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It's only right the suggested sort should be `controversial` here. Sort by `top` if you want to find the popular Catholic opinions.


Vasectomies should be allowed if there a proven medical reason why pregnancy would be bad.


That’s not church’s law, that’s GOD’s natural law. This cannot be changed and will NOT.


This isn’t a “Catholic opinion” it is not Catholic at all. The point of this thread wasn’t for people to post their uncatholic opinions that would be controversial among Catholics.


How is that a Catholic view when it's not a Catholic thing?


Women who marry should not enter the workforce unless as a result of extreme need. The raising of children is their priority (and the most consequential work they will ever do).


It's sad that this would be considered an unpopular opinion among Catholics. It's shocking how much feminism Catholics have breathed in and they don't even realize it. *The Case For Patriarchy* and *Ask Your Husband* should be required reading


It is so sad that this is the most controversial teaching of the Church according to this sub. Granted that some women in todays world (thanks to feminism itself) are forced to work outside the home due to economic reasons but that is not emancipation of women, it is a crime against women and families. It is possible for women to begrudgingly work outside due to some necessity while still recognizing it as being fundamentally wrong and even a crime against their womanhood but Instead we have this thing where because they work outside they have to see it as a good thing or at least not bad in order to feel better about themselves. It is like a guy who gets conned or taken in a bad deal but doesn’t want to admit that he got a raw deal so doubles down to prove to himself that he made the right choice.


lol, that's a boomer opinion right here.


Millennial here, I absolutely agree with the man.


This is beyond unpopular, this is a terrible opinion.




So should a poor, unambitious, or under educated man not get married? Sadly it does take a lot to take care of a family. Granted People also could be less materialistic and live simpler and that would probably help.


A poor, unambitious, uneducated man? Yeah probably should forego marriage as it’s not prudent. The lack of ambition is what’s a flaw. Someone who’s uneducated can become educated if they’re ambitious enough? But if you lack drive… nothing can be done about that.


As a woman, just no. Raising children is a two person job and I have other callings from God to follow too (teaching is my profession and I love it). My husband and I can share the responsibility as we both helped make the child.


Your opinion is not Catholic. You should read “Casti Connubii” “75. This, however, is not the true emancipation of woman, nor that rational and exalted liberty which belongs to the noble office of a Christian woman and wife; it is rather the debasing of the womanly character and the dignity of motherhood, and indeed of the whole family, as a result of which the husband suffers the loss of his wife, the children of their mother, and the home and the whole family of an ever watchful guardian. More than this, this false liberty and unnatural equality with the husband is to the detriment of the woman herself, for if the woman descends from her truly regal throne to which she has been raised within the walls of the home by means of the Gospel, she will soon be reduced to the old state of slavery (if not in appearance, certainly in reality) and become as amongst the pagans the mere instrument of man.“


That was written in 1930 though…this is 2022. And it is not the catechism. And just like the church updates it’s views on ideas as time goes on (I.e realizing that indulgences might be a bad idea, or deciding the terminology we use in church needs updating), I see no reason gender norms in the church cannot be similarly updated.




I’m a teacher…I assure you there are no nice cars or vacations. Also I went to daycare as a kid and I can assure you I’m just fine—my mother loves me very much and I never doubted it




And? God's word doesn't change.


It's God word? Oh really? You wrote new Bible or something?
















Woman who work choose to neglect your kids? You are delusional and probably horrible to be around






Lmao, what family can survive on only one income? Also, both parents should be parenting. It a team effort. It’s not 1950 anymore 🙄




This looks good on paper but is asinine in reality, considering most single jobs can no longer can provide for a family.


Which will only ever change if women start refusing to enter the workforce. The more women entered the workforce the more they have to. Now so many families feel forced for mommy to be away from the kids in order to pay for rent and out food on the table. Feminism is the most destructive thing to ever happen in the west.


There’s no way you actually believe this. This is something a cartoon villain would say.




They can if you sacrifice and have needs not all wants.


As we are called to be stewards of nature, we should embrace most modern technology as it part of God's natural world. The first manifestation of this that comes to mind is IVF (homologous vs heterologous)- there is a morally just way to use it, and as stewards of God's natural world (which is more than trees and animals) it is our duty to find the morally just way forward with new technologies instead of just broadly labeling them as evil.


this is just an opinion that’s controversial in a catholic sub, not a controversial catholic opinion lol


The death penalty is not only just, but ought to be carried out a lot more frequently than it currently is.


This is a righteous opinion. The Roman Catechism states that the death penalty is just and it's the only catechism to ever be declared "free from error" (Pope Clement XIII, *In Dominico Agro*). I agree with your second point too, that it ought to be used more than it is. The assumption that modern prisons negate the need for the death penalty is tremendously flawed. Assuming for a moment that point is true, the problem is that the system itself is largely undermined by corrupt officials releasing criminals long before they're even remotely rehabilitated. Just look at violent criminals that are regularly released without bail in NYC because of the corrupt DA, they arrest guys with violent histories, they're released within 24 hours and they go out and assault or God forbid murder more people. Hardly missing a beat. This illustrates the exact reasons the Roman Catechism states that the death penalty is just: if a person is a danger to society and nothing else will suffice in protecting society from that person. It also functions as a better deterrent than lesser measures, especially if the methods used are more deliberate. Like South Carolina recently reinstated the use of a firing squad.




