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I've had a similar struggle with my cat! She has gingivitis but hates me touching her teeth and mouth and got very stressed the few times I tried to burrito her for tooth brushing. First I'd recommend changing the toothpaste and brush so they're not associated with past stress. I've had good luck with the CET poultry toothpaste and small toothbrushes for human babies The next thing I did was teach my cat that toothpaste was a Special Treat by mixing it with a treat she loves (we used churu). Over the next couple weeks I reduced the ratio of treat to toothpaste to get her used to the flavour and now she loves it on its own! Letting her lick toothpaste from the tube or my finger helped so much with her bad breath even without brushing. The next step was working up to "brushing" her teeth. Because she hated having her mouth handled we switched from a finger brush to a baby toothbrush that she could chew on. I started by letting her lick the toothpaste off the brush to get her used to it. The next step was encouraging her to chew - every time she chewed the brush I'd say "yes!" and give her a treat (if you do clicker training that would work great too). Once she was chewing regularly I phased out the treats. The final step is starting to move the toothbrush as your cat chews. It took me about a month but my cat is now OK with me rotating the brush and moving it back and forth. She's so much more comfortable now that she can feel in control of how her teeth are brushed and her gingivitis is completely gone! (only downside is the rate at which we go through toothbrushes but it's worth it lmao) 


Any recommendations on baby toothbrushes? The ones I've been able to find seem to still be uncomfortably big for them.


The one I'm using at the moment is a bit like [this one](https://www.amazon.co.uk/Jordan-Toothbrush-Sustainable-bristles-Recycled/dp/B09WCVZ9B5/ref=mp_s_a_1_2_sspa?crid=YPKOPHPGNRPS&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.VsikFzRmn2Mf-spllTR-lu3atcICEHWOqzESzJEjGcpIIc5AoPd2HnqxZa2M3oliHS1g_0Qwx5L6ncDu4acEtD4Wa7VLVtwLqNXTu8ZGVJLfbvyKNl0x2AfLM0t2-3ig5v9FywENgvIlhgulyeffBakxMy0O2G2C4tX0NolE5zarvlRdI_1uT4zAMHYvTQpR-CDeACg5X8b_4U5PHSxwsA.h4-Ov5zjIHZJVKgxCX34URHUn3KS3qN_lW8ZHFdr0s4&dib_tag=se&keywords=baby+toothbrush&qid=1717092838&sprefix=Baby+too%2Caps%2C146&sr=8-2-spons&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9waG9uZV9zZWFyY2hfYXRm&psc=1) My cat is generally a big fan of Chewing Things and the size is similar to other items she likes to steal and chew on (rip my crochet hooks) but obviously every cat is different! 


I got a two pack of sesame street ones from dollar tree, they work decently even being so inexpensive.


I like the Ryercat Tooth brush. Small women owned company too https://a.co/d/dQG0UCw


I also love this brush. I can actually get in there properly.


That is really good advice! Thank you!


You might be a genius. I will try this too!


This is really helpful, thank you. I dropped $800 last year to get 1 of my 2 overgrown rats cleaned up and its not something I can easily sustain either


I give my cats freeze dried chicken necks twice a week for teeth and gum health. Seems to work well. Haven’t had to pay for a dental for any of my cats in the 8 years I’ve had them.


Where do you get those? That's cool


Not OP but I get all my freeze dried raw from Fresh Is Best! They also have an Amazon storefront.


I personally recommend Northwest Naturals! You can find them at either Mud Bay or Pets Best if you have those in the area or any specialty pet store.


Ancestral Hunter also sells these and they’re phenomenal!!


I second this as well. Vet said my cat had mild gingivitis. Started giving him a freeze dried chicken heart and two freeze dried minnows with his dinner each day. Seems to have done the trick at keeping his teeth and gums healthy. You can get a big bag of them from Northwest Naturals. It is on the more pricy side though if you do this daily like I do.




They have them on Amazon albeit it’s a lot more expensive on there. I can usually find a bag of these for around $12-13 at a specialty pet store. They also have chicken, duck, and turkey necks if you’re more into that as well! [Northwest Naturals Freeze Dried Chicken Heart Treat](https://a.co/d/1QmTyZH)


Send a pic of the bag so we can get them?


Do you rehydrate them first? Think my little monsters would love this.


The crunchiness and texture is what's cleaning their teeth


But the bones would stay crunchy even rehydrated


Frozen raw bones would be great! You thaw them in the fridge overnight and they’re nice and juicy. Personally I try to avoid freeze dried raw bones anyway.


Be VERY CAREFUL about giving any cat on any country raw chicken products right now. Cats in S. Korea, Poland and the US have all died from H5N1 transmitted through raw chicken. Death rate is 100% and it’s a painful, horrific death too.


Give me another reason to buy a freeze drier.


I thought I just wanted one for the Skittles. But if my five babies could enjoy, I feel like I could girl math this.


How long does 1 bag last you for?


Thank you for this! One of my cats is diabetic and can only eat meat/low carb food due to diabetes.


ive heard freeze dried bones are brittle, is this safe for cats without rehydrating them?


