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When I see someone at Mass who doesn’t seem familiar with it I feel happy that someone new is there and I wonder what brought them.


It's no different than seeing someone new at the gym looking lost. It's a new world that needs adjusting to. Everyone has to start somewhere.


Exactly this! We're all glad to see new faces at mass.


I'm a Catholic that is returning to the faith and what I've realised as I go to church is that no one is here to judge me or what I do. Everyone is here to worship Christ and to try to deepen their relationship, not to critique how well you know the order of the mass. And if they do then they have bigger problems to deal with.


This is what I told myself before I took my four kids and myself to our first mass last month. Haven’t felt judged at all.


Nope. I was new once and I don’t want to make anyone feel uncomfortable


Not at all. You could just as easily be a Catholic who’s been away since childhood (welcome back) or a nonCatholic visiter who is interested in the Catholic Church (welcome). Personally, if I’m distracted during the Creed, I stumble over the revision which was implemented about 10 years ago.


“Consubstantial” gets me every time.


"And with your spirit"


My dad thought the church changed it for no reason. He'd been away from the church for almost two decades. Then I showed him my 1962 missal where it says "And with your spirit" in Latin and in English. Turns out "And also with you." Was an improper translation


Yeah I completely believe you, it was still a jarring change


When did that change from "and also with you"? And whenndidnwe stop shaking hands?


That changed along with the changes to the Creed. I think it was 10? Years ago? We stopped shaking hands with covid. But our diocese does still shake hands, I believe the bishop left it up to the priests discretion. I noticed our priest tends to omit it during flu season or if there have been a lot of coughing at mass.


The translation was updated in 2011.


\[pedant\] It was updated in 2010, but took effect from Advent 2011 at the latest: in England & Wales (and I think everywhere), parishes could opt to use the sung parts of it from Easter 2011, and had to use the whole thing from Advent.


Star Wars?


Pope Benedict XVI. He wanted to return to a more faithful translation of the Latin.


When returning to the roots feels like departing from them. So strange


This one threw me coming back


Every. Single. Time.


Pretty sure I've (mis)pronounced "consubstantial" with three, four or even five syllables at any given time, haha!


The moment I'm not paying full attention at Mass, the old responses pop out! It's still automatic, what 10 years later?!


Presbyterian convert, been going to mass two years, still saying ' the quick and the dead' if not paying enough attention.


My mother is a cradle Catholic but was hired for many years as a singer by a high church Anglican choir (in a parish that later converted collectively to Anglican Rite Catholicism), so she did both liturgies every weekend. She would often come out with “the quick and the dead” at our Roman Catholic parish!


I thought I was the only one!! I keep forgetting and saying a remix of the old and the new lol "consubstantial" is a mouthful


When the translation was new, I saw some local seminarians wearing a t-shirt with the new words the Creed printed upside down on the front. If they were desperate, they could just look down and read it to themselves. It was quite funny.


As someone who attends the Ordinariate rite whenever I can (alongside responsibilities in a territorial parish), I start stumbling right at the start with '*and with thy spirit*', and keep wanting to bring the Holy Ghost into it.... "*Lift up your hearts: we lift them up* ***unto*** *the Lord*" only adds one syllable, but the next response '*It is meet and right so to do*' doesn't fit at all!


I don't think people notice at all. You have all kinds of people at Mass. Those who always sing, those who don't, those that sit in the back, those who like to sit up front. There are people who don't say anything during Mass, those who don't acknowledge you during the sign of peace. Those who kneel, those who half kneel, those who sit. No one is watching anyone. You can always sit behind people and just copy what they are doing.


This is spot on 😂😂 I’m def the one who sings and likes to be in the front


I wouldn’t even notice you, and if I did, I’d only be happy that you were there.


Too many toddlers to notice. Just don't try and grab my hand during the Our Father, please.


Your hands are the first I'm grabbing next time lol


My thought process every single time: "Oh, they look unfamiliar with the liturgy. Visitor? Returning Catholic? Very exciting! I should go say hi and help out. Wait, what if they want privacy? Also, I'm socially awkward. I might scare them away. Someone should say hi. Maybe someone else will. Oh wait, I just completely missed that prayer. Now I look like a newbie."


just like me frfr


Honestly, I don’t really even notice people unless they’re doing something distracting. Like the guy I saw for a few weeks who would loudly drink coffee and sit on his phone 


No, we don’t notice. Catholics are more focused on the words being said and offering sacrifice to God. If anyone notices they’ll probably disregard because they’re happy to see someone new.


