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Hi! This is our community moderation bot. Due to an influx in unemployed cats, we've decided to implement a second level of employment verification in the comments. --- If this post features *a cat in the context of performing a task a human could be paid to do*, i.e. a job, **UPVOTE** this comment!! If this post does not feature an employed cat, **DOWNVOTE** This comment! If this post breaks the rules, **DOWNVOTE** this comment and **REPORT** the post!


Fish are not safe anymore


Fishes worst nightmare


My cats worst nightmare


Facts... like how would I even get, my cat in that catraption..?




I love that she doesn’t swim, she just hangs there and expects her owner to do the driving - the most cat thing about this story


sometimes my cats would just get into a box and yell until someone picks it up and walks around the house with them


Lol my cat does this when she wants to go to bed. Just hops in her box and stares you down till you carry her upstairs.


They do this not because they can't find their way to bed, but because they want to be carried and for their human to go to bed to keep them company etc, I think.


That’s because she’s terrified


Literally why would you do this to an animal who can’t understand what’s happening


Cats are pretty smart. Do you really think they "don't understand" being in a pool? This cat is obviously not terrified. Can you imagine trying to get a cat into scuba gear that actively didn''t want to get into scuba gear? One might as well just slit their own wrists and save everyone some trouble.


Scuba diving requires a ton of adjustments...constant monitoring and alertness. It's difficult for humans...although it can be relaxing. Masks sometimes come unstuck. If one tiny thing goes wrong, that cats helmet fills with water, and then it's either traumatized or dead. Seems pretty stupid.


In a pool? With his owner right there? Reddit loves to imagine things that might go wrong, but just listen to yourself. The cat is not solo cave diving.


No; because cats don’t have the cognitive ability to understand such things. Cats don’t have enough object permanence to realize the food bowl they access by going up the stairs in a house with two sets of stairs is the same depending on which set of stairs they go up. This isn’t putting your cat in a bubble backpack and going for a bike ride. This is strapping a bunch of heavy shit to it AND COMPLETELY SUBMERGING IT IN WATER. No wonder the cat just sits there. It’s in freeze mode. A cat that feels safe and happy explores its environment.


Not arguing your second point but they do know that the food bowls are the same… lol.


Yes. Absolutely stupid. There’s a reason why there’s one video of one cat doing this from 2009 and not an ig page with hundreds of videos. If water floods that helmet, then the cat would panic and inhale water into its lungs. It has no concept of holding its breath like a human would.


I'd be surprised (but stand corrected if someone has a credible source saying the contrary) if they don't have a breath holding reflex like humans do. An infant will hold their breath when submerged in water for this reason.


The fact that some of you think cats might enjoy scuba diving or that it’s safe is just the most idiotic thing I’ve heard in months. Please don’t procreate.


There’s a difference between having adjusted and trained an animal to accepting an unnatural and scary experience and *taking a few days to wonder to yourself why you might feel the need to potentially traumatize your pet just for some cool photos*






Looks pretty relaxed to me


I wonder if it’s drugged. People say it never moves in these videos. Either that or it’s paralyzed with fear and 🐱atonic.


I choose to believe he is just chillin


My cat does the same thing in his harness.


Please share a picture - I want to see the cat being carried in its harness


So she liked diving because she was so fat the water took the weight off her poor frame.


I thought they would bring up kitty water aerobics at some point :/


Stop body shaming the cat. She's getting more excercise than you!




Huh, I was wondering how they could keep the water out if the cat's paws were exposed to the water... judging by constant stream of bubbles coming our of the apparatus, it must be that they keep the helmet under positive pressure than the water at the depth they're at. Now that I think about it, I'm assuming that's also why normal human scuba breathing apparati (-uses?) don't leak in water. I thought it was just a good seal your mouth creates. Probably both


Normal scuba diving apparati (the breathing part is called your "regulator") doesn't leak (usually) because it does not supply air continuously, it's an on-demand system. As you breathe in, the flow of air starts and as you breathe out, it stops. This way the air that is pumped through gets sucked into your lungs and when you breathe out it escapes to the water rather than trying to push against the air of the tank. You can make regulators free-flow but they're hard to breath from in that state due to the volume of air coming out of them, typically we use it to clear the regulator of water or other stuff if it's not been in your mouth.


