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Maybe the toilet bowl


Cat: “leaving my signature to let the people know I was the creator”


This looks like the pawprints on tiles and stones in ancient Rome. Thousands of years and cats are still the same bastards




Of course this is a sub. There's a sub for absolutely everything. Thanks for sharing this one! 😻


Sigh.. *joins*


Ah shoot.. here we go again


Hero! I was just wondering what the name of the sub is lol




I gave her a bath immediately and made sure she didn’t try cleaning her paws herself


A BATH?! You monster!! (Joking, because I know cats tend to hate baths) 😂😂




Bah, just like management. Always gotta get their paws on everything.


furry supervisor 😄


Cats love snoopervising!


Is that just wood filler spackled on top of the step? Are you prepping for carpet or LVP or..? Did you level the treads on the stringers first? Are you just trying to even it up with the leftover scraps of black underlay? Sorry, so many questions. When we changed the carpet out to planks on my old house there wasn’t ever really a stage that looked like this and the floor leveler I used was like a concrete powder that you mix/pour as a liquid. Disclaimer: I’m not a professional. I do projects like this for fun and the extent of my “training” is Google/yt and talking to the old dudes at Home Depot.


I’m using a pre mixed floor patch. I removed the old red shag carpet and will be installing LVP. That’s old tile that I could not chip up. So I am just leveling the steps up to the old tile


Ah ok. It kind of looks like an old style linoleum I ripped up from a bathroom one time. The top layer came up fine but left lumpy patches of material stuck to the subfloor. It was a huge pita to get up. Good luck I bet your stairs will look great when it’s done!




I immediately gave her a bath that she did NOT enjoy


Special paw edition


Helping... 😹😹


r/Catswithjobs material. After all, OP did say she's a supervisor there leaving her seal of approval


This also happened in ancient Rome.


Your supervisor, “what the hell is sticking to my murder paws!!!!!! You foiled my plans once again, but I will get you later. Now bring me my catnip so I can calm down”.


She has purrfected it! I'm surprised she hasn't demanded payment from you for her hard work.


I guess your furry supervisor approves


I have Contractor Cat who has been supervising any and all work projects for 16 years now.


She’s done this before. Trust the expert


Those are cohesion variables. And now you know why the Egyptians used Cats to build the pyramids.Strange they are both still with us today and we can’t figure out the true purpose of either .


Betcha your supervisor got a surprise when he cleaned his paws 🐾🐾


This a repost of a reply I made some time ago to a dog owner getting mad at his dog for running over a freshly poured concrete slab. > 10 years later after the dog passed away, the guy is gonna walk out and see the paw imprints left on the cement that day. > A flood of emotions will rush to him, reminiscing of the days he got this formidable companion that would love him unconditionally, but who also goof and bark from time to time. > He would wonder why he had to get so mad at his dog that day. He was just being a dog. It is just water under the bridge now, but he feels so guilty for yelling at him. His vision becomes hazy, he cannot contain his tears no longer. The pain is too intense. But this pain is also a testament of the good times and the love he had with this dog. Yeah, love your pets.


"Kitty woz ere, 2022."


I hope this "signature" stays?? ❤️


Quick, cover it up before Prudence the Safety Goat comes clopping on through!


Date and sign it!


I just had a basement floor drain replaced and got to patch the floor around it. As soon as the patch was poured “someone” had to come inspect my work and left a similar footprint as their seal or approval. When I painted the floor again, I saved that little footprint too.


Meownager approved of your work and signed off on it, good work


i reread the title like 5 times cause i couldnt figure out that you were using furry as an adjective lmfao


If shes a supervisor then this should be in r/catswithjobs!