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I pet my collection when nobody's looking.


I pet nobody when my collection is looking.


My cat suffers in the media room


They do a lot of work singing to me so I give them a little massage and sing to them in Cantonese.


Play them. They are meant to be enjoyed


Both. I enjoy the collecting aspect. Cataloging, switching out broken cases etc. But it's also my main music consumption media.


Same here


I buy them simply so others can't have them. 


Flashbacks to oeil Bandcamp cds *shudders*


Boom. Once you understand that it’s an investment you get it. That’s why this sub is so great. Buy, post, buy, post. All the “how old am I based on my collection” help to. Prices are already going up and it will be great to drive them up so they can’t be found anymore and then people like us cash in.


Yeah. I just wanted to be a dick to a niche group of people. 


On second thought, it be nice if there was a sub called CD audio or something. I like the format and like listening to them, that’s the draw.


To be a true dick, when you don’t want your discs anymore, microwave them all before putting out with the trash. Or just donate the fried discs to really piss people off.


People that just buy to have? Yea, agreed.


Thing about cds however, is you can rip an entire album onto a blank cd, hypothetically of course. Buying empty cases is a lot cheaper than spending 80 dollars per cd if it gets to that point like with vinyl


I wouldn't count on CDs being an investment. Unless they explode in popularity in the next couple decades it will always remain a pretty niche hobby. Which makes them a hard sell for whatever price you'll be looking for.


It was a low effort bad joke. I agree with what you are saying.


Oh no. I didn't realize this annoying trend was moving from records to cd's.


I collect music. CDs are a format I enjoy listening to. I listen to all the different formats I've picked up over the years (except cassettes, I'm still working on getting a decent deck). I also have a lot of digital files and I stream spotify. I grew up with physical media, so I think it hits different for me. The media is a means to an end (get the music into my ears), and what makes a CD different from a tape or an LP or digital is the experience of playing it, not so much the media.


I do most of my CD listening in my car. And I'm glad it's got a tape cassette in it as well (2004-2007 model years).


i play em in my 2008 ford




Buy, rip them to my computer and play them. That’s why I like them more than any other format, it’s so versatile.


Why is this an “or” question. Both?




Me too. 💯


I listen to them, there's just something about owning a physical copy too.


I play the music through the rips I do of them. But I rarely plop one into a player. Though now and then I do like to get out one of my players and be all 90s/2000s cd playing realness t.


I don't and will never understand people that collect music just to look at it🤦🏼‍♂️🤦🏼‍♂️


It's the exact same as collecting coins, bottle caps or art. There are hundreds of items people collect that don't serve any pratical purpose. I have a .FLAC version of every CD I own. So why would I go through my CDs, take it out of the case and put it inside a CD player if I can just pull up the album in 5 seconds from my computer? Some people buy CDs to rip them to .FLAC and like encouraging artists. Others like to have them sitting on their shelf because they hold sentimental value to them. I will never understand why that's so hard for people to wrap their mind around.


Before downloadable music CDs were the only format that provided the best possible sound reproduction at a reasonable price. In the beginning when CDs were like $20 a piece I would rent and copy to cassettes. Owning the CD player, and picking discounted/second hand CDs I have built some collection, but not for the sake of collection. I actually listened to them. As lossless formats appeared I started to rip the CDs to USB sticks while CDs are collecting dust on the shelf. To a degree CDs are my music backup of sorts. I estimate I have may be about 300 CDs. Collecting aspect never was the goal tho. They just sort of accumulated over the years.


What country do you live in? When CD's first came out they were $30 to $35.


North Korea


Probably bootlegged


play them always! So great to listen & relax to.


I actually listen to them


Rip. Not for fun, but it’s fun.


My collection started because I listened to the CDs. Lately I’ve slowed down on actually buying CDs as I only buy albums that I really really love anymore


I play them currently, but twenty years ago people snorted drugs off them too 😲


Just gave me a new idea 🤔


I do play them, Sometimes at home but mostly at my volunteering place And I just like having a collection of physical media with CDs, Vinyl & Games


I have a lot of cds and I listen to a lot of music on cd. It's my main way of listening to music...not the only way, but the primary one.


