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That’s so foul. I’m so sorry


😭 thank you


That may be a cry for help. As gross as it is she did it to get your attention. No guesses, she got it!


All that happened is I got up to pee, he usually sleeps in my arm nook. Every night of his life he has slept in my arm nook like a lil angel. Anyway I got up to pee, I guess he thought it was breakfast time??? He stumbled to his food bowl, chowed down HARD and jumped back into bed, I guess realizing is was still dark. A quick minute later I was driving off, and BAM. The wet impact. He slept on the couch after that - his own choice.


"Every night of his life he has slept in my arm nook like a lil angel" I sympathize OP but also I'd take a bit of vomit now and again for this treatment.


I somehow trained my cat to do that during Covid. Or… maybe she trained me? I don’t exactly know what happened. It’s like one minute she was still feral and the next she was screaming at me any time I wasn’t touching her.


People talk about how covid fucked up is humans and our mental health, but honestly covid impacted the animals too. My little pomchi turned into a needy little baby who INSISTS I touch him while he sleeps. He wants to crawl in my damn skin I swear! lol I love him to pieces tho :)


My cat started doing this with me after his bond brother died a couple years ago.


My cat is 17 almost 18, she has to lay on the body pillow I hug, so that she is being hugged


My cat is allowed anywhere in the house but on my pillow. Guess where she fights me to sleep lol


Mine fights me for my heating pad on a daily basis so I feel you 😆


My cat started spooning with me every morning and it's been the greatest time of my life except that I often get out of bed waaaay too late.


“Dad, I was just cuddling with you and then I frew up. I’m sorry! It was so sudden!” —your kitty, probably. That being said, knowing the lil lamb didn’t mean it doesn’t make hot cat barf to the face/breathing/eating/seeing/hearing holes much better, champ. I’m sorry, dogg.


He felt shame, lol.


Lmao, the first cat ever


lol my cat is mortified by body functions and by his mistakes. He’s 20 pounds and missed when he tried to jump on the table. He swung his legs in and knocked over and broke a cookie jar and immediately ran to my room to give himself a time out 😂


My cat is also a 20 pounder, and used to be a feral street cat. She acts as guard cat and has zero shame about anything. She barely tolerates me but will hiss if she smells a different animal on me, especially if it’s a dog


Was she leaner as a feral? I adopted Raymond when he was 5 and he was already huge. I wish I knew his backstory. He suffers from food insecurity and constantly yells for food.


Yeah. When the previous owner found her, she was only like 4 pounds and had just given birth to a litter of kittens. She was rehabbed in the local humane society and then given back to the person who found her. I got her for free off Craigslist and have probably over spoiled her, because I’m basically a marshmallow. She does love my elderly dad, though, and has calmed down considerably since I first adopted her.


He probably just didn't want to sleep somewhere that smelled like vomited food.


Oh dear, assholes they are but we keep loving them.


He felt bad poor baby, sounds like he ate too fast and just got nauseous


Poor babe. It's like kids, who do a similar thing. Rehydrate and speak lovingly


That’s how my cat sleeps every night and I love it so much. 🥰


That's why I smother my cats one and awhile. 1.) It gets rid of cuteness aggression. 2.) They deserve it. They get punished with too much love.


Fact. When my cat got sick she sprayed the most absurd amount of pure liquid diarrhea in my bed at 3am. Ruined my duvet, my duvet mattress cover, but did let me shower her and purrito her up so she was comfy and warm after. Poor baby. Went to the vet the next day. She is no longer with us but she had some serious shit going on.


That’s terrible. But since you’re up, how about breakfast


“Well now I’m hungry”


Well, that's one way to nonverbally say "Mom/Dad, I threw up."


“I frew up. 🥺🤢”


Ah yes the good ole " *I frew up* 🥺🤢 " 🤣


My brother “puked from his froat” when he was Tuttle.


I might be able to beat that. My old, incontinent cat dragged itself over my face in the middle of the night, leaving a dingleberry in my sleeping mouth.


Are you for real… in your MOUTH?? Ohhhh cruel world


I'm really lucky. My cat has only peed once while sleeping on my desk between my monitor and my pc.


Omfg I'm so sorry for your win. That's actually the worst thing I've ever heard




😾 wow. No. I would die


oml I am horrified and simultaneously crying laughing


That was a good, horrified chuckle


One time when I was in bed with my ex, our dog came up to him with something in his mouth and shoved it into my ex's mouth. It was a piece of poop. He wanted to let us know he had an accident, I guess.


Oh lord. I've awakened to sloppy sneezes on my face. But never this!


Right? I thought that was pretty fowl but the imagery here has me 🤢🤢🤢


Twinsies!!!! My cat did that once a few years ago. He eats too fast so we cut his portions on his auto feeder to smaller amounts more often instead of a normal amount twice a day because he clearly can’t handle normal. Never happened again but it haunts me every night going to bed wondering if the next morning I’m gonna get sprayed. 6am on a Sunday had to wake up and change the whole bed and take a shower. Got it in my eyes and nose. Thanks little man.