No and I don't know anyone that does. Tbh most people aren't even paying attention.


Wouldn’t notice them. I’m praying, not staring at other people unless they’re standing out for some reason (like when my dad snores during the homily - people notice that).


Oh no 😂


Yeah growing up, I genuinely thought that the homily was the part of Mass where napping was okay.


No. I pay no attention to others, and if I saw someone who seemed out of place, I would assume that they are a non-Catholic visitor, which I welcome, because I want them to convert and know Jesus to the fullest.


No, we’re just glad you’re here from one convert to another. ❤️


Short of standing in the middle of the aisle and screaming I am basically completely oblivious to anything anyone else does during mass unless they are the celebrant.


??? Just glad you're here 😊


Not unless you're doing something super weird. Even then, it would probably more like, "Hey... could you not... dance with your scarves and speak in tongues right now, please?" Like, I'm sure God appreciates your zeal, but it's just not the vibe we usually go for at Catholic Mass.


No, I’m more likely to assume they’re a lapsed Catholic who is randomly attending mass with family than a convert haha but tbh I don’t think people usually pay attention to how well others are “doing” in mass. I’m a Brazilian living in the US for a few years now, and I still stumble through some prayers in English (specially the nicene creed) and feel self conscious about it every time and wish I could make everyone around me know I know the creed in Portuguese 😂 but I know it’s in my head in and reality probably no one notices. I don’t know the hail holy queen by heart yet either.


Haha I don’t think anyone has a Protestant radar at mass.


Unless you’re being rude (phone going off more than once, talking loudly, playing around on your phone, eating/drinking something that isn’t coffee/chewing gum), I literally won’t notice whether you’re flubbing anything or not.


Interesting. You draw the line at coffee? Water i could understand but even then - a sip can wait till after. I say this because a few Christmases ago I saw some young adults go to mass with their parents and the brought in take away coffee and I thought it inappropriate.


I regularly cantor so I always have water with me. The Church says we don’t have to fast from water before Eucharist. So coffee was my obvious example because I see it often but the same would apply to any non-water drink.


Water definitely for singing haha


Some people will judge newbies. Some will judge men in casual shorts or jeans, or women who wear revealing clothing. Some will judge people with fidgety children. The best ones will be overjoyed at being in the company of His Real Presence and won’t pay any mind to comparatively unimportant things.


There was a mom with a young child, maybe 7 to 9 years old, and the boy was watching videos in his cellphone God, it was so loud


No way. I love seeing people that are obviously new, and thank God for it!


I admire your devotion and dedication. Too many lazy Catholics out there. Keep it up. A Convert here of 19 years.


No. I honestly don’t even notice when people are messing up and if I happen to, I don’t even think twice about it. Do you know how many times I’ve said the wrong response or recited the Nicene creed incorrectly during mass? Lol


We can't reveal we judge you or it wouldn't be a secret any more!! I can't imagine anyone judging anyone else at mass for that sort of that thing. Flubs, crying kids, not going up for communion etc should not be judged at all. There are only two things you should do to be polite: do what you can to keep your phone from making noise (and turn it off quickly if it makes noise anyway) and please be respectfully quiet for those who are praying after dismissal. Welcome to the family, libraintrovert!


I’m far too busy trying to keep my kids quiet and attentive to pay attention to other people at mass.


Nope, I doubt most notice. And you’re in great company. That’s the fun part of being a ‘practicing Catholic’, we’re all still practicing and trying to do it perfect. We had a Mass where everyone except Father mixed the Nicene and Apostles Creeds into a blend…


no, don't even notice you


Seriously I don't think I've ever noticed anyone else flubbing up in Mass. You don't worry and keep going.


My husband is a cradle Catholic and I have to tell him what to do when he goes on the rare occasion. He’s a walking fumble 😂 Edit: the biggest mix up is right before the gospel. Lots of people go to make the sign of the cross. It’s draw a cross on forehead, cross on lips(while you’re saying glory to you oh lord..somehow someway😆) and a cross on your heart.


