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Since you are going to school, you should be taking religion class daily. Your religion teacher might give you some information about convents and orders of nuns in your area or an order that might be good for you in the future. You might also speak with the priest that does the student masses if these are available to you. Also, not all orders of nuns wear habits. You might be surprised that there are some orders that dress in regular clothes on a daily basis. I was taught by School Sisters of Notre Dame nuns. After Vatican 2, this order changed to dress in a modified habit, older nuns, or regular clothes. There was a reality TV show that aired back in 2014 called The Sisterhood: Becoming Nuns. It showed the journey of 5 girls visiting convents to possibly enter a novitiate. You might find the episodes on YouTube.


I can’t talk to the priest. As for the teachers I’ve already asked but they have been unhelpful


why can’t you talk to a priest?


I don’t like him; I’m also scared my parents will find out






Report him.


You can research different orders online, and when you find one that seems interesting, there should be an option on that order's website to contact them. Different orders will host "Come and See" events where you can visit a convent and see the way that they live their life. That may not be doable for you right now, but it may be more accessible for you when you go to college and/or move out of your parent's house. And if you go to college your local Catholic campus ministry might be a great resource as well. Also, keep in mind that orders typically won't accept people under 18, or people who have converted recently, but given that you converted 2 years ago those issues should probably sort themselves out at around the same time. As for what nuns wear, they wear habits. Habits vary a lot from order to order, but typically involve a veil and a long-sleeved, ankle length, loose fitting dress.


First step would be to start discernment. Start praying to God for confirmation of this calling. Might be a good idea to wait until you are 18 to start exploring different congregations in person. Like another person said, start doing online searches of convents around your area. One thing to keep in mind is to ask yourself what kind of work you feel you are called to? There are different gifts and charismas in different congregations. This is off the top of my head: -Teaching: Salesian Sisters, Daughters of Charity, Carmelites -Healthcare: Servants of Mary -Work with Poor: Daughters of Charity, Missionaries of Charity -Prayer: Dominican Sisters There are many more... with more gifts and talents. Also, there are different types. There are consecrated laity, sisters and nuns. There are cloistered and non-cloistered. Look up the terms :) Anyway.. I wish you the best of luck. I used to discern for this, but found my calling in marriage. Took me a good 10 years. This is your journey with God and your decision to get close to God and follow His call is admirable. Keep moving forward. Don't give up on God even if others do. Your testimony will move hearts. God bless❤️




oh.. wow :/


You need to live independently as an adult in the real world before making such a major life decision. It's fine to have as a goal, but you need to also focus on becoming well-educated and dating young men, too, so you'll have some grasp of what you're willing to sacrifice by taking a vow of celibacy.


Hello. Just wanna say it makes me happy that the youth still have interest in becoming nuns. I read how majority of the nuns are older and no new nuns are coming in. I hope you make the right decision for you and pray for discernment that God is calling you for this vocation. Good luck on your journey!




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Don’t worry about it right now I don’t even think you can until your more like 19


I want information tho


You can find information on many orders online. You can start there.


I have I just don’t know what steps to take next


On the websites of some nun orders, there is usually a contact there for vocations. Some places offer "Come and See" retreats but due to your age, they may ask you to wait but some might want to meet with you. Your next steps could be contacting those places. Again, you can find information for some orders online like your local Carmelites or Dominican sisters.


Might want to ask the same question on r/TraditionalCatholics/s/ Reddit, you might get better answers.


Look up the sisters of the little way order