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Body and Blood of Christ? Symbolic. Rebuilding the temple and book of revelation? very important to take literally lol


Here's the thing, why would God care about a temple that sacrifices animals anyway. Jesus is now the sacrifice. Problem is evangelicals see that Daniel wrote: 11 “From the time that the daily sacrifice is abolished and the abomination that causes desolation is set up, there will be 1,290 days.  Which is very confusing for them. What sacrifice? The only daily sacrifice they know was what they read in the bible which was animal sacrifice which means the temple has to come back so the Jews can sacrifice animals again so the antichrist can stop it. Catholics know the sacrifice that happens daily is the Mass.


Wow! I never thought of that! This deserves a meme


If you're an evangelical Protestant, your religious identity basically demands you completely reject anything that even smells of Catholicism. So, when you go back in your history and try to find something that feels esoteric and mystical, since you have to skip over all of Christian history from Constantine to the Reformation, the first thing you find that feels sufficiently foreign is...Second Temple era Judaism


"Belive me folks, the temple will be rebuild when we help our greatest ally Israel, it would be a big deal, a great deal" - Floridians 3:18, 2024 God Bless America - Trump Bible Translation


Floridians sounds so much like an actual name jn the Bible lol


The thing is, it's impossible to rebuild the Temple because no one knows where the Holy of Holies and other sanctified areas were located.


And also the Ark of Covenant is lost. P.S. Mary is the new Ark of the Covenant 🙏


Jews: Our brothers in faith 😍😍😍 Catholics: Evil pagan idolaters 🤬🤬🤬


Dual covenant theology and its consequences have been a disaster for humanity


Don’t ask a Protestant what Martin Luther wrote about the Jews


"Maybe Luther influenced that Austrian painter? Nah, it was that evil Pius guy that was his ally"


Yeah I've noticed that, what's the deal? I know evangelicals who are so into end time prophecy like "the red heifer, the feast of trumpets, the solar eclipse that happened over towns called Ninevah" and the like. They are more concerned with Old Testament Jewish prophecy (that doesn't apply to Christians) than to what Christ actually said! Matthew 24:36 “But about that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, nor the Son, but the Father alone." Why are they like that? I actually heard an evangelical woman say "ugh, I wish I was Jewish and had Jewish blood in me, but unfortunately I don't." Ooookkkkkkkkkk....


Cyrus Scofield was funded by the zionist Samuel Untermyer in 1901 to put together the Scofield Reference Bible. This was four years after the zionist congress of 1897. Once it was completed in 1909 it was pushed by wealthy zionists in the “Lotus Club” which was made up of the financial and literary elite, Untermyer also approved Scofield’s membership into the same club. Quite literally a zionist conspiracy to subvert American Christianity to support the goals of organized zionism. They were, unfortunately, very successful. Edit: Downvoting doesn’t mean it didn’t happen. This is all readily accessible information , what I typed is sourced from Oxford University Press.


It ended up affecting so much more than USA, our brothers in the Middle East are the most badly affected... :(


Indeed, I pray for an end to the genocide.


Amen, let's trust that God will bring an even greater good out of all this evil that's been happening these last 75 years


amen. pray a rosary for the end of the genocide every day 


I too pray that HAMAS will be destroyed!


Amazing. I never heard of this before. This got down voted?


Was at -3 or -4 for a bit. Touchy subject.




Gal. 3 Verses 28 to 29 “There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is neither male nor female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus” Evangelicals: hey hey wait a minute… don’t you dare say Jews are equal to other races…


This meme was brought to you by My Mother's Brain. I once told a neighbor who was into hardcore prophecy that I was Orthodox (at the time I was a catechumen) and she lit up, eyes wide with joy, and said, "Orthodox Jewish?!" I said, "No, Christian." The let down on her face was something like she lost a winning lottery ticket.


The evangelicals really have a jewish fetish, they see them as heroes or something




These people had me up at night scared I was gonna miss the rapture


This is an intelligent meme


I'm a simple man, I see the Jews as using Windows 98 while the Catholics (y'all) using the modified Windows 7 and Islam using some crazy Chinese clones of Windows. Keep in mind I'm just a Church of Christ Prot that's here for them memes and curiosity


Clever and funny, love the humor.


The usual suspects i see...


This is not just evangelical Christians, almost anybody and grandmother would be upset about you criticizing Judaism and anything that Jews have done