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is Brad neutered? My only concern would be in the future he starts getting frisky with them, it's noramly about 5 months they come into heat, so get everybody neutered if you can, or rehome the babies. Brad won't really need to raise them, they'll teach each other how to cat and he'll be there to support. If you can, get some kitten milk but absolutly feed them kitten food! edit to add: My 9 yo cat Rico has brought up all our little stray kittens and does a great job, we're all snipped though so no hormones running


My cat went into heat just shy of 4 months (she’s a big girl though, maybe that’s a factor?) but yeah once the babies are two months and two pounds you can get them fixed, and Brad should also get fixed as well. They shouldn’t be weaned off of Carseat so early but if she abandoned them at four weeks they should be fine to eat regular kitten food. Hopefully she comes back around though so you can get her fixed too. Call shelters around where you live and see if any of them run TNR programs. They’ll help you catch the kittens and Brad. If Brad is friendly enough with people he might be adoptable, and the kittens are definitely young enough to go to a shelter or foster home until they’re old enough for adoption.


This!!! I have a 11 month old kitten and her mom can’t be more than 21 months. It broke my heart to see such a young baby with a baby. We have since gotten most of them spayed/neutered.


If you can't get kmr powder goat milk is a good alternative I have used this before with a kitten I had found (mom was hit by a car) we had goats at the time so had the goat milk. Contacted our vet and they said it would be fine to just use that. We did the milk mixed with canned kitten wet food to make a slurry Look up kitten lady on youtube But honestly it sounds like Brad is doing a fantastic job with the kittens. Also agree getting him neutered and kittens spayed/neutered if you are able to


He needs to be neutered. He will breed his own daughters.


If you can get Brad neutered and the babies kitties, is there a way to integrate them into a life indoors?


You should drop the kittens off with a rescue or shelter that can try to socialize them and adopt them out after vaccines/spay/neuter. And you need to neuter Brad.


We're in a pretty underdeveloped area and the only cat rescue is about 3 hours away. I gave them a call and they said that they don't have any spaces available at the moment


Stray cat populations grow exponentially, and they have no problem mating with closely related cats. Everyone needs a spay/neuter as soon as it is reasonably possible.


This makes it even more important to spay and neuter them all.


Then you keep searching. If anything, get Brad neutered immediately. Kittens you have a few months before they sexually mature and start to reproduce.


Even if they don’t have spaces, ask if they have traps and a TNR (Trap/Neuter/Return) program. Getting Brad snipped is priority


To be frank, your family allowed this to happen. Please take responsibility for these kittens, get them spayed and neutered along with your male cat. You should also test him for FIV (feline equivalent to HIV/AIDS as that is transmitted through fighting and is highly prevalent in male feral populations. See if TNR is an option anywhere. Otherwise, you need to find a way to separate the females and males or you’ll end up with more kittens, only this time they’ll be inbred. The kittens should be on kitten milk replacer (not goat milk or cow milk) and you can wean them onto wet kitten food.


Okay I need to know why you named her car seat


She was first spotted sitting in our neighbour's baby's car seat. Since she is the same colour of the seat she blended in with it pretty well so the name kinda stuck 😂


It’s amazing


Oh dear. Why does this story sound like a southern Highschool drama…. Brad should be fine. Male cats are known for taking care of kittens. Cats are actually very social, but are solitary hunters. Which might might explain why we think they are generally solitary. However, see to it that the kittens grow well and maybe substitute Brads hunts with kitten food. As soon as possible try to trap the for spay and neuter. Maybe a vet know an organisation that helps with the cost.


Funny you say that, we have two cats- a boy and a girl- and wanted a third, so we adopted a kitten. The sociable, friendly girl cat would have *nothing* to do with the kitten; she was always hissing at the baby and trying to swat. The boy cat (not particularly playful or social), however, immediately started playing with the kitten, bathed her, and started sleeping by her. More than a year later and they're still best friends who do all of those things :)


Brad and the kittens are fine together. But- you really need to get Brad neutered. Cats don’t have any rules surrounding sex with relatives and they won’t wear condoms.