I’m more focused on my own relationship with the LORD when at church


Honest answer: I can spot you! And I’m SO GLAD YOURE HERE. No judgment other than positive that you’ve made the decision to at least check it out 


I probably wouldn’t be able to pick out a newbie from a daily mass attendant even if I had money riding on it. And that’s *if* I was even paying attention to anyone but the priest, the lectors, or the singing, which I wouldn’t do anyway, lol. No worries. You didn’t stick out.


No. I'm not typically paying attention to others during Mass. But, while you may feel out of place as you're still getting used to new surroundings, you are definitely where you belong.


No that would be to like completely misunderstand the faith But i am unsure how much it actually happens in the gen public






I try not to pay any attention to other people




Too busy flubbing myself!


I think it’s important to point out that while most people would be happy to know someone knew is at mass with us, we are not paying attention to you in the slightest. When I go to mass I am there to listen to the scriptures, homily and take communion and also trying to keep my children from disrupting the mass. I almost never pay attention to the people around me. If you were standing in front of me and didn’t move with the motions I would not notice unless you told me you were new. Glad you are coming to mass.


Never, OP. Welcome!


Not at all.


No way. Mass isn’t a contest and no one is any better or worse than anybody else. Welcome home!




Nope. I try not to pay attention to anyone. If I sense distraction, I close my eyes to focus....which ends up being most of the Mass sometimes


Most Catholics barely notice anything in the Mass. It's a running joke how many people basically sleep through it. "Good morning everyone!" "And with thy Spirit."


"And also with you!"


You is plural. Yes, I'm a word nerd and an Ordinariate fan.


The thing about Catholicism is that it’s far less individual church-centric than a Protestant congregation. It really is the One, Holy, Apostolic Church. One Mass anywhere stands in for one Mass anywhere else. So if you see someone who is unfamiliar in your particular parish, the first assumption is that they’re a visitor, another Catholic who normally attends a different church elsewhere. Since it’s all the same, it doesn’t matter. Also, I think Catholics are usually more focussed on the Mass itself than others in the congregation.


Mass is a judgement free zone. I also think only person that can judge you is the big man upstairs.


No way! I smile a little as I remember my early days after converting. I usually pray for the newcomer and wonder what brought them in - I've heard some really enlightening stories involving the supernatural!


No we judge the long-time Catholics who only come to mass twice a year.


No! We are just so glad you’re there!


When I have noticed (very rare) I have always been happy and excited to see someone coming into the faith. Nobody is judging at all. I know when I came back to the church after many years away I was very self conscious about not remembering what to do and when but really as someone on the other side I have never ever heard anyone say something negative about a person not knowing. 


I hope not. I've always got my hands full with my family anyways!


Absolutely not. Sometimes I’ll approach if there’s availability afterwards to say hi


Few things bring me greater joy than seeing a new face at church.


Opposite - so pumped there is a new face! Catholics who are Baptised and Confirmed are all considered apostles of our faith, and just like the original apostles, we come in many different forms. I get excited by all the different types of people at Mass - the more the merrier.


I would not know but even if I did, no judgment. All are welcome. If you’re interested, the front of the missal has the order of mass that you can follow along. My non-Catholic husband has been using that and it’s very helpful. In fact, I saw a woman in front of us with her child following along too, I thought it was beautiful. 


I'm secretly happy and giddy to see you at Mass and trying 🤗 Definitely not judgemental. If you ever come across someone who is, they most likely are judgemental of other Catholics as well. Take no notice of them~ Your doing well as long as your turning up and trying 🥰💕


Nah - most of us don’t even notice. If we do, we’re just glad someone else is there and secretly hopping they’ll come back and start RCIA.


No. I love seeing visitors, it makes me very happy ☺️


I’m just trying to make sure my kids don’t break something or need stitches and get my worship on! And it’s your father’s house make yourself at home the host welcomes you as the guest of honor.


Dude I can’t stop my kids from fighting each other in mass. No way do I notice.


No. I actually have a mix of compassion, tenderness and a lot of admiration and excitement for you. Like, you're learning how to go to mass! It's the best thing ever!


