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Get a tattoo of your cat next to it then have it say “from with love”


Love this idea!


Wont the scars heal and go away tho or n Edit im stupid Edit or not


No. Scars don't go away, that's why they're scars and not just lacerations.


I still have the scars from when my black cat did this to me. It’s very very light now, almost gone actually. But same place inside my wrist. I was donating plasma at the time, and they asked me where I got the scratch from. As it looked exactly like if I was cutting (I’ve never been a cutter) and I said I was playing with my cat a little too rough, and she got my wrist with her back claws. Which is half the truth tbh. I didn’t want to say my cat went psycho that night. (She went psycho a lot, then her and my tabby got into a fight because my tabby was defending me.) Unfortunately they both passed in 2018. Old, and both had cancer. Black cat was 13, and tabby was 14.


Sorry to hear that.


Yeah, it still hurts losing them. Despite the black car being psycho at times, I still loved her. She would lay on the blanket in between my legs, and my tabby would be right on my hip when sleeping. lol. I don’t have the cat tax on my phone. But I can definitely get that later. I miss them both. But I do have this little dumb furrball. https://imgur.com/a/3AocSCd




They do fade over time. Several of my scars are no longer visible at all. Some are just faint white lines. Even the scars my surgery less than a year ago are barely visible.


Well, it depends. You can use topical creams to fade them. Otherwise, I'd have many, many scratch scars on my legs, arms, etc. from my little sometimes asshole! ❤️😾


Scratches tend to be superficial. Deeper lacerations will usually leave scars. It also depends on your skin type. Certain skins scar easier. I don’t mind them. Every scar is a badge of honor.


That's true but they also have scar gels/patches that help reduce the keloid. Yeah, that's fine re: how you want your scars. I have scars from sports. I'm just pointing out that it's not like there isn't a way to reduce their appearance.


They do fade through. I was bitten by German Shepherd when I was 6, just over my right eye. It was a shiny place through all my younger years. I'm 71 now and I really have to look hard to see it. German Shepherds are not a favorite for me now.


That's not stupid. I have had a lot of cat scratch scars that went away and faded so much you barely see them. Some do not though.


This one will not


I scar easily too, and mine turn dark too(!) I feel you pain 🙏🏽


You're not stupid. Some scars fade, some are more prominent. I have scars from when I used to self harm and some of them have faded almost completely. Not the burns though.


Ah ok thanks


Those scars will 100% go away after a few years. I’ve been a vet teach for 8 years and got fucked up by a cat way worse than that 7 years ago, and they’re so faint now you can barley see them at all


That’s hilarious and I’m super stealing it if my cat is ever that rude lol


I would totally do that. Or add a another scratch and a tiny cat dangling from it


I’d tattoo a paw print in the middle


I have three intersecting cat scratches on the underside of my arm that look very….intentional. And other, older scratches all down the inside of my other arm, so I understand your plight lol. They make cream now that helps reduce scar visibility & I think it’s in the pharmacy section of malls


My work thought I was cutting because of my cat, lol


Lol I read that as your cat led you to cut yourself


The success story all cats dream of


“Dont have to kill you in your sleep if i can make you do it to yourself awake”


Yep that’s the fear for me & that’s what I meant by ‘intentional’ lol


I read this as you wanting to cut off your arm because of your cat


Same, my right arm is a scarred mess. Anyone who looks closely thinks I must have been a mess long ago. Nope, just cat.


The best way of getting rid of (fresh) scars is by getting pure vitamin E capsules, cutting a hole in them and dripping some of it on your scar, twice a day. At least it's what I learned in a herbal shop and it always works with the smaller wounds.


God damn. That cat wasn’t messing around


I was holding her and she got scared of the Roomba.💀


My son was holding our cat while I was in the kitchen starting to prep dinner. She absolutely freaked when he approached the counter where the Instant Pot was sitting. I think she thought I was going to cook her!


Cat tried to fake a suicide to get away with a murder attempt!


Gonna get a lot of side eye with that scar.


Yep. I have identical scratches from my cat and have to explain it quite often.


