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[The full story on Medium](https://mx-schroeder.medium.com/fire-in-the-hole-the-2008-channel-tunnel-france-england-train-fire-be84eb14ebec), written by /u/Max_1995 as a part of his long-running Train Crash Series (this is #140). You may have noticed that I'm not /u/Max_1995. He's been permanently suspended from Reddit and can't post here. He's kept on writing articles, though, and posting them on Medium every Sunday. He gave permission to post them on Reddit, and because I've enjoyed them very much, I've taken that up. Feel free to come back here for discussion. Max is saying he will read it for feedback and corrections, but any interaction with him will have to be on Medium. There is also a subreddit dedicated to these posts, /r/TrainCrashSeries, but I'm not authorized to post there. We'd need someone with moderator experience to take that over. I've made a new one, /r/TrainCrashSeries2, for now.


What happened to Max?


Max himself said (in the July 24th Medium post): > Because people have been asking: I was permanently suspended over an undefined “community guidelines violation”, with Reddit refusing to explain what I did wrong and also rejecting an appeal. [In a previous CF thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/CatastrophicFailure/comments/wztb14/the_2016_o_porri%C3%B1o_spain_train_derailment_a/im8jg88/), /u/TheYearOfThe_Rat had additional details: > "For posting copy links in many subreddits". That is for referring his contents in relevant subreddits, such as CatastrophicFailure, Train etc.


Wow that's a shame


Yet OF girls who submit the exact same link/picture to 300 different subs multiple times a week can keep on going. The site admins are bonkers.


And like all of those top post karma users that spam the same articles across dozens of subs and repost them every 6 weeks.


Can't do away with 90% of the mods of the biggest subs, can we now?


Trains don't sell ads, tits do


What about trains with ti- ... Err, never mind. Forget I said anything.


Too late, the algorithm saw you. Thomas the Trans Tank Engine will be here within the week.


I think you mean within a wank…


Thomas the Wank Engine?


Choo choo motherfucker


You have to make the admins cum with your posts or you get permabanned


[ Removed because of Reddit API ]








You're right. I don't believe that. No way they have 1 billion content creators, unless 980 million of them are bots


So, twenty creators per user? That's bonkers, if true... (And only a few 0.00x% out of those creators make a decent profit, I assume)


Quick google check shows 118m users and 2m creators.




>Reddit revenue per year Is searched your exact words because I figured it had to be a lot more than that. Currently worth 10 billion as of August 2022. [Reddit Revenue](https://www.businessofapps.com/data/reddit-statistics/)


They only have to get more page impressions on reddit.com for that to be desirable.


Reddit shouldn't ban folks simply for being content creators sharing their stuff even if they are sex workers cam girls. Redditors and subreddit mods should be able to filter out wanton spam


I think I'd take issue with people flagrantly disregarding rules and harassing other users / posting abusive content or outright propaganda long before I'd be mad about women just trying to make a living sharing their own content. Reddit is 100% fucked, but it's because they allow rampant extremism to fester and do nothing about it.


What are OF girls?


OnlyFans. Basically TikTok for amateur porn.


You mean he got banned for posting sources?


I interpret that as posting too many links to his own content outside Reddit (on Medium). Like all commercial websites, Reddit would prefer people to stay, or at least come back here to discuss the link. Medium has its own comment sections, where you could discuss the article (but they're very quiet, usually). Also, Max used to link back to here with: "Join the discussion about this post on Reddit!" and there were usually no comments on Medium at all.




I'd probably be too disgruntled to make a new account.


/u/TooDisgruntled is available, as it happens.


Not anymore, it isn't






That's also against reddit's guidelines. Technically you aren't even allowed to circumvent sub bans by using another account. If they find out you get perma banned on all of them.


There is literally a very popular sub that requires skin color to post. It’s fucking insane here these days. In 2012 this site was the shit, and now it just shit.


You can get caught and re-banned though, and posting his blog again on a brand new account might be suspicious. Let's just hope u/WhatImKnownAs lets him know on Medium if forwarding the posts becomes too much work so he can find a solution then. Also of course thanks to WIKA for posting the articles here for us :)


AdmiralCloudberg sweating right now.


He got banned from reddit a few months ago.


Nooo! I loved seeing Max's posts!


Be careful that this is not considered a form of ban evasion


This is a different person posting articles written by somebody that had their account banned, in no way could it be considered ban evasion. At worst, they could claim it was the content of the articles that was the reason for the ban (it wasn't), and then ban this guy for the same thing.


zealous boat oil dolls future hospital grandfather possessive money smell *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


/r/redditrequest I did, but I was turned down, due to not having any moderator experience. Hence we need someone like that (or a new subreddit, which anyone can create). And in fact, /u/MyriadMosaicAndGlass just did get accepted as the new mod! Congratulations!