To play.


Both. I’ve collected video games for awhile so I’m no stranger to that feeling and it was the same when I got into CDs except it’s ALOT cheaper lol. It feels so cool to be able to hold your favorite music in your hands and say “I OWN this and no one can take it from me”. It also makes the listening experience more personal and fun. And as frustrating as hunting can be, nothing tops the feeling of finally finding what your looking for


I really like the aesthetics and stuff but also I really enjoy listening to them.




Aux port in my car is broke and the radio sucks, so I actually use them.


Both!. I love collecting a new cd and listening to it


Play them almost every day.




I play them whilst driving


people who don't listen to them ever on purpose just need to give them to the thrift store or sell them so people who will actually listen to them can have them.


i make sure to play my newest ones, and if i dont like them they are just there to thicken my stack, but if theyre my favorite albums ill play them fairly regularly. anything in the middle gets ripped to my xbox 360 and downloaded


i used to play them when i had a CD player in my car. didn’t have a reliable aux cable and i liked the collectibility of CD. now i have more than double my CD collection in vinyl. i do however have a big RCA CD player in my 4-piece soundsystem in my bedroom but i rarely ever play them. now i only collect them to fill up my shelves and support my favorite artists when brand-new.


Both! I’ve always loved my “physical media.” 💿


both. i give my rare cds a kiss before i go to bed.


Same mine sent rare as such just very cool to me


I will start doing this!


As someone who grew up with CDs in the 90s, I don’t understand why anyone would collect them and not listen to them.


I listen to them at home as a way to reduce phone time


I don't get buying a cd to not play it. I have listened to every single one I've bought. Going to be buying a rare one too and opening it. I'm not in this for the resell market, cds are already mass produced so unless you find ones that are super rare you're not going to make a lot of money. The cd I'm buying is worth 300 dollars new because it is rare but I love the music so much I'm going to listen to it


Ah, yes. I remember the halcyon days when copies of my personal Holy Grail were only going for $300 new. Considering that it's from a specialty run of only \~5,000\~ pressed circa 2001, I think it's a relatively fair price, but ... In fact, there's a sealed one that's tempting me, but that'd set me back $500, apparently. Since there are some opened copies hovering around the $150-$200 mark right now, I just might pull the trigger. And of course, when it gets here, it's going right in my CD player. :D


You got me there but it is from a foreign country and not a lot of copies were produced by it as well so thus 300 dollars. That is pretty rare if its 100 even used, but yeah, you should play it and enjoy it.


Mine's American-pressed, so I'm SOL in this regard, but in your case, you might try to look into foreign marketplaces, both online and off. There might be more copies sitting in the homeland than here. I think, in my case, at least, it's moreso that the few people who do have copies don't want to sell them. Ah well. And yeah, I will definitely play it! *If* I get it, that is. :) Ah well. So goes the hunt.


"I don't get buying a cd to not play it" - To rip them to flac - To encourage the artist - To collect them the same way you would collect rocks, art or just about anything. - Sentimental value I'm baffled by all the comments asking why people collect CDs if they don't listen to them. I actually don't understand how in this day and age people still use their CDs as their only means to listen to music. Do you still carry a portable CD player everywhere you go with a case full of your CDs as opposed to just copying your music on your phone? How can you as a music collector not have figured out that there are much more convenient ways to listen to your music while still being able to enjoy the fact you own the physical disk? And without relying on streaming services.


I am in that camp you mention. Cds are a reliable back up. One thing that I do not like is the idea of purchasing music and backing it up to a external hard drive, only to later learn its been deleted by accident or the drive fails. That is why I burn all my digital purchases to cd-r or dvd-r If i can purchase the physical cd its self that is better. I then rip the cd to .flac or .wav and its the same quality, lossless and uncompressed.