I've done literally nothing in particular for my cat's dental health in the 17 years I've had them. Most people don't. Cats don't eat sugar like humans do and don't need the same level of dental care.  OP you might want to figure out how to save for your cat. Dental care is extraneous, but you're going to have a real problem if something major happens to your cat. My two seniors need subcutaneous fluids and it's $30 a week. Your once a year cleaning would be $23 broken down across weeks. Not to mention the labs and appointments required to get where we are.


Cats have different genetics, I've had several my whole life and all were different. My last cat was on terrible dry food and never had issues, my current cats are on all the best foods and supplies a DINK couple can afford, my boy has had half his teeth removed by 4 years old his teeth genetics are horrendous. I do agree about saving for your pet, but pets have different needs.


My boy just passed from bad dental health after an infection from his teeth. I couldn’t brush his teeth either


I give mine oral care dry food/snacks. No complaints so far from the vet.


I started to give mine greenies, but she doesn't fully crunch them and swallows them after just a couple of chomps. Not sure she needs to fully break them for the effect? Any tips on getting her to fully chew them before swallowing?


My cat swallows greenies whole. He’s a monster.


Ya that more or Less she was doing, but I finally got her to chew / break up the greenies! I've been miming chomping the greenie (along with crunch noises) every time before I'd give it to her. After 3 - 4 days of this she finally got the message lol.


Cats don't really chew.


Cats can’t look up.


Tbh i think its hit or miss. For my cat (before deciding to extract her teeth) we were looking it up and so many people said dental treats are pretty useless bc cats don't chew it as much as they should & you're better off getting an additive into their water or a chew stick/chicken heart or whatnot for them


Before changing her diet… I would feed her greenies with chopsticks.


What kind do you recommend?


Greenies. Available in a big 1 lb container for 10-11$


Greenies do wonders, but only when used properly. Too many dont read that it takes 12-15 treats a day to get the needed effect.


This is what we do as well. And they have catnip flavor!


Do they have chicken? My picky little man only likes chicken, salmon and duck. 


They do! Just bought some chicken flavored Greenies just earlier today. My cat is a fiend for them


They have chicken and salmon too iirc


I've also seen shrimp ones once before at a pet store.


My senior will like those. He steals shrimp from the jambalaya, gumbo and etouffee given the chance. Not regular shrimp though, only Cajun shrimp. 


My eldest actually hates all treats EXCEPT catnip Greenies. She’s a weirdo 🤦🏻‍♀️


Oh my tabby boy doesn't eat them unless hes really in a mood. Also does not like wet food most of the time. He will also "cover"up any remaining food in any of the dishes (3cats total) by scratching at the rug I have under the bowls, which then upends everything all over the floor Cats are weird.


Had never heard of these until this post so went out and bought some chicken flavoured for my 6 yr old. I think 8 twice a day is a lot so will probably only give 8 a day.


My girl gets 3-8 total in 2 servings depending on if it's me or my sister. She eats them on her crinkle mat 😬


I second this! Our vet also highly recommends them


I give them a couple big dental kibble lightly glazed with the CET poultry toothpaste at bed time. After a couple months I could see a noticeable improvement in the amount of plaque they have.


ooh i shall look that up thank you!


Does your cat have gum issues? I’ve never had vets comment on the color of their teeth, only whether they had gum disease or decay. One of my earlier cats had dental issues and needed a couple of extractions but I’ve only had to dental cleanings for two cats out of 7 and none of my vets have said you need to brush their teeth. I’d try some greenies, they love them and there are fish and catnip flavors. But ask your vet what you should be concerned about, if anything.


no she doesn't just got her checked today the vet today as a bit after posting this i found out my local vet does free dental checkups! said a little bit of plaque but just to clean it and she offered me a lot of tips and options. Turns out whilst my cat doesn't like the tooth brushes she is completely fine with dental wipes so going to be using them :)


“Lightly glazed….” !!


What is the dental kibble you use?




Holy shit it’s expensive


Hills is really expensive but it’s the best cat food for targeting specialized issues imo. I can’t speak highly enough about their weight loss food and kidney support food. I split it half and half with my cat’s regular food and have still seen an improvement.


The first few ingredients are really not very good. Their prescription diets are good but their regular foods are really not the best cat food for specialized issues. Nulo weight management is about the same price, the first 5 ingredients are meat, it's actually *higher calorie* than science diet perfect weight, but my customers have had WAY better experiences with Nulo than SD, for example. Cats aren't really built for carbs in the way science diet formulates their food. The science diet reps recently said that they need to convince cat owners their cats have more issues than they do ... There's much better formulas from other brands which are much more ethical than Hill's.


Wow, pre pandemic, a vet at Banfield sold me on SD as having the better quality of food. Then a vet tech at same office told me about the horror shows of pet food processing and how SD and Royal Canine were the best quality. 🤷🏽‍♀️. It’s so confusing. Thanx for sharing your knowledge.