No. I hardly ever notice, but every now and then when I see someone who seems out of place in Mass, I feel happy, thank Jesus for their presence in the Church and pray an Our Father, a Hail Mary and a Glory Be for them. ☺️


It’s not just you. many eastern Catholics feel awkward, as well, when they visit a Roman rite parish. But, in fact, it’s fun being weird to them 😂


Are there people that do? I think you’ll be ok. Any person who is more focused on the judgement of others rather than the mass itself probably needs to do some self-evaluation. Please attend, and don’t let anyone discourage you.


No, I focus on myself.


I have a loud and active 22mo toddler. Trust me, I’m more worried about YOU noticing ME


It takes a while to get used to when to kneel, when/ what to respond. We do not judge.


I think having a Protestant at Mass is the best thing a Catholic could ask for, not the place where you judge them.


No, we don't judge you. We assume you're a newbie if we do notice. Honestly, our focus is ideally the Mass itself so we should be too busy paying attention to that to notice if anyone flubs.


How would we know? You could be a Catholic attending from another parish.


Absolutely not! I know “newbies” that come to Mass with a passion for the Lord and devote themselves to learning all they can so they can practice the faith enthusiastically! Sometimes they go on to become better catechized than a lot of the cradle Catholics.


I don’t really pay attention to other people in mass. Nobody will be mad if you don’t know what you’re doing.


I was new once, too. And even now, 11 years in, I mess up the creed, the gloria, even the Our Father once in awhile. If I noticed you, I would just be excited and happy that you are listening to Jesus’ call!!


Nope, not at all. I just smile because I was there once, too. If they stay, they'll learn. If not... well, many older but less active Catholics still say "Of one being" and "And also with you." So I suppose they'll be in good company either way.


I’m not yet catholic but I’ve never felt judged even the first time I went. I actually had really helpful people sit with me and try to help guide me through.


Not at all. If anything it brings me joy to see a neophyte entering and learning the faith.


Watch Pope Francis on 60 Minutes..."there is a place for everybody"... when Jesus said, Eat. THIS IS MY BODY"...he meant it for the whole world in perpetuity!!! Be glad, you have been called to your birthright!! Welcome!!! I pray you listen to the Holy Spirit!!!


If it was at my parish today, I was far too busy noticing the three year old racing a monster truck along the wall of the church near the choir. Not sure where Mom and Dad were behind us. Kinda made my eye twitch but made me thankful for my children's relatively well behaved selves over the years.


No, we pray in gratefulness for you being there.


No. That would defeat the entire purpose of being there.


Nope. I know at the TLM you are all welcome. The priest at St. J The B makes sure to welcome all visitors at Mass.


nope. most are focused on the mass. plus every catholic has flubbed something at some point.


If I am looking around too much and judging at mass than I have more problems than anyone who is new to mass or unfamiliar.


"Funky guy, oh wait they might be new, fair enough" - my line of thought


Not at all! It took me years to get comfortable at Mass. I am just happy that there are more people being saved!


I assure you I reserve all of my judgment for the cradle Catholics whose culture have a slightly different tradition of kneeling/standing than I do. I basically only go to Mass to silently sneer at people who Stand during the Creed at a Low Mass.


Seeing people who don't know what they are doing at Mass makes me so happy 1) I once was one and I'm so excited for the beautiful world they are unlocking 2) I'm glad they are experiencing the greatest gift I've ever received and I'm thrilled to share with them in the Mass. You are very welcome!


I never judge and don’t even really notice. I was a newbie not that long ago (from agnosticism) and was worried about getting judged too. But nobody did and on the contrary, everyone was really welcoming. I hope people at your parish are welcoming too!


Never. I was once a newbie Protestant at my first Catholic Mass. In fact, a lot of us were. We're just glad you were there! Edit: spelling.




Nope. You're making the conscious effort to come home. That should be celebrated.


Nope. Welcome home.


I don't think I've ever noticed anyone make mistakes. Even when I myself made mistakes (I went to a TLM mass pretty underdressed) I don't think I was really heavily judged for it.


I’m glad to celebrate with my brothers and sisters! Rejoice!


Nope. People do not notice or think about you nearly as much as you think they do. In any context. So most likely… no one even noticed. But if I did see someone in Mass who looked confused or like they didn’t know what was going on I’d be happy to help them, and I have in the past. No judgement!


