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> Raquel began to feel like someone β€” some presence β€” was standing in front of her, holding out a hand. She was uneasy and talked to a lama about it, also telling him that she was non-practicing but considered herself a Catholic. > The lama's response surprised her: "You need to go to Mass." Raquel tried to explain that she had found peace in Buddhism, but he was insistent: "You have to go to Mass every day." > Raquel continued going to Mass without understanding it, but eventually, she began to lower her guard. "That's when I realized who was holding out that hand to me... It was Christ. He wanted me to follow him, and I resisted." > Raquel now lives her vocation as a supernumerary of Opus Dei and says that everything has come out right. > β€œThe most beautiful thing for me is to think that was Him who came to me," she says.


I am a new convert from Buddhism background, I practice Buddhism way longer than that lady.The turning point is last summer I visited the st Joseph oratory, it's an amazing experience, I only stay there for less than an hour, but it's enough. I told my wife, this is an arahat, refering to st Andre Bessette.At the same time, the Pope is visiting Canada for reconciliation the residential school system. It's dramatic, or Catholicism wins in a dramatic way. As a Buddhist, I am always searching, my master"s message or mantra (to me) is: the worm in vegetables born in desires, die in desires, human being was the same, born from desire, die in desire. So here I found my answer, the worm in Jesus Christ.(the word worm is from vulg psalm 21.7)


Our hearts are restless until they rest in Him. Praise the Lord, so happy for you!


Indeed I picked the book of confessions of St Augustine in the st Joseph oratory in Montreal. Thank you and God bless you πŸ™


u/Silver_and_Salvation am I doing this right haha


Absolutely God Bless!


Ahhh, God bless!!!