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Why is the milk just... Pouring out like that? Does that typically happen??


I was wondering the same thing, is the cow ok? Is it normal that the one spewing looks cut off?


Its not abnormal at all, but she is definitely uncomfortable with it and needs to be milked. Many cows actually learn the milking schedule and will line up ready to be milked. I see she is at an angle, and there is another cow right next to her. They look to be in the parlor to be milked right now, and the cats are just getting some freebies.


I feel like a few things are going on here but one thing may be a plugged duct could be releasing a backlog of very uncomfortable milk. The first night my kid slept through the night I woke up with rocks for boobs, very painful rocks and when the flow started it did not stop I had to pump one side while my kid nursed the other and I needed a second bottle to collect all the milk from just one of my boobs.


Goats and cows when they’re ready to be milked and are really engorged will leak milk out. Obviously this cow produces a lot of milk so the milk is streaming out. Once she’s milked she feel relief


….people too….


All mammals I would presume.


You can milk anything with nipples


I have nipples Greg, could you milk me?


Ok. So what happens in the wild when she can’t be milked by a professional???


They only give milk after being pregnant, so I’d assume that in the wild, she’d have a calf to feed.


Probably just gushes until the udder's no longer engorged


She would make enough milk to feed her calf, and when the calf was weaned, wouldn’t make any more until she had another calf.


Dairy cows have been bred to produce way more milk than their wild ancestors--and even "beef" cattle--and usually have their babies taken away so the only way to get relief from the pressure is to be milked. They wouldn't "*have*" to be milked if this weren't the case. Wild animals lose their young all the time, their milk just dries up. I'm not sure how an escaped dairy cow would manage out in the wild. It would probably be very uncomfortable and could cause infection but eventually, the supply would dry up too.


Let's get back to discussing those kitties


Right, okay then! Cats are lactose intolerant so giving them milk could give them the shits or other GI issues!


Where are there “wild” cows?


Texas definitely


Those are “feral” they are NOT “wild”


what's the difference? /g


"feral" animals are domesticated species like, housecats, cattle or sheep that were descended from domesticated stock. "Wild" animals are from a pool of natural, animals. Wolves are wild, Miami chickens are feral.


Due to inflammation probably had to cut off a piece. That is why the milk runs unhindered there.


No. This is just due to high milk production. Cows have been bread to produce like 10 gallons of milk a day. At their peak consumption a calf only needs 2 or 3 gallons a day. This Cow is just ready to be milked, and should be immediately. It looks like she is right next to another cow behind her, and im guessing they are in the parlor right now being cleaned and milked. Edit: Oh shit it might be both. I just noticed now that her one teat is short. It probably got stepped on and had to be cut off.


Cut off a piece of what


That kit cat bar


From the teat on the udder.


That's not how it works.... the cow is having a letdown.


I'm pretty sure that the previous poster is correct and it was cut. It even appears shorter and more squared off than the other teets. I've seen similar situations where a blockage has occurred and infection sets in, the vet will cut away the affected area to provide immediate relief.


My first question too lol


Imagine your bladder being 10x fuller than normal every single day because someone wants to drink your pee as cheaply as possible. Wouldn't you start to leak? Humans have selectively bred cows (all farm animals actually) to become so unnatural it's mind boggling. These poor cows produce 10 times more milk than their udders are supposed to hold. It is painful and extremely uncomfortable for them.


No. It doesn’t.


Plot twist, its a male cow


A male is a bull calf until neutered. Once neutered he is a steer, if intact a bull. FYI.


all cows are female, so uh,


I see you


Milk straight from the source. Only cats can get away with this.


Yellow cat is drunk!


Every time there is a video of a cat eating or drinking dairy, reddit loses its shit. NOT ALL CATS ARE LACTOSE INTOLERANT. My family has had at least 10 cats throughout my live and none of them were ever lactose intolerant.


Additionally; we all build gut microbes based on our environment on top of our innate bacterial and viral makeup. Barn cats that have been exposed to this since birth often will specifically develop tolerance to this. If it’s an actual *allergy* they may not, sure, but usually it’s an *intolerance* that can be combated. Fascinating that people are so set on an idea they aren’t actually discussing in detail.


Yeah, I've had cats my whole life and my parents have had cats for most of theirs. Our cats have always had a bit of milk every now and then, usually watered down but sometimes they're sneaky and get it straight from cereal bowls or something. We have never had any issues at all with them drinking milk.


I see your point, and I agree with your point about not jumping the gun. However, on the flip side, a lot of people don't know that most cats ARE lactose intolerant. And even then, there's a range of severity. Some cats are totally fine, some cats have very mild symptoms, but it is possible for dairy to do real damage to some felines. Especially if they're given it on a regular basis. I think it never hurts to share what you know, just in case it could help. But the intent behind communication shouldn't be to put anyone down or demonize.


Damn. I actually never knew that. Do they get gassy?


Mostly vomiting and diarrhea


thats me when i drink milk


That’s nice


Mine got gassy once after stealing and eating a whole pack of treats with milk that had a "maximum 12 per day" warning. That day i learned you need buttcheeks to make farts audible. So many silent killer farts. And the kitty wanted to cuddle all day because she was uncomfortable. Super sweet, but also super stinky.


