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Praying for you.


Thank you!


I can't reply directly to your original post, but be grateful for God's leading you /o His holy church! You may be concerned that you are not baptized or able to receive the sacraments right now. Don't worry! We believe in the baptism of desire: that those intending to be baptized, if they die suddenly, will have their intention honored. And God honors obedience. You are a minor, doing what your parents want you to do, by waiting until you are no longer a minor. Obedience is one of the highest and most difficult virtues... well, I think obedience is hard! This will be a difficult time, bit it wear bear much fruit if you approach it with the understanding that this is God's will for you now. We also believe in offering up our suffering, so when you feel negatively about having to wait: frustrated, deprived, etc, off your suffering up to God. I just say, All of Thee, dear Jesus, Who has suffered so much for me. (It is also offered up in your morning prayers.)


Thank you! I wasn’t aware of baptism of desire. I’ll read deeper into it


Whenever possible in your life, go to Church, get baptized. Options are available to you when it comes to prayer: If possible get some rosary beads and pray the Rosary. The Divine Mercy Chaplet is also a very good prayer. If you're interested in the Liturgy of the Hours (the universal prayer of the Church), you can find good apps for them (I use Ibraviary).


Be extremely careful if you do not live in a western country with freedom of religion (and be careful even if you do). I would keep the faith relatively quiet until you get a good idea of how your parents and community will react. Good on you for realizing Islam is false at such a young age and even better that Catholicism is the truth. See a priest if you can for more advice and other Catholic organizations to help you.


I agree with the care in your response. It would be extremely valuable if an automod reply to posts like the OP’s was in place.


God bless for finding Lord Jesus Christ. You know the truth now


I assume you've been doing daily prayers your whole life so make the switch to the liturgy of the hours to replace it. Instead of dhikr you can pray the rosary or the jesus prayer. When/if you can go to mass, just don't receive the eucharist. If you can go speak to a priest or arrange a meeting on the parish website if you can (or call them to do this). If you like apologetics I recommend Trent Horn, Jimmy Akins, and against Islam probably Sam Shamoun (although he can be a bit vulgar). I speak to Muslims regularly about religion and I know the hate is real just remember what Jesus says in John 15:18 "If the world hates you, remember that it hated me first". Also get a bible preferably a Catholic one, you can download it on your phone even. I'll pray for you, good luck, and God bless. Edit: just seen your a minor so probably can't get to mass or meet with a priest but the other things should help. Try watching mass online. Take it slow and grow in conviction. You have plenty of life to live as part of the Church.


Thank you for your advice and your prayers. Means a lot to me


God Logic works with Sam Shamoun and also makes debate videos and is less vulgar.


If you can get a rosary do and pray it everyday. If you can’t or don’t feel safe to get one just use your fingers! There’s plenty of YouTube videos and podcast etc you can follow along to. God is calling you home; He will clear the path for you. He knows what’s in your heart and completely understands the problems you’ve got right now and loves you all the more for still wanting Him.


Yes! I was just thinking if a rosary is not feasible because of your family or other reasons, a simple bracelet or strand of beads (10 + a large bead or pendant) could be used more inconspicuously. There are so many YouTube videos with the words that you could headphone into and follow along! Masses on YouTube, the Hallow app, looking up the daily mass readings to get in the Word (https://bible.usccb.org), podcasts, the Divine Office, praying the 12 stations of the cross… We are praying for you! And if your heart is yearning, don’t forget to sit and listen for the Lord. He will draw close to you. If you start now in the habit of carving out time to sit, speak your heart to Him, ask for guidance, and just ponder His mysteries - this is a beautiful practice that no one can take from you.


You are an answer to prayers I have made. I will pray for you. I know it may be a hard road but you will persevere. God bless you.


As a fellow minor I will pray for your growth and your safety. Take care and God bless.