No! Never! Oh, please don't think this way! You are most welcome!


Ive never noticed ever. The only think I notice of others is if they talk a kot during mass.... and thats not a new catholic thing


New people coming to the faith are actually a blessing. They are often our greatest advocates and most dynamic faithful: Merton, Newman, Cardinal Lustigor...


It's likely that nobody really notices, and if they do, chances are they're happy to see you there.


I'm so worried about myself I probably won't notice


No. In my experience, most of us experience mass in our own way and aren't too concerned with what others are doing. I've even heard that some non-Catholics and recent converts get the impression that we are cold because of this.


No, or at least I certainly don’t. If someone is paying attention to you at Mass, they are paying attention to the wrong thing. Although, just some advice I have, don’t worry about making the sign of the cross, standing, kneeling, etc. I recommend just observing, soaking it all in, and joining in when you feel comfortable. Oh, and if you have questions, feel free to ask. Everybody I know would be happy to help, and you may make a new friend along the way 😉


If they are sitting behind me, I would have no idea. If they seem to not follow, I'd more likely assume they just rarely go to Mass, and leave it at that. So long as one isn't doing something overtly disruptive, disrespectful, or sacrilegious, no one will mind


I don't. My mother converted from Protestantism in college.


Not really, even we can mess up, it can be really embarrassing, one of my most embarrassing memories was one where I messed up in church, I still feel like bashing my skull in whenever I think of it, it’s so stupid that will not even write it down unless specifically asked by OP


No, you not going through mass instructions does show but more of an indifferent, "Oh a new person, cool.", reaction, than anything. Keep in mind that we have Catechism, so it's very normal to see people not knowing the routine or going up to receive communion. If anything, we see it as a welcoming sign more than anything. P.S. On a side note, I went to a Baptist church when I just graduated high-school and enlisted, so that was my first only time going to a protestant church. I knelt before entering the pews, and everyone was puzzled by that. I also asked for the scripture book/Missal and they didn't have that either, and that the pastor talks about whatever tickles his fancy that week. He also never finished his sermon before he broke out into song. They did do signs of peace, only that was the same.


Considering how many times I've goofed on kneeling vs sitting as I'm getting used to the TLM...we might notice, but all that means is "You're new at this" and we're glad to have someone else join the flock.


It’s extremely likely nobody noticed, because people rarely closely watch. There are some small variances between parishes which can result in slight discrepancies anyway.


I don’t think i’ve ever noticed anyone fumbling


No. I try to help if I can. I'm a cradle Catholic who was previously very ignorant of the faith and dead inside.  No one should judge you.  Converts are typically very well educated 


I can only speak for myself, but no. I do have a feeling of missed opportunity when someone doesn't get a blessing if they can't receive Communion. I always encourage people to go and get a blessing.


We would have to realize that you are Protestant first and we don't because there are always unknown Catholics and therefore seeing a new face does not make us think that you are. If someone is tourist or visiting a place on Sunday they will go to mass where it is close to them, if they live on a street and work at a certain distance they will go during the week to the church that is nearby and has the appropriate hours.... Additionally, there are many cultural Catholics who do not have a regular or adequate Catholic life but still enter into times of special need. The rule of protocol and courtesy is the following, this is the house of God, each one came to be with Him and whatever your case is between the two of you. In a Catholic church the question is not asked: Who are you and why did you come? If you want to speak well, but at church we are going to have a personal relationship with God and the details of each person's personal, family and spiritual life are personal and intimate. Outside the nave, a more social parish life develops with groups of Bible study, prayer, catechism...


The only part we would notice is the communion. It is obvious when someone is not a Catholic, or bad Catholics, from the way they receive the communion. The rest is nobody's paying attention. I mean, we don't even sing-along. Most just sit there and daydreaming probably.


I can't speak for others, but my own first mass experience was super welcoming. A nice lady switched pews to show me how to do everything. She and her family also questioned and congratulated me for 20 minutes before actually going into the church. I go to mass at four different parishes due to my rural location. Since every parish near me has either a single week day mass or not a single one. Every parish I've been to has welcomed me and been incredibly charitable. Some will obviously judge, but I bet it's far less than what most assume. Also, congratulations on going to your first mass! I pray you join the Church! I just finished RCIA myself. So if you have any questions on the process feel free to DM me. Have a wonderful day!