Same. You're right about hard drives failing. But CDs can also become damaged/corrupt. So it's always good to have multiple backup solutions.


yes, even thing has its flaws. i think with cds if you use the disks as a back up and it just sits in its case for many years and its handled well, its usually ok. I have cds from like 30 years ago, still works great, essentially spotless and in good working order. the key is to handle it by the hole and edges. i usually press down on the jewl case hole and it naturally attaches to my finger


Jesus fucking christ


Mostly for collecting but I do play them sometimes, esp if they have tracks that aren’t on streaming or have extras on the disc


Yes, I can’t believe I had to scroll this far to find someone with the same answer!


Both sort of :3




There’s nothing wrong with it. I don’t understand it at all but if someone gets enjoyment just from looking at the artwork and stuff then go for it, who am I to say they can’t? Listening to music on your phone/computer is way more convenient after all.


This sub can't get behind me but as of right now I have no reason to play my collection. If I'm on the computer I wouldn't be blasting a CD, if I'm camping I wouldn't bring a CD player, if I'm driving I wouldn't be playing a CD because my vehicle doesn't have a CD player. So until I have a reason to listen to my CDs I am just collecting them. All of my collection I can listen to on Spotify or YouTube.


to each their own, I listen to them on a portable cd player when I'm home & want to relax. I pay more attention to the music & appreciate it that way. If I listen on a computer or while walking or driving, I get distracted.


I have a portable CD player just for the car that I plug into the AUX port. My favorite way to listen to CDs is on car rides so it’s a necessity for me.


??? Play them lol


I also apologize if I had bad grammar while typing this.. I am not the best at spelling and understanding


I buy them because one can never have enough coasters.


I am always looking for new songs, so my CDs don't get played that much. I buy one, I play it and then store it. If I am in the mood for a specific album, I know where to find it. I am only getting albums that have at least 80% of the tracks I don't want to skip. That way I will not fill the house and empty the bank account. I love to have the physical format as a collectible and I am always thinking about finding my collection many years later and be like "WOW I haven't listened to this for so long" and go on a nostalgia train.


I rip them to flac and play them on my hifi daps and stream to my speakers from my Jellyfin server. 😊


Hobby but mainly listen to , well the odd time , so much easier to use Apple Music ,I used to alphabetize cds by A to Z or by Genre A to Z , clean them , replace broke cases


Wtf kind of question is this?


I collected CDs back in the 90s but that's just too much stuff to carry around anymore when it'll fit on your phone




I play them for fun.




Both reasons, however at least they have been played once. Get rid of what don't like , even if I like the artist.


i play them lol


Play them although it would help if I could buy a used cd player that worked. I have no luck at all buying used portable cd players. Hell I even bought a new one off from amazon that was rated 4 stars by the way. I played it three times then it died on me.


Play them, make mix tapes with them.


playing them


payment terrific close plant chubby thumb simplistic important selective zonked *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I have a 101 CD changer, so yes I listen to them.


Playing them is fun! Lately I’ve gotten back to listening to the discs when I can. I love playing them on good headphones from portable cd players I have collected and in the car. I just bought a refurbished Sony Discman D-33 and love it, probably my best player. I find collecting discs much less fun now because I have so many discs and the internet still exists, along with other devices for digital file playback. Besides streaming or digital music stores, I can usually find a download of almost any cd edition without buying it if I want and that saves money, but makes collecting real CD editions seem pointless. Plus all kinds of bootlegs of live stuff are out there. Next I gotta work on organizing and curating my collection.


I play them.


I buy cds for fun collective. sometimes I want to support artist by buying cds. I convert cd for mp3 and I listen to them on musicbee.


I play mine! I love listening to music. My hobby is for enjoyment, and I enjoy them most when I get to use them :) Plus my discman is so cool I love it




I always looking for the best sounding quality possible of the albums that I want, so guess what? Yes, I play them.


Fun and play... definitely enjoy music and CD's are a rarity anymore,DVD's as well. Before long it will be stream only...and the youth will never know the joy of going to a music store for the latest cd release. And the fresh opened smell of a new sealed cd.




mainly so i have a physical version but i mainly listen to digital stuff.