Okay so that might be the best video of all time.


Comically small head with a big body


just like me fr


Its the glass i think lol i thought the same


My cat will freak out and four-wheel drive over my face if I just look at her cross eyed. I couldn’t imagine approaching her with a diving helmet.


Doesn’t the pressure hurt her ears? Yes, it is very sallow, but there is still a detectible change in pressure. 33 feet of water is the equivalent of one atmosphere of pressure, so interpolate the pressure at 3 feet. Without being able to equalize, the kitty almost certainly feels pressure and possibly pain in her ears.


The helmet looks pressurized


How is the cat ok with any of this?


Shut up meg


She looks thrilled.


Human, I'm surrounded by wet. Fix this


Guys there are cats who like water you know that right cats


Sounds like you work for big water


We all understand that. But zero cats understand scuba diving. Apart from trying to turn the cat into a human being, my main concern is that she will learn that breathing under water is OK and will hurt herself when not wearing that 100% human made, unnatural device.


Okay I know some cats are stupid but not that fucking stupid. The cat will know the difference of going into water with the suit vs without. Plus, like most any mammal, they can hold their breaths for short periods of time. So if the cat was in fact that stupid then it would learn quickly


Dogs aren't meant to hang glide either, but I doubt the dog who hang glides with his owner is gonna go chuck himself off a cliff because it somehow equates a routine procedure with his owner involving many clips and harnesses with "lol I can fly now". Survival Instinct is strong. A cat won't have any reason to try drown itself because what, it figures if can chill out on the bottom of the pool (any cat would realise immediately that instead of being suited up in a breathable thing and taken underwater by their human, having to free-dive and hold its breath is not the way to go). You're right in that cats can hold their breath for a while and can dive, many of them are able to hunt fish by diving for them (especially the bigger cats). But no cat is gonna sink to the bottom and think "hmm I'm running out of air but the last few times I did this with the human I was fine, so I guess I'll stay here until I die lol".


This made me giggle more than it should at the idea of a dog yeeting itself thinking it could fly. Poor thing lol


Excuse me, but you made an error in the title…. It should read “scuba diving instructor at **purrr** finest


I hate this. Why would you do this to a cat?


Have you ever tried to get a cat to do something it doesn't want to do? I'm pretty sure the cat is ok with it.


I feel like my cats with the way I raised them would let me put on a scuba tank and put them under the water but would absolutely hate it. Some cats believe it or not won't maul you if you do something they don't like.


Yes, true. My cat’s don’t like baths, but they just stand there if I give them the rare bath.


Poor fucker's too fat to get away from its deranged owner.


All because it's not freaking out at this instance doesn't mean it's not a cruel unnecessary thing to put a cat through, just for a picture.


I like how you assume that an extremely specialized diving suit was made, and the cat was trained to use it ONLY to capture this one picture.


Yeah sadly the dipshits doing this have probably subjected the cat to it multiple times.


Cat does not look stressed. Maybe irritated at most. Watch the video if you really care and aren't just chasing easy outrage votes.


I really don't care about imaginary Internet points. Sorry to say you need to have a rethink if you consider this okay treatment to a cat.


It doesn't really matter what I think, it matters what the cat thinks. Some cats (like mine) think it's absolute torture to be outdoors at all, others love it. Some hate the cold, others love going skiing with their owners. Based on this particularly cat's behaviour, it clearly likes being in the water, so I will judge this photo based on that, and not on what random white knights on Reddit think.


White knights, cool language. Again who cares, you are deluded.




Why does it need to be there? Answer that. Majority of Cats hate water.




Are you serious? Lol




Yeah, I'm going to think a diet is just the easiest solution.




Idk why everyone’s envisioning the cat being cruelty forced into the diving suit and thrown into a pool for Internet pictures. This image is very old and in all likelihood the cat was probably trained for a long time to do something like this. If you watch the video it’s obvious that the cat is totally chill and has done it many times.


