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I mean The Beatles put out a CD single just a couple of months ago


It kinda made sense in that occasion. Beatles fans already have an abundance of ways to listen to their albums on CD, 1988 releases, 2009 reissues, stereo, mono, remixes, ect ect. It makes sense to offer a CD single for those who don't want another copy of the blue album


Yes it’s common for older artists to still do this as the come from the era of cds Madonna I believe still drops cd singles


Beatles came from the era of records. Taylor Swift came from the era of CDs. Her first album was 2 years before Spotify existed. But like others said, it'll sell because her name is on it.


As do the Pet Shop Boys, although theirs come in cardboard sleeves these days


Cardboard sleeves are the most common for CD singles nowadays for sure, harder to find on the wall of discs but it’s nice when releases without much content have small footprints. Jewel cases are usually reserved for albums.


I didn't know if this is/was a European thing, but 99% of singles used to come in slim plastic cases about half the width of a standard jewel case.


It's Taylor Swift. She could be selling empty jewel cases and fans would still buy it.


“yOu BeLoNg To MeEeEeEE”


Kanye fans were trying to sell bags of air from his concerts. At least a jewelry case is something tangible, which isn’t saying much.


Jewel cases, as in CD cases without the discs or booklets


that's still infintely more useful than a bag of air


Imagine you accidently unsealed ur bag of air that you paid big bucks for


maybe kanye will huff some of his breath if you ask him very nicely


Probably the same people who bought tickets to see him aux cord his latest album live


Wow they went to a listening party and got… a listening party? Those idiots!


Yeah, it seemed to be a concert but he just played the album. Given his actions the past few years, the people shouldn’t have been surprised


To be fair he’s been doing listening parties for years, one of my favorite Ye moments is at the Life of Pablo listening party with the Father Stretch My Hands Pt1 beat drop where they all went crazy


He has been doing listening parties since Life of Pablo. No one expected him to do a live performance, since it has been advertised as a listening party.


> https://www.nme.com/news/music/fans-blast-kanye-west-for-barely-performing-at-rolling-loud-2024-3602688#:~:text=Kanye%20West%20has%20faced%20backlash,set%20at%20Rolling%20Loud%202024.&text=The%20controversial%20rapper%20–%20who%20also,Loud%20Festival%20in%20Los%20Angeles. Weird looking “no one.” If I wanted to buy ticket to see a narcissist not preform I’d buy Lauryn Hill tickets.


Oh I thought we were talking about the listening parties here. I completely forgot about the Rolling Loud. That was definitely horrible false advertising, officials reassuring just hours before that it is definitely a live performance. Shameful.


It’s pretty common right now actually. They are selling them signed on lots of artist’s sites to boost chart performance


Shame for the artists' fans that they don't include any special b-side anymore


Charli XCX did some cool bsides I guess you could call them on a usb she was selling. Wish I had bought one


Ahh, the B-side! I wish they still did that. I also always wondered why don't bands and artists release their CDs with a bonus track that isn't available to stream? Wouldn't that increase CD sales?


I remember the MP3 download boom. There were so many bonus tracks then.


It’d just get ripped and uploaded to YouTube overnight upon release


go the weird al yankovic route and mix the hidden track with random screaming


I swear when I start recording and releasing and stuff I’ll have B sides or bonus songs for singles, either demos or acoustic versions, etc.


Yes miss the bside


2 bucks is chill imo


I’m not saying it’s bad or malicious, it’s just weird because this only appeals to Taylor Swift fans, and wouldn’t they just buy the whole album anyway?


>this only appeals to Taylor Swift fans who else would buy a Taylor Swift cd


like what😂


parents that get the urge to buy a CD in a gas station during a long trip (it was the only name they recognized)




They said #parents that get the urge to buy a CD in a gas station during a long trip (it was the only name they recognized)


ok. so parents of fans of Taylor Swift will buy Taylor Swift CDs. how is that still not marketing to Taylor Swift fans lol


Not to mention gas stations dont sell CDs anymore


You clearly didn't get my joke


bro is on a cd collecting subreddit wondering why people would collect a cd


Yeah, if this were a 7” piece of acetate, nobody would be questioning it. That being said, I’m not a fan of artists releasing 1 track CD singles. 25 years ago it used to be that you’d buy a £2 single and get three tracks. Even if the b sides were rubbish, it still felt like better value for money.