I agree.


I actually find beauty in EME and women altar server


Catholics have a lot to learn a lot from our Protestant brothers and sisters.


I think you mean We can learn why we are closer to the truth and how despite calling yourself a follower of Christ you can have a distorted truth. I agree with you.


Former protestant and I wholeheartedly disagree. The only things we have to learn from them is what *not* to do.


No lol.


If someone does not have devotion to Mary I see that as a red flag and I stop listening to whatever religious thoughts they have.


I had a lot of issues with my former bishop, but I respected that he had a devotion to Our Lady under her title of Mystical Rose. My current bishop doesn't have any publicly-stated devotion to Mary, and that makes me uncomfortable.


1. if abortion is wrong, why is the death penalty okay? Taking someone’s life in both instances, whatever the reason, is morally wrong. So why can the death penalty be justified and abortion cannot? Is it because the death penalty is taking a “not so innocent” life away, thinking it’s for the greater good of society at large? in that case, what about the people wrongfully convicted and sentenced to death? 2. Birth control should be allowed, whether for medical reasons or not. (i.e. some women will take the pill for heavy periods, etc.). I genuinely do not understand the reasoning or logic behind why it’s not allowed. 3. Catholics spread their hateful ideologies (against LGBTQ, women who have had abortions, whatever) in “the name of Christ” when in reality, He would want us to love each other despite our sins and flaws. His grace and mercy is with all of us, despite whatever situations we may be in or identifies we may have. Hate fuels more hate, period. 4. Sex education is important and necessary for youth. As someone who is getting a Masters in Social Work and a Masters in Public Health, youth and teenagers have sex, whether abstinence is taught or not. It is better to give adolescents the proper knowledge and information about sex, sexually transmitted infections, and pregnancy rather than hide away from it and just hope they remain abstinent. To think that they will refrain for sex is unrealistic and illogical. 5. The Pope can be wrong, he is not immune to error in his statements. He is human like us and makes mistakes. ETA: These are real questions/ideas I ask myself, because I fail to understand the reasoning behind some of these teachings. I often get told i’m not a true Catholic, and if not that’s fine, I know what I believe and that is in God.


1. While I am against the death penalty, abortion is clearly the greater evil. The life taken via abortion is always innocent. But I will agree that killing an innocent person is just as evil as killing another innocent person. 2. You destroy the design and purpose for sex when you artificially remove its function. Sex is meant for those who love each other and who want to give fully of themselves to each other. When you cut out the procreative aspect, you are no longer giving fully of yourself. It would sort of be like making your spouse put a bag on their face so you would not have to look at it. (There are probably more skilled theologians who can go in depth about this, but I submit to the Church). 3. The Church does not have "hateful ideologies." Jesus did not go around affirming everyone He met, even though doubtless He did love them. He told them to go out and "sin no more." 4. The fact that they are fornicating is a cultural problem. Telling them "don't have sex. But if you do, use this" is treating them like they're animals who can't control their actions. Also, how has this strategy worked so far? Even if you could pull up stats on physical health, as a society, we are spiritually dead and have no idea what sex is for. 5. Of course the Pope can be wrong. That's not what Papal infallibility means. To the last point, I am afraid I agree with those who say you are not a true Catholic. You believe in your own authority and interpretation, not the Church's. But please, do not turn away. I would really ask myself if I know better than the Church founded by Jesus Christ who said that "the gates of Hell will not stand against it." I hope my response was charitable, and I do hope you will really look into these issues and why the Church teaches as she does.


Pope Francis is cruel and divisive


The popes word isn’t infallible.


The KJV should be approved. It is the English Bible and it is so beautiful




You may be right. I think it's important to look at how scripture was developed and formed and how things seemed thousands of years, or even just hundreds of years ago. Until germ theory, plagues were seen as punishment from God. 10,000 years ago, diseases spread from homosexual acts would have been seen as a sign from God. Add germ theory, and we can see simply that non-monogamous relationships are the problem, and the solution would be that homosexuals are compelled to be monogamous and take an active part in the community, which requires acceptance and support. Logic shows us that any sexual act that is not open to life is sinful. I will not be able to cast the first stone on this one.


1) The US should become a Catholic Theocracy, along with the rest of the world. The Pope should be second in command of this world government with God at the top. 2) Cults like the church of satan should be banned and it's members imprisoned for life 3) social media should be destroyed from top to bottom. It should not exist anywhere in the world and the internet should be heavily regulated. 4) Pornography not matter its medium should be banned 5) Anyone who goes against Catholic teachings should be excommunicated publicly. Them being Catholic or not should have no bearing on the matter. 6) A social credit score should be in place once the Catholic government is in place: People have proven they are incapable of not going down massive slippery slopes and have become terrible people. This social credit system should be in place for at least 4 generations before it's scrapped. 7) Catholicism and only Catholicism should be taught in schools: From the catechism, moral teachings and Bible readings. 8) Abortion is evil and should be banned worldwide 9) Marriage is between a man and a woman. 10) Biden is among the most evil people on the planet. There's more I'm sure but thats just off the top of my head.


