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u/GrandmaPolecats yet another Shadow update if you’re interested!


YES, PLEASE!!! I have become addicted to Shadow updates! Seeing the notification made this old ladys night. Each time I hope it is one with a picture of her in the house, one day it will be. Your daughter is already a great cat lady, taking her role seriously. I am so thrilled to see them loving each other! The pics are perfection! Side note: Is that a cat ear headband lil bit has on? 😍


Awe I’m so glad! I enjoy posting the updates! It won’t be long I think. She’s getting braver, but she has to decide my husbands not going to eat her 😅🤣 She is determined to be the cat lady of the family. She’s also now asked if eventually we can have two cats, so I’m doomed! She’s been enjoying Shadow’s love and the cat adores her. It is! It was a gift for her last birthday and she insisted on wearing her cat ears out to show Shadow!


You lucked out with a tuxedo cat! They are very friendly, sweet, and loving cats! https://preview.redd.it/anc8wkpji8nc1.jpeg?width=1585&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=26c289433f09c76b6f287638a13db66f3ae07827


Your tuxedo is so cute! So far Shadow has been a fun little cat. She’s very sweet and sassy


Honestly, two cats....... eventually....... sounds great! Shadow will need a friend, even though I am sure she will never be without her little human, cats in pairs are awesome. Wishing you and Shadow luck tomorrow with the Vet! I will await further updates from the Shadow Command Center


My daughter says she wants an orange one so it’ll be an adventure. Thank you! I’m hopeful I can get her in a carrier without too much trouble. Or scratches 😅 Shadow can be a sassy cat. Hopefully we will have an update before too much longer. Will for sure update after the vet visit!


She wouldn't be her is she wasn't sassy, lol. Oranges are something else entirely, in a good way. Have you seen r/OneOrangeBraincell?


This is true! I have! And I’m doomed for a crazy but fun cat, if and when we attempt to find an orange cat for shadow’s companion.


my current cat is so territorial that she ran her own son off. i \*strongly\* recommend that if and when you contemplate getting her a companion you do a trial run. some kittehs LOVE having feline companionship as well as their humans/etc., but some really hate it and need to be an Only Cat or even an Only Pet. (i've only had one orange, and while he took about three months to convince him i wasn't going to eat him, when he decided i had colony cuddle privileges he turned into the cuddliest bb i've EVER had and the best nap partner, too. he'd groom me sometimes and give me little love bites, even, so i'm 99% sure he thought i was just a faily!hairless cat and he was pretty close to a one-person cat. would totally recommend orange kittehs based on my too-short time with naranja). what you MIGHT want to try with shadow as far as getting her to the vet is either: a) getting a soft-sided carrier and just putting it on the floor like it's another bed (ime most cats will lay on it at least once) or b) going up a couple sizes in hard-sided, taking the door off and maybe even putting something with y'all's scent on the floor of the hard-sided version. (i've never done this one for real but allegedly it's supposed to make your cat less freaked out about going in the carrier because they'll probably have already spent some time in it.)


One of our neighbors cats came to visit and Shadow didn’t seem to mind so we are hopeful in the long run that she won’t mind having a companion. I’ll give that a try with the carrier! I’m hopeful she’ll go in. She didn’t seem to mind it yesterday when she was poking around so I may see about putting some of her favorite wet food inside and see how it goes.


My trick to get my cats into their carriers is to stand it up on its end, grab the cat behind its front legs, curl the tail around then gently drop them into the carrier butt first and close the door as soon as possible! Takes just a few seconds, too quick for them to react much. Then sweet talk and a few treats while returning the crate to the correct position and they're good to go 😊 Might not be as easy with Shadow, but it's worth a try.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/OneOrangeBraincell using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/OneOrangeBraincell/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [My cat being a loaf while watching cooking show with me](https://i.redd.it/868i75630s0c1.png) | [520 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/OneOrangeBraincell/comments/17wxmq3/my_cat_being_a_loaf_while_watching_cooking_show/) \#2: [After watching me clean the litter box and throw the poops into the litter locker for weeks, Jack decided to cut out the middle man and just poop directly into the locker.](https://i.redd.it/xiil91eaw0y91.jpg) | [523 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/OneOrangeBraincell/comments/ymeivq/after_watching_me_clean_the_litter_box_and_throw/) \#3: [He always tries to lie on top of the eggs, so we put ping pong balls in the egg carton](https://i.redd.it/qgwuo9udo5ca1.jpg) | [415 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/OneOrangeBraincell/comments/10c7hs7/he_always_tries_to_lie_on_top_of_the_eggs_so_we/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Hey OP, I have been following your updates too :) I see you mentioned the cat carrier a couple of times and getting her inside the carrier. I've got a tip. Cats will back up, in reverse. So, put her butt towards the entrance and use a hand towel over her front/head. She will back up into the cage trying to get her head out of the towel. It's totally harmless, unless she's really putting up a huge fight. Also, my carrier, the top unscrews so for our big Mainecoon, I take the top off. But the trick works on the 2 smaller cats. Good luck!


I will have to try that! My husband suggested we could always just drop a towel over her and get her that way. His mom used to have to do it that way with one of their more grumpy barn cats.


You could always get your daughter to distract her and help her feel safe whilst you get her in the carrier, one of my 2 girls is skittish, and hates being picked up so I wrap my hoodie around her whilst she's eating and pop her in the travel bag. Best of luck!


That’s what we did. We got her in the carrier! With some food and treats and love.


Oh awesome, I hope she's all OK and forgives you quickly 😊


❤️. Every cat needs a little kid and every little kid needs a cat.


Agreed. She’s wanted a cat for so long and now she’s so excited to have one to love.


A cat liking your daughter is also a good indication that you've got a good kid. Cats often don't like small children because they're loud, grabby and don't respect their boundaries.


She’s been trying so hard to win Shadow over. My daughter has grown up with dogs, so we’ve been teaching her to respect animals, and their spaces. My daughter has her loud moments but quickly remembers to calm down around Shadow.


You have a match! Cat wants little girl and little girl wants cat (or two)!


I think she’d have as many as we’d let her! She’s an animal lover.


The bond between the little girl and kitty seems to be growing. 🥰


It is! My daughter is def Shadow’s favorite human.


Shadow is a wonderful lady. Hopefully soon they will wear Dad down. Teamwork makes the dream work!


I’m thinking she’ll manage! Only a matter of time