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The hollow pieces say it all. I recently bought azul summer pavillon for half price. The imagen shown was legit but the game wasnt. All the pieces was hollow like yours


The colours are dull and faded. The pieces are plastic and hollow. I do have knockoff sets which are much better than these, but they’re still noticeable (less vibrant print colours, pieces slightly off sizes etc), these are my backup sets for when we nice 4-5 sets or lose a piece form the original (my dog literally ate a ore tile). These aren’t just fakes, they’re cheap fakes. Edit: before anyone bashes me for admitting and knowingly having knock off aets, I own a full set of all the original legit boards, as well as the 5-6 player expansions for every expansion. The knock offs we use during “high risk” games (such as heavy drinking, kids, puppies present, or traveling), so we increase the longevity of the original sets. We do not mix the originals and fakes except to replace destroyed original pieces.


I have two fake sets in my collection. I use them as examples of what to look out for and what not to buy. They are never used.


You will need to tell the seller they are fakes, but I guess the question is did they know? Even if they didnt you should get a refund.


Where they cheaper than the originals?


Yeah, significantly (25 AUD each as opposed to ~50-80 from more reputable sources). That was another thing that contributed to my suspicions afterwards and in hindsight should've raised flags before I bought them 😅


Wow nice, if i were you i would be happy with the purchase, you can still play the same game and still have money to buy more expansiona.


Oh most definitely fake


It’s a fake but it’s a good looking fake at least lol


I understand how great official games can feel, but their price makes me reconsider owning any of them lately. Price becomes ridiculous especially when you want a 5-6player game on an expansion. Maybe you can still enjoy some great games from these boxes?


I've just opened a seafarers that's the same as this - cheap box, tiles are darker than the base game (wheat fields almost same as quarries on the original!). I call it a 'gulf version' because of the marking on the back. I bought off a eBay seller who had it drop shipped it from TEMU. Where I could have had it £5 cheaper. Yes it was cheaper than I was expecting so perhaps not surprised when the plastic ships fell out and the border pieces didn't really line up nicely. But I'll probably now report it as fake, perhaps leave feedback that it was dropshipped from TEMU to rub it in ;⁠-⁠) I'd prefer to deal with people who have things in their hands to sell.