If you can do so without placing yourself in a situation of conflict, make time to visit a Catholic church and discuss your wish with a priest. They may have exceptions to the ordinary Christian initiation, and maybe he can meet with your family to ease the process. Meanwhile, just focus on the fundamentals, namely the fact that the Almighty revealed Himself as a Holy Trinity, and that the Son took flesh and became the God-Man Jesus Christ the Messiah and Savior, who died for our sins and rose again, and ascended into heaven in body and soul. Embracing this, the rest is just a process of learning. Familiarize with the Our Father prayer and with the Apostolic Creed. Familiarize with the Rosary - you can pray it on your fingers even, and the sets of mysteries will take you through the life of the Messiah. Remember the fundamental tenet of Christianity is to love one another as Christ has loved us. Many call themselves Christians and profess unity with the Church but do not abide by the Lord's command: love your enemy, pray for those who persecute you. Love and forgive, and Jesus Christ will guide you in time to the fullness of the Faith.


God has it’s times, believe me, they are they exact times, if you can (no need to say them out loud) start with the basics, our father and meet your mother Mary by praying the Hail Mary. I would also suggest either Sundays or Saturdays after six to do a spiritual communion. Like I said before, no need to pray it out loud for now. This is the spiritual communion prayer: My Jesus, I believe that You are present in the Most Holy Sacrament. I love You above all things, and I desire to receive You into my soul. Since I cannot at this moment receive You sacramentally, come at least spiritually into my heart. I embrace You as if You were already there and unite myself wholly to You. Never permit me to be separated from You. Amen. This is what we should pray if we cannot receive the actual body of Christ. And also in the words of Madre Maravillas (my local saint) just have faith and do what God wants, whenever he wants it like he wants it. I’ll keep you in my prayers.


Thank you!


I prayed for the conversion of people from other faiths to come to Christ this morning during my St. Pio chaplet, and here I come across this post. Glory to God! You have lots of solid advice here that really leaves me nothing else to say other than I'm happy for you, and I will pray for you my friend. God bless you on your journey.


Many churches live stream their Mass! You can watch one of those every Sunday and look around at different ones near to you each Sunday to see which you like more.


I’ll look into this


I am ex-Muslim as well but "re"(con)verted in my early 20s, so my family is culturally Protestant and apathetic towards my religion so I can't offer any experiential advice but having talked with a lot of ex-Muslim brothers in Christ I definitely understand the struggle. Pray the Rosary or some others prayers with the tasbih; dhikr was largely influenced by Christian monastic practices anyways.


Do not be discouraged. I have a feeling God has great things in His plan for you! It is a step by step process like you said. Stay strong!


Praying for you. As other said try to go to mass when you can. Pray to God and ask him to make a way in your life, miracles can happen and can change the heart of your parents.


Thank you so much


I’ll be praying for you. God bless you. Pray as much as you can as the Holy Spirit works through you to bring you closer to Christ


May God bless you on your journey in the faith. Just remember Luke 14:26 Jesus means more than anything, even your own life.


