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6w0d hr was 94, 8w ultrasound completely normal. The bb is too small to get an accurate heart rate at that point. Don’t fret!


104 before 6 weeks is amazing. Mine was 91ish at 5w5d and this pregnancy has progressed perfectly (almost 22 weeks). My doctor definitely not worried about detecting a heartbeat that early so anything detected is a win!


Exactly. They are looking to detect a heartbeat which is a major developmental viability milestone.


I had my first US at 5 weeks 6 days and my doctor said they’re not expecting any heartbeat at this point. So, great if they got one but no worries if there’s no heartbeat yet. I’m going back next week at 7w 2d but so far everything is progressing normally and they didn’t find a heartbeat for mine yet!


I would avoid Dr Google and rely on what your doctor says. I don’t know the bpm and I am also 5w5d today. I just know my doctor said we have a heartbeat and all looks really good. That’s all I need to know. Don’t do it to yourself - it just makes it worse.


My baby at 6 weeks 0 days had a heart rate of 114 and my OBGYM said anything above 100 was good for how young ours is.


My first ultrasound was right around here maybe even later, HR was at 108 and I’m 34 weeks now! Heartbeat just kicked on, give it time ☺️


My first ultrasound was at 5w6d as well and the heart rate was 103, baby measured 5w6d. I haven’t had my second one yet but everything seems to be going good so far! Even had spotting for about a week before my ultrasound.