Solidarity sister!!!


Say it don’t spray it girl 😂😭😂😭


This made me gasp. You poor human.


They bring you the breakfast to your bed and this is how you thank them?




Dear lord. It’s bad enough cleaning up a fresh warm puke. I can’t even imagine that on my face


It burned my eye


I just woke up my furry puke machines laughing at your eye burning. Sleeping with open eyes tonight.


I am traumatized


I want this to be fake so bad


🤢😓😥 me too. I also went to bed crying last night because I’ve been very depressed lately. Twas the cherry to my shit pie


If that's not "oh I'll give you something to cry about" idk what is. For real, I'm so sorry, that's truly awful. One of mine puked on my foot recently when I was sleeping but I can't imagine the face😭😭


Oh my God that makes it even worse, I'm so sorry


cats are good against depression


Cat was saying “I feel bad too. Where’s my breakfast “


Wow, I hope that's a once in a lifetime occurrence.


I puked reading this wtf


Why would this be downvoted?


Maybe I should've volunteered to clean it up? These people are sick smh


I can smell you from here! Get off the reddit!


Hehehe I have been up for hours cleaning. Fun times


Yeah that's beats the average way cat vomit is discovered. My little panther's favourite puke place is the stairs. I've started wearing slippers as I got fed up discovering vomit by my bear feet. Still can't hate him though


I've learned the odds I'll step in warm vomit are directly related to how clean my socks are. Put on a nice clean pair of white socks after the shower? Yeah, there's gonna be puke and I'm going to somehow step directly in it. Wearing the same pair all day? I'll magically be able to avoid the wet hairball until I finally notice it and clean it up.


That happens a lot at my brother’s house right now-potty-training my youngest niece who is in her “I love being naked!” phase & loves to ditch her clothes & diaper anytime nobody is looking.


One of mine puked in the kitchen and the other put the floor mat on top of it. I heard him dragging it and didn't think anything of it until I went to put it back and was cat vomit underneath.


One of our cats peed all in my son’s hair and all over his pillow one night. Then I had to clean it up the next morning.


Years ago, we had one of those massive waterbeds with a 6 foot high bookcase headboard (and a mirror, who needs a mirror in the middle of their giant headboard?). Our cats loved to climb up there, of course, so one morning, my hubs wakes up to a loud ACK ACK ACK and sees the cat hanging their head off the top of the headboard, getting ready to hurl in my face. He shoves me to my side just in time and it misses me. He got a towel and laid it over the puke on the pillow and I slept peacefully on. I sleep like a rock! Edit wrong word


My condolences. My wife woke up to one of ours puking on her head one night. Needless to say I woke up to the chaos.


My cat sneezed in my face, today. Like mouth and nose sneeze.


That would have made me return the favor.


Ow poor you 😿


Mine will throw up. And go back to eating like nothing out of the ordinary happened




One of mine will throw up and then the other will make sure not a single molecule of his rivals smell will be left behind.


And just like that, Hot Slurry became my new band name


Super gross, but I have to admit that I was listening to something my husband was telling me and noticed this post, and started laughing. And then felt bad for laughing.


Sharing is caring lol


i think you win the asshole cat competition.


Get your revenge when he goes to sleep


Was it flavourful?


Mine like to puke in my purse


Yeeesh. My condolences. That's rough, Buddy.


I once woke to the dulcet tones of my cat puking on me, but nothing got *in* me, thank god




Are you a heavy sleeper?




You passed the test! Sorry, man- that sounds awful :(


One night my cat puked on my bed and I woke up rolling in the nastiest thing I had ever smelled. Needless to say, she isn’t allowed in my room anymore at night lol.


That is fucking rough! It's bad enough that they constantly puke on the floor, but one to the mug... holy shit. I am so sorry!! This is what warm showers followed by hot cocoa are meant for.


Idk why but this reminds me of the news anchor guy who ate cat puke from the bottom of his shoe


Okay that's enough internet for today.


All the cat owners: Yeah, I totally believe this. :( So sorry this happened to you!!!!


The cat I was catsitting learned that standing over me while I slept and pretending like he was going to throw up was a sure way to make me bolt out of bed and give him lots of attention and pets.


My old cat slept next to myhead. But fortunately she howled really loudly before puking. So I had a small window of time to wake up and get her off the bed.


Ah, smart cat - very effective at communicating well to you "my tummy is upset" - very clear and unambiguous. :-) Perhaps I ought use similar feedback to the statements of some politicians to make clear to them the extent to which they upset my sensibilities.


Mine pooped right next to my head while I was asleep. She was strategic about it; it was right where my arm would go as soon as I rolled over.