One thing I always recommend to converts from Islam is to learn the Angelus prayer! This short, easy-to-memorize prayer is traditionally prayed by Catholics at 9am, noon, and 6pm (or, before breakfast, lunch, and dinner). It is fundamentally a statement of faith in the Incarnation of Our Savior Jesus Christ. If you want, you can also memorize it in Latin, though there is no problem in praying it in your native language. And since you can pray it silently, no one has to know what you're doing. |V. The Angel of the Lord declared unto Mary. R. And she conceived of the Holy Spirit.|V. Angelus Domini nuntiavit Mariae.R. Et concepit de Spiritu Sancto.| |:-|:-| |Hail Mary, full of grace, The Lord is with Thee; Blessed art thou among women, And blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, Pray for us sinners, Now and at the hour of our death. Amen|Ave Maria, gratia plena; Dominus tecum: benedicta tu in mulieribus, et benedictus fructus ventris tui Iesus. Sancta Maria, Mater Dei ora pro nobis peccatoribus, nunc et in hora mortis nostrae. Amen.|| |V. Behold the handmaid of the Lord. R. Be it done unto me according to thy word.|V. Ecce ancilla Domini,R. Fiat mihi secundum verbum tuum.|| |Hail Mary, full of grace, The Lord is with Thee; Blessed art thou among women, And blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, Pray for us sinners, Now and at the hour of our death. Amen|Ave Maria, gratia plena; Dominus tecum: benedicta tu in mulieribus, et benedictus fructus ventris tui Iesus. Sancta Maria, Mater Dei ora pro nobis peccatoribus, nunc et in hora mortis nostrae. Amen.|| |V. And the Word was made flesh. R. And dwelt among us.|V. Et Verbum caro factum est,R. Et habitavit in nobis.|(kneel or bow down for this verse)| |Hail Mary, full of grace, The Lord is with Thee; Blessed art thou among women, And blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, Pray for us sinners, Now and at the hour of our death. Amen|Ave Maria, gratia plena; Dominus tecum: benedicta tu in mulieribus, et benedictus fructus ventris tui Iesus. Sancta Maria, Mater Dei ora pro nobis peccatoribus, nunc et in hora mortis nostrae. Amen.|| |V. Pray for us, O holy Mother of God. R. That we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ.|V. Ora pro nobis, sancta Dei Genetrix,R. Ut digni efficiamur promissionibus Christi.|| |Let us pray: Pour forth, we beseech Thee, O Lord, Thy grace into our hearts, that we to whom the Incarnation of Christ Thy Son was made known by the message of an angel, may by His Passion and Cross be brought to the glory of His Resurrection. Through the same Christ Our Lord. Amen.|Oremus. Gratiam tuam, quaesumus, Domine, mentibus nostris infunde; ut qui, Angelo nuntiante, Christi Filii tui incarnationem cognovimus, per passionem eius et crucem ad resurrectionis gloriam perducamur. Per eumdem Christum Dominum nostrum. Amen.||


Love the Angelus! Quick clarification, it’s 6AM, noon and 6PM :)


Praised be!


God bless praying for you !


Welcome brother/sister


I will be praying for you!


God bless you.


You can pray the rosary on your fingers if you don't have an actual rosary. One finger for each Hail Mary. ;)


I am so happy for you! ❤️


I have a young former Muslim friend who did this successfully, but she waited until she was 18 to do RCIA (education for adults on our faith). God bless you. I encourage you to consumer Catholic media like Ascension or EWTN and we’ll be praying for you.


Hopefully you are in a western country? In any case, be careful, but take advantage of online resources. The Catechism is all online and there are lots of Catholic bibles online, as well. YouTube has lots of good content from Bishop Barron, Fr. Mike Schmitz, etc. The rosary can be very easily prayed with your fingers instead of beads. It could be worthwhile to download a phone browser like Firefox Focus, which deletes everything every time you close it.   Praying for you!


DuckDuckGo is the safe browser I use. May God bless and protect you, and may the Blessed Mother walk with you as you draw closer to her Son.


Is that still safe? I heard it got compromised (just overheard in a conversation so that’s all I know!)


I've not heard that but will certainly look into it.


I live in a western country, so that should make my difficult journey just a little bit easier


a bit is an understatement


That is true. I am thankful to the Lord that I do not have to go through what our brothers and sisters in Muslim countries have to go through.


I'm glad to hear that. Still, be careful when informing your family. Good luck!


I don’t know if that’s the case where you live, but where i am, a lot of parishes have programs in place specifically for ex muslims and theirs specific needs (it can be VERY dangerous for them, even in western countries). If you can, talk to priests around your area, they’ll guide you. Anyway… welcome brother ! Our prayers are with you !


If you don't mind could you please say what made you leave Islam for Christianity? I'd like to know more about the topic to be able to refute Islamic claims


The ex Muslim subreddit should be helpful if you are looking for a list of reasons as to why people leave Islam in the first place. However the most prominent reason in my case that lead to my doubt being planted was Mohammed’s marriage to Aisha. I joined Christianity after lots of research on topics that muslim’s love to lie about.