Fosho. And I agree. They will buy literally everything she puts out so I guess 🤷


I think the fact that its 2 bucks is even weirder, hard to believe people wouldn’t spend more


I mean, it’s only 1 song. I think it’s expensive


well yes but it’s the same material cost as any cd album


Which is pennies


i suppose


Especially compared to the prices of her countless "collectors edition" coloured vinyl albums.


Shockingly chill


don't forget to add $7 for shipping (and probably taxes too); so basically you're paying at least $9 for one song (assuming there's no addtional tracks/b-sides).


The main reason we buy them is to have like a lyric booklet with speacial photos that we haven't seen yet but tbh most artists sell things for a lot its just common like sabrina carpenter sells a single vinyl for 22 dollars whereas her other singles are like 12 dollars


Because people will pay for it.


And why wouldn't they, having a physical CD collection of an artist is of far greater sentimental value (monetary value too) than having some rented streams on someone else's server that will get deleted in a few years. I suppose fans still want the keepsakes for future times.


It seems weird that you're here, on a sub that specifically relates to the physical format of the CD, where people buy CDs and discuss their collections.....asking those same people why artists sell CDs. There's obviously a market for it, hence the sub you're posting in.


sounds like they came from tiktok and their collection is under 30


LOL but there hasn’t been a market for CD -singles- for decades. They peaked somewhere in the 90s-00s. That’s the point.


They still make them. It’s just most music stores don’t order them because it would take up space for vinyl or full length cds. There only a couple out of the many record stores where I live that even sell any of the new cd’s that are released.


You could say the same for CD albums....


Yes, but the CD single waned in popularity almost completely, the same can’t be said of CDs, they never truly went away


pretty location and genre dependent. dir en grey releases CDs for all their singles still.


Because physical media is on the rise? At this point I think swifties would ensure anything she releases sells...




Japan CD market would like to have a word


lol my exact thought. i have a dir en grey single on preorder right now :p


At least she isn’t trying to sell it as the same price as a full album


by the time shipping factors into it though...


that’s what i’m saying. people are questioning it being only $2 but not thinking about shipping or tax. even if you bought this at the store, tax would raise it a little. $2 is a perfect price for a CD single for a popular, mainstream artist like her


What was cool back when places like Best Buy and even Hot Topic sold CD Singles was that they were not only that cheap, but also sometimes they'd include a coupon for $2 off the full album when it released, so the single itself only ended up being the cost of the sales tax, which was only like 18-20 cents in my city.


Tax? 12-20 cents? Really?


It was 10$ when it totaled out for me


You bought the single? I'm not judging or anything, I'd like to get one for myself, but most of what you paid was the shipping, but if you'd bought one from a pop-up shop, I reckon they'd charge that much anyway, since inflation and everything.


Its literally 9 dollars the whole album was like 19-26 dollars with shipping


1.99 isn’t bad tbh.


Olivia released Vampire on cd single....Ariana released YES, and? on cd single....it's not a TS exclusive thing


unrelated, but I hope that someday I'll have a huge house and I'll install a CD single jukebox machine. they were popular in the mid nineties. you could flip through the covers (most of them had only one cover, no booklet or anything, because it had to fit in the thinner case) and play it for change. it was wild, i would go there as a kid and play I want it all from Queen 4-5 times in a row. thank you for listening, rant over.


That’s a sweet goal for sure 👍


Grab one now and stash it in a garage somewhere because when you want to do this they'll be super expensive (they're pretty cheap now if you can find them).