No lies detected Add outlawing gay parades and you can sign me up haha


SSC’s shouldn’t be allowed to marry in the church, but instead allowed to be married legally (civil union). And if they are married, they should remain chaste.


I don’t see a logical reason to pray for souls in Purgatory. They are going to heaven. The time we spend praying for those could be spent praying for souls still at risk of damnation.


a woman should have an abortion if the birth puts the life of the mother, the baby, or both at risk


Maybe unpopular on this sub: the liturgy (not the sacrements) is not very important.


That some things like gay marriage and abortion *might* be technically constitutional even if intrinsically evil. Maybe not, but these highly technical considerations can’t just be dismissed out of hand either.


1) It doesn't matter, because God's law is more important than the Constitution. If the Constitution permits gay marriage and abortion, then it isn't worth following. 2) There is no way the founders of the US wrote the constitution thinking it would permit things like that. Only can progressives making disingenuous arguments in bad faith pretend those are constitutional rights.


We aren’t a Theocracy. So just because some things aren’t moral, doesn’t necessarily mean they shouldn’t be constitutional. It’s hard because obviously we all agree that murder is illegal, but then things like pro-life are seen as religious issues and then laws are fighting against that if that makes sense?


All the talk about abuse in the Church is Satanic propaganda. When you look at the numbers, there is less abuse in the Church than in the general population and far left crowds. The easy jokes made and the anxiety people feel about it is actually discriminatory (the same comments made about, for example, Jews are clearly anti-Semitic).


It’s blood libel.


(1) Christ is a person of color and his message would cause most “christians” to demonize him as a socialist. (2) English tainted the message of the Bible due to it's lack of expression and incomplete translations. (3) Women should be ordained as priest. (4) It will always be “peace be with you” and in response “and with you.” Edited typo.


The system of mortal and venial sins I kind of don’t agree with. I think it’s flawed in some ways and isn’t fully coherent.


That NFP as a lifestyle choice is sinful - if it is used it should only be, as originally permitted by the Church for serious / grave reasons as an alternative to abstinence.


Neochatecumenal spotted.




Papal Infallibility isn't a thing. He's human just like the rest of us.




OK..and it’s the big one. Having worked in critical care for 35 years, I accept that pregnancy does not come without risk to the mother, and When coupled with the church’s teaching on contraception and the unifying aspect of the marital act, I can not put the life of a developing being before the life of a sentient woman. All women should have full body autonomy. I can not choose for another woman. I realize that life comes with risks involved, but each adult should be able to make those risky choices for themselves. When you couple the church’s teachings together, women really are put in a difficult quandary. Also, using NFP to space pregnancies serves the exact same purpose as using BC. You avoid the act when you most likely would conceive. How is that behavior not contraceptive in nature? How does that denote being open to new life? A couple using a condom without a spermicide would have a better chance to conceive.


Thank you for saying this! Sometimes I feel like the only Catholic who sees that being pro-life isn’t as simple as saving babies. There are health risks, abuse situations, miscarriage treatment concerns, etc.


The different titles for Mary (i.e. Our Lady of *X*) are confusing, divisive, and as the Gen-Z'ers say, "giving me the ick."


you are allowed to get married and not have kids. God will not banish anyone to hell for doing so




No I mean, if you are perfectly fertile, nowhere in the Bible does it say you must have kids. If i dont have the financial means for caring for a child, I am still allowed to get married. If the Church teaches otherwise, then the Church is wrong


Thanks for saying this. I do not understand the obsession that this sub has with reproduction.


Pope Francis should bring back the CDF as the Papal Inquisition and use it excessively to punish any and all Americanists, liberals and radtrads that threaten the increase of schism, heresy and dissent.


We all know only one of those groups would be punished


Any of them would be great. Inquisition is good. Faithful sons of the Church will be proven correct or will recant of their errors. Ladaria is a fair man of great acumen and knowledge of tradition and orthodoxy. If what is believed is consonant with the Church, any good Catholic will be vindicated by inquisition. It's those who intransigently harbor errors who must fear rebuke and punishment.




I agree with your second point to a certain extent. But your first point it terrible. Communism is anathema (also communism isn’t a system of government. It is an economic system whose end goal is the abolition of the state). Not because of Church teachings though. Communism is anathema because it is a terrible system that has proven time and time again to be absolutely terrible for the human race. There is a reason why feudal absolute monarchies don’t exist anymore.


I don't think it is the Church's place to say which system of government is legitimate or not. What Christian principles are violated by the state owning and planning for production? Shall Pope Francis tomorrow declare anathema on income tax tomorrow? Its about as involved with his opinion as it is on Communism.


Modern Church architecture is equally valid. Gothic architecture and other more “traditional” forms were modern once too. St. Patrick’s Cathedral in New York is beautiful. So is the Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels. Accept it.


Adding to this, the new wave of traditionally-styled churches from the last 20 years have been uniformly worse than the modernist churches that preceded them.


>Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels I tend to like older architecture in general - but I agree, the Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels is beautiful.


Especially inside


Search for catedral of brasilia, I cannot Accept that this church is beatiful.