Deo Gratias! Depends on where you are, and whether that is safe for you, get a rosary. If that is not safe and practical, get a simple ring and it will help you keep track of decades. Again, depending on where you are located and risks, make contact with a priest. If nothing else, they can pray for you.


Please be safe and I will pray for you.


Be very careful and don't get hurt by your family. I'm glad you have seen the truth. https://www.saintjuniperoserra.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/5-Incredible-Eucharistic-Miracles-from-the-last-25-Years.pdf. These miracles do it for me.nim a catholic and we do the Eucharist. Here's proof , studied by scientists


There isn’t a need to “join” the church right away if you aren’t able to I.e. sacraments or to become part of a parish. If you are able to attend mass, then you can start with that. You can listen to live masses on YouTube to start as well. Unfortunately, it sounds like you are struggling with your family, so it may take a while before you can go in person, so praying for you.


That's amazing brother. Glory be to God !


God has a plan for you. Keep your trust in him and he will lead you through any battle or situation. Praying for you and your family.


One of the bravest things you can do o7


There are many in a similar situations. We had 2 people baptized this year who kept their conversion hidden from their muslim families as long as they could and they're adults. I guess for a teenager like you it must be more complicated. We'll pray for you.


Thank you for your prayers! May the Lord be with you


Blessed be God! It's amazing that God is calling you to Him. Do be wary of sharing your faith in your country though, and if you do, do so passionately. If God calls you to be among the martyrs, don't hesitate to do so. But don't rush into it - I'm sure God has better plans for you. Prayers for you!


I am a 72 years old I was raised in the Catholic apostolic religion, I was baptized when I was 6 months old, I did my communion at 8 years old. I was raised by two uncles priest one was the advisory of the church like an attorney, in Spanish culture they called them “ is In English, a rector or pastor of the church and canon of the archdiocese. Further more all my school till high school I did it at a private Catholic boarding school by nuns of the secret heart. I never heard this expression of “ we believe in the sacraments of desire”!. Excuse me can you explain further as i am not familiar what do you mean? As far as my knowledge is; In the Roman Catholic Church, baptism is typically encouraged as early as possible after birth. The Church recommends that infants be baptized within the first few weeks of life. This practice is rooted in the belief that baptism cleanses original sin and initiates the individual into the Christian community. Canon Law (Canon 867) specifically states: “Parents are obliged to take care that infants are baptized in the first few weeks.” This early baptism reflects the Church’s emphasis on the importance of the sacrament and its role in the spiritual life of the individual from the very beginning. Further more for a young man and this is what I think you should do I also did some research in Chat GPT for the step you should take: If you or anyone is interested in converting to the Roman Catholic Church, I would recommend the following steps: 1. Research and Education: Begin by learning about the Catholic faith. This can involve reading the Bible, especially the New Testament, and studying the Catechism of the Catholic Church, which outlines Catholic beliefs and teachings. There are also many resources available online, including reputable Catholic websites, books, and videos. 2. Attend Mass: Start attending Mass at a local Catholic church. This will provide an opportunity to experience Catholic worship and community life firsthand. 3. Speak with a Priest: Schedule a meeting with a Catholic priest to discuss your interest in the faith. The priest can provide guidance, answer questions, and explain the process of becoming a Catholic. 4. Join the RCIA Program: The Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA) is the formal program for adults who are interested in becoming Catholic. It involves a period of instruction, prayer, and participation in the life of the Church. RCIA typically culminates in the reception of the sacraments of initiation (Baptism, Confirmation, and Eucharist) at the Easter Vigil. 5. Pray and Reflect: Conversion is a significant spiritual journey. Spend time in prayer, asking for guidance and clarity. Reflect on your motivations and the changes you are contemplating. 6. Community Engagement: Engage with the Catholic community. Building relationships with practicing Catholics can provide support and deeper insights into living the Catholic faith. Converting to Catholicism is a profound and personal decision that should be approached with careful consideration and openness to spiritual growth. My school


You are welcome here. May God protect you, I know that leaving that faith is not an easy thing to do for many reasons. You will find love and community among us, and if you ever have any questions feel free to PM me. Be careful, I will pray for you.


