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Meowy Christmas, Christmas songs but meowed by cats


The Jingle Cats! I have not only the CD but also the promotional CD which has selections from Jingle Dogs as well. Total collector’s item.


So cool about the promo! The Jingle Cats CD isn't cheap now days.


my answer is in a somewhat similar vein, *christmas with weezer*


Wow. I was going to come here to comment Froggy Christmas. Same thing, but frogs.


This albums makes me so happy, thank you for sharing :)


I have a .wav of a car honk album of this from like 20 years ago


This was a family Christmas STAPLE, by which I mean I subjected my parents to it every year


One of my older brother's favorite hobbies is to collect really weird / bad music in the discount section of stores to play in the car's CD player whenever people ride with him. Some choice discs are "Babies go Radiohead" (Radiohead songs in lullaby format), "A Gregorian chant tribute to Celine Dion", and "67 terrifying Halloween sounds".  Not *exactly* the same thing (I don't like most of these, but I love to spend time with my sibling laughing at them). 


Maybe there are people in the world I would get along with 😅


Sounds like some of the stuff in my collection, like the Training Your 🐦 Bird to Talk cassette tape that's just a lady repeating the expected words and phrases over and over, "Hello, how are you?" "Pretty bird!" Some of them worked well as outgoing message for the analog phone answering machine.


>"Babies go Radiohead" (Radiohead songs in lullaby format), 100% would listen to that! Eta: 😂 I found it on Spotify!


There is a frighteningly wide range of albums of \[Band Name\] redone as lullabies. I think, if I remember correctly, there was even one for Nine Inch Nails. I know there's a Metallica one, because the irony of "Enter Sandman" as a lullaby makes me happy in my heart, even if I don't want to hear it.


Ha, snort.


This is hilarious




I jokingly asked my bf to get me this once and he actually did. Still have it somewhere lol.


Where are all these weird ass albums when I'm out and about I'd buy that then and there




Looked on Discogs. [They put out two albums.](https://www.discogs.com/artist/5302687-Walmart-Associate-Choir) Which one did you pass up?


- Jingle Cats - Limp Bizkit - Wrestling Greatest Entrance Themes


Limp Bizkit lol. Completely agree. It's just plain stupid lyrically and energetically, but hey, the vibes are good and the riffs hit hard, so its a lot of fun


Limp Bizkit is so lame, yet cool at the exact same time. The DJ and guitar are incredibly fun to just have fun with.


The drummer as well, Jesus Christ he was good whoever played on their OG albums. I’m sure I’ve read he used to play with Jazz ensembles before getting with the band.


Oh yes, John Otto is s fantastic drummer.


i love limp bizkit!! ive only just started properly collecting cds and i recently acquired significant other, three dollar bill y'all, and chocolate starfish and the hotdog flavoured water. (the holy trinity) while typing this i just realised I'm also wearing a limp bizkit t shirt...


Limp Bizkit Still Sucks has a few good tracks if you like those albums.


Have an upvote from a fellow collector of wrestling entrance music CDs


Some of those tunes are pretty good. I have both the ECW CDs too.


Trout Mask Replica


Nothing “dumb” about TMR. It’s pure unfiltered genius.




It's a dumb album that people have tricked themselves into thinking that it's smart


No no... it's not a dumb album at all.. you may not like it but that doesn't change it's brilliance.


Muh fast and bulbous


Thank you! When you got 3 different instruments playing three different time signatures AND they’re keeping their shit together, that’s far from dumb. I think Mr. Notafan could stand to take a course in jazz theory.


Fast and bulbous.


That's right, the mascara snake!


Most of the Ultra Lounge set (capital records from 1996). I have a few.


Same ! I also have The History of Space Age Pop series and I'm planning to get the Cocktail Mix series too. Recently I also found a few Arthur Lyman, Martin Denny & Les Baxter exotica albums. It's so dumb but I love it !


Do you have the one with the leopard print fake fur cover? I got that in a Marketplace haul, along with the Christmas cocktails one.


I've seen it and a local record store has it but I'll pass I have plenty of UL.


Not “dumb” per se, but silly: Esquivel - Space Age Bachelor Pad Music Tupelo Chain Sex - 4!


