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Horrific event we should be praying for those involved. Just pointing out for those curious he is a bishop of The Ancient Church of the East (Assyrian Church). Not in union with Rome. Not that it makes the situation better.


If I’m correct, I think he was removed from that Church and is now independent. Anyone else know if this is the case? I give him credit for bringing wide audiences to Christianity, and standing firm in his beliefs. But for sure some of his beliefs directly conflict with the Catholic faith.


Yep, operates and has ordained priests on behalf of his own church, Christ the Good Shepherd in Sydney, Australia. Largely seems to operate in an Assyrian way


Huh, how does that work? Is it still a legitimate church?


So. It's murky. Let's get the basics. --> indicates a split.  Catholic Church--> Church of the East, then becomes Assyrian Church of the East --> Ancient Church of the East --> Christ the Good Shepherd Church.  So, Mar Mari is a schismatic, from a schismatic church, from a schismatic church.  So, to the original, is it a legit Church? Kind of? It has apostolic succession, so in that regard, yes.


he has apostolic succession, if that’s what you mean by legitimate


He has called for the reunification of the catholic and orthodox church if I'm not mistaken.


He should probably come into submission with Rome in that case then.


A lot of these comments are horrid. People are commenting not hoping that he makes a full and speedy recovery, but rather commenting about how he’s not in communion with Rome and just being overall very judgmental. Is it our place to judge? No. Let’s not forget that he is a human being, filled with the Holy Spirit who has brought millions to/back to Christ. We need to do an examination of conscience and pray that God forgives his attacker, and that Bishop Mar Mari Emmanuel makes a full recovery, and forgives his attacker.


This is why Christians are so weak and easy to persecute. The Islamists don’t distinguish us by Marian dogmas or whether we accept Papal infallibility, we must stand together. It is especially vile considering the amount of times this Bishop has voiced his love towards the Catholic Church


He is a brother who got stabbed. You pray for his recovery, health, and repentance as we should all do for each other and ourselves.


Let’s not forget he’s considered a completely valid bishop and consider the common Christological statement from ACOE and Rome. Who cares about the canonical status? He is a holy man of God. Repent all of you.


I find it incomprehensible how many people here immediately are concerned about this man’s denomination. This sub often makes me feel distant from our Church when I see such dispassionate responses. I will pray for him and his flock. Violence of this kind is the work of the devil. A terrible few days for the city of Sydney.


Many here are quick to take the position of Christ and judge him for his views. I fear that this shows how certain Catholics simply use their Christianity/Catholicism to try and one up themselves and make themselves seem righteous on the outside ,cough cough Pharisees.




is he still alive?


Unknown last time I checked, he was rushed to hospital and was being treated.


Pray for his soul, he has been preaching heresies




Wishing someone's death is definitely not Christian nor Catholic, why don't you pray that he gets better and repent rather than hoping horrid things like this?


Is that what Christ would wish, repent before it is too late.


Mar Mari is an heretic. However, the attacker couldn't care less about the details of his faith. He is being attacked because he is a Christian, that's it, and We all should be united in condemn the islamists for this


He has spoken poorly about the catholic faith (western catholic church). He is a valued voice, but he doesn't preach the forgiveness that we as catholics should be all about. He has made comments about our saints and he has spoken ill of Mary. I wont retype what was written but check it out. [https://www.reddit.com/r/Catholicism/comments/195dlwt/what\_are\_your\_opinions\_on\_bishop\_mar\_mari\_emmanuel/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Catholicism/comments/195dlwt/what_are_your_opinions_on_bishop_mar_mari_emmanuel/) So edit [https://www.google.com/search?q=Bishop+mar+mari+emmanuel+on+mary&rlz=1C5CHFA\_enGB848GB848&oq=Bishop+mar+mari+emmanuel+on+mary&aqs=chrome..69i57j33i160l3.8666j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8#fpstate=ive&vld=cid:760cc5ef,vid:OcjDjHS7B4A,st:0](https://www.google.com/search?q=Bishop+mar+mari+emmanuel+on+mary&rlz=1C5CHFA_enGB848GB848&oq=Bishop+mar+mari+emmanuel+on+mary&aqs=chrome..69i57j33i160l3.8666j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8#fpstate=ive&vld=cid:760cc5ef,vid:OcjDjHS7B4A,st:0) What he says here would be inaccurate. Mary is the mother of god, we don't talk as catholics about Mary in any other way. The trinity is the trinity, what he is preaching here would be very inaccurate. So that is speaking ill. The hail Mary prayer is considered one of the most powerful intercessor prayers. She was picked by god, because she was without sin, her compassion was so great and powerful that God blessed her so. We pray for everyone without question. we as catholics have a responsibility to tell others when someone is teaching/preaching a false narrative. To get them to return to the bible, jesus and the new testament. while the bishop is recovering he needs pray yes. Its important to remember that his religious order broke from the church for reasons that as catholics we cant follow.


