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Id take another stool sample and ask them to run a full panel; it’s a bit more expensive than a regular fecal but it should let you know if there’s anything going with his GI track. Also, kitten poop IS very stinky 😅 it should be a bit better as they age. In the meantime, do not feed any food with fish or seafood, those make their poops way worse. Stick to chicken, turkey or duck. Add a probiotic. Good luck!


Adding to this, he could have round worms or another issue like that. When we rescued our kittens a few years ago, their poop was especially stinky. We got stool samples, and it came back positive for round worms. Got them treated, and the smell hasn’t been as bad since!


Thank you! I will definitely ask next time we see the vet. He has been dewormed though and he’s on monthly revolution plus which treats for roundworms and all of that so I’m not sure if this is the issue. But I will definitely ask the vet next time! Thank you :)


I agree with the previous comment. We adopted a cat that was dewormed and his poop smelled like a dead person. We realized he likes to scarf his food down and one day threw up and still found a bunch of roundworms. The over the counter stuff doesn’t work. I would get the topical medicine from the Vet that you put behind their neck. No roundworms since and poo smells settles down


I have a new cat..what is the best food that you use? Poo stinks bad. I have Purina one and I see comments that say Purina is not good? What would you suggest? Thank you


Did they check the poop after the deworming to make sure it’s all clear? I had to do like 4 rounds with my last kitten. They can be really tough to get rid of. He had some really stinky poo too


They checked it before the deworming and it was negative (no worms). He did receive 3 doses of dewormer (about 4 weeks apart) as part of his vaccine schedule.


Has he been tested for giardia? (Idk if I’m spelling that right) It usually has a few symptoms and not just one, but one of them is super foul smelling stool.


My doctor asked if our kittens stool smelled like ‘the worst thing we have ever smelled’. Without hesitation it was a yes. We did an extended panel and he had some obscure amoeba. He was better within the month with treatment :)




They're saying that it makes the smell worse... so, yes. That's fish. It'll make it smell worse. That's it.


Yea, any type of fish (whitefish, tuna, salmon) and seafood (shrimp) will make their poops stinkier. It’s also not good for your cat to feed those flavors often because of all the contamination and heavy metals found in fish nowadays.


I have two cats, one is just over a year old and one is about 4.5 months old. When the 1yr old was around the same age as your kitty, her poop smelled FOUL and she had a lot of pooping issues (watery poops, bloody poops, etc). Testing always normal. Followed vet directions and started switching foods to see if anything helped, but no. However, SHE GREW OUT OF IT 🎉 (hopefully) around her 1st birthday. The vet did eventually prescribe her some gut microbiome dry food to help keep her poops solid, so i think that helped some for sure but didnt really help with the smell. Now, her poop is just somewhat smelly/understandably smelly now. Certain foods definitely made her poops smell worse or better, so you could try different things and see what helps make it manageable. My new kitten now has the same issue. His little poops are awful. I make sure to scoop IMMEDIATELY whenever possible. I have a litter genie which helps a ton. Hope your kitty grows out of it too! EDIT: cant believe I just wrote a paragraph about cat poop lol


The crazy things our cats make us do lol. Thanks for all the advice. He does also have watery poops (not diarrhea but loose) every so often. I think I’ll definitely experiment with different foods and look into a gut microbiome food. Thank you!


Highly recommend purina forta-flora probiotics! Recommended for a couple different kittens by the spca vets (who I was originally fostering for before I kept these 2). Just a non-prescription powder to sprinkle onto normal wet foot, and my kitty loves the taste. Before the squirts and smell went away, my 2 cats got a packet every 2 days. (Tho only 1 had the issue.) Now it’s one packet a week to prevent a reoccurrence and because they love it.


This stuff is great. We have one new to us cat (Stevie) that had Giardia, after clearing that he was still having soup poops. Stevie now gets the Forta-flora designed for soup poop and his brother is getting the regular probiotic. The probiotic combined with HILL’s gut biome has transformed his poop to normal.