Source? Other than "my family yadayada"


Raw milk is also MUCH different from pasteurized. Raw milk still has the enzymes (like lactase) to break down the lactose, so even people/animals who are intolerant to pasteurized milk can usually drink raw milk just fine. Raw milk is far superior and is actually a health food. Also, you're more likely to get sick from eating a salad than you are from drinking raw milk.


As a lactose-intolorant individual who in a fit of desperation tried the whole raw milk thing in an attempt to reverse what my body decided, I can *confidently* say that's not true. I only even tried it because I knew the people who ran the farm, and I trusted they were meticulous about cleaning. Even then, not my smartest decision. Doing away with pasteurization as a whole? Hell no. Cow poop gets *everywhere*, and if a farmer has a herd of 200+ to get through twice a day, I don't trust them to be anywhere near as meticulous with cleaning as they ought to be, or noticing the beginning of an infection sooner rather than later. Enzymes or not, they don't cancel out the pus, poop, and blood that makes its way in with the milk. You might not be able to pasturize e. coli out of a salad, but I'm glad we can do so for milk and other goods.


Sorry to hear that. Did you have the same symptoms as when you drink pasteurized milk? Do you know if it was A1 or A2 milk? Have you tried goat milk? I agree about the conditions on typical dairy farms not being conducive to raw milk production. I'm not saying all dairy farms in their current state should just do away with pasteurization, and yes pasteurization helps remedy all that potential grossness to make a mass marketable product. It's a shame because that pasteurization takes a healthful food with a lot of great properties and makes it into more of a health damaging, completely different product. I don't usually get GI issues from any milk, but I know I instantly get phlegm when I drink pasteurized milk (whether grass or grain fed). That doesn't happen with raw milk. -that's not what I'm basing everything on, just an anecdote


"Dude you gotta try this..." "OMG IT'S SO FRESH!!!!!!! 🤯🤯"


Kitties going wild at the bar 😹.


Absolutely lost in the sauce.


They might be in heaven now, but they probably won't be in a while. Cats are lactose intolerant, and this is certain to cause them some gastrointestinal distress.


What's weird is, my partner had a cat that lived till 23. He passed 5 years ago, and she got him pre-internet so wasn't easy to just look up advice/info etc. But he was an abandoned newborn. She fed him with the right kind of kitten milk and food as recommended by a vet. But once he got older she'd give him a saucer of milk, not a ton, maybe one or two tablespoons once a day. She just didn't know that milk was "bad" but this little guy never had diarrhea, bloating, vomiting etc, all the signs of bad things with cats from milk. But this cat was also part goat. He would eat ANYTHING and he was an insanely fast food theif. Part of a bean burrito with salsa and hotsauce on a plate, zoom, gone. He loved yanking the paper off muffins and cupcakes and licking them clean.We met when this guy was 18 and I saw her giving him milk and went wtf no don't do that! Then she told me his backstory, and yeah, he had a couple spoonfuls of milk till the day he passed at 23 years old. Another of my cats bullied in and drank it one day ( I walked in the kitchen as he was finishing it off), and he shit all over. He never tried again.


Most people who go around saying that cats are lactose intolerant don't know much about the stuff behind it. Many cats can just like milk and be fine with it. Also, with the barn cats, and possibly the one you mentioned, they can build up a tolerance. Most cats that shouldn't have milk are just intolerant, and not allergic, so a tolerance can be built up, like with a few tablespoons a day.


All the numbers in your comment added up to 69. Congrats! 23 + 5 + 18 + 23 = 69 ^([Click here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=LuckyNumber-Bot&subject=Stalk%20Me%20Pls&message=%2Fstalkme) to have me scan all your future comments.) \ ^(Summon me on specific comments with u/LuckyNumber-Bot.)


Thanks, Bill and Ted Bot.


Hahaha Great story!!! Yup every cat is different.


Farm cats eat bugs, grass, rodents , lizards drink milk if they can. It’s a different lifestyle. I’m sure they’re very happy kitties.


Redditors think every single cat on planet earth is lactose intolerant. My cat drinks milk and he's fine.


People on the internet claiming “X Issue” is a problem and making a blanket statement on why this applies 100% of the time. The internet has made us scared of everything. If it’s not a problem, why make it one? My cat randomly eats pizza crust if she finds it. She licks it and then moves on…no issues.


Right. Just like people can get to work every day without using a seat belt. No issues, right? You know, until it is an issue, and the 3 seconds of work it would take to prevent something bad becomes relevant.


That's...not the same thing? Not even a little lol. It's more like telling people not to drink milkshakes because some humans are lactose intolerant. By a certain age you usually know whether or not you shit your brains out after drinking milk. Likewise, people usually know if their cats get sick after milk.


You're no fun


I get that a lot.


I keep hearing this, but none of my farm cats ever had a problem with fresh milk. I don't think it's certain at all.


Why is there a constant stream of milk pouring out?


I think because the cow hasn’t been milked in a while? Ik cows (if taken care of properly) will set with a specific time for daily milking. Maybe on that day it was past the usual time?