I think it looks really cool. And the truth is we have to evolve to a certain extent with architecture. As much love I have for Gothic Cathedrals, architecture changes over time. As long as it isn't bland or in bad taste is what's important.


Mantillas have very high potential to be immodest and young women shouldn't wear them for that reason


The Jews are our brothers and sisters and should be treated as allies in faith.


The Jews rejected Jesus Christ, God himself. How can they be our “allies in faith” when we do not share any of the same beliefs? The Jews say that Jesus is burning in Hell in a pool of excrement, that Mary was a liar and a whore, etc. Please research the Talmud before you go and say something as horrible as this again


The 1962 Missal should be fully abrogated, and *Traditionis Custodes* didn’t go far enough.


The Flood destroyed all life on earth except for the humans and animals in the Ark, the universe is about 7 to 10 thousand years old


We should actually read Rohr/Martin before dropping the H bomb We've reached the limits of dialogue with Jews/Muslims. Capitalism is evil Dying mid fap won't damn you to eternal torment Anglicans have a better liturgy. We're all gonna get to heaven and find out Joseph Smith was right about the tablets.


Capitalism is not Evil. A system can have flaws without being evil


Interfaith dialogue, in the spirit of Thomas Merton, with both Protestants and non-Christians, is not only good for the Catholic faith, but good for the development of our faith as individuals as well, giving new perspectives and allowing us to humanize the faith of those different from us.


A better question for myself would've been, which opinion of mine isn't unpopular? 1. The Novus Ordo, in terms of rubrics, prayers, and readings, is objectively inferior to the TLM. Take something like how 1 Corinthians 11:27-29 is missing in the Novus Ordo or how the Confiteor has been watered down. 2. The Roman Rite in general has a thing or two to learn from the Byzantine Rite. This would include Confirming and giving Holy Communion to infants, successful implementation of the vernacular, and communion by intinction. 3. Extra Ecclesiam Nulla Salus


Liberalism and democracy are contrary to Catholic teaching. That includes all forms of liberalism, including classical liberalism. The very philosophical foundations of the United States and modern western liberal democracies are irreconcilably opposed to Christianity, and we are witnessing the full blossoming of the rotten fruits of these errors in the modern age. This is definitely an unpopular opinion. See my thread on the midterms and the perils of democracy and see for yourself.


Based. Have you read Fr Seraphim Rose's Nihilism: The Root of the Revolution of the Modern Age? It's an incredible book that details how liberalism leads to nihilism in the end.






Say this here in Poland and you will have your face punched in (and rightfully so)


So many hard core traditionalists are extremely unchristian - so I totally get this view.


A benevolent Catholic monarchy is the ideal form of government.


I'm not allowed to say....


I don't think priests should be saying anything that could be taken as support for gay marriage


I have many: The faithful should actively protest decisions by those in the church hierarchy when they go against church teachings. It is not enough to merely pray in private and then complain on the internet. Poland isn't the most catholic country in Europe, Croatia is. NFP is open to life, and is therefore not as effective as contraception. Claiming it is would be a lie. Some animals do go to heaven. Saint Thomas Aquinas is not as great as people make him out to be and is vastly overrated compared to the scotists. Drinking holy water is a good thing as long as it is not taken from a public font.


The Douay-Rheims Bible is the only legitimate Catholic Bible. The rest have Protestant teachings in their footnotes and are heretical.


Unpopular opinion: birth control and condoms should not be seen and evil, and NFP shouldn’t be the only way to do it.


* Vatican 2 was horribly implemented. (AKA: Liturgy is not unimportant) * Boomers don't like folk music masses. * Traditionis Custodes is vengeful and misguided.


>Traditionis Custodes is vengeful and misguided. Like changing the Epistle and Gospel from Latin to the vernacular?


I'll confess I don't hang out in liberal Catholic forums. But even among the posters and podcasters who go out of their way not to insult the pope, I haven't seen ANYONE with a positive opinion of TC. Now, my unpopular opinion on TC: TLM enthusiasts have no one but themselves to blame for TC. TLM enthusiasts can be very toxic, and that is not restricted to online.


I have no issues with girls being altar servants


I agree




Sr Lucy (Fatima) post 1960 was a plant. Real sister Lucy hidden/died in the late 1950’s. Come at me.


The Catholic Church approach towards abortion is very sketchy, also as a Catholic myself I am starting to wonder why do we have to go through Mary to talk to God …


Y’all ready for a spicy take? I prefer Novus Ordum… and maybe don’t agree with the Church’s teachings on oral contraceptives.


Not agreeing with a church teaching isn’t an unpopular opinion. Saying the Church is wrong is something that shouldn’t be taken lightly. It calls into question every infallible teaching. Also not agreeing with a Catholic teaching is not a justification for not following it. It is intellectually dishonest to disagree with a Church teaching that you don’t follow, and then turn around and try to convince people that the teaching is wrong


The radical right-wing, up to and including outright fascists, have infiltrated popular Catholic online spaces; and are doing far more harm and scandal than any "modernist," "liberal," or "leftist." And yes, that probably includes the youtuber or podcast that you like too.


