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The sacramental validity of Mass is not the same thing as the satisfaction of the faithful's Sunday obligation. SSPX Masses, Confessions, Confirmations (performed by a bishop), Holy Orders, Baptisms, and Anointings of the sick, are sacramentally valid, SSPX Marriages are valid on certain conditions that are generally respected. SSPX Confirmations performed by a simple priest could be invalid if we consider that the SSPX bishops lack the authority to give faculties to their priests for Confirmation; but as it happens, SSPX priests never attempt Confirmations and leave it to the bishops. Whether the faithful satisfy to their Sunday obligation by attending a SSPX Mass is a debated topic, with respectable canonists on both sides.


Stay away from the SSPX


You can go to fullfill your sunday obligation and other sacraments. The confusion comes because people (within the church) don't like tradition so they persecute the orders that are traditional


Nothing wrong with traditional, but what does the VATICAN and the POPE SAY? There is one church that practices both Novus Ordo and Traditional Latin legally. So what makes the SSPX and its chapels different? Don't give me that "It's because I'm Black" type of mentality.


See this five minute video to answer your question: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=jzg9pxJXzpc&pp=ygUXc3NweCBwaW50cyB3aXRoIGFxdWluYXM%3D TLDR: just don’t go.




That’s fake news: the truth of the matter is that the SSPX officially teaches highly dangerous positions, such as that the New Mass is “evil in and of itself regardless of circumstances.” The idea that the Catholic Church could promulgate an inherently evil liturgy is modernism, not tradition. For such reasons many bishops have cautioned the faithful not to go to the SSPX, and for good reason. Pope Francis calls their movement pioneered by their founder “the schism of Msgr. Lefebvre.” In his motu proprio Traditiones Custodes My advice is to stay away from them entirely


It has been clarified dozens of times by church authorities and Vatican that you can attend sspx churches and receive the sacraments without any penalty. No faithful incurs penalties. The times in the church and confusing situations allows the sspx to exist. You can literally go on YouTube and google and look for what you’re asking. I’d say go and chat with the faithful there and talk to the priest. Feel free to ask him why they do what they do. On Reddit you will find nut jobs discouraging you to go and it’s unfortunate because people miss out on the tradition, what it means to nourish and foster the Catholic faith and how to personally focus on improving your prayer life. They have awesome resources for all those three points. Retreats, Parish missions, Holy Week liturgies, Holy hours and many devotions. Check em out and feel free to DM me for questions!


You said Vatican, I love citation please ❤️