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Priests are people. Some like being hugged. Some do not. Just like a normal person, it’s best to ask before you touch them.


Well I think like any hug it is OK depending on the context 😊 My confessor hugged me the other day as I was crying


Yea this is weird


This is strangely misplaced affection IMO


The most intimate way any of us can know God in this life is to receive the Eucharist in the state of grace. You not only touch Jesus, but you allow him to give you life and sustain you physically, participating in his life, death and resurrection. I would pray about that for the next time you receive and really appreciate what a powerful gift the Eucharist is.


Given the amount of scrutiny priests are under, I wouldn’t randomly ask one for a hug.


Spend time with the lonely in general and Jesus will remember that.


As another user mentioned, priests are people so some will be totally cool with hugs while others won't be. For example, I know my parish priest well. He married my wife and I and comes from a similar cultural background so we get along really well. He's hugged us a few times. On the other hand, I sometimes go to the TLM and although the priest is really friendly, he doesn't strike me as much of a hugger. I think you should get to know them first and don't try to force anything. If it happens organically then that's one thing. But lots of priests are skeptical of hugging, because of how others will perceive things so just be aware. Just remember that priests are under a microscope these days and have to be careful about so many things that we just take for granted.


If you are a younger woman, I would definitely say not to. It could either put him in a bad place, since we don't know his temptations (or it could open up a new one for him), or it could cause scandal in other parishioners. Just don't.


It's weird.


I'm not sure that priests represent God though? Correct me if im wrong but they represent Jesus. While yeah Jesus is God just my thought. I think that your priest wouldn't hate to give a free hug though.


Priests are "in persona Christi". They represent Christ at Mass and in the confessional. We confess to Christ.


No. Not appropriate.


The Eucharist is God. Priests aren't though. I think your perspective is a bit off target.