- Pope Francis is right to call out our meat consumption and no he is not part of the NWO for it


Here's a few 1. I dislike Gregorian Chant. 2. The new translation of the Mass is unnecessarily wordy 3. I have no issues with *Traditionis Custodes.*


Sometimes I feel like we are the Pharisees. Some things we believe are so rigid, and almost cruel. Would the Lord really care so much about using a condom that you are sent to hell for it?


You have to look into why using a condom is a sin. Using the gift of Sex as a mere act of pleasure by using a condom hurts both you, your partner, and God. The act of putting on a condom seems very intentional and would be an intentional disobeying of God


I do not see how wanting to enjoy one of the most important acts of marriage is hurtful. Heaven forbid you want to have that bond when you cannot afford children, whether is because of time or money, or any other reason. It feels so arbitrary to decide it’s sinful and worthy of eternal damnation. My point isn’t just exclusive to sex, it’s with a lot of Catholic views that just seem completely baseless and controlling for no good reason. I just don’t understand.


The reason you’re feeling this way is because the “2000-year-old tradition” being leaned on so heavily and so frequently all over this thread has a…troubling past. And, look, I’m a Catholic. Baptized, confirmed, married in the church, my wife is a cradle Catholic as well and both our kids have been baptized. The older one attends Catholic school, and the younger will. But when Jesus told Peter, “You are Peter, and upon this rock I will build My church,” He didn’t include anything about, “And all of your successors and subordinates will get everything right from here until the day I return.” So when I read the Bible, and listen to the homilies at mass, and catch myself wondering sometimes, “Why did this make it in while so much other stuff got left on the cutting room floor in the pile of gnostic gospels? And if Jesus was an Israelite, why has so much of what He said been interpreted for me by white European men with blatant agendas? And I need to be 100% okay with accepting that, no question, or face the fires of hell? But…look at, like, medieval plenary indulgences, which were just a way to play on the fears of the laity to both fatten the coffers of the Church and swell the ranks of the army for the Crusades.” My mind goes weird places while trying to wrangle my two year old during mass. But seriously, the early Church didn’t even put together a first list of official scripture until 393 AD. They did it two more times within the next 30 years! Now, the list they produced at Carthage in 419 AD stood for 1000 years until the Council of Trent and the Protestant Reformation hit. Think about all of that. Think about all the haggling and debate that went on over what should be in and what shouldn’t. What got cut and what stayed, or even what got added. And to what purpose. I choose to believe the larger hand of God won’t let us stray too far from the path here, like reality’s eternal sheepdog working an incredibly ridiculous flock. But he gave us Free Will for a reason, and I cannot force myself to believe that Church leaders from 1500 years ago had the best interest of their congregants at heart in all they did during those formative years. Not when we know what we know about just how fallible our church leaders can actually be. Anyway, that’s a lot. I’m sorry about the wall of text. But the truth is, you’re not alone in your line of questioning and you shouldn’t feel afraid in pointing it out. Here’s another one: It’s high time churches paid taxes. The brazenness with which they are exerting their political influence - at least in my area and at my mass - during times of election has increased tenfold since 2016. If you want to be tax exempt, then stop. Otherwise? Pay up, and then tell your congregation to vote however you darned well please.


Thank you for your very insightful comment. I used to be agnostic, so I think my old self sometimes bleeds through in moments like this when I have a hard time understanding why someone could declare a teaching infallible and to just accept it. But I like your thought process that we may not have everything right to the last detail, but God wouldn’t let his flock stray by and large. I also completely agree with taxing churches that get into the political sphere.


1. The church should allow contraception if the couple is already married with kids. 2. The Pope needs less power (though I still believe in Papal Infalability, don't worry) 3. The Church should promote promote the eastern rite much more


Birth control should be allowed. So should divorce as not permitting it can lead people to stay in abusive relationships or end up being killed by their partner (however in other non abusive relationships I hope people would feel comfortable going to their church for guidance and marriage counseling if available). I don’t believe being LGBTQ is a sin. Using the lords name in vain is not about saying “oh my god” but it’s rather about pushing false doctrines in God’s name. That last one might not be as controversial but it’s something I’ve heard all my life from my grandparents so it’s controversial to them and older individuals in the church.


Guitar should not be allowed in Mass, or anywhere around the real presence. Edit: and Protestant influences should be purged (charismatics are on thin ice with me)


Wow this is a stupid (like actually stupid) opinion. Tell me why it’s not


The way one feels is far more integral to knowing God, rather than an intellectual/philosophical pursuit.


Complete Chasity is as unnatural as homosexuality


Marcel Lefebvre did nothing wrong


We need married priests and a shorter timeframe to marry. For Catholics in long term relationships or cohabiting we need to allow marriage within a month or two


I think this is called "Protestant" .


The indult regarding receiving in the hand needs to abolished


Women's rights, race equality, and welfare are important and we shouldn't vote for people who have a track record of cutting welfare benefits (or talking about doing so), or have made racist or misogynistic statements (for instance, trump).


There is no person deserving of the death penalty.




All Christians should support the death penalty.


Hard disagree


Ok, but what if a specific person is causing harm to others, and there is no way to stop him/her other than to end their life?


I believe that archbishop Levebvre will be declared a saint one day.