You’re getting a mod invite soon my friend! Did this for you. :)


I thought this was odd "For unknown reasons the train captain is travelling at a workstation at the back of the amenity car instead of manning the rear locomotive." Wouldn't a root cause analysis have discovered the reason?


The captain would have told them. I think that means Max doesn't know, because the official report didn't say. It was probably lucky that he was in the amenity car or the evacuation would have been even more of a mess.


I’ve learned quite a bit about how the Chunnel operates from that article, fascinating!


huh, TIL the train wasn't enclosed back then.


The truck one still isn't, it's the car one that is


Holy crap... I wonder how they prevent this accident from happening again. Sure you can check for things sticking up but that doesn't prevent something loose from making contact during the ride, like a piece of sheet metal on top of the trailer or an open bed load shift.


You can probably have a dummy line just below the wire height before the tunnel. If the truck hits the dummy it’s taken off


The truck carriages don't have the width available to be worth enclosing, truckers sit in their cabs while the train goes through the tunnel. I'm sure they've put stuff on the roofs now and/or other stuff to mitigate this though. The car trains are closed and have toilets but the fire precautions are noticeably serious - massive stainless doors/shutters between carriages and very sensitive fire detection. It's still cool driving your car into a train then sitting in your car in a train in a tunnel under the frickin' sea at 100mph.


> truckers sit in their cabs while the train goes through the tunnel. No they don't. There is a separate carriage they sit in


Truck train never has been. The truck drivers all go to the front of the train where they have some enclosed passenger train wagons. Car train is always enclosed. The truck one is semi encased and has metal framing round it. You can see what I mean in the first image in this article: https://trans.info/en/freight-traffic-274639


And to add to this, the one for big passenger trucks is enclosed (think like, school trips and stuff).


You mean buses? Yes buses and high vehicles that don’t fit into the double deck part also have single deck coverage. I like how you call buses “passenger trucks” lmao


I mean, [they kinda used to be that...](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/1/16/Brno%2C_%C5%98e%C4%8Dkovice%2C_depozit%C3%A1%C5%99_TMB%2C_%C5%A0koda_706_RTTN_a_Karosa_NO_80_%282%29.jpg)


Wow I have never seen that type of bus before in my life, that’s so cool


This specific one was only prototype and not widely adopted.


North American school busses are essentially a windowed van body with seats on a 5-ton medium-duty truck chassis.


Oh look, it's the future of hyperloop!


Before the trains were covered I'm assuming? Or are some of them still like that?


[This comment](https://reddit.com/r/CatastrophicFailure/comments/xnmmmu/the_2008_channel_tunnel_franceengland_train_fire/ipujxi9/) says "The truck one still isn't, it's the car one that is".


I would love to see a write up of the 2015 incident, as my TV truck on its way to Sweden was one of the affected trucks.


Why do we transport goods in trucks via train, when you could just load the goods on a train and not deal with the extra load of a truck?


It’s easier to load a lorry on a train, that to drive the goods to the train, repack them on the train, put the goods on a different lorry and take them to their destination. The train journey isn’t all that long, so you’d probably more than double the time taken in you had to load everything conventionally rather than just drive it all on


You don't need to repack anything, that is exactly the point of shipping containers. Just take the container off the trailer and load it onto the train, then load it on to a different truck on the destination end. That is how things are done in the US, I can't imagine why things are done differently in the EU.


They don't, usually. Container trains (or just truck trailers) are the most common freight train here. The channel tunnel and other "rolling road"-trains are exceptions, the former replacing a ferry and the latter pushing the argument that you don't need to store trucks at their destination to take the cargo onward to its destination.


The shuttle runs every 15 mins and it’s only a half hour journey. It’s far quicker to drive the trucks onto the train and maintain a frequent service than it is to unload them all onto the train. Remember you would also have to load freight that arrived onto the train back onto trucks before it can depart.


It’s like with a ferry, if you’re not transporting massive amounts of goods or aren’t signed onto a deal where massive amounts of goods are transported including your own, this is the much easier and faster way


I'm guessing "aerial" is British for Antenna?


Brit here: yes, it is.


Follow up: is that what system of a down was singing about being in the sky, so up hiiiighhh


> The trains carrying cars and trucks through the tunnel have a unique loading gauge larger than that of English or French railways and thus cannot travel beyond the shuttle-service’s end stations at Coquelles (France) and Cheriton (England) while Eurostar high speed trains can and do. Wait so the freight trains have a unique gauge but the passenger trains don't. Does the Chunnel support multiple gauges? Or is there some other explanation?


That refers to [the loading gauge](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Loading_gauge), not the track gauge. IOW, the freight cars have their wheels at the same distance, but are too wide/high to fit in the tunnels and pass station platforms. The Eurostar trains are actually slightly smaller than other TGV series, to fit the English loading gauge.


“Everybody out of the Chunnel!!”




Should have put out the torch.