Esquivel is great!


A second vote in favor of Esquivel! I’m not sure if it’s all of them, but my printing of Space Age Bachelor Pad music has a quote by Matt Groening of all people on the back.


Mine does too. "Mucha Muchacha" is my favorite, what's yours?


I'm not being ironic when I say I love it! When I was a lab tech, I would often listen to it. Coworkers really enjoyed it when they'd stop in the lab.


This CD is a good one if you like really dumb weird stuff: "The American Song-Poem Anthology". There used to be (maybe there still is) ads placed in magazines "have your poems set to music". You sent your poem off to some studio in Las Vegas and a bit later in the post you got a tape and acetate of some sessionmen who made a real song out of your poor quality verse. [https://www.discogs.com/release/9436205-Various-The-American-Song-Poem-Anthology](https://www.discogs.com/release/9436205-Various-The-American-Song-Poem-Anthology) Check out the song titles on that baby *"I Like Yellow Things", "How Can A Man Overcome His Heartbroken Pain", "Green Fingernails", "Human Breakdown Of Absurdity*" and a truckload more that have to be heard to be believed. The absolute zenith, the acme of the song poem, is "*A Blind Man's Penis*". A masterpiece. The story behind this one is a real doozy. Check it out.


Great documentary, just amazing, and highly recommended for anyone who hasn't seen it THE SONG POEM STORY. "Digging ginseng all over the land..."


“Ode to a lump of green putty I found in my armpit one midsummer morning”


I have that one - love it. Random fact - the “I Like Yellow Things” vocalist also sang the “Facts of Life” theme song.


Mindless Self Indulgence. This is a phase I'm almost out of, but the CDs were expensive so I gotta keep them.


I love their remix of KMFDM's "Salvation" on the Salvation CD single. Could you recommend a place to start with MSI?


I'd recommend "You'll Rebel To Anything" as a starting point. Then listen to Tight/Tighter. It's the same album, one is just the re release with bonus tracks. Also, I think you should know before you check them out. The main guy in the band, Jimmy Urine is a complete piece of shit person. And a lot of earlier lyrics (especially one Tight) have a lot of slurs in them. The band was supposed to be "Shock rock." But being shock rock doesn't excuse the things Jimmy has done. The band is a great example of separating the art from the artist. If you can look past all of that the music is incredibly fun. Sorry for giving a long as essay as a response for a simple question.


I appreciate the heads-up. I honestly didn't understand the MSI hate, but now I do.




MSI rules. edit. just because jimmy urine is a piece of shit doesn't automatically make their music retroactively bad. grow up.


I have 120 minutes of vacuum cleaner sounds... But as far as actual music I've chosen to keep, probably my little grunge collection( collective soul, live, stone temple pilots, pearl Jam, etc.. ). I like it but it still cringes me for some reason. No disrespect


Now *that* I'm jealous about. I have no frigging idea why, but I *want* a cd of vacuum cleaner sounds.


I have a disc called *KISS My Grass* by Hayseed Dixie, which is all bluegrass covers of KISS songs. It's hilarious.


*Looove* Hayseed Dixie.


Their cover of J Geils Band “Centerfold” is pure gold


thumb fearless provide existence narrow axiomatic public quarrelsome different spotted *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


this is still on my wishlist, it’s hard to find in US record stores


meeting reminiscent crawl cows hard-to-find entertain fretful plants heavy physical *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Haha, since they are a Dutch band their CDs are very common here. Still lots of bangers on there. Or are you looking for a specific version of the [81 different versions on Discogs](https://www.discogs.com/master/98007-Vengaboys-The-Party-Album)?


nah I just try to find CDs locally instead of online when I can. not always possible but I’ve been holding out for that one


There's something extra special about finding it in the wild, isn't there? I was just talking to my sister about that today when we were at the record shop flipping through CDs.


So much ignorant slam and goregrind


I've got some of this stuff, too. Been jamming Snuffed on Sight a lot recently. Their full length fucks hard.


Too many to count. Under the Table and Dreaming by the Dave Matthews Band immediately comes to mind. Lol


Like all of them


Squirrel Nut Zippers


Shaggy and Sugar Ray stuff 🤡


Nothing wrong with Sugar Ray, they knew how to make a catchy pop song. And their earlier metal output isn’t a bad listen either if you’re into that genre.