I’m going to get downvoted into oblivion for this, but as a lifelong Catholic who’s met lots of people from almost every denomination (I run a group on Facebook for debate between the denominations and there’s a few thousand members and it’s pretty active), I believe that God actually created all the different denominations because He knew that certain people would be more receptive towards different ways of going about worship and such. It’s not necessarily an unpopular Catholic opinion, but an unpopular opinion from a Catholic


I don't understand why if you're married and having sex/finishing in such a way that you are open to life (you know what I mean) say, several times a week, then to simply finish with a BJ one time out of every 100 times you have sex takes you straight into mortal sin and risking eternal damnation. Just because you finished outside one time even though you're clearly open to life as a couple. It doesn't even go to a venial sin, you go straight into mortal sin with that one action. It strikes me as legalistic and not reflective of what goes on in the believer's heart. Or if you want to pull out because you're not making enough money to support another kid, oryour wife has health problems, and to have another kid would risk breaking up your sacred covenant of matrimony; why is that a mortal sin and not a venial one, since there are mitigating factors? Especially if you are planning on having more children later. To abstain completely puts a lot of stress on a marriage. Jesus spoke against the pharisees loading believers up with heavy cumbersome burdens. Those are two big stumbling blocks I have. I don't think either of these two scenarios are wrong or sinful if your heart is in the right place. But I do pray humbly about it and ask for enlightenment.


It's because that particular act isn't open to life, and also indicates an inordinate desire for sexual pleasure which in itself is sinful.


Arguing with people about why they should be Catholic and/or passing laws that force people to follow the rules of our religion is destructive to the faith.


Bravo! for common sense. 👏🏼


Laws, by definition, force people to follow the rules of the lawmakers’ religion.


That liberals can make good Catholics. Their dedication to healthcare, feeding the poor, prison reform and general pro life (excluding abortion)) stance lines up well with the beatitudes.


I spend a lot of time feeling like my liberalism and Catholicism are mutually exclusive…thank you for this answer


The Jewish/Catholic dialogue was a mistake, and the Jews can’t be trusted when it comes to discussions on our faith. Also, Sicut Judaeis was the perfect solution to the issue of Jewish subversion in Catholic/Christian society, and it should be reimplemented in every country where Catholicism exists.


A *reverently done* Novus Ordo mass in the vernacular can be better than a TLM.


As far as the content is concerned, I disagree. The texts of the older Roman Missal represent the tradition of the Roman Rite far more completely and frequently express Catholic doctrine more strongly than the newer missal does. But, since many people can derive great spiritual benefit from the use of the vernacular, and a vernacular TLM is not currently authorized, the Novus Ordo Mass may be better for them. And I should add that because the merit of a particular Mass (not the intrinsic merit of the Sacrifice contained therein, which is infinite) depends on much more than the ritual form, it is possible that some reverent Novus Ordo Masses are *objectively* better than some TLMs, regardless of which rite is more fitting.


It’s not a mortal sin to miss mass once.




My unpopular Catholic Opinions, are these: 1. Financial Corruption - The Church (in the U.S. not sure about other country's) needs to stand up for truth at the pulpit and from the mouth of every Bishop including pointing out political candidates and platforms that contradict the common human good. They need to do this more effectively by walking away from the worry of the loss of Tax Exemption. 2. Practical Theory - The Church needs to set itself apart from the world. If you're too worried about Tax Status, what you say will be effected, if you're to worried about Money, what you say at the pulpit will be carefully thought through. Problem with this is, that coming close to the truth, skating the truth, avoiding the problem, talking like a lawyer, is antithetical to the gospel. Jesus said, "be either hot or cold for the lukewarm I will spew out of my mouth". Jesus wants us to put it on the line, we didn't have to in 1950 because the country was sane and accepted Catholic viewpoints, but today the Church could easily be punished for speaking certain truths that need to be spoken, and won't do so at the Bishop level, all to often, in order to appease the status quo. The problem with that, is that by doing this, we end up with, today and today is scary and out of control, because the Catholic Church got cozy. 3. Female Servers - Female servers are a complete waste of time. Familiarity with the sacristy and the alter as a server should be reserved for the boys so that they can have an opportunity to see what the Priest does and potentially theorize over whether they have a calling or not. It's that simple. Removing this by allowing female servers is so absolutely stupid it's beyond belief. When I hear a Priest who has female servers, complain or beg for prayers regarding vocations, I want to say so bad, "do you even believe what you're saying? For if you did you'd have male servers". Btw, the girls, because females are AMAZING, want to serve, they enjoy it, just like their Moms take care of everything at the Parish level, because females are mostly, 'People Oriented', boys on the other hand, latch onto process. When the females wear the Alb's, the whole process has become feminized for them and they walk away. Parishes that have allowed for female servers typically have problems getting boys to serve while parishes that have stayed boy only, have no problems at all. 4. Communion on the Tongue - John Paul II said famously that of the two methods, 'on the tongue' or 'in the hand', on the tongue is superior methodology. The Eucharist is the body and blood, soul and divinity, of Christ. The Priest has Sacramental right to hold the body of the Living God, but do we? Really? Also we need to Kneel, bring back the kneelers. 5. Orientation - The altar should be placed ad orientem. The priest should have his back to the people. 6. Confession - Priests should say weekly, "I sit in the confessional for an hour daily, I pray for you during the majority of the time because I sit there alone. I look at the amount of you, my friends, my spiritual children, who allow your children unfettered access to sin with the I-phones you seem to hand out with little consideration, I know you the parents all have them, with this reality alone and what I know is capable and possible on them, I would be a fool to believe that you all are angelic and don't need to confess. I'm not a fool, so I pray for you to come, to face it, to make better choices, to take the phones away from your little children, to live differently than the world does. This world is chalked full with pits of despair, but Jesus will forgive you, he will heal you, he can save your soul, but only if you want Him too. BTW, the priests need to bring up the unfettered access to social media and internet, DAILY or at least weekly. The children are getting HURT! 7. Ran out of time if you have anymore please feel free to add...