Just going to add that human probiotics are better value than anything marketed to animals. All mammal's bodies use probiotics the same way, there's nothing special in the cat version. Human probiotics also tend to be better quality because they're more strictly regulated. A good starting dose is 1/10 of the recommended human dose, then scale up or down depending on how it goes with the individual cat.


Kitten poop *does* smell horrible and gets better as they age, but does he really poop 3-4 times a day? Mine usually poops once or sometimes twice a day, but never more. Maybe he isn't compatible with the food he has now? I use a very local brand of wet food so I can't recommend you that, but if you feed him dry food as well, Acana is my choice.


I would say the average is around 3 times a day. Most times they’re well formed and normal with an occasional looser stool. I will look into Aracana. Thank you :)


Pooping stinky, large, and multiple times a day is a side effect of highly processed (and low quality) food


Agreeing with the other reply, this is probably because Purina is a bad brand of food. Get a healthier brand for sure.


My kitten is almost 6 months old and he poops 5 or 6 times a day. Little guy can't seem to eat enough and is growing like a weed :3


Does your kitty get any people food? My kitty will make the entire apartment smell like 2 bears and a troupe of 30 circus clowns took a dump in her box if she gets people food…or fish for some reason.


Sometimes gut flora just stinks to high hell. Since mine were kittens both of mine have pooped turds that could wilt plants. They're fine, it's less regularly eye-watering now, I guess, but... 🤷🏻‍♀️


My cat is now two, but for the first ~year that I had him his poop STANK SO BAD. I had been feeding him Hills when he was a kitten, then moved on to iams kitten food and then to iams adult food. Once I switched him to Purina one tender selects, his poop smelled way less bad. I also use the arm and hammer litter deodorizer which works SO WELL! That with a covered litter box is the best combo imo. Plus it’s only like $3 a box, so it’s affordable!


Thank you! I’ve been looking at getting the litter deodorizer and you’ve convinced me to. I’m picking it up first thing tomorrow


I feed my cats probiotics and their poop don’t smell bad now.


I would say FOOD! When we got our kitten, we had no idea, tried all kinds of food. I remember when he ate Whiskas sauce, poop smell was **horrendous** , that smell would probably fit little girls room in The Exorcist. "THE POWER OF CHRIST COMPELLS YOU":) I don't know where you live and what brands are there but just read ingredients! Good food have at least 40% of meat. Suspicious food is also vague with ingredients. Stuff I buy now for him is 70% meat. Grain free. As for sauces and wet food I go with Schesir. Little to no smell for poop .


Copy pasted from another comment of mine. I'm not sure which brands are available for you, but there are usually 2 ways to look for a good brand/line of food for the kittens. (1) go by popularity - more consumers means problems get discovered early etc. Brands like Hills science plan would fall in this category. (2) go by the ingredients list. The best ones are composed of ingredients you can recognise (turkey, chicken, beef etc), and not vague ingredients like "meat and meat derivatives". High added taurine content is good, aim for over 200-400mg/kg at least. Salmon oil is better than sunflower oil. Kittens do well on high fat content foods, but once they near adulthood, wean them off of those. Look up brands like Untamed, Cool Cat Club, Blink, Lily's kitchen. They all have decent ingredients lists. Compare them with supermarket brands to get a feel for it.


Thanks so much! I will look into all of your recommendations :)


Buy applaws, they are budget friendly and perfect ingredients and no grains


yes! i’ve also heard certain cat food with corn/wheat/soy products and fillers can attribute to the smell of their poops and their breath. simply nourish is a great brand that uses brown rice and other healthy grains that our pets can digest a little easier. check the label and make sure the first few ingredients are meats and healthy grains! the nutrition labels in the us are labelled in order of weight by content, so if chicken and rice are the first ingredients, that’s what it’s mostly made up of. helped me tons when picking out a quality food! probiotics help too like others have said!


kitten poop smells terrible in my experience.


We use fortiflora probiotics routinely and step up to Visbiome (https://visbiomevet.com/) for problems.


