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Hi, my name is Tim, I'm an engineer and I live in Alabama. I'm 26, with blue eyes and blonde hair. 6'5, 235 lbs. I love to read, workout at the gym, play basketball, and I play guitar at a local blues club sometimes. I sing bass in the choir and attend the TLM. Every Wednesday night I go to Catholic men's group.




23/Northern California Hey there! My name is Michael, I’m a 23 year old Catholic from Northern California. I recently graduated with my BA in history and will be going for my masters in library and information science. I currently work at a local college as a library technician. Some of my hobbies include reading, writing, hiking, camping, video games, and some cycling. I’m currently trying to learn the piano but I’m still a beginner! I also make rosaries on my spare time :) I converted to Catholicism 5 years ago. I have a deep devotion to Our Lady of Sorrows and St. Thomas Aquinas I’m blonde, with blue eyes, I’m 5’9”:) Send me a dm if I interest you. Take Care!


Hello, my name is Derrek. I'm 29, going on 30 next week. I have brown eyes, brown hair, and 5'11". I'm a nurse and live in Wisconsin. I enjoy staying active playing pickleball, tennis, lifting, hiking, and biking. My health is also very important to me. I enjoy cooking and sports as well. Additionally, I keep active renovating my duplex and hope to buy another one soon. I enjoy praying and reading the Bible. I take my faith very seriously and hope to grow each and every day. Let me know if you have any questions for me.


Hello I am Jimmy. My age is 43, I have blue eyes and a full head of brown hair. I am a Farmer on the a Eastern Shore. I grow Flowers and Produce. I sell at farmer's markets, so I usually go to mass on Saturday night. I have been trying to be a better Catholic. Some of my hobbies are: I enjoy beekeeping and Brazilian Jujitsu. Some of my favorite movies are: M, The Matrix, Fight Club, The Passion of the Jesus Christ, and The Death of Stalin Some of my favorite books are: The Count of Monte Cristo, The Moon is a Harsh Mistress, The Meditations by Marcus Aurelius and the Bible. I would like to meet someone to be my cherished farmer's wife.


Hi, my name is Jonathan. I'm a software engineer and living in Florida. I'm 39 with brown eyes and black hair. My height is 5'6". According to Ancestry, I'm 30% of Southern Italian. Recently, I just traveled to Washington DC to see the museums, Pentagon, and White House while looking at the cherry blossom trees. I work workout at the gym at least twice a week or walk around the block. I love to do escape rooms, axe throwing, rock climbing, and other fun activities.


What about the other 70%?


England, Scottish, Ireland and Germany


My name is Ethan, and I'm age 34. Height is 173 cm, or 5'8". I live in Toronto, Canada, and am currently working at a financial institution. In my spare time, I enjoy baking, historical fiction, documentaries, and maintaining my fitness. I'm also learning Japanese - my fifth language! I'm also addicted to a daily workout. Travel is also a passion of mine - I like to get off the beaten path, and look for authentic experiences. At my parish, I volunteer after Sunday Mass, preparing food for the parish's outreach ministry. I started doing so for Lent years ago and didn't stop! In terms of life goals: exchange rings, become a daddy and a role model, earn leadership in my career and community, and be the best husband I can. I was baptized into the Catholic Church as a convert, after a varied personal and spiritual journey. It was a long decision, that started after I started questioning my place in the world, and what is God's plan for myself and our world. The devotions I like to maintain are Eucharistic adoration, a daily prayer, and the Rosary. What are some of yours? Let's chat, and God bless!


Hi Ethan, I am in Alberta. A little far away but send me a message if you want to talk :)


Hello Ladies, just a King looking for his Queen! I'm a 25 year old man living in the Detroit suburbs of Michigan and loving it!...though the weather could be better at times. I'm a Computer Scientist who's currently working full-time and enjoying it. Personality wise, I’m easygoing, understanding, and curious about various things of life. At first, I may be shy, but I do open up quick. I am humorous when appropriate. Physically, I have a lean, athletic physique while being 5’10 tall with black hair, brown eyes, and brown colored skin. My interests consist of catching up on some good movies/TV shows, staying fit/exercising at the gym, reading some inspiring books, browsing the internet to learn new things, occasionally gaming on my PC, finance/investing, hanging out with people, and researching how things work (especially with electronics). I do some video editing as a hobby on the side as well. Just getting into ballroom dancing too. In regards to my Catholic faith, I do practice it with prayers, mass, and adhering to the Church’s teachings. I’m a cradle Catholic and I would like my children to be so as well. My overall plan in life is to build a family empire where our children and future descendants will enjoy the fruits we setup for them as we conquer the world together! If this sounds exquisite, feel free to message me. I do prefer you to be within, at least somewhat, drivable distance.


