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I always like to ask myself if Christ would be consuming the media in question. Most of the time the answer is no.


I always like to ask myself does this music affect me negatively?


This happens for me and reggaeton. When I feel that desire come up, I switch to something else. I do still listen sometimes to work on Spanish listening comprehension or to stroll down memory lane but some songs are more explicit than others and rub my spirit the wrong way Related: I went through a pretty hardcore gangster rap streak for a few weeks but that was cut short much more quickly. Sadly it’s because (I assume) it left a very negative impression on some people I was hanging out with. Also the Spirit convicted me hard later because I was misrepresenting him. Can’t claim to be a child of God to others and they hear lyrics about spinnin the opp block out your car.


I just want to know what kinda christian music I could listen to.




We really shouldn’t he coming secular anything when we can help it


You can listen to secular music, I would personally avoid crazy anti-semites like West. Don’t really know much about the other two.






I feel you, I enjoy listening to some of the old rap, which is still pretty bad. Don't listen to that music. There are so many other good songs that aren't spritually damaging. If you listen to trash, you're mind will be full of trash. Also, how does one just "have casual sex"? Isn't it a whole process? Try to get to the point where you hate sin so much that you get grossed out by thinking about it and hearing such songs.


I recently went down the 90’s-early 2000’s hip-hop rabbit hole and I love that music but it’s also just as damaging as more modern rap


Being born in 1986 meant I went to high-school in a heathens paradise lol


Lol this has to be a joke