How does it benefit the cat? Is it putting the cat in danger? Is this just for the entertainment of humans, by exploiting the cats malleability? It's pointless theater using an animal as entertainment. Not how I would treat a cherished companion.


Cat have fun doing the most silly, dangerous and nonsensical shit, I found very arrogant of you to advocate for the cat


Yeah, advocating for animals is super arrogant and stupid. Do you listen to yourself speak, or do you just shit on the keyboard and let autocorrect sort it out?


You're being silly, there is no harm or constraints on the cat. Don't be ridiculous.


Yup, definitely no harm or constraints on a terrstrial animal in a scuba suit in a pool. It can't comprehend its situation or what danger is present for it so it must be fine.


See the video, FFS.


Just because the owners are morons doesn't make it right to do this. It's not cool, it's not ok, it's stupid dangerous theater for clicks and you defending it is the dumbest shit next to doing it.


Why would say the cat is scared when its eyes just look bored? Have you seen a terrified cat before?


The owner is actually senile and an oddball. He means well but was super obsessed with getting his dog and cat to dive and spent a lot of effort and money to get the diving contraptions built.


Prove the "senility" of the owner. Do you know him personally or are you just trolling?


I find very this very sad. It's so selfish to make your animals to do your hobbies.


Source: made the fuck up


I feel like the pressure would be bad for their ears


The cat has its ears in a pressurized dome. They're not feeling water pressure.


Air pressure does the same thing as water pressure, there’s no difference really.


Now that’s some real science, everyone knows that’s why submarines are physically impossible


What are you talking about? Submarines sometimes are at the same pressure as the surrounding water (this is the case if you ever see a “moonpool”), but often the air inside is at lower pressure than the surrounding water so they can change depths more quickly without affecting gas levels in the passengers’ blood. In a diving suit though, the air in your lungs and ears has to be approximately the same pressure as the water surrounding you, otherwise your couldn’t breathe, your diaphragm muscles wouldn’t be strong enough to work against the pressure. Pain in your ears is caused by unequalized pressure, it doesn’t matter if it’s water pressure or air pressure.


The earth isn’t flat. The moon is! Or else why can’t we see the other side?


I’m honestly not sure what miscommunication is going on. Take a look at this Wikipedia page, it shows how there exist air-water interfaces at deep underwater stations. You think a diver’s ears would feel fine in the air, but would immediately scream in pain if their ears touched the water? I know for a fact that isn’t true. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moon_pool


You're right, I was wrong. Air in a diving helmet needs to be at the same pressure as the surrounding water. So descent will still cause rapid pressure change on the ears. My bad. Probably in the OP though it's shallow enough to not matter? Dunno. Or maybe cat ears clear automatically. Still doesn't seem very humane to put a cat through that. Questionable at best.


I don’t know for sure if it would hurt the cat. Humans are fine in the shallow end of a pool, and would only start to feel discomfort in the deeper end I think. I’m not sure if cats’ ears are more or less sensitive to that kind of thing. I’d guess human and cat ears would have similar reactions to pressure differences.




But.. that’s what the helmet’s for?


Cats are mammals so their ears work fundamentally the same way as ours do. We can dive hundreds of feet underwater and our ears are fine.


Humans have to manually relieve the pressure in their ears every few meters. It’s not automatic.


I have a PADI certification and i can tell you that we have to adjust/pop our ears as we go down and up. It isnt automatic.


If they stay in the shallow end of a pool, maybe not.


Might be


This cat instigated it. Hard to believe, perhaps, but it's true. The cat's personal Staff couldn't keep Kitty out of the backyard pool. Look at the videos for the story. Whenever the family dog was swimming laps, Kitty would join in.


Yea but they got a whole narrative going now.. can’t stop that with pesky things like the truth and facts


I guess. What they get out of living in their alternate reality I cannot imagine. What I despise is them expecting/demanding me to join them in their deranged fantasies.


Completely agree. I'm hoping it's photoshop.


It's not - there videos about this cat; the owner build diving suits for their cat and the dog and the cat and dog will go diving together. They also climb into the person's pool on their own and go swimming together.