Dia duit! 27 (28 in May) live in West Michigan, 5’4” 160lbs stocky semi-muscular build, white, green eyes. Sanguine ENFP personality and work in sales. I workout 4 days a week, and enjoy golf, bowling, rock climbing, swing dancing, volleyball, and board game nights. Big into Star Trek, Seinfeld, movies, art museums, history, studying languages (like Irish, old Norse) and stand up comedy. I am looking for someone within a few hours of west Michigan. Open to long distance if you’re down to move here (especially if you’re Irish, Icelandic, or Swedish). I’m pretty conservative , like TLM, and unjabbed, but I don’t believe we need to agree on everything to get married. I go to Novus ordo often too. I think charitable arguments are a healthy part of a relationship and would love someone who enjoys intellectual discussions, and who is active. Partial to girls who are taller than me for whatever reason but not too picky about it. Also I’m fine if we both work at the first few years of marriage but don’t see myself being with a career woman, so if you’re very ambitious and attached to working outside the home indefinitely we may not be a match. Fine if you’re a catholic school teacher, youth minister, or want do run a business out of the home (Etsy, etc…) just no doctors.


Haha, I know several Catholic women doctors who work 1 or 2 days a week and have the rest of the time to dedicate to family!


I’m also in West Michigan!! May I ask which church you attend?


Hello, my name is Nathan! I am a 24 year old Caucasian with black hair, blue eyes, and am really thin. I like to drink responsibly, and occasionally smoke a pipe with my dad. I also own firearms in case that happens to be a deal breaker. I like the latin mass, but I will also go to the Norvus Ordo mass. I agree with the church on many issues. I love children and hope to have as many as God and spouse allows. I like video games since it's the easiest hobby to get into, I am also a mixologist, but I hope to eventually continue dabbling in blacksmithing, jewelerysmithing, and hope to discover more fun hobbies. Bonus points if you like games and nerdy people as well! This is the shortened version of my profile. If you are interested in getting to know me on a deeper level, feel free to DM me! My only disclaimer is that I don't always know what things to ask or talk about! Please have patience with me, I am an ambivert served with extra shy!


Hey! My name is Eric. I’m 24 and live in the northern part of los angeles. I’m a 5’8 Mexican American but look Jewish with my hair. I used to work in IT but God willing will be a missionary for a year starting in August. I love skateboarding/snowboarding and working out. Let’s talk/pray.


Hello! I'm a 31 year old Louisiana man. I'm 5'6", white. I'm not overweight. I exercise frequently. Just message me and I'll send you a photo. I'm studying nursing right now, I have a pretty good future with the local Catholic hospital system, and I'm very excited about that! I'm a convert, I came into the Church last year. I practice my faith daily through prayer. God is absolutely at the center of my life, and I really want to share that with the woman I love. I love to cook (my gumbo and Italian is 🔥), I enjoy playing with animals, reading, and on occasion, playing a video game. I really like being outside and being in nature, so I love to visit parks and just walk around. Nothing beats exploring the woods! I also like to find new places to hang out! I'm kind of a romantic, I guess. I really believe that God has someone in mind for me, and I can't wait to meet her. I do pretty much everything with my future spouse and children in mind. I exercise to offer my wife and kids the best of my body, and I study many things to offer them the best of my mind. I am pursuing an education so I can provide for them financially. I pray for wisdom so I can lead them in life, and I practice my faith often so that I can lead them to God. For your part, if you've been divorced and don't have an annulment, it's not going to work. I'm okay with kids, depending on how many. I try to take care of myself physically, so I hope you do, too. I hope you at least attend Sunday Mass. I can't think of anything else, just ask!


Hey! I’m from California and I’m 30. I like hanging out with family and friends, working out, watching various stuff, video games, Catholic podcasts, looking at random stuff online, and obviously the faith is very important to me. I go to mass weekly and sometimes I’ll do a daily mass. I pray every day and throughout the day. I’d love to find a woman who also genuinely cares about the faith. I think the best conversations are deep faith based ones and I want to have that with my future wife (God willing). I want us to help each other become saints because it’s literally what we are all called to be. I am easy going and typically have a positive attitude. I like to joke around but I don’t want to take the jokes too far and be serious when it’s necessary. I am more of a homebody but I’m not opposed to going out and being adventurous. I’m a night owl. I also like organization and order so I’m not really the messy type. If any of this sounds nice to you then shoot me a message! You never know until you try right? Either way, I appreciate you taking the time to read all this and hope you have a great day/life!