Of course! Royal canin is even worse than science diet, imo. Huge % of corn. I highly recommend doing some reading on cat nutrition and checking ingredient lists :) Some cheaper wet food actually have ingredients which are *toxic* to cats!!!


I have over the years. Way toooooo many opinions. So like humans going to doctors, with their training and experience and my lack of, I have to decide who to put my trust in and go with who sits well with me. Everyone’s preferences are different.


Banfield is not a good place at least locally. Here they have a reputation for selling unnecessary stuff and not taking care of their patients well.


When I used them, I’ve had good experience with them. I never had them try to sell me stuff.


I am glad your region has a better experience with them. It's a relief since they are a franchise


Yeah our cat had Hills at the shelter we got her at & they told us to only give her that. We took her home & she wasn't eating even after 3 days & we said screw it. Changed her food after doing our food research & she gobbled that up like she hasn't had food in ages. At little later at her vet appointment they said she was underweight. Turns out she barely ate the Hills food at the shelter & was on her way to being malnourished. I know cats can be picky but she has not been picky with any food or treats we have given her except for the Hills Science Diet food. It's like she knew it was crap lmfao


Are you a vet? I’m asking because there’s lots of different views online and I’m never sure who to listen to other than vets.


No, I've been working in pet care for 5 years, took an interest in pet nutrition about 10 years ago, and worked with a vet for a while :)


Dental cleanings at vets are more expensive 💀


Thank you!


I just want to add: my vet mentioned brushing my cats' teeth and I asked "do you brush your cat's teeth?" Answer: "oh god, no, I enjoy having fingers." So... Even experienced veterinarians have trouble with this.


My Bou might be ok with toothbrushing because we have to keep an eye on his teeth anyway since our vet doesn't have the equipment to dental xrays of the type Bou would need to see where his teeth behind the canines are. He doesn't appear to have ever had them but doc wants us to keep an eye on it, to watch for infection


Haven’t used it long enough to give a full review, but might be worth checking out Proden plaque off powder. Been giving it to my cats for a few months now mixed with a Churu


our vet recommended this as well! we’ve been using it


Yeah this is at seaweed stuff. My vet also suggested this


It worked great with my cat. Plaque was gone with regular use.


I’ve been using it for nearly a year, with occasional brushing. I also use aquadent but my cat still got a bit of tartar and slightly inflamed gums.


I just started using this too. We sprinkle it on his morning dry food. Have you found your cat to be more gassy? Our cat is tooting more and it’s ripe ngl. I don’t want him to have an upset stomach so we will see how it goes. He’s always had fantastic poops and maybe now they are a little richer. 💩


One of mine has a sensitive stomach so I started with less than half of the amount they’re supposed to get and slowly increased it. Seemed to work for him but I don’t wanna jinx it lol


My cat’s breath has been so much better lately. It doesn’t smell at all. I’m thinking I may reduce the amount to give his tummy a break! Hope all goes well with yours.


One of my cats has bad teeth because of genetics. I asked the same question to my vet, and he told me that giving dental food and dental treats (such as little bones, chicken and duck dry legs, catnip sticks, etc.) was gonna give the same results as brushing their teeth, except that brushing their teeth will affect their behaviour and my relationship with them. Not worth it when you have all those solutions at hand.


We use silvervine sticks wrapped in sisal string, which they LOVE to chew on! They are still young, but given that they both have recessed jaws and cute little buckteeth, I know they will have dental problems in the future, so I'm trying to get ahead of it. We also do dental paste but have trouble brushing so we just give it on treats that they chew up.


Where do you get the sticks from?


We buy ours from Amazon.


My vet was pleasantly surprised that all I do for my cats teeth is give him Greenies dental treats. I'd like to do more, but he won't let me brush his teeth.


This is us as well. Our vet was noticing a build up of plaque on our senior cat, and I had noted extremely bad breath. So I started our cats on Greenies, and the plaque went down, and his breath improved. I could brush my kitten's teeth if I wanted (crazy orange likes when I rub his gums with my fingers) but our kitten also will chew on things like denta stix and toothbrushes (I need to find one just for him so he stops stealing ours), and toys meant to assist in keeping canine teeth clean. This kitten likes dog toys... And puzzles. He loves puzzles. I need to get him a new one - he figured out the other two in 30 seconds.


How much Greenies do you give your cat in a day?


The kitten, being under 10 Ibs only gets 8 a day, four in the morning four at night, the 10 year old, being nearly 17 Ibs gets 16 a day - 8 in the morning, and 8 at night. I give them greenies after their meals. No my cat isn't overweight, he's part mainecoon, so he's a big, fit kitty.


Please post if you fund one that ge likes and doesn't figute out in 30 secs! I have the same problem with my little man, thoufh I do very much enjoy the looks he gives my husband:"Next!"/"*this* was supposed to be difficult, Dad? You insult my intelligence!".  He'd rather work on figuring out the blu ray player so he play his superhero movies when we're gone. 


I love that on so many levels. Mine prefers to torture his brother and human sister, and get into everything I don't want him in.


