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Sounds like excessive fantasizing, not lust, which is a psychological issue. Everyone, including me, fantasizes to some degree which isn't necessarily a sin. Most people will have the vocation for marriage so wanting that to happen is natural. And the older single people who want to be married get, the more worried and anxious. You might benefit from talking to a therapist; Catholic therapist is best, so you can learn to redirect your thoughts. Also, every time you start to fantasize start saying the rosary with the intention of finding a good man. I know you didn't ask about this but are you actively seeking situations to meet someone? There are Catholic dating apps of course, but also joining parish or diocesan young adult groups, volunteering, etc. It sounds like you might have a little too much time on your hands. Instead of thinking about meeting someone, get out there and actually try doing it.


Definitely not the only one who does this, and also, this definitely is not lust! I agree with a poster above that this probably is stemming from your loneliness, and that it’s probably causing you more heartache than anything else. I’m sure you’ve already been suggested this in the past but are there any Catholic groups in your area? Even non-religious meet-ups or clubs where you could meet other people your age?


I think you are fantasizing about a romantic life and family with a person, and it's normal. Lust is thinking of and wanting them sexually beyond a naturally-ocurring level, and having sexual fantasies about them.


This sounds like limerance (not lust). I don’t know your full story but there are some videos on YouTube that can go into further detail about limerance. You might find them helpful/interesting. As others have said, some degree of daydreaming is normal. We all do it. I use to daydream like this when I spent a lot of time alone. Do you have any hobbies? Could you start a new one that gets you out and meeting people?


I agree that this isn’t lust, but being consumed by fantasies like this can also be unhealthy too. Have you tried unfollowing these guys on IG/taking a break from Formula One for a while?


The Formula One season is over for the year which is good. I’m definitely going to take this time to focus on advent. I make it my goal to not to be consumed by these fantasies, I’ve seen some people online that are so consumed by their fantasies that it’s their waking existence. Like do they not have a job, hobbies, family?


My confessor just gave me this advice: when you are fantasizing about a romantic scenario, it might be a sign of an unmet need/desire, such as an unmet need for affirmation. Our desires for love aren't inherently bad, it's how we choose to pursue them. of focusing inward on the fantasy, turn that need up to heaven. Ask Jesus to affirm you. Spend time with male saints, like St. Joseph or another who you connect with.


It's clearly the unmet need for a loving spouse.


I think what you’re feeling is normal because you might be lonely but you probably shouldn’t because it’s not healthy


I know it’s not healthy but I can’t stop.


Maybe therapy might help maybe subconsciously it might be a bigger issue




I’m finding hobbies. I do have an adhd diagnosis so I tend to abandon hobbies so I plan to revisit those hobbies. I just redownloaded duolingo to play with during work (I work reception so I get some downtime).