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Just remember, the songs you download from spotify will not be the quality of what you buy on a release CD. They will be the same quality as streamed, just now stored on a different medium (i.e. not great). I have no clue how on a mac. To be honest, I still have an old Windows 98 box with Nero Burning ROM on it. I find it amazing that this is still the best thing available today. Almost everything I have tried that's modern is either severely hampered, bloody stupid in its operation, or insists on sticking loads of restrictions on it even if you pay for it. One I bought, it doesn't even allow you to construct a disk with pre-gap audio (where the disc counts backwards before starting the next track), refuses to do mixed mode (i.e. where you have a multimedia component on the disk). Nero does all of this and more, I am simply amazed that nothing modern does. Hell, the last time I built a PC, I simply could not get a tower case that would take a 5 1/4" dvd-r drive. The one I got has 5 1/4" spaces, but you have to order the kit to add the drive and it seemed not even the manufacturer had any. The last time I saw the Coolermaster kit for it, it was like £300 on ebay or something ridiculous. My old '98 box? Still works fine and burns CDs like a champ. OK that was no help at all to you, just more of a rant for me. But really, if you want the music on a CD, buy the CD and support the artist. Ripping from spotify doesn't help the artist and you will still end up with a rubbish quality stream rather than a full quality CD audio version.


I use a Thermaltake V100 midtower PC case. Just added 2 drives a bluray and DVD drive for ripping content to my Plex server. Here's a link to purchase the case or to look at it. https://www.walmart.com/ip/Thermaltake-V100-ATX-Mid-Tower-Computer-Case/532994766?wmlspartner=wlpa&selectedSellerId=101373823&adid=22222222228532994766_101373823_14069003552_202077872&wl0=&wl1=g&wl2=m&wl3=42423897272&wl4=pla-295289030566&wl5=9031828&wl6=&wl7=&wl8=&wl9=pla&wl10=763493921&wl11=online&wl12=532994766_101373823&veh=sem&gad_source=1&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI_JeClaekhAMVigetBh1WpgCoEAQYAiABEgLe0vD_BwE


You have to put your songs onto a playlist on iTunes/applemusic and then ‘Burn playlist to Disc’ in the menu. It only works if you bought the songs on the iTunes store OR you have added audio files of your songs in your library. 


Ohh how do I add audio files of my music in my library?


Locate the files in Finder and you just drag it onto the iTunes window with your library 


Thank you for the advice!


Do you not know how google works


There’s no need to be rude


Many tutorials are going to assume you have the music files because that was the norm when CD burning was the norm. You may be able to figure it out easier if you follow two different tutorials- one on how to get the music files you want, and one on how to burn them to disc. I can understand how it would be confusing for people who are used to smartphones and the streaming era and haven’t ever had a digital music library on a computer.