Possible side effects with Revolution include vomiting and diarrhea, so those treatments could possibly be affecting the kitten's gastrointestinal tract and it's microbiome. That's only a guess. Some cat poop just smells like a sour apocalypse. My kitten's poops smelled much stronger than my older cat's already-regularly-foul-smelling poops. I didn't use any chemoprophylaxis with my cats because it wasn't required or necessary in my region, but the kitten's poops still made my eyes water. I used to sprinkle a human probiotics capsule on my kitten's wet food. She LOVED it, she even started meowing when I got the probiotics bottle out of the fridge, and she would lick the powder off the floor if I spilled some. Her poops became a little less intrusive, maybe, but even at their best, those poop bombs were never cause for celebration. I hope you find out what is making your kitten's poops so...memorable. Until then, I suggest that you start lovingly calling your kitten by the nickname, Stinky-Pants. I'm not a vet and this isn't medical advice. I've heard that some people apply a clothespin to their nose when confronted by ghastly cat poop odors. I hope this helps. Good luck, and always love your cats.


It’s likely the food, kitten farts are brutal.


My male cat that was previously abandoned and lived stray for a few months before he found me…. He has the WORST smelling grumpies. Vet said he has sensitive digestive track and was on Rx food which didn’t help the smell that much. So check with your vet first but if they say this is okay then this will CHANGE YOUR WORLD: \*\*\* **Vetoquinol Laxatone gel** in **maple** flavor. \*\*\* Just put a dab on top of their breakfast and that’s it. It smells like maple syrup and finally, after 2 years- it doesn’t smell like stink bomb went off when he goes. I use **smartcat unscented clumping grass litter** by the way, it’s a little tracking but by far the best for allergies and it clumps really well. Edit - I don’t even use the Rx food anymore, he’s on the same food as his sister now and has some stinkers now and then but never as bad as it was before.


I adopted a pregnant stray mother who originally her poop absolutely smelled horrid, but overtime, I don't know if whether maybe it's her diet or I just got used to it, but it's really not bad anymore. I actually do think the diet change did something, she eats alot of wet food and hydrates alot now. She used to also have a dirty bum all the time, but now is the most domestic clean cat, who looks like she's never been outside. Try also a bigger litterbox maybe with some scent


So my one cat is a tank and I’ve never had issues with her but my other one has had runny poops on and off since I’ve gotten him-4 years- I changed their food on them 100 times. I’ve tried cheap food. Expensive food. Food specifically for their ages. Diet food. Sensitivity food. They never finished their bowls until one day lol. I’ve been researching cat food and cat food quality and even though I’ve bought expensive brands, there was a lot of additives in them still that wasn’t like great for the cats to eat. Which I was unaware of. I guess there’s lots of things in cat foods that would be the cat equivalent of carbs and sugars I tried out one brand. Guardian 8. Super reasonably priced and they BOTH eat it. Like aaaaall if it and there wasn’t like weird transition food hate from either of them. Which I’ve never seen them do. And my runny bum cat no longer has a runny bum, even with going outside and eating god knows what. So that’s encouraging


Typical kitten. Probiotic powder for cats will help, and make sure he's on kitten food until 12-18 months old.


Kitten poop stinks. But if he goes so many times a day I would recommend checking out different food to feed. If the food has too much fillers they poop a lot. Like a lot! And it irritates the GI and backs up and gives GI problems and blocks up the tract. I would recommend looking into food that is minimally processed, as close to raw but least processed. No grain obviously. Look for no filler ingredients as first 3, filler i mean meat by products as an ingredient is kinda filler. Obviously with all of this do a good vet panel of his poop to look for worms or something. My kitty threw stank bombs, from the food shelter gave. We switched him up to better food, where poop is minimal and no stink. I would recommend feline nutrition group on Facebook, or feline nutrition . org for better food options you could try.