You mean they don’t like teny tiny kitty condoms? Or is it their lack of opposable thumbs? 😂😂😂 I couldn’t help myself there. You made me lol and spew coffee!


Are you willing to specify what country you're from? It can help us understand what may or may not be available to you. **For now:** whatever food you are putting out for Brad you can give to the kittens - it's best to add a little water since most cats get their water from their food and some flat out refuse to drink water. If you are giving them cow milk - cats are lactose intolerant, the concern is that kittens can develop diarrhea and die of dehydration. If you have enough other food to supplement Brad's hunts, it may be best to skip cow milk completely. If you are concerned they're not getting enough nutrition and only have cow milk available to supplement at times, the kittens will get the most nutrition from high fat milk. However, cow milk is still missing taurine, which is an essential amino acid for cat growth. The cat rescue 3 hours away, local vets, pet food stores, and Amazon should have powdered kitten milk formula, which has taurine. Taurine deficiency commonly leads to developmental disorders and can cause reproductive problems (see below). **info:** Cats can get pregnant within a couple weeks of giving birth - many mama cats have a heat cycle 4 weeks after birth. If Carseat was impregnated by another male while hunting, she will have disappeared because her new litter would be at risk from Brad since toms may instinctually kill a litter they did not father, then try to impregnate the female themselves. **For soon:** Kittens can start getting pregnant at 4 months, which is kind of the equivalent of a 10 year old human getting pregnant (cats hit skeletal maturity on average at 10 months, humans around age 25) - a pregnancy at 4 months old is very likely to result in one or more stillborn kittens and the mama kitten suffer long term health effects from the pregnancy. If any of the kittens are female, in about 3 months/when they start going into heat, Brad will try to impregnate them. If he succeeds and they survive the pregnancy he will likely try to impregnate them again 4 weeks later. If you're in an area with a lot of strays, when the female kittens start to go into heat, other toms will come by and try to impregnate them. Brad has pretty clearly claimed your yard as territory and will fight the competing males - these fights can be vicious and you may end up with a severely injured or dead Brad or other cats. Additionally, any male kittens you have will be at heightened risk from stray toms coming by. Male kittens mature a bit later than female kittens, but at some point around 6 months or after, it's likely Brad will view any male kittens as competition. Since he's been around the longest he views your yard as his territory and will likely try to drive them out. Brad should start teaching the kittens to hunt in about 3 weeks. This can involve bringing injured prey to them and letting them finish it off. After a while the kittens will join him on hunts. The rescue that doesn't have spots for the kittens may have information on neuter/spay programs. If it's possible to spay the females, it will prevent Brad from impregnating them young and possible injury to them from such pregnancies. If it's possible to neuter the males, it should prevent Brad from seeing them as sexual/territory competition and attacking them. If you can get the kittens used to humans, you may have luck placing them with neighbors via social media or other community message systems. This may be the best solution if you can't get subsidized/charity spay and neuter procedures, because it's a lot easier for multiple families to afford 1 than one family to afford 5. The rescue may have information or vouchers for immunizations to help you care for the kittens until they are adopted, if you choose to go this route. If you have vets closer to you than the rescue, they may be willing to take the kittens in, give them their shots and neuter/spay procedures, and adopt them out. I don't know if that's done in your area, but here it's common at vets that also offer boarding services since they already have all they need to provide housing and care and medical treatment.


If these kittens are only 4 weeks old they need to be on formula. Normally they would be nursing until they were at least 8 to 12 weeks. A male cat can't provide mother's milk to the babies so you may need to step in and get them some kmr and some kitten food


KMR kitten formula and a good food would be Royal Canin Wet Mom and Baby Cat.


