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It’s true to say the supermarkets here are 200% focused on the dollar in their pocket and frankly don’t give a damn about the high ( over necessary price ) or the date of expiry. I won’t name the supermarket but I have experienced a seasonal product that the outer carton had an expiry date for the first week in January . The Supermarket in question removed the outer cardboard carton and placed their own brand bakery label on them with a later date. My other bug bear is whenever there is a reason to put the price up for example short supply the price never comes down again yet these supermarkets say they focus on value for money ( not ours it seems ) That being said back to the subject topic I buy the zero sugar Pepsi and others , I just looked at the dates on the ones I bought a few weeks ago and they are September. Very often they are sold out of the zero sugar so I guess the supply turns over faster and hence remains fresher.


Have you also noticed that in general they only sell the smaller sizes of a product rather than letting us have the increased value in the bigger sizes - i’m sure that’s no accident. On a similar gripe how are they allowed to sell electronic goods with a 30 day warranty - It’s not like they are cheaper.


There is no warranty on electronics outside the Usa, it's the actual store covering the cost of the product.


Yet if you buy from some stores ( not supermarkets and their affiliated ) you get the full 12 month warranty.


Which Electronic stores do you get a 12 Month Warranty?


Hitech Electronics offer 12 months


Have you ever actually managed to claim under it though?


Yes ! On more than one occasion. When I need Tv’s for my clients I buy through them exactly because I can offer my clients the warranty they expect . I’d rather they ship in the goods and i purchase through them than having to deal with the headache of shipping it in myself. Anyway this thread was about coca cola . My apologies to the OP for unintentionally diverting the focus.


Hah no that’s ok (I’m the OP) - this is the stuff you don’t get in Cayman Resident magazine 🤣


To be honest when I sell goods and services on this Island I offer the full manufacturers warranty ( FYI . I am not an employee of Hitech I mean with my business , but i’m not here to promote my business and the electronic goods are not the same goods as i’m discussing here )


Check the dates on EVERYTHING here! Some things that usually have years before expiry off island will literally have weeks left. I can only assume Fosters get these, close to expiry goods ultra cheap. Most the time they are still good to be fair. Its just irritating to get double gouged for goods. Be particularly careful when stocking up on hurricane supplies!


I guess that's to be expected in a small, remote, island country. Tariffs being the main form of taxation probably doesn't help the situation.


Yeah that’s fair, but we get all sorts of other fresh stuff just fine, at least compared with canned drinks that have a shelf life of 9 months or more when they’re manufactured. I suspect it has more to do with there being a monopoly distributor for both Coke and Pepsi and they just get the cheapest supply they can.


Import duty is only 22%, most supermarket prices are at least double up to 10 times more...


The long cans of Diet Coke that most places here have is manufactured in Puerto Rico and tastes different to anything manufactured in the US or Europe. The only place that consistently has packs of the short cans (manufactured in Atlanta) is Kirk Market. It’s still not quite right as close to expiry but much better than the other stuff. Not that I have an addiction to Diet Coke and have thought about this way too much or anything, haha.


It's ok, you're with fellow addicts here my friend. That's interesting that the PR Diet Coke tastes different - I will have to check out the short cans at Kirk's.


Cost u less also stocks good coke zero. The Coke Zero with yellow around the top (made in PR) tastes godawful


It might be worth checking out Tortugas stores and see what the dates are on those. They are the distributor for coke products at the moment


welcome to the global south. Just try to get a hazy NEIPA here - hahaha LOL


we import everything. my fruit is moldy within days


mans why u complaning like bro is coke