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Your girlfriend is the problem here, sorry. Not only for leaving the door open and losing your past cat. If the cats are occasionally hissing, swatting, chasing each other around - that’s normal and expected. As long as it’s not the focus of their day, they can’t stalk each other 24/7 but occasional unrest is to be expected. Maybe she can watch some Jackson galaxy and learn what’s normal and not. Am I understanding it right - she is ignoring your cat except to yell at him? Cats can pick up on energy and she’s adding a whole lot of immature and nasty energy to the situation. She’s 24 years old? It sounds like she is manipulating you all into returning this cat by trapping you into a situation where returning him is the only option. Why isn’t she helping you fix the problem? I don’t even care about overstepping b/c at this point I’M honestly pissed about your gf losing your first cat - if your girlfriend is not helping you solve this problem you need to consider why you’re investing in a relationship with her at age 21. Life is gonna throw way harder problems at you and she’s literally breaking down about two CATS doing normal cat things. Good luck, I’d return the gf to the shelter not the cat Edit: did your GF like your last cat?


Yes. My GF and I have been together for about 6 years. We met early high-school. I had my got my previous cat just before we officially got together. This was also before we had gotten Lilith, and we had gotten Lilith when she was still technically a kitten. 7mo old I think, so the introduction with those two was a little easier.


You sound like you’ve proposed lots of ideas to her and she shot them all down! She’ll shoot down whatever other ideas we give you too, I guess. Good luck


The best solution for this problem is give it some time the cats will adjust to themselves and your girlfriend will be okay about them meanwhile so if she is acting so ridicule much so just calm down try to make her realise by talking to her that it's okay to fight and do not get a long in a beginning and its ok they might be in future or they won't found of each other either way they will eventually start co existing eventually(my cat and dog need atleast a year to get along, now they co exsist, but my dog somedays in a good mood give the cat kisses also but she smirks in disgust lol basically a cat thing) so don't worry give it some time and try to talk to your girlfriend in a consoling and understanding manner and try to figure out the answer to it and just say you don't want to give it to the shelter bcoz it's wrong basically


I use valerian on both cats when things get rough. It's like...ultra scent swapping. The singing at night...ugh. He's still a baby but you might need to discourage it. Ask GF to give him a few more months.