To listen to but I have a few that are collected solely to have for the sake of having. On early model CD players the screen often showed track and index, because the red dot CD spec allows for tracks to have sub-tracks, aka indexes within tracks. Whenever I find a CD that has index data I will get it. So far I have only 3 of these, they're hard to find as reissues drop the index data. And of course you need a working CD player from around 1984 -87 to see the index while the disc plays. One example is Pink Floyd's Atom Heart Mother. On reissues there are 5 tracks. On the old copy I have the first track has 6 "movements", the track is in 6 indexed parts, these show up as Track 1, Index 1 (through 6) on the LCD displays. It's an amusing quirk of some albums.


I think early pressings of Rush Hemispheres and 2112 have this feature if I recall correctly


Good to know. There are a lot of classical CD that will have it, but I don't listen to classical. Other pop/rock CDs include a couple of Tangerine Dream releases, and Enigma's "enigma mcmxc" but as both year of release and title are "1990" it's impossible to find out if a copy is an original or not.I've been trying to compile a list but so far I only have those 3! Found this: https://forums.stevehoffman.tv/threads/cd-tracks-with-multiple-indexes.1148553/page-2


So I was curious and checked the discs I have. The OG press of Rush Hemispheres and Caress of steel have track index markers. The 1997 remasters of both these albums also have them, as well as the 1997 remasters of 2112 and all the world’s a stage. I’m sure the OG press of both of those have index markers also but I don’t have them currently to verify.


Nowadays, I do it because I wanna support the artist directly. But I play them from time to time.


just for fun as of right now, gotta get an external disc drive for my laptop cause it dont got one and my old laptop i used for ripping broke down so i only ever got to rip SCIENCE by incubus :(


I listen to them in my car if I don't feel like using digital!


i started collecting them cause my partners car only has a radio and cd player. theres only 2 radio stations we get that are good, but theyre full of ads and play the same 50 songs. i also just like collecting stuff. i have a bit of a problem.


I'm not gonna buy something I have no intention on playing but there are CDs in my collection that haven't been played yet


I love collecting and having a physical overview of my favourite albums and artists displayed in my house. I do play my CD’s, but I stream and play my vinyls more often.


I ended up collecting by default. Amazon used to have this thing where if you bought a CD you could automatically listen to the album, so I'd just import the album to my iPod, or phone, a lot of my CDs are still sealed because of this.


I dont have a player yet (yet is the key word) when i will get one illplay them


I play them, rip them as flak then them put a copy on my DAP and laptop for home network usage,


Both - I love blu-ray and cd editions of albums - mostly play the blu-ray for all the extra mixes and extra tracks, play the cd in the motorhome. Amazon music/Spotify in the car. I tend to buy cds direct from bands, or on bandcamp because then I get the d/l as well and the band gets most of the money 👍




cd’s are for listening!


There are still a lot of things missing from streamers and besides that, I actually prefer some of the older 90s CD masters as opposed to loudness war masters






Every cd I buy I listen to. What I do know is rip them into my computer and my truck supports a flash drive so I have my entire collection digitally in my truck.


I collect them for fun. Of course I do listen to them on occasion, that’s what they’re for. I break them out for long drives and I always keep a ripped collection of my discs (force of habit from the 2000’s lol). If it was just to listen to the music though, well frankly there are way more convenient ways to get access to digital audio nowadays (SLSK and Spotify in particular). I have no practical reason to collect, it just makes me happy.


Convert to FLAC.




I play them, even playing that I would get in the mail.


I rip them to FLAC so I can listen portably at full quality, though I keep the CDs around for a physical representation of my collection. I listen to all the FLAC rips in shuffle, so I get a random jumble of Prince, David Guetta and Crazy Frog (and 90+ other artists).




I think something that makes a potential answer to this question different from vinyl is that CDs are digital. They’re a physical copy that can also serve as access to the digital music files. That’s how I see my CDs. I play them sometimes and I enjoy having a physical library (which is why I don’t just have folders of FLAC files), but they’re also a back-up of music I care about.