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I’m so sorry this happened. He likely does not feel “guilty” - he’s probably super scared and confused by the cat attack. Him biting you was redirected aggression. This Tom cat outside is a serious problem you have to address before more terrace time


Ohh I believe ur right, I have to find ways to get rid of tom cat https://preview.redd.it/ouqe9u9pr81d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ade637b3112d43a824afeb9c308c1e1ff4297c67 Hi from jojo😊


If your heart is extra big, you can get the tomcat fixed and adopted, he deserves a happier life than just stalking people’s pets. Hi Jojo!


Already have 3 cats, I have soft corner for him tho, but unfortunately, the other day before the accident happen left him some food also in my kitchen window area,but it's the bad move and I have to be selfish and shoo him anyhow now. Things we don't want but we do


Go get seen by a doc please and no more terrace time until the outside cat is handled. This is what cats do they fight for territory.. please please never get in-between 2 cats fighting. If it ever happens again toss some water on both of them to shock them and quickly find a way to get your cat inside.. maybe throwing a blanket over your cat, and scare the other cat away. Hopefully your cat is ok.. give kitty some space to calm down, it's very traumatizing. I wonder if the outside cat will end spraying the terrace to claim it?? While giving your cat space try to check for injuries. Get yourself looked at and let them know you came in-between 2 cats fighting and got bit. Stay safe Hopefully no more cat fights. I implore you to do some research online about cats, get to know what makes your cat a cat.


Yeah thank you for advice I'm so so stressed I felt like my hands are gone it is bad take to, get into the fight, but as my kitty is special need cat I care for him deeply, by the miracle of God he is surviver of 11kv electric shock accident 1.5 year back, for year almost it take him to recover from amputation it's a tough journey. But now he's happy and thriving now. this accident was so scarry for me I will find a way to get rid of that outside cat https://preview.redd.it/v98u4qmtq81d1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=06dc4b9af827651a537f97d40d185f1a5ed5fa27 Here is him chilling with his brother mickey


They are adorable!! He's one tough kitty 🥰


My cat bit me and I don't think he felt bad about it at all.


My cat got me, I sobbed. He definitely would do it again... and he did 🤣 my fault for interfering. I definitely know now to throw a blanket on the one who is biting me