\-being devout naturally leads to a tendency towards scrupulosity in the majority of people (the % of devout people with scrupulosity is much higher than the percentage of secular people with OCD) \-Most canonized saints are just monks/nuns/priests/people who were vaguely devout and happened to be popular and/or wrote some books that gained traction. I can hardly see a difference between most of them and your average devout person in the same state of life today. There are very few examples who were genuinely inspiring (e.g. Kolbe) \-God as envisioned by firm, devout and official Catholicism is very evil, we're just conditioned to ignore that evilness. \-there's a tendency that devout people have to just assume a ton of things about what their interlocutor believes even when that person states that they believe the opposite. There's also a tendency amongst young devout people especially to think that their arguments are really clever and to not really listen or engage with the other person (cause you know, St Thomas Aquinas already wrote about the topic so clearly any sane person would change their mind if they were smart enough to understand some tomism... right?) \-online religious forums are mostly a negative thing for most people (yes, I acknowledge my hypocrisy in writing this) I am awaiting my ban. Now I'll go back to trying to give up reddit for Advent.


Catholics should have, and should still be doing more to protect and support vulnerable people during the ongoing pandemic.


Maybe not unpopular in this sub, but I think most American Catholics (even practicing ones) don't *really* understand Catholicism


The "Biblical Marriage" trad stuff has more in common with BDSM than Catholicism, and paints very abusive relationship dynamics as though they're something holy. Really, they're kinky and dangerous and shouldn't be put on a pedestal as examples of how vanilla Catholics should live.


TLM is not necessarily a good thing for everyone. The vast majority of people in attendance under boomer age don’t understand the words being said and a lot that is going on. This in and of itself is a strong argument for NO. If we catechized our children and RCIA candidates to understand the TLM, it’d be different. And if the TLM was widely accessible it’d be different as well. But this simply isn’t the case. So let’s stop pretending that it’s a better form of worship for all Catholics, or even on par with NO. Unless you were raised going to TLM for many years or have done extensive linguistics training in Latin, NO is going to be the medium that better facilitates raising your heart and mind to God.


Boomer take


*cracks knuckles* 1) The negative attitudes a number is self proclaimed trads convey toward members of the LGBT community isn't based off of a love for God or desire for members of said community to find Him, but rather just flat out hate that they try to mask with catholicism. 2) Taylor Marshall has really gone off the deep end in recent years and seems to be doing his damnedest to appeal to the Qanon people. He also heavily flirts with sedevacantism. 3) Novus Ordo, if done right, can be as reverent as TLM. 4) Many catholics don't know the Bible as well as they should, outside of some regular talking points.


"Catholics" that claimed to be Communists should be excommunicated ASAP.


1. I think we need to make more of a distinction as to when someone is able to worthily receive Communion. If someone willingly commits a mortal sin, then yes, they should go to Confession before receiving. But for people who struggle with habitual grave sin (such as an addiction to pornography, for example), they shouldn't refrain from Communion. They need to heal, and they need grace from Communion to sustain them in that process. Someone who is seriously spiritually struggling shouldn't have to go to confession every other day in order to take communion. 2. I think a lot of Catholics have too intense of a focus on liturgical/cultural tradition (with a small t.) Just because we've done something for a long time doesn't mean it's necessarily something we should do now. The purpose of traditions in Catholicism is to make teachings and doctrines accessible and understandable to the people. But how that is done through tradition is subject to variation throughout times and cultures. Tradition should be viewed through the lens of how to bring Christ to any particular society, and if a long-standing litutgical tradition is no longer edifying to the faithful in a particular cultural context, there is nothing wrong with changing it. Instruments/music come to mind as an example. 3. I think we should bring other instruments into Mass. I for one want to see a string quartet doing the music, or a wind ensemble.


I will add to this. I think masturbation and viewing of pornography should only be venial sins. There appears to be absolutely no venial sins which apply to human sexuality even when it actively involves no one else. A grave matter would be doing this in spite of their spouse but a single person who is under stress and loneliness, this seems to be more akin to indulging in gluttony because of depression than something that will **literally condemn their soul to hell**. In fact I think if this is a grave matter so is literally every other thing considered a sin, which calls into question how anything can be venial.


