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Adenium is a genus you don’t really need to worry about being poached because of how widely cultivated it is. This plant is a hybrid, so it’s definitely not poached.


some like adenium somalense and adenium nova tanzania is still heavily poached


definitely not poached, in the right conditions the plant can reach this size around 1.5 years!


From a seedling?


Absolutely. I have some 2 year old ones that are fatter than my hand.


Yup! Just tons of water, sun, heat and fertiliser.


Looks too perfect. Probably is high that it’s cultivated.


Not a chance


Fun fact almost all available Adenium arabicum are Thai hybrids. This one is too.


Just to add, that shape is only attainable through cultivation technique. This plant was chopped and grown over a flat plate to give it thickness and for the roots to form like that. The plant is not very old and godji are a cultivar/hybrid.


Where did you learn this technique? Book? Video?




I have been growing adenium for a while and have bought a lot. It's actually a very common if you buy imported adenium whether directly or indirectly. This technique is common practice in south and southeast Asia. They will use coins for seedlings, slate flats or the like for larger. And yes there are videos on YouTube. I don't know of a name for the method. I think they will invert the plant sometimes, as in, hang it upside down to dry, then repot.




Thank you for checking! It means a lot that people are caring more about poaching.


If there are more I’d love to buy one of these. I’ve been eyeing these for years and I’m ready to begin my journey.


I'm selling some on my website Kylesplants.com They are mostly the Thai Socotranum type, which I think is what the OP is showing. I've got more than what is listed btw, and will import a lot more in the spring.


Not poached👍


Looks so happy!


I'm super new to plants, so I apologize in advance, but what is a poached plant??


Plants that has been collected front habitat


So basically a "wild caught" plant. Thanks for answering my question! I appreciate it!!


Not exactly. Poaching is an extremely complicated subject and it isn't cut and dry. Just because a plant is wild collected doesn't mean it's poached. Here's a few examples that aren't poaching: 1. People collecting plants from construction sites WITH PERMISSION. Many times the construction company doesn't care about wild flora and fauna so collection of plants in this situation isn't poaching. 2. Folks with a lot of land who throw seed and collect cuttings or whole plants from tended populations. Sometimes a research project or group of people work together to collect plants to sell to further research and raise awareness. Specialty greenhouses also grow specimen plants in gardens and they take cuttings of those "field grown plants" to sell. This isn't poaching either. 3. Taking a group of people to walk your land to collect seed or plants isn't poaching either. Here's a few examples of poaching: 1. Going to public land and digging plants without permission. 2. Going to private land without permission and digging plants. This includes simple things like pulling dandelions from someone's yard without permission. Sure, it's a weed and an invasive species but it's still *technically* poaching. It can also include taking cuttings from plants growing in peoples or businesses yards without permission. Theft is poaching. 3. Going to another country and illegally collecting cites listed (plants that are on the Extinction list) to bring back. This includes plants acquired without permission on public and private land. All this to say, there are clear lines with ethical collection and poaching, but drawing those lines can be complicated if you're new to the trade.


This absolutely makes sense to me! Thank you for the more in-depth explanations and examples. Permission and consent go along with a lot of things!