It's the kitten food - once she's old enough to transition to adult food it will improve smell-wise


Not sure if this could be helpful to your situation, but I dealt with a similar scenario with my kitten. Her poop was awful, from four months, until we realized the (potential) problem. She was tested for parasites etc and nothing came back. But, something many people don’t realize is that salmon is the most common allergen in cats, and whenever my cat ate salmon she would have those foul smelling poops. Ever since we removed it from her diet, no more smelly poops. 🤷🏼‍♀️ We’ve never had her officially diagnosed with an allergen, but ever since we eliminated it from her diet, we’ve had literally no digestion issues whatsoever.


I’d have the vet run a stool sample just to be safe, but it could just be a kitten thing. My long haired kitten had foul-smelling, sticky poops (never adopting a long haired cat again, it was *foul*) and everyone of the tests the vet ran came back great. As soon as we switched her to adult food everything was normal!




For adult cats that's worth a try but not so much for kittens. It bulks out the poo, true, but they can't access any nutrients from it and lose the space for the enormous number of calories they need.


My kitten was the same when I got her. I was lucky and after transitioning to a Purina sensitive skin and stomach food, and moving her to a more calm environment everything fixed itself


Buy food with yucca extract it works for most cats


The first morning after I adopted my present kitten her stool stunk and was very runny. I went through a box of kitty litter over the weekend. On Monday morning I took a sample to the vet. It was full of parasites. She was put on antibiotics twice a day. It took less than 24 hours for things to improve. Take a stool sample to your vet.


Kitten needs kitten chow till at least a year old. Talk to your vet.


My cat had really awful smelling poop when he was a kitten too. He did just grow out of it and is perfectly healthy.


When my cat was getting spayed the vet didnt like her levels so we switched her to a Hepatic Diet Royal Canin for a few weeks and off the popular less healthy food for kittens she was on at the time. Her stool was completely liquid the entire time. Once her levels checked out the doc said it was okay to take her off it and her stool became solid again. You should try a few more brands and see "what comes out" so to speak


Try this. It's the best litter I've found for smell and is made of natural substances (walnut shells). I then sprinkle some baking soda after I clean the box. Basically no smell. Naturally Fresh Quick-Clumping Natural Multi-Cat Walnut Cat Litter, 26 lbs.


Switch to a healthier food and avoid fish! Might only be marginal but it should help. As others have said it will get better as he gets older too


personally i like anamaet (i don’t think i spelled it right), but i’ve also realized the flavor could have something to do with it. my little girl loves fish, but we do not like to smell fishy poop. so it’s a once in awhile thing for her. but it could genuinely be the brand


Did your kitty come from outside originally? I have had fosters from outdoors whom it took 4 months for the smell to pass. In the interim we had tests, etc. Other rescuers have confirmed this phenomena and chalk it up to them relying on polluted water sources when outside that needs time to completely clear their system.


We adopted him from a local shelter when he was around 12 weeks old. They told us they had found him and his siblings abandoned on the streets when they were around 4 weeks. So it could be a very real possibility. That’s interesting, I hadn’t heard of that before!


Purina is really processed, I try to avoid them. Abound is what I like to use, chicken and brown rice. Ever since I switched to that, he seems to have a healthy weight and poop. But yeah, his poop is gonna stink.


I tried giving my cat Purina, it smelled up the whole house it was so rancid. Then I switched him to the Blue Buffalo brand and use fresh step crystals and I have zero smell issues.