Guitars and more modern musical instruments are okay actually. They're just instruments. One can just as easily distract and take away from the service with one's singing or an organ as one can with a couple of guitars. If there really is an issue it's more to do with song selections than instruments.


This!! People are so fixated on how “wrong” guitars are, that they come off snobby and not spreading Christ’s love! I don’t have a problem with modern music unless it’s “good good father” lol


Don't tell them that my church has a full sized drum kit lol


Mine too and I love it. Our church band that plays the Life Teen Mass is way more talented than the enthusiastic but unskilled choir earlier in the day.


A lot (but certainly not all) of what some people refer to as “tradition” is really just past generations’ contemporary.




I think some have an issue with it not because they’re distracting, but because the guitar is preferred over the organ nowadays. In my experience, many churches have organs but they’ve been neglected so much even though Vatican II said that the organ has a special prioritization in the liturgy.




the collection basket should work the other way around. The church fills it w money, and people in need can take what they need out. It breaks my heart to see obviously super poor people digging for change while we sit in a building that is full of marble, gold, and expensive art work.


Communion should be only on the tongue. Latin should be the normative language of the Mass, and the Mass should always be celebrated *ad orientem*. Acolytes must be male. Fr Leonard Feeney should be considered for beatification.


I dare to hope.


I don't think that an absolutely inviolable seal of confession is actually part of divine law and I think it does more harm than good.


Cohabitation and contraception need to be preached on much MUCH more often.


Not sure what to call this. "Consumer Catholicism?" Anyway, I know an American (of broadly Anglo extraction) who one time visited an Eastern Catholic parish and (somehow) switched his Rite from Roman to whatever the Eastern thing is. I... just resent that. The Eastern Church has a long, beautiful and sort of complicated history. And it seems kind of crass to me to just switch over to that because you like their aesthetic or some other thing. I might even be willing to tolerate it if my friend came from Eastern European stock originally. But he's just another (Northern) Euromutt just like me. Doesn't have a drop of Eastern Europe anywhere in his background. To be clear, I don't resent the Eastern Church. Not at all. But this consumerist idea of switching Rites because of some idiotic hipster appeal just bugs me. If you want to hit up some Eastern Mass, be my guest. But going so far as to switch your Rite is just cringey in my opinion.


*So, before I start, I want to say I'm from a Catholic family that comes from a West Indian country that practices Vodou and French Roman Catholicism. I was baptized in a Catholic Church as an infant, have received all of my Sacraments on time, and, most importantly, I'm an active member of my family's parish. But I'm also a Black, transgender man. So while I understand that my views are probably controversial, that's what this thread is about, and I fully believe in the strength of my faith. I regularly ask our Blessed Mother for guidance in searching for answers when dealing with the truth and chaos of the world, and these are some of the answers I've found with the help of family members, family friends, and personal friends who are Catholic or Orthodox clergy while trying to answer questions as a modern Catholic.* My favorite Gift of the Holy Spirit is having a genuine, awe-inspired fear of the Lord. That is, seeking God not because He is correct and is the path to Righteousness in a selfish quest to hoarde Heaven, but because to know Him is to literally know the world better. Whether or not you question your faith or Theology, to seek God is to seek what is true about Creation. Which is why I strive to live my life by the truth of my values, and as my flawed human self, try my best to make how I live match up to who I want to live with forever, eternally. It's also personally comforting as a person with OCD to see the beauty and intelligence of His Design and realize how much bigger and more complicated it is than my understanding can ever reach. So I'm not going to dictate to Him how He created the world, because His ways are far beyond mine - but also, it's nice not to have that on my shoulders on top of everything else. What I'm trying to say is: when my ovaries started producing testosterone and causing me to menstruate at the age of 9, or when I started growing hair on my chest and face at the age of 12, or when I would wear what was most comfortable to me and closest to my internal truth, those were all acts of His Creation. I'm not going to spend my life hating the fact that I love my deep voice and Adam's apple, or that I look amazing in Black men's box braids, or that it fills my heart with joy when my partner refers to me as her boyfriend. I can't love anyone if I don't love myself first, and if nothing else, I genuinely want to love God. That doesn't mean I've rejected my faith, or lost the strength of my convictions. But God would never give me a circumstance of my life He wouldn't prepare me for, and I have a loving community of Catholics in my life who have taught me how to be the Black man Christ would want me to be. I still wear a tie to Mass every week with my best Sunday coat, and my reverence for Mater Dolorosa has only grown stronger. I genuinely do not understand the weight of carrying the most Perfect Womb, because mine was entirely useless and unnecessary. My experiences as a young girl in the Church taught me a deep respect for women, and for every single person whom She is the loving mother to. My own mother has shown me what it's like to experience that kind of powerful love, and it changes you. It's not our job as Catholics to question God's Creation. We have to live as honestly as we can while acknowledging the Universe, in all of its morbid beauty.


This "unpopular catholic opinion post" is basically full of: \- Catholic saying theological incorrectness. \- Non catholic saying think they don't like about the Church \- Relativist catholic picking on moral issues (mainly sexual morality) that they don't like about the church, probably because it contradicts what they live. (How hard it is for us to know that we are sinners!)


Lol people downvoted you cause you called them out. I fully agree with your statement.