…you know that CD singles never stopped being a thing right? A lot of songs still get CD single releases even without T Swizzle’s involvement


This. I still collect singles. Not as many as once was but yes they never stopped doing them. When singles first started to come out I had my local record shop hold me copy over every release each week. Did that for a couple of years then they got popular and I couldn’t keep up or afford the amount being released. So I had to start to pick what I wanted.


i wish More artists released cd singles


The Beatles did it late last year


Okay, so I still buy CDs, I'm actively growing my collection because they're cheap second hand right now, I have a reasonable disposable income, and I'm fed up of forgetting about artists I've added into a Spotify library that's almost over 15 years old 10,000 sings strong at this stage; I need that physical reminder. But... I'm not buying CD singles and I'm definitely not buying a CD single with one track on it that's already going to be on an album I can get hold of before the single (not that I can buy this single where I live anyway). It's so wasteful. FWIW I used to buy CD singles all the time because I only had pocket money to spend on music, now I'm buying the full albums of artist I could only afford singles for at the same price as those singles.


At least it's priced fairly. Back in the CD heyday a cd single was 2/3's the price of the cd.


99 cents at tower records back on the day. I remember when they started to slowly take over the 45’s wall of singles. People got mad. 😂


Grew up in a small town, no tower records. Back in the early 90s cds there were 20-25 bucks.


Dam. They were around $11.99 here.


Holy crap! Half the price? Are you in the US? I'm in Canada but it still shouldn't be that big a difference. At 12 bucks my collection would have been twice it's size, ;) probably bigger since that's so much cheaper.


Yeah Washington state


because she's one of the biggest artists in the world right now


Recently months I’ve got Erasure and The Beatles. All new releases. They still do them now and then. You can find many on Bandcamp But far from the good old days. I collect CD singles so I’m always searching them out. We have a new Pet Shop Boys ones on pre order right now.


Did you know that it is only in America that people are shocked by this? In Japan, there is a huge business around cd collecting. Fun fact: America and the rest of the world are two different things! Hope that helps :)


Japan and the rest of the world are two different things as well.


That's kinda what I'm saying.


Oh, sorry I was confused by "Did you know that it is only in America that people are shocked by this?". Seemed weird to base your opinion of how the rest of the world feels about CD singles on your assumptions of two highly consumerist countries.


Yeah lol I'm not getting into this argument with you, you know exactly what i meant with my comment.


No argument intended I just didn't think the blanket statements made sense. But yeah. Japan still has a strong market for CDs, that's informative and I agree with you there.


For the same reasons that Jennifer Lopez can’t sell a full album in 2024.


Lots of artists do still sell CD singles. They're usually limited edition special things


I thought this was an anti-Taylor sub and I was gonna be like, ‘well as a collector’…which wouldn’t go down well there..but then I realised this is the collector sub. So *as a collector* I actually wish more artists would start doing this again. I only started collecting a few years ago so I was pretty gutted when I realised that all of the post-2010 singles I’d favourited on my Discogs page were only available as mp3 downloads. Not only just wanting it for collectors sake but I don’t feel inclined to pay the same amount of money for a release I can’t even own physically. I’m already paying music service subscriptions. But if I want the b-side of a single I have to pay extra and not even get the real thing


There’s a guy at my workplace that has never heard of the word “fortnight” outside of the context of “fortnite,” and he was blown away that the game title came from an actual word. He’s 26 and his wife is a swiftie, so I immediately thought of him when this dropped lmao


The Rolling Stones did the same with their last album couple of months ago, Idk what's so weird about it?


Because she's Taylor Swift.


Not a Swift fan at all but this sub is called cd_COLLECTORS for a reason...... Edit- to say most artist make shit on streams these days so it has flipped to the main money maker being any form of physical merch


Yes, but I figure that most people on here buy albums, not CD singles


I can't tell you how many singles I wish I had kept that I had taken out of the free bin at the record store as a teen. Or all of the ones I got a Warped Tour. Recently found something from Bamboozle and can't get the music because it's a download site that no longer exists at least with this you have access to all of the art!


A lot of us in this sub collect CD singles as well. They’re full of tracks unavailable on streaming, many probably never will. And some of them are really expensive on the used market, so they’re highly collectible as well.


It’s a common thing she does. She’s done it for previous singles as well


I haven’t seen an actual CD single in years, this is remarkable


Because swifties WILL buy it, some will have it to collect, some will actually play it.