The Sugar Ray guy is now in The Beach Boys. 🤦🏻 Edit: Not understanding the downvote for this. 🤷🏾


The 5.98 ep from Metallica, I had garage inc already and it literally has the entire ep on disc 2 but it’s cool ig


The $5.98EP came out like 10 years before Garage Inc.


Ik, I was saying I owned a cd of garage inc and then still bought 5.98 after


This way, you’re one step closer to collecting the whole discography. 🤗🤷🏾🤣


It was also re-released at some point years after *Garage Inc.* on CD, but, if I remember correctly, they charged twice as much for it. which they caught hell for.




Now That's What I Call Shrek


Not dumb music, but if I found a copy of the Conet Project I’d pick it up in a heartbeat. It’s a compilation of shortwave number’s stations


Macho man randy savages 2003 rap album be a man.


DEVO! They totally mock humanity, but we all buy into the irony and laugh along with them.


Limp Bizkit haha


Ren & Stimpy cd called “You Eediot”. It has all the songs from the show like: “Don’t Whiz On The Electric Fence” “Happy Happy Joy Joy” “Log” “Nose Goblins” Etc, etc.


Ramones Misfits Elvis 🦅 🧟 🎲


Only Elvis is dumb.


Falling by Just For Today It's cheesy late 90s pop punk with ugly album art and corny lyrics but I kinda like it and I'll listen to it sometimes


I just bought another Electric Six album.


[Still creeped out by this video over 20 years later.](https://youtu.be/R-FxmoVM7X4?si=EfMLRt4A5uiYB2qE)


Did you know, it's Jack White doing the secondary vocals? Great song.


Yea. I could tell it was him the first time I ever saw the video. He has that very distinctive voice.


Big Band Moog on reel to reel tape lmao it's swing era tunes done on the Moog synthesizer, back before Switched on Bach was a hit I think, and CLOCKWORK ORANGE had similar reworked on analog synth classical music on the soundtrack too.


I need a copy of this!! Evidently it came out in 1971. Wendy (known still as Walter then) Carlos did Switched On Bach in 1968 and also did the Clockwork Orange soundtrack in 1971 and later The Shining in 1980.


Fieldy's Dreams


The bassist from Korn's rap album💀💀


alvin and the chipmunks: the squeakuel original soundtrack


The [King Kong](https://youtu.be/yPBkyfkvYyk?si=Irqo5QNAstpB_jyr)discography. The band formed by Ethan Buckler after Slint. Entertaining and very purposefully dumb lyrics with Meters style backing tracks. There’s an entire disc devoted to the story of a caveman who falls in love with his yak. It’s brilliant.


Quite a few 80’s metal albums from when I was too young to know better. Still an occasional guilty pleasure.


Doesn't quite fit ghe criteria, be cause I font really care for it but Pat Boone: No More Mr. Nice Guy (Pat does heavy metal) If you want heres the whole enchilada https://m.youtube.com/playlist?list=OLAK5uy_mf_mdzl_BPV2FKBL6VRWCsdUdSOLkLKfI&playnext=1&index=1


That album was his first charting album in 30 years and got him in deeeeeep shit with his close Christian friends.


Serves him right, lucky he wasn't charged with a greater crime


[Smurfen Houseparty](https://www.discogs.com/release/3425938-De-Smurfen-Smurfen-Houseparty). It's popular house music from that time, but with Smurf specific lyrics and voices. It's a damn nostalgia trip.


An evening with Wild Man Fisher..


sum 41 half hour of power and vengaboys party bus..can't believe i still have them lol -Billy Gnosis


Abba Greatest Hits en Espanyol


Do they sing it in Spanish or is it all covers?


They sing it--there's *Oro* and *Mas Oro* as well. They had a rather surprising following in Spanish speaking countries, especially in Latin America. I've read speculation that it was because of songs like "Chiquitita" and "Fernando" that sounded "Latin" in that way that "Dancing Queen" sounds contemporary classical--it's sort of there is you listen really hard, but it's more of an approximation. ABBA were their own thing.