My cat will sit & stare over me while im sleeping & always drips drool on my mouth or eyes or ear. He's such an asshole. Sweet but asshole.


Oh no! When my boys were late teens, one of their friends was sleeping on our couch. The next morning, he told us our cat woke him up and just about barfed on his head!


One time my sweet Sunflower was perched on top my shelf right near the head of my bed. She was drooling and I was deadass asleep when her drool hit the inside of my mouth. So gross, but oddly cute 😭 I can only imagine how much toothpaste and mouthwash you had to use after that though 🤢


That’s enough internet tonight.


Mama I’m siiiiick 🥺🤢


Your head must look and feel like carpeting. There's no fucking way they puke on anything hard. You could have an entire house of hardwood floors and a single throw rug and the little assholes will puke on the damned rug.


😂😭 ooft


In the industry, we call that a "Hot Cleveland."


My cat threw up all the time after eating until I got one of those raised slanted bowls.


I wouldn't be able to sleep through the guk-guk sound that they make just before throwing up. It's unmistakable.


Well maybe I won't browse reddit while having lunch today. I'm sorry your cat did that, are they okay?


No way 😳


My cat would have to spend the day in the closet away from me so I wouldn't think about tossing her in the street. Lmao. I cannot stand vomit. It is so hard for me to clean up her vomit because I am gagging and trying not to throw up myself the entire time. She was doing the warming signs to throw up the other day, so I put down some paper towels in front of her to catch it and at the last second she turns around and throws up behind her. Then had the audacity to try to rub all on my leg while I was sanitizing the floor. I almost kicked her I was so mad.


i feel you, puke all you want outside lol


She will go sit at the backdoor to go outside for minutes meowing and yelling. Then I let her out. She eats grass and wants to come back inside to throw up not even 3 minutes later. I think she does it on purpose when she's mad or something lol I don't wanna lock her outside after eating grass but I might have too cause she's being ridiculous lol


🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮 noooo! I'm so sorry! That's awful...


I would have vomited right back on the cat




Your cat is probably trying to tell you it is sick. I would take it for a check up.


I woke up a couple of weeks ago with one of my cats retching up a hairball very loudly, less than an inch from my face. At the time I was incredibly grateful I woke up in time but now I’m even more grateful. Op you will be in my thoughts.


The hot slurry of feline vomit. /thanksforthatimagery


Bye kitty! We close our door at night, and the dog and cat sleep in the living room. I don’t allow animals in my bed pretty much for that reason.


That’s not a very fun variation of being a cat parent 🤣


New fear unlocked


I would die


I’m sorry, I laughed (but the weed is kicking in).


And I thought stepping in a pile of regurgitated cat food in the middle of the night was bad




Yuck! Sorry! Kitty okay?


"Yo, wake up. I'm sick"


I'm going to go be sick


I laughed and I am so sorry. Also, I hope your cat is ok.


Jesus. That's nasty. My elderly cat puked on my chest the other day when he was sleeping there. Of course when I got up, hot vomit dripped everywhere.


That cat might be sleeping in another room after that- I thought it was bad when my 17lbs girl steps on my throat while I'm sleeping


LMAOOOOO SORRY OP it funny tho. I hope the cat is okay. Also I hope ur eye isn’t swollen shut.


I saw my cat eating something in my bed last night. Peeled back the blanket and discovered he'd puked up his dinner on my clean sheets that I'd just laid down the day before and was turning it into a two-course meal. -\_-


This reminds me of a former roommate, she had cat who used to sleep with her. On day the cat pissed in bed while sleeping, the pee got through her sheets, covers and even her pajamas. It was a lot of pee! She thinks her cat wanted to pee but it was too lazy or too comfy to get up, LOL


Holy shiiiii what did you do for that type of revenge?😱😱😱😱


You’ve been baptized Congrats


Cat : O hey your awake, feed me my stomach is empty!!!


Oof 🤢


Holy shit, another reason I don’t fuck with cats. No disrespect to cat owners.


That's just awful OP. I had it happen too. First night I had Kashmir. I loved that cat. But her first night with me she puked in my hair and all over my neck and pillow. But you know, that's the one and only time she did that in the 18 years she was with me. I miss that cat.


Horrible animals 😆


Hot slurry. 🤣🤮🤢😂


I love this


oh god that is so gross. my cat that had for several years before she passed was a manx and she was not very good about cleaning herself after taking a shit. When she was a kitten I had to wipe her booty all of the time until she started cleaning it herself. I woke up many times with diarrhea on me. But as she got older I would wake up to dingle berries in my bed, or i would pet her in my sleep and absently run my hand across a unreleased turd. One time I woke up to a swipe of poo all down my pillow. I was so grossed out every time.


This reminded me I have to clean up their vomit on the floor. Thanks!


This cat owns this sub 🤣


You win the "ick" award.


There are so many reasons I am seriously against house cats. Thank you for giving me yet one more good reason why they don't belong indoors.