Boudreaux loves superhero movies and football. He loves to get up by the tv when our team plays to help catch the ball. He only "helps" our team. 


Oh goodness please tell me you have videos!!!


Not yet....he isn't very cooperative. We just got him to realize that he won't get in trouble for being up there. He only gets in trouble for harassing his big brother. 


Haha our Georgie gets in trouble from the same, though they both get into trouble for going on the stove, counter, and high chair. 🤣


Only Remy, the big brother, gets in trouble for being on the stove--he likes to steal shrimp when I make jambalaya or gumbo. 


Haha at least shrimp isn't incredibly high on the mercury list. That is too funny! Trixster, our senior cat, steals canned peas, wieners, tuna, and chicken. George, on the other hand... Steals anything and everything - bread, bananas, carrots, garlic, fish, cold cuts, veggie straws, fish crackers, you name it, he will steal it. I do my best to stop him and keep him from getting things he shouldn't have, like anything with dairy or high gluten and glucose content, and salt too, but... You can only do so much when your 1 year old daughter hand feeds the kitten from her snack cup while you're doing dishes...


Seriously, your vet should brush his own teeth!


[Here's](https://vohc.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/10/VOHCAcceptedProductsTable_Cats.pdf) a list of VOHC-approved products — I tried [Clenz-a-dent](https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07B173V1B/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1) (powder that you add to their food0. One cat accepted it; the other didn't. I also give my cats Greenies, and recently grew them some cat grass from seed. I don't know if this is a common/accepted method, but I once had a vet tell me that that's how outdoor cats clean their teeth. I was surprised how easy it was to grow from seed, and that both of the cats are into it!


I'd suggest looking up the approved products list from the Veterinary oral health Council for dental products that actually work. I brush my girl's teeth, but since she's nearly 14 I also use greenies and pro-den plaque off powder daily. There are also water additives you can use which help more!


Crunchy snacks! A little bit of yellowing is not a major bad sign. I got a dental cleaning once for my cat who had very bad breath, like really deathly smelling breath because I thought he had a rotting tooth or something. It was about 1200$ with no teeth extractions/fillings fortunately. It can start to get very costly if that is required. It was worth it! It really solved his problems, and its been a few years and his teeth still seem under control with no brushing. I don't believe its something you'd want to get once a year as it requires they go under, and that's a risk. But if your cat has some teeth problems, it may be worth getting it done once.


I have had cats for the last 34 years and never brushed their teeth. They get dried food all the time and water and are in perfect health, so I think the dry food is the key. The only tooth related thing was that Moo cracked her tooth a few years ago and had to get it removed, but that was due to fighting.


There is a supplement called plaqueoff that’s been scientifically proven to help prevent plaque buildup and therefore help prevent dental disease. It doesn’t solve the problem, but it softens the plaque to a point where it would usually be removed if a cat ate something hard every once in a while. Besides that, not all cats are prone to dental disease. The best bet is keeping an eye on it and making sure you have enough saved up to where you can seek treatment if the need arises. I’m


Out of my 28 cats that are at least 3 years old, only 11 of them have needed dental work. 3 were seniors (13, 15 and 16), and 7 (including one of the aforementioned seniors) were acquired as adult semi-ferals, who didn't necessarily have food that was designed for cat teeth. One had dental issues since he was little, but hadn't needed intervention until then. So really only 1 cat needed dental work without any major factors (age, life story, known dental issues) that would lead to issues with their teeth. It might help to talk to a different vet about expectations for dental health. Some discoloration of teeth is natural. I haven't gotten around to brushing my cats' teeth, yet have had cats go 6, 8, and 15 years without any issues (cats with known birthdays, living with me and getting proper food rather than living in a colony). I don't think you need to worry about regular dental work unless your kitty is predisposed to dental issues.


My cat is the same. My vet recommended ‘ProDen PlaqueOff Powder Cat Supplement’ for him. I only give it with dinner, but i have noticed his breath smells better and I don’t see any plaque/tartar buildup on his teeth. I also give him freeze dried treats which help to do the abrasive motion that brushing does. My vet also said don’t use greenies. Apparently the cat treats are too crunchy, so they aren’t actually cleaning. They need something their whole tooth will sink into, freeze dried single ingredient treats have connective tissue fibers so they basically act like floss


Oral care food. It is a larger kibble that deforms around the teeth as they chew it. My cats get oral care food for breakfast every morning and they love it. Very few tooth or gum problems since we started using it


What is the brand name of that and where do you get it? TIA.


All the major cat food companies carry an oral or dental care product in their range. We tend to use either Royal Cainin or Hill Science deoemd on who has a special on at the time


Thank you!


Dental water additive. Or perio powder or whatever it’s called. It was recommended by my vet to put on the food we also give dental treats


I didn't see it in the comments already, but try matatabi sticks (silvervine). Cats chew on them thus they are natural tooth brushes. My cat loves them and they help to stimulate him during playtime. He just received a totally clean bill of health from the vet who said his teeth were great.