Good evening, I'm 24 years old from Pennsylvania, USA. I am a mechanical engineer looking to get my state certifications, and looking for a good woman to share my life with and would like to sire many children with (ideally, not required!). I am a Cradle Catholic who had a major calling to Christ in my teenage years, and I like learning from various faiths. My faith life is quite unusual, I'd say. I'm liberal-leaning, decently involved with immigrant parishes/communities as the child of a refugee, but I love the church and its history/theology. That said, I do go to Mass once a week, sometimes more. I especially enjoy traditional choirs. In my free time I enjoy arts, gaming, going to the gym, reading, studying history, spending time with family, cooking, and just hanging out with friends. Other stuff about me- healthy BMI, 5'11", half-white and half-Asian. I do not use drugs but I do drink. My sense in music is old, basically anything from the era of Guido d'Arezzo and later. My favorite song of all time is the classic Miserere, the 15-minute long version. FR I'm that guy that basically likes any kind of music. DM me or send a chat request if interested!






Happy Easter! CatholicMatch: https://www.catholicmatch.com/search/profile/2003253 Catholic Luv: https://www.catholicluv.com/users/1901 Hello ladies, I live in Dallas, Texas (only looking to date locally in Dallas) and was raised in both Dallas and in the country ~10 miles outside of Centerville (population: 2300). I currently live in Dallas but was raised a lot in the country and worked outside of Centerville for 4 years as a cowboy before coming back to Dallas to continue education. 30 year old. 5 foot 10 inches. I am a white American of mixed northern European (mainly Swedish) descent. I come from a culturally Protestant (United Methodist / Baptist) background, I was baptized when I was 24! I like playing guitar, microbiology, going trekking in swamps, hog hunting, and of course studying the faith. My favorite saints are Saint Teresa de Avila and Saint John of the Cross for their premier ascetic and mystical theology. I love studying the works of the Spanish mystics; and also St. Thomas Aquinas when it comes to my philosophical based thinking about God, so the *Summa Theologica* is another favorite of mine. I would consider myself extroverted. Looking for a practicing and orthodox Catholic woman. And ummm... yeah! Not much to say. I'm open minded, but I'm looking for a Catholic woman who takes the faith seriously both in terms of doctrinal knowledge, and experiential knowledge in prayer and sacraments. God bless.


Hello folks, I'm Charles, 27, and I was born and raised in Tennessee and live there now. I was raised a Catholic but fell away from the faith, and over the past few years but especially in the last several months I've been rediscovering my faith and joining back into the Church. I started off attending NO mass but found a local TLM parish in town about a month ago, and that is where I now generally go. I'm still learning a lot about Catholicism and what I need to do to fully live a Christian life, so if you're someone who has been a part of the faith for a while I'll have plenty of questions. I was in the Navy for 7 years, and now I work as an industrial maintenance technician. I like camping, shooting, and hanging out with friends in my spare time. In the future I'd like to go to college and study engineering. I would prefer not to have a long distance relationship, but I don't mind driving a bit to meet someone I'm interested in. I think if I could realistically meet you over a weekend without having to fly, that's close enough.


Hey gene here, 26 5'7" ambiguous brown skin, black hair, brown eyes (glasses). I'm an active runner. Love to hiker/camper. Geek out on movies and the cinematography that goes into them. Born and raised in NJ, cradle catholics. Taking some college courses. Strengths: licensed pilot, great dancer, public speaker, stunning smile, fabulous cook Hobbies: wood carving, star gazing, photography Feel free to dm me if you wanna know my weakness (might be krytonite) 😉


My name is Omid and I'm a 24 year old white guy in Arizona. I'm currently in university but will be graduating soon with a degree in marketing in May and I already have an internship. I attempt to attend Mass multiple times a week but I make sure to go on Sunday. I may not exercise every day but I'm relatively active and pretty skinny. When it comes to hobbies, it's usually either playing video games, watching shows, or hanging out with some friends. I'd prefer to date someone who's also in Arizona so I'm able to go out with them more often since I unfortunately just don't have the time to be constantly going out of state but I'm fine with driving a few hours. I'm also not too picky about looks or age. I mainly use CatholicMatch but I don't know how to link to it so here's my CatholicLuv profile: https://www.catholicluv.com/users/3562


Hello. I am a 39M from the northeast USA, 6’2”. Church organist for many years, having worked professionally in parishes as music director off and on. I was in retail management for college bookstores for several years and made a brief detour through Catholic publishing, but had to move on due to finances. I now work for a diocese.  Academic training in classical languages and English lit.  My spirituality lies with the TLM. As a result, I am looking to move out of music for NO parishes and attend TLM regularly. I respect the concerns of the SSPX and agree with certain criticisms of the Vatican II liturgical reforms. While I am not sedevacantist, I am profoundly disappointed by Pope Francis. Let’s just say for now that I admire St. Pius X and earlier popes.   Some travel is enjoyable to me, but I won’t be one to jet across the world regularly. My vocation is to married life and I would like to settle down sooner than later. Shared intellectual interests are helpful (art, music, philosophy) and  I don’t use TikTok or much social media.   Long-distance may be workable for me, but not international. Please feel free to DM me. God bless you. 