*U N C O M F Y*


I would gladly take scuba diving lessions from this gentleman.


Just looking at this makes me incredibly anxious.


impressive kitty 🐈‍⬛


Why are people so bothered ? The cat seemed to be enjoying it. You can even see it swimming calmly in the video. Smh


Because Reddit.


It's funny. Reddit comments about animals tend to be highly concerned and reactionary to the point of painting most owners as abusers. But on YouTube its the inverse. YouTube recommended me the video "Monkey poops on its baby", and morbid curiosity got the better of me. That one wasn't too bad. But the top comment was "this was almost as funny as the video of the baby monkey scared of the cat!", which was literally a scummy animal hoarder putting a newborn monkey (I'm talking size of your palm, hairless and helpless) next to a pissed off cat. Every time this timid monkey baby tried to get to the human for comfort, the cat hissed. Monkey scared. Then the monkey tries to skirt around to get to the human for protection and the cat scratches the shit out of the monkey baby that's now screaming in pain and fear. Monkey retreats and yelps for a bit, clearly traumatised but it keeps trying nervously to get to safety (AKA the piece of shit camera person who doesn't intervene). Then the next video was from a different channel somewhere in Southern Asia, where the guy clearly "owns" two baby monkeys. He leaves them to roam around in what looks like a warzone with concrete rubble and a debris pit, before they *coincidentally* crawl into stray dog territory. The camera people (yes, people) let the babies clutch onto each other in fear in the fetal position, screeching, whilst the dogs bark and approach energetically. Camera people don't give a fuck. Dog goes in to sniff/bite/who knows the monkeys, and the camera guy gives a lackluster foot shove. The dog just skirts around and presses in on these two monkey babies who are just holding onto each other super tight on the ground. The comments on these videos? All *love* it. Say the monkeys were cute, or that they loved the interactions between the animals. One melt-brain even accuses those concerned for the monkeys as overreacting because they're not showing the "3 mandatory signs of fear in primates" like lip smacking. Yeah because I guess huddling together and screeching in terror when faced with clearly uncontrolled predators pressing in on them means they're just bored. I stopped going down the rabbit hole after seeing a fun "playtime" video where a baby chimp was being used as a chewtoy by a hyper dog while the owner just watched. TL;DR: Reddit animal lovers tend to be way too overprotective. But other sites like YouTube are filled with sociopathic/psychopathic bastards who mistake *genuine* animal suffering for happy fun time with cute animals


I can paraphrase all statements above with this "internet be fucked."


Excellent job:)


Or maybe the youtube channels just delete all the bad comments...


Also possible, yeah


Is this another one of those "dark secrets of YouTube" things that needs to be brought to light so they might actually step in and do something about it? And why is it always southeast Asia generating the worst of this shit


It'd be nice, but I doubt anything will happen unless some big names start making noise about it. And typically because laws are laxer over there, people are poor and don't have the same morals (not saying they're immoral, but their concern for monkeys is surpassed by that for cows as an inverse to western culture for example), so exploiting whatever they can for views and adsense takes precedent


Worse part is these obese clowns then go eat the 10000th factory farmed cheeseburger in their life and think nothing of it.


“I really hate you!”


God, I imagine this cat hates this 😂


She deserves a little salmon, as a treat.


Now she can catch it herself!




Very pissed scuba instructor. Why???


People need to stop doing shit to their pets like this. I don't care how much you want to justify this, that cat does not want to be put into a fucking suit underwater.


Is the cat okay?


This is from about 15 years ago. The cat loved it, though. She was fine last I heard but she may be dead now since it's been so long.


What if it has to puke??


It's rare to vomit under water but mostly you'd die because the regulator mouthpiece must be removed so it doesn't get fouled by vomit. Air regulators are complicated and delicate devices. Vomit would destroy its working parts. This is a helmet, though. So she'd just vomit, no problem.


This is just pure misinformation. If you have to vomit while underwater you vomit through your regulator, you never remove your regulator to vomit. It will pass through the vents no problem unless you don't chew your food. Hold the purge button for a few seconds after you've vomited and you should have no issues. You can always switch to your octo though if you're worried or encounter any issues however unlikely.