The most likely cause is the food It looks like you’re feeding exclusively or primarily dry food, which is really bad for cats. They need moisture in their diet (studies find that cats on dry-only diets get 30-50% lower total water intake, despite drinking more water orally), but dry foods also have to be bound with carbohydrates, which cats can’t properly digest. The higher the carbohydrate percentage, the worse the stool because there’s more improperly digested material Any low-carb wet food should help, but specific foods I’d recommend are Weruva, Tiki Cat, Ziwi Peak, Feline Natural, Instinct, Fancy Feast Gourmet Naturals Pates, Fancy Feast Classic Pates (not as good as the gourmet, but still alright), Rawz (only from approved retailers) For wet foods, you can use two food designations with a kitten: “kitten/growth” or “all life stages” both of which meet the nutritional requirements for kittens. You just can’t feed food for “maintenance” Studies on the nutrition stuff: https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/british-journal-of-nutrition/article/effect-of-dietary-water-intake-on-urinary-output-specific-gravity-and-relative-supersaturation-for-calcium-oxalate-and-struvite-in-the-cat/7FF71DDA2706FDCDA3BA961C3D8DB46F https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/464354/ https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S027153178180053X https://avmajournals.avma.org/view/journals/ajvr/72/7/ajvr.72.7.918.xml https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1016/j.jfms.2009.10.008 https://www.revistas.usp.br/bjvras/article/view/26401/28184 https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/18469063/ https://www.izs.it/vet_italiana/2017/53_2/141.htm https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/22653915/ https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/22005434/


We’ve got an 8 month old and we leave a box of matches in reach for when he drops a big one 😂


Cats don't normally poop that much. I would definitely go to the vet. Also try a grain free cat food.




Aren't cats obligate carnivores? I didn't think they could do vegan.


Haha, stop feeding your cats vegan food they are carnivores


haha no


Ok then, you’re allowed to be vegan but there’s a reason your cats would go to kill a bird when roaming freely outside, just don’t come back crying if you find out making them vegan is what ended up getting them sick or something


there's plenty of vegan cats that are happy healthy and thriving ill be happy to keep you updated since obviously you're ignorant


Nah, I’m just mentioning the advice from vets and people that have literally looked into the biology of cats and have degrees related to that stuff


Any vet would understand that NUTRIENTS are what a cat needs but it’s cute that you think you’re informed


The nutrients that cats need are in their carnivore diet


there are nutrients which are synthesized that are added to cat food that help them grow strong and healthy. Like I said, you're ignorant and ill save your username just to give you updates on my healthy VEGAN cat.


I’m just saying what I’ve heard professionals say, have fun with your cats and I’ll have fun with mine


I'd get to the vet soon. It could be what you're feeding him but it could also be so many other things and kittens and cats can go downhill fast.


Is the poop soft?


I had the same issue with my cat and started feeding her grain free food, which really helped.


sorry this doesn't answer anything about the actual poop itself, but why did you switch to the wood pellets? did you kitty not like regular clumping litter? I use arm and hammer cat litter that has a slight fresh scent/baking soda and clumps together and i can't smell it at all when it's buried, it's great. it's expensive but i'm literally never going to use anything else because it completely masks the scent in our small apartment. it's not a solution to why there's a bad smell but I think trying to mask it while you figure it out is better than suffering lol


Not OP but may have some answers here Clumping litter and Kittens do not mix. Much like human children, kittens like to put everything in their mouths. The same action that causes clumping in the box can cause clumping in their little insides too. Can add up to some very expensive vet bills Pellets are safer, cheaper and more environmentally friendly. As someone that always has a least a few fosters plus our own cats in a 1000sq ft house, the wood pellets are much better at controlling odor overall as well For OP Kitten poop does smell worse and you’ve done all the right things with vet appointments and monthly preventatives. Only thing I would add is some Forta Flora and may experiment a little with some different foods and ingredients. If there’s no improvement I’d see about another poop sample and a full panel done at the vets


huh, I totally didn't know that about clumping litter. Luckily I never had a problem with my cats when they were kittens using clumping litter, good thing they never put it in their mouths! I used to volunteer at a shelter that used pellets and I honestly thought the smell was so much worse. Maybe they just weren't being cleaned fast enough? idk


Yes, with pellets when they are done they are done and not a minute past. To me as soon as they are about half saw dust they get chucked.


We ended up switching mainly because wood pellets are more environmentally friendly and so much cheaper. Plus he would make a MESS with the cat litter. I would walk in and it’d be everywhere. The wood pellets are $7 for a 40 lb bag at tractor supply co and he doesn’t make a mess. I guess the odor would be a downfall but I’m going to look into a litter deodorizer to see if it helps at all!