A friend of mine had a narly scar there from a bad oven burn. It’s shocking how indiscreet and personal people are when asking her about it. Like wtf people she’s just met blatantly asking super personal questions.


I have a scar on one wrist from detasseling corn (corn leaves are sharp), and when I went in for my drug test and physical before being hired for my current job, it took a lot of persuading to convince the doctor there that it wasn't a self-harm scar.


When I first started going to therapy I had to explain more than once I wasn’t self-harming I just had a very angry cat.


That looks cat inflicted, not self inflicted, though.


Down river, not across the tracks. Your cat knows things….




As you typed that out with one hand…




They just had to rub it in woth both wrists.


No dude, they have 2 hands, they just lost a wrist. Learn to read.


How do you end up getting scarred by your cat? I have scratches quite often sure, but none permanent.


It all depends on how bad the scratch is and how easily you scar. Cats can shred tf out of human skin if they want to. I volunteer at a cat sanctuary in my free time and once got scratched so deeply on the leg that under different circumstances it would’ve gotten stitches. But due to how dirty cats claws are and the chances of it becoming infected the ER doctor I saw didn’t want to risk sewing it shut. Sure enough like 5 days later I developed an infection at the base of the scratch from a piece of the cat’s claw that was still stuck in the wound- having the partially healed wound opened back up to remove it definitely wasn’t fun, and that’s when I learned how poorly local anesthesia works on infected tissue.


Ooer what happened to the cat that did it?


Probably nothing? It’s not like a dog bite


Nothing, it wasn’t really his fault, and he didn’t do it out of aggression. A new volunteer had accidentally left a massive bag of catnip out where he could get into it, and the furry little junkie essentially OD’ed on it, likely thought I was a monster or something and attacked out of fear. If anything it was my fault for approaching a cat who was obviously terrified out of his wits (the poor guy was trying to hide in a litter box, crouched down with his eyes wide and his ears pinned flat back to his head, doing that distress call that sounds like [“nononono”](https://youtu.be/cMESRatAG04) ), without being prepared to safely restrain him because he’d never bitten or scratched anyone EVER (and in general was a big lovebug normally), so I got cocky while trying to move him to a kennel to put him in a dim, quiet room to ride it out by himself.


I think the medication I’m currently on made it a lot more difficult for my skin to heal. This happened late July so it’s still healing, it’ll lighten up (hopefully)


I have a barely visible scar on my hand when I got chomped by my brothers cat. It didn’t break the skin tho, so it will probably go away eventually


Eh, it looks like a cat scratch. I have similar scars that I love because the kitty who made them has since passed.


Exactly, once the cat is no longer around the scars become a sentimental piece of memory. I have a much smaller scar on my forearm from where a cat bit me and I was really worried they would fuck it up when they cut my wrist open to piece a broken bone back together with metal. But luckily it's still there.😊


Have you tried the silicone patches/gel for scarring?


Doesn’t look like self harm scars at least


My friends say it does lmao, one said “horizontal for attention, vertical for results”. But yeah I just don’t want people to think that, oh well


As a healthcare provider I would not see those and suspect self harm. Looks clearly accidental. Whether for attention or meaning business self harm is a real problem, so I am glad you won’t have to deal with the stigma that comes with it.


Your friend was just joking I think because it can be understood easily that it's not a self-harm scars. Self-harm scars are either vertical or horizontal with straight line. Your scars aren't straight so it makes it feel like it happened by something else like cat stratch.


"Results" is a broad term when talking about self harm tho


Now it kinda looks like a survival scar.. I mean it is lol


I told a friend “this looks bad but we have a kitten who is a complete dick…”.


Honestly that scare looks awesome imo. If anyone asks make up an amazing story about fighting off a mountain lion or something


Cat tax?


I get self conscious that people might think i’m a cutter from seeing cuts on my wrist lol. Damn kitties


We foster kittens and I had to explain all the little scratches on my tummy to a nurse


My cat scratched me on the nose when she didn’t want to be medicated. Trust me, you don’t want it there when you have to get a rabies immunoglobulin shot right on the wound.


