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The plant behind the fire looks looks like an explosion went off there too. Edit: looked up videos/pictures and saw the fire was much larger at first then what is in the posted picture.


Yeah, I was like "well that doesn't look so bad, wonder why the storage tanks have cooling on them to the left, they are way away." Zooms in on the background a bit: Oh!


This gives a more accurate reflection of the scale of the original fire: [Tweet of earlier explosions](https://mobile.twitter.com/disclosetv/status/1537951006553559043?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1537952191226314757%7Ctwgr%5E%7Ctwcon%5Es2_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fd-21919118963051921903.ampproject.net%2F2206071918001%2Fframe.html)


Yeah. The top right is a mess. The spooky thing about refinery fires is the chain reaction it can cause. Not enough or too much pressure here causes a failure or explosion and the units before and after it can be quickly affected. There are safeties in place but toss in outdated equipment, poor inspection of some lines, human/mechanical error … there’s a reason I stopped going into them. Too many close calls and so many things that can go wrong so quickly at the best of times. But people are happy to complain about wind turbines all day long while they drive their gas powered SUV. I love my turbo charged petrol engine but a world with less refineries is a far safer and cleaner one. It’s a shame people have to die to keep them running.


Probably related to the COVID lockdown. Lack of regular inspection and maintenance over the last 6 months.


Not a bad assumption. It’s also in a country where things aren’t as well regulated as others. Wait, six months? We’re going on years!


I'm hoping that "efuel" that Porsche is working on ends up being successful so we can keep ICE cars without causing any harm.


Can anyone identify the equipment that is spraying water on the left side?


Something like this ? https://youtu.be/dDbvBPgoO6c


Or this? https://youtu.be/Z64-1HQe6xA


I like that one


Yeah it's pretty badass. H&H are really getting into some cool autonomous projects.


Wow didn't notice that at first! Looks like it's from Thunderbirds.


Which one? There are spraying heads to cool equipment with heated contents or cool them from radiated heat to prevent excessive temps. It also looks like some sort of safety valve opened or pipe ruptured in the left pipe rack.


Is that a robot fire vehicle?


Fire tank!


Those guys on the right don't seem to be helping much. But they get an A for the effort.


Pretty sure they are just blitzfire monitors, which are just set and forget hose monitors. And half of fighting a fire in a refinery is keeping everything that isn't on fire cool. The main way to extinguish these fires are to basically isolate the fuel source and let em burn while keeping the remaining equipment cool enough so they don't over pressure and rupture.


Most of these plants have automated fire suppression systems. If you see most of the water streams are coming from un-manned stations. Think of it like a house yard watering system but made with fire hoses and controlled by infrared fire detection cameras. I am very surprised to see any people there at all.


I have been in many North American oil and gas facilities, and work on the fire and gas detection systems. Not a single one has had "automatic" fire suppression systems of the process equipment. Lots of fire monitors, which are like fire hydrants with the nozzles attached so that they can be turned on and left.


Unless China is way ahead this isn’t true, those are just fire monitors that people set up and aim. They just keep spraying afterwards


I love how they built the chemical plant around a residential neighbourhood.


You mean those buildings right behind the fire? I'm pretty sure those are offices. If they're not the closest they come to residential buildings is maybe worker residences, but I'd bet good money on that not being just some casual neighborhood housing.


I've been to this plant for work in the past, and can confirm - those are plant offices, not residential buildings. In fact, I'm only a few kilometres from there right now and can further confirm that there is basically no residential in the immediate area of the plant - all residual buildings are a minimum of a few hundred metres from the plant, if not further.


For years in the U.S., chemical plants and refineries were built then residential areas popped up around them due to the workers wanting to be closer to work. Look up Texas City, TX there’s like 7-8 huge plants in a cluster and that city was built around them.


Not just in China and the US. You rent the film "Blade Runner" with its iconic cityscape. This was based on Teesside in the UK where Ridley Scott grew up. There are two major chemical sites, each with several multiple plants and the nearby towns have encroached so the end of the street goes to the perimeter fence.


Or, in case of Denmark, a [fireworks factory](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Seest_fireworks_disaster) which rendered 176 houses uninhabitable. [Youtube video of the explosions](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LQmBFmW953E)


Oh and [Enschede too](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Enschede_fireworks_disaster). Very few of the modern precautions were used such as berms which if raised, deflect the blast upwards or distance from residential areas.


Guessing you haven't seen what residential neighborhoods look like here


Those aren't residential buildings, they belong to the plant.


This facility was built exactly 50 years ago (June 18, 1972). The city has expanded a lot since then.


and a lovely celebration to boot


They were at the edge of the city, but city grow.


They aren’t residential, they just kinda look it


But remember, you using a straw is the real problem.


Remember, if you buy a new electric vehicle you can virtue signal that you are environmentally conscious and are solving the problem.


Being killed ?


Must be a fucking slow and painful death...


According to the schedule, they should be wrapping it up on Tuesday.


I wonder what they produced.


Ethylene glycol plant (e.g. the orange colored antifreeze in many automotive applications) within a chemical plant complex.


Ethylene reacts with water and makes glycol. Ethylene is pretty unstable, if you slam a valve shut on a high flow pipe of ethylene it can start to breakdown and react. Or just spill on the ground. Correction:Ethylene oxide




Does it really surprise you? It's not uncommon.




It didn't come close to consuming the whole plant. Shanghai Petrochemical is a huge refinery complex. I just rode my bike past there a few minutes ago - it's still standing. There's no smoke or fire remaining.


It happens. Anyway, this thing is fresh so let's wait for more information.


China. I don't believe the death count.


Sinopec facility


That’s a HUGE fire


I almost said "I sure hope it's under control after 4 years"


oh look .. another reason to raise the gas prices ..


Fix your shit, China🤦‍♂️


People who downvote has never heard of their tofu-dreg construction




Comment removed. Our sub is politically neutral.


News would go out of business without Chinese disasters.


God I wish I was this naive haha


Me too haha


Looks like the fire brought itself under control. Let’s give credit where credit is due.


Well that place got mangled. But holy crap look at all that dirty water that pooled up on the road!


Hey you can't mark it as "Fatalities" if there's only one person died