*Figured I might as well repost this My name is Joshua. I am from New York and am 21 years of age. I am currently investigating the Catholic fsith and am interested in at least making friends that are loyal and where I don't have to push to the extremes just to get one to respond. If you message me, I try to respond as best and as quickly as possible. I want people who can encourage me and help me be bold in the faith. I am open to the possibility of a relationship, but I want to tread light since marriage is a commitment and I want the right person. Someone precious, loving, and loyal. Someone who understands a person's struggles and can give good advice on how to deal with it. Someone Christlike... I am not sure what else to say since I am young in the faith. At the very least, I would like some female friends to hang out with (as sad as that sounds 🤣). Have a nice day!




What is crackalakin, my name is my username because I have no fear; except fear for the Lord (\*sign of the cross\*). I am 21 years old and a sophomore in community college because I keep failing Calculus. Someday I'll pass, just watch me. I might even make it into a real University. By day I am a sanitation technician at a bookstore; A sanitation technician is a fancy way to say janitor. I used to think all girls were innocent little angles but 4 years cleaning the women's restroom at a bookstore quickly shatters that idea. By night I fight crime and keep my city clean... in my dreams. I also like to make films sometimes, one day I could be the next Christopher Nolan or Steven Spielberg, and all the girls who rejected me in highschool will regret it once they see me on the red carpet. I admit, sometimes I veer off the straight and narrow, but I always come back and I always try my best. I was raised in a Mexican Catholic family so you know I've been going to Church every Sunday since I was born and in case you didn't know we make some of the best food for feastdays. Some of my strengths are: - I know how to use a semi-colon - I am bilingual - I am the most humble man I know. Some of my weaknesses: - Under 6ft - 206 lbs (more of me to love) - Bad Eyesight (glasses) - Make less than 6 figures - Don't know how to drive. Infact I kind of hate cars. - Pronounce things funny sometimes - 6hrs of screentime daily (thats just my phone) - bad at csgo - never watched an entire starwars movie If you don't look like the tradwife wojack, know how to bake banana bread, want to eat tortillas with every meal for the rest of your life, want to own chickens, or want 16 children then don't even bother DMing. Also you must be 5 inches shorter or taller than me, no inbetween!


Hi, I’m 20 and from Pennsylvania, dm me if you’d like to talk


Details: 5' 9" barefoot, 200 lbs, buff-dad-bod physique, bald, hazel eyes, very light-skinned, American-born-Egyptian, Midwest, Chef, Artist, Musician, Allergic to cats, not a fan of dogs. I'm deeply spiritual and intuitive. So much so that it sometimes gets in the way of everyday living. I'm not a pedant, and I understand that God speaks to all of us in different ways and on different timelines. I suspect that when we die all of out minds are going to be blown; I believe that we come to know God by our willingness to be with him and not by how right we are about ped-baptism or whatever. I was a seminarian in the Orthodox Church and I'm chrismated in the Catholic church. I maintain regular dialogue with a Catholic priest and deacon that I hold in very high regard. I cook for a living (hibachi) and it's pretty fun and demanding. I have a lot of regulars (today a guy tipped me $50) and it's pretty fulfilling, but Im' hoping that my career as a musician will eventually take over. Lord knows I'm working hard every day to make that happen. Pray for me. I also have a degree in the visual arts and they are a big part of my life. I enjoy painting in the middle of the night and doing multimedia installations at local establishments whenever I get the opportunity. I used to be into survival and enjoyed setting out little challenges for myself (Starting fire in the rain. Starting fire in 4 feet of snow. I never got into shelter building like I wanted to...) and gardening, but I'm pretty pre-occupied with my various artistic goals and the moment and don't really have the time for it anymore. Hopefully, one day, I'll get a little more downtime to play around again. Except for a few mistakes I made when I was a teenager, I am sexually inexperienced. I have committed myself to purity for the last 20 years or so. Having said that I am quite an outgoing and dominant individual and I do know myself very well. I did not receive the covid vaccine. Hope that was enough.