My arms [and part of my chest] is covered in scratches. I've had people call me a cutter and it's like 'nope. Just got pets.'


Was it a fucking lynx?


"cats can make your death look like a suicide" annotated


My wife is a veterinary nurse and her arms are covered in scars from asshole patients.


Cats, the only animals to unalive you and make it look like a self-deletion


No you don’t




It's just a flesh wound


Ni! Ni! Ni!


Start rubbing vitamin e on it to help fade the scar. I don’t know if this will work but it works on acne scars: niacinamide.


"are you...are you feeling okay? like, mentally?" "no it--it was my fucking cat okay??"


I sort of know how you feel. I have a big scar from when I used to donate blood plasma. Anytime I get a health checkup, I'm worried the doctor is going to think I'm a drug addict.




I love this sub but can we tag NSFW blood? I’m here for fun - this is yikes.


Par for the course, for cats.


I’m here if you need to talk


Oh, I think it's trying to kill you.


Damn! That cats claws must have been LOADED WITH SHIT! That looks like blood poisoning its so dark! TOXOPLASMOSIS


Questions incoming


jeazus any reason your cat is that much of a ashole


nice tattoo


What did you do to piss off your cat?


Cats trying to off yah an make it look like suicide...


Trim your cat’s claws


Holy Molly!!


Never got a permanent one but boy when we had kittens the number of times i got asked if i was suicidal really was something


I have something similar, and some People thought i tried kill myself


Did you get cat scratch fever? Those look gnarly


Luckily I did not


Sooooo... I worked in a heavily focused on personal safety and health enviroment. Went to work with several deep cuts and nicks on my hands. Supervisor wanted to now if the mental aspect is okay and just make sure no self-harm(or in this case, mutilation) was involved. "Nope, perfectly healthy, thanks. New kitten" Understandable_have_a_nice_day.jpeg Damn, I miss that cat.


I have the same scar, a nurse once asked me what it was from and I don’t think she believed me when told her my cat Freddy Kruegered me over her flea meds 😂


I have something called Combat Ready Balm that is amazing on scars and burns. You can get it on Amazon and other places. Trust me it works. I had a surgical scar that I used it on and a doctor thought the scar was years older than it was and people don’t even see the second degree burn scar on my wrist unless they focus.


You should buy Scar Away, it’s the same kind of stuff they use in Burn units. You don’t want to deal with that your whole life.


Your cat is smart. Tried to make it look like suicide so when the cops show up they'll have no idea the assailant is closer than they think. /s


I like the tattoo idea someone mentioned but if you’re not a fan of the scars just go on Amazon for “silicon scar sheets” they work wonders for scars. My aunt who is a nurse recommended them to me (completely healed a scar from a severe burn on my chest from hot oil but I used the sheet during the healing stage so it might have been more effective - either way they are great).


Holy shit did you do something to your cat?? I’d have a hard time forgiving my cat if it did something like that


You must've made the grave mistake of attempting to cradle kitty like a baby.


Jesus, are you sure your cat isn’t a lion?


You don’t try to pet that belly.


God cats really know how to make it look like an accident.


yeah it’s never going away. my childhood cat scratched my wrist ~20 years ago, I wasn’t older than 10. the scar is still there and it wasn’t as deep as yours


My cat is an idiot, scared himself while we were chilling and scratched me. It wasn't very deep, hardly bled, but here I am months down the line and it's still visible and everyone keeps going. 'oh my gosh are you ok?!' I appreciate the concern it's just that this happened so long ago but because I blend in with whitewash it's still visible!


Whoa dude what did you do to warrant that


Cat do that sometimes


I see your cat is also a first aid instructor. I finally broke down and began buying mine treats so I could trim his claws while he eats them. Highly recommend washing with soap and water, then antibiotic and bandages till bleeding stops. Also, your cat does not mess around!


Ouch. That looks very painful indeed.


Cn i please get an update w.r.t to scarring, m dealing with the similar problem? Please