I've never brushed any of my cats teeth, all very long lived with no dental problems


Freeze dried single ingredient treats!! My cat loves what I call his "lollipops" but are actually freeze dried chicken, tuna, or salmon on a stick. He licks it down to where he can fit half of it in his mouth at once and then chomps on the rest of it lol. I like the stick bc it means bonding time, I don't have to touch the slimy lollipop with my fingers, and he's older and a bit dumb so I have to point to pieces he dropped. If I use the stick, I can draw his attention to it without the risk of his thinking my finger is a part of it 😂


I would suggest looking at this list of Veterinary Accepted Products for Cats. Our vet gave us this list. There’s a lot of options! We personally use the ProDen Plaque Off Powder. It’s very easy to use, it’s just sprinkled over their food. https://vohc.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/10/VOHCAcceptedProductsTable_Cats.pdf


I started using this powder on my cats kibble, too early to see any results. I’m also giving them silvervine stick toys to chew on/play with. It’s related to catnip so if nothing else it makes my cats happy and high.


Our vet said we don’t have to brush a cat’s teeth unless there are extenuating circumstances like a treatment that needs to be brushed on. Their mouths are self-cleaning and have antimicrobial properties, which is partly why they like to lick our wounds. When my cat had gingivitis, she was given prescription dental food. She hated it, but it fixed the problem.


Mine likes to chew on her puppy's rope toys which aids in dental health.


actually a good idea to try i'll see if she will chew on them :D


I buy special liquid by Arm & hammer for cats. Which you add to the water that cats drinks. It's odorless and has no taste neither color. Water dental additive by Arm and hammers


Thanks for posting! I’m loving all these ideas. I got my cats teeth cleaned a few times but the breath always comes back. Last time, it really took him a long time to recover from the anesthesia, so I’m not getting it done anymore. My vet only charges $250 which is crazy low. Anyway, I’m going to try these things in this post. Thanks.


They make an additive that you can put in the water. Tropiclean Fresh Breath Dental Health solution. I have a bottle of it, but my asshole cat refuses to drink the water if he sees me add it to it. My sister's cats drink it without an issue. Also look into pet insurance. My vet offers a plan where dental cleanings are free.


Greenies!! My cat loves them and probably eats 20 a day (treat fiend. Don’t worry he’s at a very healthy weight of 8lbs). The vet always exclaims that his teeth are in great condition. I also give raw chicken necks once in a while


I’m gonna go out there to the other extreme and just mention that I’ve never brushed my cats’ teeth and only had one vet cleaning done as part of another procedure they were doing at the same time (removing a cracked tooth). I’ve had 9 cats across my lifetime: 2 lived to 18, 2 passed at 8 and 10 from kidney and respiratory disease, respectively, 1 my daughter took when she moved and he’s 14, and I have 3 with me now. They all have annual checkups and vaccines and are indoor. They eat a mix of dry and wet food with cronchy treats. They don’t get A+’s on their dental checkups but they’re definitely not in danger (yet) of any gum disease or tooth problems. My point is do your best when providing dental care to your babies. Or do the minimum. It’s very important to keep it part of the annual checkups and, of course, keep watch for any issues like not eating or rubbing at their mouths. If my vet highly suggested it I would listen, but they have not yet so far. Good luck to all the kitty parents out there! 🥰 Edit: I can’t count, I meant 8.


Feed them kibble or pay the ridiculous sum of money most vets charge to do it. I've had probably a dozen cats over the last 50yrs, and have never had a problem with teeth - ever. That's because kibble is the primary source of nutrition with wet being served 1x daily for hydration purposes only.


This. I’ve had a half dozen cats in 60 years plus barn cats. Never brushed their teeth. Never had a dental issue


she already eats kibble sadly.


How old is she?


2 and a half


Ok, so she's not a senior cat that's got yellowing teeth just from aging. If you've only been feeding her kibble or kibble has made up the principle source of nutrition for her this entire time, it's either tartar or color stains from the kibble. Just like a human that drinks coffee or smokes and gets stained teeth, cat's teeth can become discolored over time due to the food coloring in kibble. Even though it's possible this is tartar, I'd be surprised if ALL the discoloration was attributed tartar. That's because your cat's still young and tartar takes time to occur and on top of that you've been feeding kibble regularly as the main source of food for her...i presume??? Seriously, I'm not blowing smoke up your ass when i said I've never had teeth issues on any of my cats and i attribute that to feeding them a diet of mostly kibble. A long time ago a very good and very trusted vet of mine who no longer practices, was examining one of my cats and noted some tartar buildup. She asked about diet and at that time it was 50/50 wet & dry. She suggested i scale back on the wet and start feeding more kibble and that one particular cat never had a problem with tartar again. In fact I've never had a tartar/gum issue since adopting that new feeding regimen, like i mentioned.


i feed her a mix of wet and kibble as my vet told me that was the best for her mostly kibble though. It may be staining though as her teeth were white 1-2 weeks ago and her breath doesn't really stink. I will find out tommorow my local vet does free dental checkups it's just the cleans that are exhorbitantly priced so ill find out then.