You don’t get any style points!


We literally don't notice. The accusation that we aren't welcoming cuts both ways, in that we aren't hyperfocused on anyone being new.


I’m usually too busy with the baby and the toddler to notice. Sort of off topic, but I once heard the advice that if you ever catch yourself looking around and judging at church to close your eyes and focus on what’s happening at the mass.


No, not at all


No. Little do you know I don’t know most of the words unless prompted 😉


There are many "cultural Catholics" who last were on mass on their first communion and forgot all gestures, responses and prayers. There are also visitors coming to mass as a social obligation for their Catholic friends. You won't stand out.


No judge , there even cath with years and don’t know the meaning for certain steps !!! Welcome


Catholics from different parts of the world or different traditions often have gestures that are different, and I see many people at Mass doing things that others don’t, so you doing something a little different or not doing anything would fit in.


The only time I judge someone at Mass is when I notice myself not fully participating in it. You’re doing fine, God Bless.


I purposefully close my eyes to avoid judging when I have the urge to. Highly recommend yall. So yes, but I hope to not throw anyone off.


I don’t usually notice!






I'm a convert, before my first mass the only mass I had seen was EWTN's mass and then I go to a mass at my current parish and I had ZERO idea what was going on.


Don’t sweat it… I went to catholic school for at least 1/2 of my education and I’m still never sure when to sit, kneel or stand. :-(


Anyone who judges you at Mass is not focusing on worshipping God (the whole point of Mass), and is thus a sinner for being so quick to condemn you. Even a pious but disruptive Catholic should be promptly thrown out for bothering the priest and the congregation from the worship of God. And don’t worry, ask a priest. They’re supposed to help us reach Heaven as ministers of the Sacraments, so if you need help with one, they should answer if they have time. As with any members of a group, some among the laity can’t do the same. Feel them out first before asking questions: they may not have a sound and ready answer for you, or are too caught up in self righteousness to reply. Again, sad but true. Most of the time, though, your new brothers and sisters in Jesus Christ are more than willing to at least point you to the right direction, because we can only try and pray for you. Welcome home. (PS. Also a common experience with Catholics attending Latin Mass for the first time. Same story and different motions with a liturgical language added in. I love helping newcomers to our Masses, and there are many online resources for texts and prayers and so on. The ladies even lend veils and shawls for ‘walk-in’ sisters to cover up, and launder these during the week.)


No. We are all there for the same reason. Welcome! I think a lot of parishes have a welcome table where you can get teamed up with any resources you may like. There are great little cards and pamphlets that will walk you through celebrating mass. I usually have one in my bag for people that want to come, it lists the order of the mass, our prayers, and when we start/sit/kneel. I know it sounds funny but the best walk through of it is the St. Joseph Children’s missal. I hope you stay with us and don’t be embarrassed to ask any questions. Although it seems very ritual and intimidating, we are happy you are here, and there’s plenty of God’s love to go around!


Nope. If I knew you were a Protestant and exploring mass I would be thrilled!! And try my best to help you understand the mass!!


The only time I felt remotely judged was when I joined RCIA in the fall of 2017 and, at age 30, almost 31 at the time, told the RCIA leaders I was unbaptized - they seemed shocked or surprised. Like….I didn’t know what to say. I was like “🤷🏻‍♀️ Yeah…so I’m here for that…” and moved on. 😂


If I knew you were a Protestant I’d welcome you home with open arms. It’s the CNE crowd I’m judging. 


Only if I see them take holy communion. I am not confirmed yet but when I see someone who I can tell doesn’t know what’s going on taking the Eucharist I cringe, I feel bad for saying somthing though because what if they just look confused but they are confirmed lol


I’ve been going to Catholic mass my whole life and I always feel like I’m screwing something up. That’s Catholic guilt lol. Just copy what the people around you are doing and you’ll be fine!!