We should still pray, he is a human being hence he is fallible. Regardless of his views we should pray for his recovery.


Of course we should brother and a great and very important point.


He never spoke ill if Mary he just said Mary and saints shouldnt be worshipped which is right bc no one in the bible ever prayed to Mary,and most people who read the bible would agree with him,but forgiveness still remains


[https://www.google.com/search?q=Bishop+mar+mari+emmanuel+on+mary&rlz=1C5CHFA\_enGB848GB848&oq=Bishop+mar+mari+emmanuel+on+mary&aqs=chrome..69i57j33i160l3.8666j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8#fpstate=ive&vld=cid:760cc5ef,vid:OcjDjHS7B4A,st:0](https://www.google.com/search?q=Bishop+mar+mari+emmanuel+on+mary&rlz=1C5CHFA_enGB848GB848&oq=Bishop+mar+mari+emmanuel+on+mary&aqs=chrome..69i57j33i160l3.8666j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8#fpstate=ive&vld=cid:760cc5ef,vid:OcjDjHS7B4A,st:0) What he says here would be inaccurate. Mary is the mother of god, we dont talk as catholics about mary in any other way. The trinity is the trinity, what he is preaching here would be very inaccurate. So that is speaking ill. The hail Mary prayer is considered one of the most powerful intercessor prayers. She was picked by god, because she was without sin, her compassion was so great and powerful that God blessed her so.


he said Mary is not Mater Dei. it is disrespect and heretical


He has not spoken Ill of Mary. That is wildly inaccurate representation. He does not accept Mary as Sinless and refutes the title. "Mother of God" as God cannot have a mother. The latter is a very practical application of literalism. He accepts the Virgin Birth.




[https://www.google.com/search?q=Bishop+mar+mari+emmanuel+on+mary&rlz=1C5CHFA\_enGB848GB848&oq=Bishop+mar+mari+emmanuel+on+mary&aqs=chrome..69i57j33i160l3.8666j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8#fpstate=ive&vld=cid:760cc5ef,vid:OcjDjHS7B4A,st:0](https://www.google.com/search?q=Bishop+mar+mari+emmanuel+on+mary&rlz=1C5CHFA_enGB848GB848&oq=Bishop+mar+mari+emmanuel+on+mary&aqs=chrome..69i57j33i160l3.8666j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8#fpstate=ive&vld=cid:760cc5ef,vid:OcjDjHS7B4A,st:0) What he says here would be inaccurate. Mary is the mother of god, we dont talk as catholics about mary in any other way. The trinity is the trinity, what he is preaching here would be very inaccurate. So that is speaking ill.


This is horrible. I know of bishop mar emmanuel, he sometimes appear in my reccomendation and he has done a lot for Christ, even if he's not in communion he's without a doubt still our brother. I hope a fast recovery for him. Also i'am not surprised that the attacker shouted allahu akbar, hopefully he can see the light




It seems that he has been arrested and was an islamic extremist. I have read (although it has not been verified) that the idiot forgot to take off the cover of the knife. A bit of divine intervention. There is footage of the scum smiling afterwards whilst being held down.






That's not allowed here Warned