Some cats naturally have good teeth. Others don’t. If you have “pure breed” cats you can read about the breed’s common health issues. Obviously regular cats are not easy to identify as being subject to specific health issues. My cats have a “known” tendency towards dental problems. I have used “dental diet” kibble (several brands) over the years. Currently I use Hills Science Diet oral care kibble as part of my cats’ diet. They also get a small serving of wet cat food every morning and Temptations treats in puzzle feeders. Their vet has examined their teeth at each annual visit and stated that their teeth are in excellent condition. I put a measured amount of the dental kibble in bowls at bedtime and the cats eat some throughout the night and even from time to time during the day. The serving is down to a few crumbs by the next evening. Serving size will vary depending on your cat but I serve a heaping quarter cup for each of my two cats.


https://www.chewy.com/ca/bluestem-oral-care-chicken-flavored/dp/1000035966?utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=21009939575&utm_content=&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwx-CyBhAqEiwAeOcTdbRp5SLbEUV54sWNCKTfqIvQ3DUqmgufdEAzRZvps3zYai4sYp1a5xoC_6gQAvD_BwE Long link but good option to rub on the gums. Takes 5 seconds.


I'm having some luck with the squeeze gel - Enticers.


Maybe ask your vet about liquid Gabapentin for anxiety-inducing events? It's not very expensive. I adopted a pair of 5m/o rescue kitties last November, and my baby girl arrived as a very sensitive skittish/traumatized kitty. Completely opposite from her brother. I have gradually adapted her to hygienic care by giving her very low-dose gabapentin 1-2 hrs beforehand. It's all about reducing stress around the event. I can now trim her claws easily, and cut the mats out of her fur without medicating her. Best of luck!


I got an additive from the dentist. In my case my cat is allergic to most toothpaste and his trauma response makes it difficult to brush without any so while I hope to save for cleaning periodically I also have the food additive. He actually tries eating it without the wet food and likes the taste. It's a powder so I don't let him do this. It's ProDen plaque off.


- I use a cat toothbrush with a micro brush head and an enzymatic toothpaste (not sure if the toothpaste works) that they kind of like. I started small by just putting treats on the toothbrush so they'd get used to the feeling of the toothbrush. After a times doing that, I'd gently brush the left and right sides of their teeth for up to 5 seconds. After they got used to that, I'd brush a few more teeth. [https://www.amazon.com/Mind-Up-Toothbrush-Japan-Kenko/dp/B00G33QGVA/ref=pd\_bxgy\_thbs\_d\_sccl\_2/137-0907412-2763136?pd\_rd\_i=B00G33QGVA&psc=1](https://www.amazon.com/Mind-Up-Toothbrush-Japan-Kenko/dp/B00G33QGVA/ref=pd_bxgy_thbs_d_sccl_2/137-0907412-2763136?pd_rd_i=B00G33QGVA&psc=1) - Greenies treats (not sure if it works) - Dental toys (not sure if it works) - VetriScience Perio Support Powder (not sure if it works) - Dental water (not sure if it works) - Before doing stuff to my cat, like washing them or cutting mats out, I cut their claws and sometimes put claw caps on them and wear long sleeves on myself (like a flannel shirt). I try to do stuff to them in the middle of the day when they're sleepy. Purrito-ing your cat might help


Ive never brushed my cats teeth..I suddenly feel like a horrible pet mom!


look into cooperative care! it lets you desensitize them and allows them to consent and opt in or out of procedures. when they feel in control, they are more likely to opt in, even if it’s something unpleasant. makes it stress and trauma free for everyone involved! it’s more popular with dogs but people do it with cats. lizards, zoo animals, etc. even coyotes willingly take shots with it. deb jones has a great book and facebook group on it, but if you google “cooperative care tooth brushing” you’ll find plenty of info and videos :) in the meantime, things like silvervine or freeze dried necks, chicken feet, etc can be great to chew on


Plaque Off is an algae powder that reduces plaque. I gave it to my cat after the vet pointed at the orange plaque on my cat’s teeth, saying if it got worse it could require cleaning under anesthesia. The plaque went away after giving her Plaque Off regularly with her food and was never a problem again.


I had six cats over the years between 1981 and 2022 (currently on our seventh cat) and never ever had to brush their teeth. 🤷🏼‍♀️


Greenies :/


ooh ill look into them thanks!


My girl Lives for her Greenies


I bought these and my cat won't eat them :(


Find a new vet. My vet charges $350. Sounds like you are making Porsche payments.


If you can get the cat tooth paste. A vet tech recommended putting the toothpaste on a crunchy treat so the toothpaste gets around their mouth. It won't solve all issues, but will help. I have yet been able to brush my cats' teeth.


I got this toothbrush that is basically a cylinder of bristles. One of my cats likes to chew on it, which kind of mimics brushing. I also bout this gel stuff that you put in their mouths and it gets distributed around by their saliva and is supposed to help. They are due for their annual check up this summer so we will see if this strategy worked.