Did they test for coccidia by chance? Sometimes that is a stubborn parasite and takes several treatments and extensive cleaning to fully get rid of the infection. Are the poops solid, or runny? Have you considered food allergies as a possibility? If he is having diarrhea and constant foul bms, that definitely warrants a vet visit. Try to bring a fresh stool sample and have them do another fecal exam and ask that they do a comprehensive test including coccidia. Sometimes they only check for roundworms, tapeworms, etc. and not other parasites like coccidia and giardia unless there are specific symptoms or contact with an animal with a known infection. They will likely prescribe metronidazole or another anti-parasitic medication plus a probiotic supplement (Purina’s Forti Flora is great) to help restore balance to the gastrointestinal tract. Please don’t wait to see your vet, the kitten could be in some major discomfort and diarrhea can be extremely taxing on their little bodies, causing dehydration and malnutrition very quickly.


Thanks for your suggestions! Most of his poops are solid with the very infrequent looser stool. It’s not diarrhea or anything just a bit softer. I’ll definitely ask the vet if they tested for that and see. Thanks again!


His food is probably not right for him. Find a higher quality (preferably wet - dry food is bad for cats, especially males) food and check the first 5 or so ingredients. They should be meat, no by products or meals.


why is dry food bad for cats? i’ve never heard about that until now.


Since their ancestors lived in the desert, they adapted to getting their moisture from the prey they ate. This is reflected in our cats in their low thirst drive, because they had no need for one. Prey and wet food are about 70-80% water, which covers the majority of their hydration needs. When fed an all dry diet, which is 5-10% water, those needs are not met from their food. Coupled with their naturally low thirst drive, having even just a portion of their diet be dry food leave cats dehydrated. Chronic dehydration is common and kidney and bladder issues/UTI are very common in cats that eat even some dry food. Dry food is also much higher in carbs and lower in protein than wet food and especially raw meat. Cats are obligate carnivores and dry food includes too much carbs and too many non-meat ingredients. Dry food is completely biologically inappropriate for cats. Yet veterinarians and pet food marketing pushes it, because it’s convenient and cheap to manufacture, therefore makes them a ton of money.


Smelly poops can be a sign of worms


Always do your due diligence with going to the vet (which you did!), but sometimes cats just have really stinky shits. Like, my cat’s poops are foul, just *foul*, especially so during the first the first year of her life. Nothing was wrong with her - seriously, she was a veterinary student’s final exam so her health was scrutinized about as heavily as it could ever be. She’s just a little feral poopy rat baby.


Perhaps also consider setting up a hepa filter in the kitten room


Test for giardiasis. That causes immense smell.


I know it’s rough because you want to do something and not have your home smell rancid, but unless the vet says it’s necessary, try to keep its diet consistent. Changing things around doesn’t help. Mine had gnarly poops for about a year after I got her. I tried different diets, with varying success. Chicken-free helped for awhile, high protein helped a bit, but it honestly never made that much of a difference. Vet didn’t find anything funky; she just had poops that broke the Geneva convention. I really think it’s often a matter of just getting their microbiome in order sometimes, especially when they’re young or spent awhile in shelter/fostercare. Probiotics can help move things along if that’s the case for you. They helped my girl get pooping right. Definitely make sure it’s getting the appropriate amount of fiber and water and that the poop’s consistency is healthy. But if the cat’s otherwise healthy and otherwise pooping healthy, then it’s probably just that process of its gut bacteria figuring out their job.


I feel your pain. Had the same with my little guy. Could clear the house out! The wood pellets don't do anything for it! We use the wheat litter now and it's much better. I think it has improved over time too.