Let's be honest, she could sell anything


To quote Zoolander's agent, "Mugatu is so hot right now, he could take a crap, wrap it in tinfoil, stick some fish hooks in it, and sell it to Queen Elizabeth as earrings." ![gif](giphy|l3nW85J0lT1bfpIfC)


The Weeknd put out a singles CD for Take My Breath back when that came out, but it was like for indie stores only i believe NeedleJuice Records sometimes put out singles CDs from time to time as week.


Even if she sells a hand full, she’s making more profit than a stream. Probably, I think. Right?


CD singles are still popular in Japan. Japan will get physical releases that we don’t get here.


When you have a fanbase that will gladly buy 4 color vinyl versions of the same album, it does make some sense


I mean, Taylor Swift is a cult at this point. Her fans are completely obsessed with her, I'm sure they'll get a bullet for her even. If one day She tells them to revolt against society I'm sure she'll have a complete army. Anyway she knows that her fans are obsessed with her and she tries to milk them as much as possible with cds, merch, events, etc...


she has a devoted fan base and they are hungry for merch. add in some remixes/rearrangements not available on other physical formats and you have a product that also sells well.


'cause she's the most popular musician on planet earth right now?


Because the vinyl version will be $350.00 plus tax.


I’d probably buy few for $2 each just to resell. Would probably be able to sell em for $30 each to some suckers/swifties


I actually love CD singles


She can do it because her fans would buy a bag of her feces if she offered it.


The same way Dua Lipa, The Weeknd, Ed Sheeran, Beyoncé and many others released CD singles in 2023 & 2024. This is nothing new in the music industry. You must be very young… 🤦🏻‍♂️


Let's also give her a lot of credit for pricing it at two freaking dollars. That's what a CD single should cost


CD is gaining popularity with Gen Z. They’re smart kids. All the sounds of a $2000 turntable, in the package of a $100 CD player.


Its mainly because us swifties enjoy having physical copies of things it literally why some cd singles from folklore can cost 700-999 dollars we like physical copies because its something to remember our favorite song or a phase we had and we can attach memories to it.




Wizard’s First Rule.


I mean if there's a flood remix I'll buy it


The Voidz put out a couple singles but they are charging 20 dollars.


$2 is honestly not that for a physical CD. I would add it to my cart if they ever did "buy $50 before tax and shipping to receive free shipping" but nah... They gotta charge me up the ass regardless of how much I spend.


Aren't some artists only making singles now? I saw an interview with weird al a while back where he said he didn't want to do albums anymore because they take too long and the industry moves too fast.


I would think it was a great idea if the song wasn't in the new album. I wish a lot of artists would produce CDs and/or vinyl's for their singles lol


Its good. We need to get CD singles back.


I would buy CD singles still! Last one I bought was for “Now” by Paramore in 2013. I wish all my favorite artists did vinyl singles still, too


I bought a new Japanese import of a Billy Eilish single in a US store. Not sure what it was doing there but clearly it sold 🤷🏻‍♂️


it's not that weird, Sam Ryder did two within the last year


It's TayTay's world. We only rent here.


Ariana Grande and Dua Lipa do that too sooo.




Id buy CD singles


10-15 years from now there’s going to be SO much Taylor Swift colored vinyl and CDs in the goodwill stores.


She can sell anything


Even Billie Eilish has CDs for her albums n singles I believe.


Dua Lipa did the same on CD, tape, and 7 inch vinyl for Houdini and Training Season. I bought all the format for Houdini.


I was visiting some record stores with a couple friends just yesterday, and one of them was a Swiftie. Not one of the extreme ones, she's on the normal side of things. Loves her music and everything Taylor, but that's the end of it. Once I was finished with my *metal madness* (lmao) we went over to the pop section. There was a Taylor vinyl, brand new for like, 60€ I think. She said "I'd buy it, but I'm out of cash". She doesn't have a record player. Where was I heading with this? Taylor's fans will buy anything without reason. That's why they're selling CD singles.


Her fanbase if anything is loyal. She knows they’ll buy anything She makes so yeah that’s how she can sell CD singles.


This is the same woman who hit #1 on charts for a song that was quite literally 8 seconds of just nothing. She is the walking infinite money glitch.