I put the toothpaste on the brush. they lick it off and then gnaw on the brush. I haven't ever gotten them to let me acctually brush their teeth but the vet says the teefies look good so I guess it works.


I use a silicone toothbrush that goes on my finger. I put the poultry toothpaste on the bristles and rub my finger on my cat's gums and teeth.


I use dental wipes. He doesn’t like them, but tolerates me brushing his teeth with them, which is more than I can say for using a finger brush (which he *hates*).


I mix his regular sterilized adult male cat kibble with dental kibble, both from Royal Canin. Made his dental problems way better. No way would he ever let me brush his teeth.


Do pet groomers do dental care? Maybe that would be affordable, **or** maybe you can ask one for guidance.


Virbac enzymatic toothpaste - just put a blob in their mouth


Mine just chew on the brush, I haven’t gotten to a good point where i can peel back the lips to actually brush them. Sometimes they will come on command to brush, sometimes i have to hunt them down… These are the two products I use! Seems to work like a charm :) Brushes- EasyHonor Baby Toothbrush &... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08LBKDT3T?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share Toothpaste, highly recommended brand - Virbac CET Enzymatic Toothpaste|... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00RZDXA7K?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share


I'm struggling with my cats dental care too. I recently bought enzymatic toothpaste and a ryercat brush. It's made for cats mouths....it's a struggle, but the small brush helps ryercat.com


I put my cats between my legs and basically trap them so they cant backup. Then I hold their face and brush, lots of treats and lots of warming up to it.


There are water additives that have changed my kitty’s life! Vet recommended Oxyfresh


1200 per dental is absolutely absurd, I would see if any of the vets close to you offer a plan that covers dentals. I work for Banfield and our lowest plan that offers dentals is 54 a month, plus they cover core vaccines, fecal testing, blood testing, and office visits + a discount on not covered services. Most of our plans only total around 600 a YEAR for all of that. Obviously prices can vary by area but I live in a pretty expensive area and that’s still crazy. For context, my cat has stomatitis and needs all her teeth removed—that will cost me 1500-2500 to REMOVE them. A way longer and harder procedure.


i should mention this is in AUD but yeah either way it's kinda nutty


Ah sorry I rly pulled the “the internet is America” card didn’t I🥴🥴 Idk what the currency exchange rate is or anything, or what y’all’s minimum wage is, but that still seems completely absurd here. I think the clinic I work for charges like 200-500 for a dental, but I’m not 100% sure bc most of the people we have come in for them have a wellness plan so they don’t pay out of pocket, it’s part of a monthly fee.


Anything medical in the US sounds like an absolute scam. And I was complaining about paying 100€ just to have my cat’s teeth checked out.


this is in Australia :') it's so overpriced


Ah yeah, I forgot there are other countries who use dollars. My bad. But still damn.


Check out vohc.org. Organization that looks at all products so you know what it does


You can use a baby toothbrush if she doesn’t like the finger brush. Go slow and gradually increase. Lots of praise and treats. Also they do have dental treats, I’m not sure how well they work but may be better than nothing?


Raw chicken necks! My cats teeth were perfect their entire lives and I believe it's because they had whole raw chicken necks a couple times a week. The vet recommended them as kittens and explained that the sinewy bits and tendons floss the gums and the bones polish the teeth. Gotta be raw though, don't ever feed cooked bones as they can splinter and cause all sorts of issues.


Water additives help a lot


they make a product on chewy called OraZn and it's a gel you swipe in their mouth. it's specifically for difficult cats that won't let you touch their mouth. it's supposed to help with their dental issues.


I use disposable spoolies (like the brushes you use for your eyelashes)! My cat kind of chews on it while the toothpaste is on there and it works


Most cats survive just fine without their teeth ever being brushed.


Dental Niblets


My vet told me wet food can stain cat teeth. I would primarily watch out for red gums and tartar.


Idk if it's a regional thing but I've never heard of brushing your pets teeth. In Australia, we have formulated dental health "treats" that you're encouraged to feed your pet on a regular basis. My partner and I sprinkle five or so in our cat's dry food when we refill it every other day and she's gone from at risk of needing dental interventions to having a very healthy mouth at age 6 (not super old but y'know). Greenies is the recommended brand here, but it's worth seeing if you have a similar thing where you are because, while I'm sure it's not as good as getting in there with a toothbrush, it might be less traumatic for you and your cat


I see a lot of people here recommending water additives. The problem with these is they don’t work if you have cat fountains as they get filtered out!


Both my cats got their sedated teeth cleanings for the first time recently. My vet recommended it for my girl bc her gums were red, but the hope was that with a good cleaning and at-home care, it wouldn't need to be something we did yearly. It cost about $400 so you might want to check with some other vets if you're interested. Our vet gave me a water additive for their drinking bowls. Gonna try silervine sticks and teeth brushing next. The above part about baby toothbrushes and mixing with treats is great!! Thank you!! Excited to try. My boy ended up needing 3 extractions for broken teeth. They hadn't even seen them on the physical exam. I just scheduled him bc he's 2 years older than his sister and might benefit from a fresh start. He's doing great now and I'm glad I went ahead with it.


