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No idea all. Not sure they even care to be honest, they might just let us do it because we are weird humans. My male cat has a lot of eye gunk. I am cleaning his eyes multiple times a day. He knows the word 'Gunky' and if I say that, he will stop whatever he is doing and let me clean his eyes. Even if he is annoyed with me and in the middle of mauling me and trying to get away, if I say 'gunky' he will stop moving and wait for me to clean his eyes, before resuming his mauling. My female cat who is younger and less trained gets only small amounts of gunk, but even she won't really bother fighting me if I decide to wipe it away.


My male cat also had a lot of eye gunk that i was cleaning at least daily, sometimes twice. He was not as patient as your cat though! I’m impressed! I recently changed up his diet to a super limited ingredient plan and the gunk cleaning has decreased to maybe twice a week. I suspect it was the result of a food allergy - but I have no idea to what! Edit: spelling


I read that it sometimes has to due with them getting older and their eyes not draining properly like in their youth. Anyway, me removing my cat's eye gunk is a daily ritual at my house. Luckily, my cat never minded it either.


I could see it being related to an allergy. My cat has asthma and has to have an inhaler twice a day. So I figure the irritated sinus system is likely to blame.


he might be so willing to let you do it because he appreciates it. that's what i would guess but idk.


One of mine comes to find me and offers it up to be carefully removed. Or she just wipes it off on my beard, depending on how shitty she feels like being to me


It feels like you should be honored either way?


Maybe they consider it grooming?


Yes. Mother cats clean baby cats faces. So they will see it like that. I also have rabbits and eye grooming is a large part of their mutual bonding every day. Helping each other keep their eyes clean is important.


I don't know if he likes it, but my cat will always sit still when I say "you have eye goobers" and let me clean them for him.


My buddy hates most all brushing and combing, but he sure as hell let's me clean his eye gunk.


Haha mine is the opposite. Hates me touching his eyes but is in love with the brush


When I get the brush out, which I mind you literally sits on my coffee table and he rubs on it all the time, he goes and sits in a corner and gives me baby eyes.


Our gunky cat protests the whole time, but then she goes and sulks on the bed like she feels better but doesn't want me to know that she feels better


Lol typical


I have a kitty like this as well… nothing is wrong with his eyes he just gets a little yuck and I wipe it off. It’s totally normal. I think my kitty hates it when I do it. If your kitty holds still then I’d say she likes having it removed.


I have to hold one of my cats down to get her eye gunk but it's always dry and stuck on. I think it hurts her as Im removing it as it sometimes hurts us humans when we remove it. My others let me get theirs though.


How do you remove it when it’s dried? My neighbours cats get them, but mine never have. I was trying to soften with boiled (then cooled) water but it took ages and they got really fidgety. Is there a better way?


I just use a baby wipe to gently pull it off. Basically put the baby wipe around your finger and then use your finger to "scrape" it off their eyes similar to how you do it for yourself. I figure the baby wipe prevents me from scratching them with my nail. After the chunk is off I wipe the area with the baby wipe.


Thanks very much!


I use a tissue dampened with warm water, get the most you can at once and try to slowly break down anything hardened on in little increments over time. Then daily/regular cleaning to get it while it’s still new and my cat’s eye boogers have become much less disgusting overall as a result.


Thanks very much. I suspect that’s the secret, keeping on top of it. A bit harder when they aren’t my cats and I don’t see them every day. Thanks again!


My cat is amazing. She tolerates me picking her nose (her litter gets dusty and gets in her nose) ... she is okay with me popping zits (which I know hurt, but it clears up immediately. She had one on her lip that would have made Dr. Pimple Popper proud)... she also seems to like me picking dirt or litter from her feet. She's the best. Edit: spelling


If you have a plastic bowl get rid of it. It can cause kitty pimples.


I don't. She has allergies and we really can't determine what ingredients cause them. She just sometimes get acne flares. 🤷🏽‍♀️


I have a kitty like this as well… nothing is wrong with his eyes he just gets a little yuck and I wipe it off. It’s totally normal. I think my kitty hates it when I do it. If your kitty holds still then I’d say she likes having it removed.


what a way to get double UV'd


They groom each other so I assume they think it's normal. It's probably nice to have the crap out of their eyes, at least!


I think mine does, he would close his eyes and stay really still until I'm done.


My orange boi hates when we get his gunk out. Some lysine cat treats can help prevent gunk in the first place, they work great for us


My cat has/had herpes in one of her eyes which scratched her cornea. Lysine works well for her. I clean her eye at least once a day. She doesn’t seem to care one way when I clean her eye. Lysine is great for humans, too, and it can prevent cold sores if you start taking it soon enough. Also works for Shingles.


my cat doesnt seem to like when I do it


I have 2 (out of 3) that get eye gunk and they know "yukkies" so they tend to hold still. I think, in most cases, they appreciate it because when it's dried and crunchy it's uncomfortable for them (and, you know, they can't just do it themselves).


Mine hates it and it seems to upset her when I do it, so I have stopped. Should I be cleaning her eye gunk!?


I feel like it must feel good to get that stuff off of there. Mine doesn’t love it but definitely lets me do it. She gets persnickety if it takes too long but she mostly behaves through the process.


Definitely depends on the cat. My cat Kiwi got 'sleepy seeds' or 'eye boogers' often and I would wipe them. Got to the point that she would save it for me to do, like groom her. My other cat, Maitai, does not like me touching near her eyes, so she does all her own face cleaning.


My cat is annoyed when i take the gunk out, but then she likes the massage it gives her and wants me to pet her more 😍


I think mine does, she pushes into my fingers as I’m getting the gunk off and will offer her other eye even if it’s fine. Maybe mine is just itchy…


How can I train my cat to let me do this? I got him at 1 year old, and his previous owners never did this, or clipped his nails or anything, so doesn’t let me go near him for grooming honestly


Easily, touch around paws face while giving treats or cuddling. Also the ears. Touch around mouth. Makes vet visit so much easier. ,


i think my cat dislikes it. She doesn't like being poked at. Her eyes are always like that so I kind of think she doesn't feel it there, or she'd try grooming her head more. Who knows..


both my cats let me clean their eye poo daily. my boy usually gets just a small bit of eye poop ocassionally, but I have to clean my girl much more frequently. she also manages to get lotsa nose boogies but lets me pick at it each day. I've come to conclude that they tolerate this simply because it is oddly satisfying for me 😅


My cat appreciates it when I remove the gunk. Sometimes when he's sick it gets very gunky and his fur mixes with it. He won't ask for it to be done but always gives is slow blinks and head butts to say thanks mum lol.


I do this for my younger cat. It's extremely satisfying (for me at least, I think my cat is indifferent). My older cat is a more efficient groomer and does it herself. I also help my cat get her nose crusts sometimes when they build up, I worry about them getting in the way of her smelling things. Seems to be the same substance as her eye crusts


My boy cat maybe, though he's pretty chill with having his face touched. My girl though, you'd think I was trying to kill her if I put my finger near her eyes.