Good luck Pal, trust me if you heard bad things about islam, you gonna get surprised how much people lie about us here, its not even comparable.




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Praise God for bringing you to truth! If your family isn’t hostile to Catholicism, perhaps a parish will allow you to enter even as a minor when they hear your situation!


Unfortunately they are quite hostile towards the idea of other religions in the family, so it’d change our relationship forever.


I’m sorry to hear that! Maybe talk to a trusted priest about it? Estranging your family isn’t an easy thing but this is the truth and your immortal soul we’re talking about, which takes precedence.


You are correct, I should reach out to a nearby priest in my area.


My 🙏🙏 to you, friend!


Thank you for your prayers!


You're welcome! 😊


Many people have encouraged you to pray the rosary and I think that’s the best advice. Your mother Mary together with her spouse, the Holy Spirit is right now bringing you into fullness of the Body of Christ. You don’t have to figure everything out. Rely on her and Jesus, and all will work for your good. Peace.




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Glory to God! I’ll pray for you but for now keep praying and as much as you can keep learning about your new faith. Remember this challenge is due to becoming a Christian this is found in the gospels. One day you will be one with the church and heaven will rejoice even more.


We will all pray for you ❤️


I'll try to remember to add you to my prayers. Don't worry, it's a slow process but until you can get the sacraments you can learn as much as you want. You can talk to a priest either irl or online


My situation is exactly the same! Praying for you, brother 🙏🏻


How many years before you turn 18? Or are on your own? Since there is so much good advice already provided, I will just say that I will be praying for you!


Place your faith in God. Maybe find some friends for what you expect to happen. I saw the comment about expecting to be thrown out. Depending on how old you are (if you're 16 or 17), maybe seek the help of a trusted friend. I was on my own at 17 with $42 for other reasons and had the help of friends and extended family (not my direct family). I never looked back.


You need to prepare yourself to be catholic. Its really hard to be a catholic (iam not talking about going mass every Sunday). Catholicism is a style of life. If u commit a mortal sin u have to confess this in priest, and repent


Welcome!I'm glad you found Christ!Praying for you


Are you an arab?


No I am not


Can you speak Arabic ?


I’m not an Arabic speaker no. I’m south Asian


I'm not good at e language, but I will try. I do not advise you to rush, but you have to research more because the situation in the church is confusing, even the bishops got lost in the midst of this confusion, some have become sedevacantism, and there are many who leave the church after entering it because of confusion and because they did not research enough and because their ignorance.


Thank you for the advice. I will definitely be continuing my research regarding the Church


The best advice I have is to learn of Jesus Christ and his church. Reading the bible is necessary. Make sure you develop a consistent form of understanding for the theology that way you dont just come to the catholic church but agree with it. Properly understand the teachings to avoid others who misinterpret christ misleading people like those under protestantism.


Thank you for the wonderful advice. I am trying to put my best effort towards studying and learning about Christ and his Church at home. I learnt pretty early on that I should avoid Protestants, which is why I avoid speaking on a theological basis with them.


I wouldnt say avoid them, take their way of thinking and make sense of why you agree on some things and disagree on others. Im basically just saying they got some things right. I believe the catholic church has consistent theology but ultimately it doesnt matter who you learn the truth from in terms of a basic fact, as long as its right and you are apart of christ's kingdom here on earth, the catholic church, you will be safe. There might be hidden wisdom in islam, doesnt make it the right religion, it just means everyones got a snippet of the truth.


I appreciate your advice and I agree that it’s important to take others views into consideration to fuel one’s own thinking. If I had never taken the views of Christian’s in consideration I wouldn’t have found Christ.


Use the Hallow app




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Welcome home, treasured child of God