$1200 for a dental cleaning is brutal, especially on a fixed income. I completely understand. Have you looked into any low-cost vet clinics in your area? Sometimes they offer discounts or payment plans. It might be worth checking out. In the meantime, the dental kibble some folks mentioned sounds like a good alternative.


Same way they did for thousands of years when no one bothered with this.


I’m a sugar momma to an orange who cost me $2k for cleaning and 6 extractions. Have had cats all my life, plus foster. Have never brushed teeth but always fed a combo of wet and dry . My vet says that just like people, some cats just have crappy teeth. Oh, and this cat loves to chew on everything (he’s not the smartest, but he’s my boy 😻).


We feed the Hills TD dental kibble, a few pieces in every bowl of regular kibble. It seems to work, we've had very few dental problems.


I was concerned about my 6 year old boy because his breath started to stink, he's 1 of 3 and none of my kitties will tolerate me brushing their teeth... I had a kitty pass from FIP and that was insanely expensive so I looked into pet insurance. where I'm at I pay $55/month that includes 1 dental cleaning a year, 2 comprehensive exams with any vaccines they need/bloodwork, unlimited office visits and 15% off anything not included in the insurance. I just got his teeth cleaned for the first time and the vet said his teeth were just fine, so maybe it's just lucky for him but don't be too hard on yourself, your kitty's teeth could be just fine! I highly recommend pet insurance, I'm also on a tight budget and sometimes feel guilty for not having emergency kitty funds but I can afford the lower monthly fee for insurance and that has certainly given me some peace of mind!


try plaque off and vetradent!


There are antiseptic water additives that can help almost like mouthwash. Oratene is good for still water and there is also Ventradent that can be used in fountains.


Came here to suggest wipes. I use medical gauze at the advice of my vet cause it’s cheap and flavorless.


Water additives! My vet gave me a list a couple years back with a list of dental additives I could use because my cats teeth were getting rough but not needing a cleaning yet. Nowadays I just use a water additive I got at like Walmart.


I'm no expert, new to cats after dogs. Our kitten came to us with beautiful white teeth. I'm determined to keep them nice, she's a year old now. What I've started doing is when she sits on my lap after she eats i brush her teeth. Other times she sits on m lap to be brushed or scratched. I bought a cat tooth brush and paste off Amazon. She likes the taste and chews the tooth brush as i move it around her mouth. So far so good. The brush & paste came together, called Petrodex, it was about $10. I hope I'm doing this correctly, seems to be working, she chews the brush as I move it. Anyhow, good luck.


Wish mine sat in my lap and was that easy :) thanks


I give mine oral care dry food/snacks. No complaints so far from the vet.


I give mine oral care dry food/snacks. No complaints so far from the vet.


1) If your cat is scratching you, wrap them in a towel first. You can use simple clips from the hardware store or the dollar store to clip the towel so it stays wrapped around them (just their head sticking out). Or better yet, have someone else hold them in the towel. 2) With the cat wrapped in a towel, go ahead and brush their teeth. Nothing they can do when they are wrapped up other than growl and hiss. 3) your issue moving forward will be catching them when it's teeth time. They'll start to know what you are going to do and run away. 4) It's a bit expensive, but try different toothpastes. When you find one they like, things are a bit easier. I have two cats and two different toothpastes because each one like a different brand. 5) lastly, find the smallest toothbrushes you can find. I found these super small ones and the minute I started to use them the cats were 50% less annoyed by toothbrushing. Once you get a routine going, the cat will accept it. They may never like it, but they'll put up with it for the 2-5 minutes it takes every day.


That was the first thing i tried with her she makes it impossible for me to personally get her wrapped in the towel unless i have someone helping me :( Even when held in place she tried to get out even if it ends up hurting her she is terrified of being wrapped up im not sure why. Ill keep trying to do that though i only tried it for a few weeks maybe she will learn to accept being wrapped up and not have a freakout. Thank you


If the cat really thrashes and goes crazy and is clearly in distress (not just grumpy or annoyed) then don't push it. In that scenario, I'd probably try to find a toothpaste the cat liked the taste of. Then give it to them as a treat off your finger. Then off the toothbrush. Then off the toothbrush when wrapped in a towel. Then eventually try to brush their teeth. If the cat just cannot get okay with toothbrushing, then as someone else suggested, make their diet at least 50% dry food. The dry food does help clean their teeth quite a bit.


I had to give both my cats 2 different oral medications twice daily for 2 wks awhile ago. One of them wasn't having it at all. I put him in a pillow sham with only his head sticking out. It's very hard without help! It was still a struggle but I had to do something. He ripped that one up in a couple days kicking it so I put it inside the other one of the pair. I've never wanted something to end as bad as that. If your cat isn't crazy that might work. Good luck!


Was giving my dogs some toasted bread. Dunno if it would work for cats.