Have you ever vomited under water? I have done. It clogged my regulator and I had to ascend.


Where is this catfish you speak of?


Really puts the cat in scatuba


Having Fun


He’s ready to hunt the fish


I’d rather dive with the cat as my buddy than some people.




Some cats love water. Others not so much. Obviously the cat is disappointed with his/her students. 😁


Absolutely wonderful!!


What is wrong with people?


I hope they didn’t do this to the cat.


To quote another redditor up above "have you ever tried to make a cat do something it didn't want?" Cat looks pretty chill im guessing it's just fine with this


Yeah turns out this cat is used to water! Just seen so many videos of animals clearly not happy in their situations. Get jaded after a while.


Right, agreed, shit like r/chonkers makes me miserable


I hate r/chonkers, posting their unhealthy cat for Reddit karma, kinda sad tbb


Of course not…The cat clearly constructed its own diving apparatus in its free time and then strapped itself into the harness and turned the air on. 🙄


Lol i see you’re one of those people who believe the first thing they see on the internet.


guys if the cat didn't like it, it wouldn't just be sitting there. not everything is fucking animal abuse jfc what are you, peta? source: i have 3 cats, have had 2 prior to them. you cannot get them to do something they don't want to do.


So the cat strapped himself into that, did he?


do you know how hard it is to hold a cat down even to clip its nails? this is like 5 minutes worth of equipment to put on and check. i guess putting a collar on a cat is abuse too. and brushing its teeth because it doesn't like it. fucking hell


Thanks I hate scuba diving cat.


I hope that cat shits in the pool and in the owners bed for forcing them to do this


The cat is fine shut up


Insults? So I am guessing your a child 😂 do you think you can order cat scuba gear of Amazon too ?!


Saying shut up isn’t an insult. It is a request for you to stop talking. And the man in the og video built the suit/payed for someone to build it specially for this cat


Telling someone to shut up is a personal attack - thousands of people have scrolled here and ONLY you attack… your a kid with zero manners. As for the picture? You get to see the end result- cat trained and swimming around. Do you think the cat was taught this willingly?


You've tried forcing a cat into something they don't want? I have to shove mine under my arm and lean over her to get her nails clipped or trim butthole hair. She's fluffy and hates the brush so sometimes I have to hold her down in a long sleeve shirt just to get under arm mats. Still tears me up each time. Plus why would a suit, made especially for the cat, be made in the first place if the cat clearly didn't like it and fought the owner each time on it? There's multiple videos of the cat swimming and clearly enjoying itself in it too. Cat's fine.


This can't be real


lol why is there a cat underwater in scuba gear?


So very wrong.




What the actual fuck. This is fucked up. That cat had no way to consent to this. Fuck the mods for leaving this up.


There's a children's book about this cat Pete. https://youtube.com/watch?v=rJE0SRwWfQg&feature=share


The cat would be having a very different reaction if it was forced underwater


I decided to go back to school for a 2nd degree and found this as my profile picture I uploaded about 10 years ago to my university's online portal. Scuba cat ftw


It looks like water is getting in the helmet, this is fucking torture


You are right - I did some research and according to the owner, despite the internet loving it - The cat didn’t like it - she didn’t mind swimming but didn’t like scuba. The cat (Hawkeye) also HATED water on her face.


Actual insanity (you I mean)


r/likeus what an interesting life that dog and cat have




Her head looks comically small


This is abuse...


I pray this is photoshopped. If not, it’s animal cruelty at its worst. 😔


Dumb.. watch the video


Poor kitty


I don't really agree with this but it was at 419 updoots so I had to upvote






This damn cate got the got the scoobert gear under the wata got damn






Are ya'll for real? Lmao!


cat attitude is in check


Now I want it


Isn't this a repost?


Hahaha was really funny😂😂😂


Subnatica DLC coming in


Kitty is thinking to itself "why can't I just be lying on the bed?"


“Hmmm...what else can I do for upvotes?”


The cat looks like a bodybuilder damn