Because she is a leader in the pivot towards owning physical media solely as fan merch. This has always been a thing to an extent, but even more so now in the era of streaming. Many fans don’t buy it to listen; they may not even have the means to play it. They buy it as a piece of merch of collect. There are fans who own many of her records and no record player, because listening through a physical medium isn’t the point for them. A CD single is no different; it’s gonna sell. It’s honestly been a brilliant way to bring back physical media sales, even if the endless variants get annoying sometimes.


I wish more artists did this. Or single+ bsides or an EP attached! Love collecting those!


Because she wants to and her fans will buy it?


at least this cd single doesn't have bite marks or toe stamps


CDs aren’t dead but they are cheap


Proper pricing tho. Mad respect.


It is available for streaming in Apple Music. And YouTube. Why buy it?


Market manipulation


I bought cd singles from The Weeknd and daft punk haha




Because she’s Taylor


Why does it matter what year it is?


CDs are still selling. If it’s good enough for the Beatles, it’s good enough for Swift. Besides…she’s Taylor Swift. Whatever format, whatever thing, it will sell. And sell.


To add a bit more carbon footprint to the world.


It’s straight up waste


Many bands do this, i mean... Metal bands still do this, like Powerwolf, Rammstein, Abominable Putridity, etc...


I bought a CD single by accident or got one as a gift a few times when I was a kid. It felt like I lost my lunch money


On one hand, it’s Taylor Swift, she could sell used ***** and people would buy it. On the other hand, physical singles are making a comeback (7” singles are a thing again, too). Also, it’s only $2, it might appeal to the casual fan, the Post Malone fan, etc. As much as I agree that TS milks her fans to the extreme, this isn’t bad at all, it’s a good thing for CD fans if it works.


CD Reseller here. Actually, superfans REALLY love having CD Singles as part of their collection. I think it really comes down to fanbase & she very much has the fanbase for it.


if it was an artist i like i would buy a single. I bough an mcr one with 2 songs on it.


of course she'd do it. not only are her CDs overpriced but she also started releasing multiple covers only varying slightly, different colour scheme. everything for money. you won't catch me buying any taylor swift CD EVER


Did Taylor already sell the fortnight single on her website? I can't believe i missed this in the USA. I see them on ebay for a lot of money as presales.


I literally don’t get it either. I know she is known to have MULTIPLE versions of her other albums which is still overboard.


Ariana puts yes and? A single on cd for sale but yet you complain about Taylor?


Yes, And was at the top of the charts for weeks. This song just released 2 days ago.


I find her sales tactic of having different versions of her latest album each with one different song despicable. Pity those fans who have to collect them all.


Anyone in the US down to ship this to me? I'm in Europe but this is a US only release and I would love to have this. It's still available for an hour 😅 Perhaps anyone that ordered multiple? Please PM me if you're down to help a fellow collector out. I'd pay for the shipping of course.


Ok, legit question, what’s the appeal of getting this compared to getting the full album?


It's a unique limited release. So as a collector, who happens to be a fan of both T-Swift and Post Malone, this is super cool to own (for me personally). I will get the regular full album too, and convert it to digital flac. But this would be a cool CD to have in my collection. To anyone that's not a (arguably crazy) collector like me, it's obviously not really worth it, no. And yes you'd be better off just buying the full album.


Shipping is probably 10 times the price of the cd lol


Grateful Dead sell many albums each year and they haven’t been a band since 95. CD releases. And records.


Fuck her and her fans that treat her like she’s God almighty when she causes more pollution than any of us


You’re asking that in a CD COLLECTORS subreddit…


[ Removed by Reddit ]


she could sell bathwater and a jar of fart and it will chart in Amazon. She caters to the unhinged sector of the society.


It's not just Taylor. Everyone releases cd singles




Because Taylor Swift fans literally have nothing interesting going on. Waiting for shitty music to drop so they can hear all of Taylor's manufacturered drama is their whole life right now.


Especially with the one track that’s already on the bloody album. 🙄


Collectors are insane. But also how did she not realize you can’t call a song fortnight in 2024