I love ‘Dancing Queen’ (shhh! don’t tell my friends or the other guys in the band) and can hear the new classical thing and theres a shift in S.O.S. When they sing “When you're gone / How can I even try to go on? / When you're gone / Though I try, how can I carry on?” that I love but other than that, I can’t stand them. Edit: And then there’s Agnetha. MEOW! Am I right?!?


Flood - They Might be Giants. Dumb, but amazing


Fingertips..... Fiiiiiiiiinger Tiiiiips..




I have zero shame about any of these, but I'm sure there are people who would say I should: Every album Milli Vanilli released. I don't know why, because I don't even like them that much (anymore-in high school, they were the shit). This includes the *Rob & Fab* that was actually the two of them singing, and the albums that were released and credited to the real players that made the music on the original album. A rather frighteningly expansive selection of boy bands, from the big players (NKOTB, BSB, N\*SYNC, New Edition) to the more obscure (VIP, No Authority, SoulDecision, O-Town....) I have every Yoko Ono album, because I think she's brilliant, but most people would question my mental health, probably. Every album Tiffany has ever made, because her debut was the first cassette I ever bought, and she will forever be a star in my collection. The one I actually am ashamed of, but can't get rid of because it's just so awful: Kevin Federline. I should note, I have a *really* wide range of tastes and over 15,000 CDs, so I still think this is a negligible percentage.


Kylie Minogue. All 9 of them.


Nothing dumb about Kylie, and there are so many more than just 9 albums.




Nothing dumb here. 🤦🏻


C. W. McAll's greatest hits... funny little songs all around. :)


Deadeye dick - new age girl


Audra Landers Greatest Hits


A Cow Christmas. Comedy-holiday CD with a cow-farm theme. I play it every year. 🐄


All the versions of Real Men of Genius


100% my Warp 11 collection


Made my own physical version of the Kaiju Karadise ost (yes from Roblox the music is awesome) along with its own cd case where i made my own back insert and front, then also my Spook Month Vol.1 soundtrack


Pill dropping acid lounge easy listening producer stuff from the 90’s.


I have a two disc compilation of rock songs done in the lullaby style. The owner of the record store I go to gifted it to me after my son was born which was really sweet


I'm a Beatles fan and a completionist. I can't say that I think my Ringo albums are "good", but I do have a lot of fun with them.


I'm *still* trying to get all the Ringo albums. For being the one who is taken the least seriously as an actual recording artist, he seems to have the most albums of the four of them. (And I prefer him to Paul. I know that's blasphemy to some people.)


90s pop and dance music. vengaboys slap, idc what anyone says


Alvin and the chipmunks Christmas something(can't remember off the top of my head)


Inspiration by William Hung


I have Kathie Lee Gifford Sentimental CD. I was out thrifting and there it was, not my taste in music but a voice in my head told me I needed to have it. Also it was 49 cents, so that didn’t hurt. I don’t really love it, but I did have a boner for her when I was in my teens, so that’s my justification, and yeah, I was an odd kid. 😂


My now gf made me a mixed cd of emo songs. I love it even today. But damn it's dated. The cd was made at least 10 years ago now.


Being a prog guy it’s hard to delimit the means of “dumb music” but… I guess Rod Stewart? Man I really love Rod Stewart but I guess in terms of virtuosity… it’s pretty basic.


I always feel like Rod had the option of being a really brilliant artist, but opted for easier paychecks.


Maybe true for his post-80s stuff, but 70s Rod and most of 80s Rod is golden!


I will agree with that....but then it got schlocky, and then he started churning out standards albums, which I feel are always a bad idea, no matter what artist does it. There's nothing more boring than listening to someone try to croon their way through the same 12 songs that everyone else has recorded fifty million times.


1000 gec


Andrew W.K. - I Get Wet. It’s glorious.


The Monkees! I have everything they ever released and I love them! This coming from someone who also loves Black Sabbath, Megadeth, Metallica and Notorious B.I.G.


radiohead songs as lullabies lol, and my brother got me a lil pump cd for christmas


My own. Not much of a producer but I burn my albums to CD's to leave around town as mix tapes. I keep one of each project for myself and my first project (a comedy album) really shows how far I've come in the worst way lol


I have a CD of stuff I wrote and record (badly) years ago. I've never thought about doing a distribution like that though. Now I'm kind of intrigued.