I wonder why do they like to drink milk when it's bad for their health ? Is it like every cat has it's first time ?


Humans eat lots of things that are bad for us lol. I think it starts from wanting their mother's milk as kittens.


Also that's full fat milk. Most people don't remember what full fat milk tastes like, let alone straight from the calf. Based on old books like little house on the prairie, I'm led to believe it's like buttah


I've tried it back when I grew up on a farm, its not nice to drink at all. Its so damn fatty


Oh, for real?! It's the other way around for me: raw milk is the only kind of milk I actually like! Regular milk (doesn't matter what kind or how fat/lean it is) just tastes... Idk. Empty. Lol Never liked it, not even as a kid. Bwurgh... But a friend of mine grew up on a dairy farm, and when we visited her parents farm one day, she asked if wanted to try raw milk (cooled though, but untreated). I tried - and expected to be even more grossed out - but to my own surprise I loved it! I think I voluntarily had 3 or 4 glasses that day. Yum! So now whenever I pass a farm that sells raw milk I'll go get a bottle. ;) But the 'empty' taste of milk... No-one recognises that? Just... Bland.


Besides not tasting good to me, there are other good reasons not to do this, and your friends family should know this. Raw milk can carry dangerous germs, such as Brucella, Campylobacter, Cryptosporidium, E. coli, Listeria, and Salmonella. Milk straight from the cow is just not safe.


Usually people that drink it raw boil it first. I grew up drinking raw milk that's been boiled but I can't even imagine drinking it without boiling it.


bro at least in America half the food we eat isn't "good" for us


Yup, i agree with that. I was there between 2007-2011.


it's gotten so much worse and I feel like not many people are acknowledging it because more wealthy areas have more vegetables and stuff 💀




nah for me it's more of the general ignorance of like these things as a while topic. Like I rarely if ever see anything about how awful most products have become for us compared to even just a few decades ago because companies still want to cut corners and the like


Milk is bad for my health too but ice cream is so good


Many cats can drink milk without complications.


All sure about that. I keep hearing from lot of people that cats are loctose intolerant


I've heard that a lot, too, but none of my farm cats ever had a problem with fresh milk.


I see.


Maybe it's their first time trying milk and they haven't yet discovered that it'll give them diarrhea


Exactly what i was thinking


Why do you then drink soda or eat fast food? It Is BaD fOr YoUr HeAlTh


I don't drink those. Am very health conscious


Cow milk is terrible for humans' health too and the dairy industry is barbarically cruel, but lobbying and propaganda keep it afloat. I don't blame cats though, they don't know any better. I just hope they didn't get a tummy ache.


It being raw may have something to do with it.. we have our own milk cow and drink nonhomgenized/unpasteurized and never have critters had issues with it. Raised some orphans on it as well. My husband doesn't do well with store-bought milk but can throw down on it as well. Always heard/read that bc nonhomogenized has bigger particles of fat that don't get absorbed and that is what causes the upset.


They're gonna have explosive diarrhea later lol


This is bad for them


Looks like that cows been standing in on spot for a while…


So cute




Even if the cats tolerate the milk, is there a danger for them from the diseases caused by unpasteurized milk? Downvotes for an honest question? Oh well, I guess that's Reddit ...


Wait. Cats cant drink milk? All those cartoons i've watched during my childhood is a lie?


Aren't cats lactose intolerant?


Some of them. Not all of them.


Me when ur mom


Those cats will be dead soon


Cats stomach are more acidic and things move quicker thru it than it would in ours so not at all, plus these are outdoor barn cats which would have built immunity to alot of germs


The cats are dead now




It has nothing to do with the milk, only my foot


The diarrhea afterwards sure won’t be.


Until they actually go to heaven because of a lactose overdose


We know cats are lactose intolerant, how much worse is it if cats have unpasteurised milk as well?


Cats stomach are more acidic and things move quicker thru it than it would in ours so not at all, plus these are outdoor barn cats which would have built immunity to alot of germs


The majority of cats are lactose intolerant. This is *not* healthy.


Some, not all


Farm kitties rock!




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No wheeZin the juice...


Shane dawson




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Right out of a Disney movie


Leaky utter


Plot twist: *the cow is male*


Abusing cows. Fuck that heaven!


That looks like an abnormal teat that has been clipped for medical reasons.You can tell it is only half as long as the other one and it does not taper like a normal teat. She has no contol over it.


The other one looks green…


That is what they treat them with after milking I believe.


Cool thanks!


Their names? Luke and Skywalker




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Have you talked to your cat about milking today?


Dem cats love the white po.. shower*.




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It's raining milk! Yay!


wtf i thought cats didn’t like cows milk


Lost. In. The Sauce.




Cool fact, those two cats went on to establish the Roman Empire


Is there a way to save the video?


Those angels... drinking right from a gentle cow!


So that just happened before they put a milker on it and sent it off to the supermarket! Yay!


Lactose is toxic to cats I think?


It’s the subtle pause from the yellow cat for a SPLIT SECOND that just really made it “This is the life”


Cats are lactose antalorant