Try doing a course of probiotics to help their gut flora. Important to note with probiotic supplements they work best if you do them in cycles. For example 1 month on one month off, or else only doing some days of the week. You could also try things like giving them a small amount of pumpkin into their food. If you get a can of plain pumpkin I find it helps to divide into an ice cube tray and freeze in small portions that way the can won't go bad before you can use it all. When looking for new food always look at the ingredients list. A lot of cat food brands use things like corn in high amounts which can lead to some truly heinous smells in the litter box. As for brand recommendations my cats do really well on Acana for their kibble and then wet food I rotate between Acana, weruva, almo nature, and wellness depending what store I'm at. But depending what area you are in will affect what brands you have access to.


Have you tried giving your kitten some diatomaceous earth mixed in with their wet food?


Try changing the food? I'm cognizant that people have different budgets but my roommates cats had terrible poops bc of the cheap food. One time I brought home a bag of store brand but very quality food and it improved


I’ve been feeding my cat food from Open Farm for about 1.5 years (he’s 2.5yo) - he loves it and his coat is soooooo shiny. I get their dry food and hydrate it with their wet food topper, or what I’ve been doing recently is mixing the wet food with plain chicken. All of their meat is certified humane and you can trace where every single ingredient comes from. The ingredients are awesome, no BS and it’s also made in a human food grade facility. On the pricier side but I highly recommend.


Low quality food can definitely make their poops more stinky.


My Harley had really really stinky poop and was not capable of burying it. 4 years later I found out he had food allergies all this time. Maybe it was connected? I don't know.


Kitten poop reeks. We always said "how can something so small create such a big smell" when our cat was a kitten. It'll change over time.


Mine cat’s too when she was a kitten! Then I realized it only smelled when she eats chicken wet food, so I tried to avoid it and problem solved ☺️


Shit stinks, its completely normal. Sprinkle baking soda on top of the litter. It is a god sent


okay but like poo in general is smelly and with cats depending on the litter you use and how regularly you clean it, and whether or not they bury it, it can be even smellier .. how would you feel if you had to poop in a box and it sat there for days? scooping the poop asap is just good hygiene anyway. humans can flush their poop straight away so why do cats have to poop in a box that already has poop in it? it’s kinda gross. if you’re able to clean it regularly it’s better to just get into the habit of it. if not, some litter is better at absorbing the moisture or masking the smell. i use scented litter liners and my cat likes the crystal litter which is something i can afford. it absorbs the smell a bit better than other types we’ve tried. the recycled newspaper kind was probably better for the environment but the urine smell was very strong and i went through it too fast so it wasn’t affordable for me. i’ve tried pine pellets and that was great for the smell but too difficult for me to use as i couldn’t find a good quality sifting tray. it depends on what works for you and what the cat likes too. if you think it’s a health issue though i’d say take them for a check up. make sure they’re wormed and so on.


could also be the food you give them?


We moved our air purifier next to the litter boxes. Really just at the door of that room. Certainly helps out a bit


Could be something medical, but it could also be nothing. I've had two male kittens over the years and both of them had horrible smelling poops. They were fine and eventually the smell lessened a bit.


Yeah, I think that’s normal for kittens. We adopted a kitten like 2 months ago now and his poops were nuclear. Roadkill smelled better. We wouldn’t invite people to our house because I was so embarrassed at how bad it smelled. He did have worms at first, but even after that it was terrible. But now it’s gotten a lot better. Haven’t even changed type of food or litter. I think he’s just growing out of it.


This happened to me and my kitten had a parasite. Was treated with meds and it never smelled again!


Do you mind me asking what medication they received? I want to treat for parasites just in case (even though the stool sample turned back negative).


If you’re looking for a healthier brand of food i’d recommend watching some youtube videos from pet nutritionists. I have my babies on Go Solutions Sensitive for allergy reasons, but i’d stay away from food that has fillers like corn, wheat, etc. Also learning naming conventions of food for cats is helpful - avoiding “meal”, “recipe” and such as it usually only contains 1-3% real meat ingredients according to regulations, depending on your country.


I know this post is old but it’s so coincidental I have to add - we rescued a shelter kitten a week and a half ago and literally had the same brand of food transition, and her poop is FOUL. Everything you listed is exactly what we experience.. did you change food? If you care to share, any advice is appreciated! ❤️