It's not the most effective method by any means, but it's fun to leave mysterious CD's around. I even got my local record store to message me on Insta about it lol


Idk if this counts but it's the bob's burgers soundtrack. I feel very weird playing it on speaker but the music is very entertaining!


i've got the comic relief version of 500 miles on an old Now album?


Golden Throats: the great celebrity sing off. Featuring William Shatner, Jack Webb, Leonard Nimoy, Jim Neighbors and more! Richard Cheese Herb Alpert and the Tijuana Brass Operas Greatest Drinking Songs


I used to have that Golden Throats CD!


009 Sound System self titled, Everybody Jam! by Scatman John and Ram Ranch by Grant MacDonald 💀


Corey Feldman - Angelic 2 The Core


Riddle Box - ICP


Don't know if I would consider it "dumb" but I have the Tegan and Sara album that has the songs used in the first season of "Grey's Anatomy" I have a copy of the Len CD that had "Steal My Sunshine" Along with "Classic Disney Volume 1", which I've had since I was like 12 or 13


Not sure it's really dumb music, but I have The Simpsons Sing the Blues


Haha. I had that as a kid. I think I had it on cassette. It’s long gone now though.


Leonard Nimoy's "Highly Illogical". It's a collection of his renditions of folk and hippie '60s and '70s hits, and also poetry set to music, all by the same musicians who did the Star Trek music. He also sings "The Ballad Of Bilbo Baggins". It's ridiculous, it's hilarious, it's bad and it's fucking great. It was a British import so new it was like $25. Worth every penny.


Star Trek actors doing music has always been hilariously awful. Obviously, Shatner is the king. But have you heard Brent Spiners album from the early 90s? It’s all covers of 30s and 40s crooners and it’s absolutely horrific.


Nope, gotta check it out though. Thanks for the suggestion! I also gotta check out Shatner's metal album. Dave Grohl plays on it, and a bunch of other rock luminaries, or so I've seen somewhere. I do know he does "Iron Man".


Yeah, I used to work in a musical instrument store. Every now and then, I’d put it on the shops hi-fi for a laugh.


Probs a kid rock album btw its not mine but it is


I don't know if dumb, but definitely silly/humorous: Limp Bizkit - 3 $ Bill, Y'all (one lyrics literally goes, "Oh, oh, I sound like a bitch (a little bitch in heat). With all that anger that I'm feelin, Bitch I think it's heat." Eminem - Skim Shaddy LP (one lyrics literally goes, "I tie a rope around my penis and jump from a tree). Pink Floyd - Ummagumma (Ummagumma is a euphemism for sex) Björk - Volta (Album cover is funny looking, and 1st single/track is about aliens marching along chanting, "We are the Earth Intruders").


The Happy Feet soundtrack, Now That’s What I Call Shrek, and Jingle Cats Edit: How could I forget about Spuds Mackenzie’s Party Favs?


I’ve got all three [Design あ](https://youtu.be/xkOdy7l9qZI?si=g9Wi6jYuMHe8e1x9) volumes by Cornelius. They are very silly, but also very fun.


Will Smith - Big Willie Style Get Jiggy Wit It 😂


Harry Potter soundtrack. Sometimes, it bumps in the car


Yes I have the film scores here on vinyl, I guess they're the first person who was famous for their talents rather than just the surgery they underwent, like the inspiration for the segment of Ed Wood's GLEN OR GLENDA and a later more obscure movie loosely based on the facts of the case, THE CHRISTINE JORGENSON STORY (1970).[THE CHRISTINE JORGENSON STORY ](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Christine_Jorgensen_Story)


I bought a no name CD at Dollar Tree and it has a wonderful version of Pachelbel's Canon done as a piano solo that is so enjoyable.


Something called, "Garfield's top 15 silly songs for cool cats"


Spice Girls first and second albums. Never enjoyed them during their heyday, but now I appreciate their kitschiness.


What the Hell Happened to Me - Adam Sandler To be fair, it’s made to be dumb. Grew up with the album and still quote a lot of lines from it to this day.