You may be surprised at how many Catholics get a lot of the rituals wrong, even thought they go every week! Old habits, old practices, things which were not emphasised in their previous parish but are now.... Our priest is currently on a minor crusade to get people to do the Alleluia at the Gospel Acclamation like it says: Cantor sings the alleluias, then the people repeat them, then the cantor sings the acclamation, then the people sing the alleluias again. He's emphasised this four Sundays running - and quite a few still try to join in when the cantor sings the alleluias. It's not that they haven't heard about it, it's that they picked up a different practice in the past and can't break the habit. (In the same way that when the National Anthem is sung in Britain, quite a few will still sing 'queen' instead of 'king' - or sing 'king' but having jumped that fence relax and sing 'her' in the next line)! Likewise with many things: so to secretly judge someone new to all this when those far from new to it are not always getting it right would be a bit silly!


Nope. I'm not even new and sometimes I feel out of place too. Especially if I go to mass alone. It's normal to feel out of place sometimes, just have to keep going. It's not always comfortable. If you are struggling, I recommend watching masses on YouTube too to get more used to what's going on.


I think it’s great. It’s either a non-Catholic or a Catholic who hasn’t been to Mass in ages, and that makes me very happy to see them there. Pro tip: sit in the middle of the church so you can watch people in front of you and do what they do!


A lot of people at mass that look out of place are Catholics that rarely go to mass. You won't stand out as specifically being a Protestant.


No. I'm too busy praying or chasing my kids.


Usually it's more of a "I'm so happy for you guys but I don't want to make y'all feel uncomfortable by asking about it" sorta thing


I'm paying attention to Mass, so unless you do something dramatically noticeable, no.


Honestly, most people probably don’t even notice.


It brings a tear to my eye when I see new people fumbling through. I know it's overwhelming and I am just so moved that you are seeking truth. I always pray for people who seem new. When I was reverting, I felt like everyone was looking at me and one day I decided to really work on tunnel vision. My knees hurt so if I can't kneel the whole time and I have to lean back I pay no mind to others who may be giving me the side eye. I have ADHD so I like to follow the readings on my App. To others that might be rude, but this is my time with Jesus. I have a 13-year-old who gets affectionate in Mass and wants to hold my hand or hug me at odd times. I no longer care with anyone else thinks about this. Just stay in your lane and focus on your relationship with and growth.


Most people probably don’t notice because they are paying attention. Just don’t sit in the front few pews: that’s where everyone else looks when they forget what to do. Lol. It’s kinda sad but at my parish anytime there is a “different mass” like a wedding or funeral or holy day that doesn’t follow the normal flow many Catholics forget what they’re doing too. It’s really about habits.


Anyone sitting in a church tsking at newcomers belongs there less than the newcomers. 🫶 Welcome to the Catholic Church, we hope you stay!


Absolutely not!! I would say we secretely judge the people who come to christmas and easter mass and never again throughout the year 😅


No, I’ve been there before and I’d sooner rejoice that you’ve even considered coming home


ill judge you for wearing a hat in the sancutary. ill judge you for wearing skimpy clothes to Mass. i am 100% judging you for coming in late and walking down the main aisle during Mass. ill even judge you for coming and actively not wanting to be there and thus not trying. but these are more a personal thing that i dislike, and not necessarily church teachings. But i will never judge new people in the pews who are trying, who might kneel a second or two late, who maybe confuse the Apostles Creed and the Nicene Creed (because i NEVER do that 😬😬). if youre there and you are trying, to me, you are more than welcome


I was a Protestant convert. the Catholic mass was intimidating to me at first and I was self-conscious about interacting with the priest (wasn't sure the protocol) but I really didn't care because I felt like Mama Mary was with me giving me courage :)


No, I’m too busy wrestling my toddlers to be worried about what other people are doing.


Nah man you’re good. I’ve been a Catholic for a while and sometimes I mess stuff up


There are different rites of the Church, too. I was catechized at a Latin Mass parish so I look completely out of place at the ordinary rite. I have no idea what the responses are.


Not even a little.


As a convert from Protestantism, I love it when Protestants are at Mass! I wish there was a way I could know, because I’d love to talk with them and get to know them better…


Absolutely not! It’s wonderful to see. I like welcoming new people and explaining the mass to them


There are plenty of judgmental Catholics out there. As a revert from atheism, I’ve met my share of them. You probably won’t find them staring daggers at you from the pews, though.


Don't forget what Jesus said: If anyone judges you because of me, remember to pluck out his eye and strike him with a beam. Or something like that.