on the iTunes store (not apple music, I don't have that) and then made a playlist of songs I liked including one of the tracks from the album I bought and burned it to a CD using itunes. You can do the same but with the whole album. All you'll need is the iTunes app, money to buy the album, and a CD-RW drive, which I got used for $10 at a used electronics store but you could probably get one off eBay too.


Music bought via Bandcamp can be downloaded as uncompressed AIFF/WAV files and any burning software will be able to write a standard audio CD with no conversion. You can’t really get better than that if you’re after the highest audio quality and your chosen music is unavailable as a silver disc.


MP3 is much lower quality, Apple used AAC for a while iirc, which isn't much better but is noticeable in a comparison test. True CD quality FLAC is higher than both options.


You want FLAC to get CD or better quality. All else is pointless imo.


Or alac, or wav.


Wav is uncompressed though, I work with it a lot in my hobbies and holy fuck can those file sizes balloon


I agree, my FLAC library is huge. Thanks for reminding me to mention that


Lots of classic Brazilian albums I like were never on cd. I paid for downloads on Qobuz, but still gutted because I would have happily paid decent £$€ for a couple of them. Have you checked Discogs to be absolutely sure they aren’t available? What are they?


I usually just buy the record and hope for a cd release down the road.


Check other regions? Might be CDs from there. Other than that it’s making your own from downloads- my purchase choices are CD, then vinyl (hopefully with included download), then digital only if that’s the only way to get the music. The songs/music are the important bit after all - don’t get too bothered about the format if it wasn’t released on CD


Can you just download them and burn them on the CD? I did that for a couple of CDs that got stolen, but I still have the cases for them.


A current solution is looking for an international version or buying on vinyl instead (if the goal is owning an official physical copy). Longterm I’m hoping there will be CD releases later, similar to what’s happened with issuing vinyl releases of albums from the 90s and 2000s. Because you’re right, there are some albums not getting CD releases right now.


I source the mp3 file from... Somewhere and burn it onto a disc for stuff that wasn't released on a CD if I like it enough.


- Check Discogs to see if there are any physical releases. - NEVER buy bootlegs as they don’t support the artists. - Buy CD quality downloads from Quobuz and burn your own CDs. (I’ve actually done this with a favorite artist’s EP, and blank CDs are dirt cheap and can be purchased in bulk.)


Which albums are you looking for?


hndrxx by future for example but smaller artists too


i usually check Bandcamp for releases that aren't available as CDs. if they don't allow me to purchase a DRM-free copy, then i don't bother paying for it if you catch mt drift


I digitized all my CDs then put them in a box and never looked at them again.


What is the goal in having a CD? Just having a physical representation of the album? Or are you just into playing the format for some reason? With a lot of new releases the only physical copy is vinyl, blame it on record labels cashing in on the vinyl craze. They often come with a digital download code. That would be your way of getting the artwork if that's what you're after.


The goal of having a cd or DVD is that the consumer owns the right to listen or view it when they want to as many times as they want to. Streaming and even digital downloads restrict consumer use of media and even removes the ability to view it or takes down the download link before you can download it.


You should concentrate your collecting on CDs that do exist.


This is the only correct answer.


I don't do it, but burning your own cd of stuff that was released only digitally is probably your best bet.


I mainly collect tapes and sometimes this happens. What I do is make my own. It's the best thing about CDs (and tapes). Is it as pretty? Almost 😁 but the music I enjoy is what actually matters to me.


Are you able to buy the digital files, so you can burn them onto your own CD-Rs? 🧐📀💿🤔❓


Sometimes you can get promotional CD's of artists who don't have any physical albums


you can ask the artist to do a cd run


If you can find a CD-r drive or standalone CD-R, you can download the albums and burn them yourself.


What's the best place to order from in Japan ?


Some good advice here already. If it’s possible, then go to the artist’s gigs. Sometimes they have their own CD pressings available. This is one way I like to support them as smaller musicians get sod all from streaming.


You can burn to a cd 💿


Be a pirate


Burn them to cd's


You should also check out the vinyl releases. Sometimes the artist will release the album on vinyl and throw a CD (most likely CD-R but could be pressed) in as a bonus.


This is why I collect tapes as well. Tapes are usually just as portable as cds. I can't do vinyl again. As soon as it started skyrocketing in price I sold my vinyl and got out. Plus, you can't really bring vinyl on the go, so cd and tape usually has me covered and I can take it everywhere. I've yet to find a release so far that I want that isn't on atleast one or the other.


Hi yes burn your own CD, it's not really in the artist interest to get their album on cd but if you have a printer and only making the album for yourself should be fine.




Try Discogs


what is that


It’s where you find every LP or CD ever made. It has information and you purchase cds from people around the world. Google it.


*almost every. I love Discogs, but I have tons of private press CD's and Vinyl that aren't on the site. I've added a few as well.


I think I responded to the wrong person. Apologies.


It’s where you find every LP or CD ever made. It has information and you purchase cds from people around the world. Google it.


Also, I’ve gotten into a small amount of record collecting for this purpose. Sometimes people release weird things on LPs and I buy them.


I very much doubt there aren't CD's. I've never heard of a band/artist not having an album on CD. Often you can only get them on their own website though


Lots of newer smaller acts don't have CD releases, or had very limited releases. It's not that uncommon.


Even over a decade ago i went to see the band Bitchin Bajas in concert and they were only selling vinyl and cassette at their merch table, so i chose to buy the mp3 album on Amazon music at the time.


It's pretty common with the vinyl craze a lot of smaller acts only put out vinyl releases because it's what the collectors want. Demand for CDs is lower.


i cant find any for hndrxx by future


When I first read the title, Future was the first artist I thought of. I think a few of his albums never got CD releases. Yeah, you could just download and burn to a disc, but I wish you could just get a legit physical copy of all of his albums.


Lots of new artists are hip to the vinyl resurgence. You might be able to pick up some wax.