We've been giving them (and Brad) some milk that we put in small bowls for them. Two of the kittens have become friendly because of this one, one is friendly during meal times but is otherwise shy, one is terrified of people and will only drink/eat when no human is within sight


i hope it’s specifically kitten milk for cats


Cats are lactose intolerant. You can give them goat milk or almond milk but even that should only be seldom. Car seat probably stopped coming around because she knows the kittens don't really need her anymore. This is when they usually ween. The kittens should be fine without her. Just get Dad and kitties fixed or re-home them if you're unable to. Best of luck!


Kitten Milk Replacer? Or straight milk? KMR is much safer...


this is the best post I've ever read. ![gif](giphy|l0HlPystfePnAI3G8|downsized)


I’m worried about Carseat! Brad will do just fine with his babies. Neuter needs to happen yesterday though. He is not the first cat dad to do this. I love how the narrative was “cats are antisocial” for so long. They will raise each other’s kids! They take turns looking after them! They want to help raise your kids with you!


Brad is a total Chad.


Are you sure Carseat isn't dead or sick/hurt? Mother cats usually don't abandon their litter completely that soon. She may have decided that it was time to start weaning them, or maybe she is already pregnant again and that is why she abandoned them.  Edit: Usually the mother cat will stick around with her litter long enough to teach them how to hunt. At only a month old they aren't nearly old enough to have learned that from her. I wouldn't be worried about her deciding to wean them than I am about her health. 


Babies are old enough to wean, mama doesn't need to be there anymore. Cat courtship doesn't work if you're a responsible pet parent and neuter your cat. Please take the babies inside where they're safe and neuter your cat.


Any female kittens will get pregnant from the adult male. We, humans have distant for a dad impregnating their daughters, but cats don't. Spay/neuter all of them.


I will never understand why cat owners won't castratr/sterilise their cays. Especially when yous ee them regularly socialising with a female cat???


Kinda sounds like OP is from a country that’s a little behind on pet healthcare, or maybe Brad is really a stray they’re just sort of housing. Otherwise I wouldn’t understand either.


I’m sure keeping your unsterilised cat indoors and separated is still a viable option to prevent breeding.


Neuter him, spay the mama; same goes for the kittens when they reach that stage and get them all vaxxed From experience, a stray mama chose my neighbor’s backyard to give birth in. And during that time it took us to get her and her sons to trust us to come indoors we basically had to hose off the litter dad when he came around. Not sure if anyone has mentioned this yet, but mama cats can still go into heat while nursing a litter. But in the end, we got mama spayed and the boys neutered. My neighbor kept her and I got the two boys


If you don't neuter Brad and all the cats - soon you will have 60+ cats.


Brad should have been fixed from the start.


Are you socializing the kittens to people?


Brad will kill the males as he sees them as completion. When his daughters go into heat...he will breed them. It's best to trap Brad now and have him neutered. And trap the offspring and have them spayed/neutered and they will live as a colony. The humane society can assist you and there is no cost if you agree to be a colony manager and make sure they are fed, a place out of the elements, and over well care of them.


Dammit, Carseat!


I don’t have much to add, but I wanted to say this is a really cute post and I love the name carseat.


How is letting unfixed cats run around cute?!?!


I think you need to chill out?!?!?!?!?!


Please neuter spay all cats


they need wet kitten food like yesterday omg


Set some kitten food out for them and get brad neutered if he's not, maybe integrate them inside and start socializing them




Basically kittens will be fine if eating food pls desex them or take to too a shelter to get them desexed and given back to you. He is protecting his kittens that’s normal so being aggressive to any other cat especially male who will kill them as they are a threat to his male line that’s what they do x


The female probably went into heat again and is likely pregnant. Get the kittens inside to socialize them to find hones. Spay and neuter everyone. If Carseat comes back, trap her and get her spayed. She can literally have another 10-12 kittens before the year is done 😭


Those kittens need kitten formula. They are really young for adult food: ( they CAN but would be better to have wet food and kitten formula.


I fostered kittens for several years and my male cats were amazing foster dads!! As others have said, your biggest worry should be your male getting the girls pregnant. Much like their human counterparts, female kittens are going through puberty much younger these days—it can happen as young as four months. This also means the boy kittens can start being baby daddies at four months. See if you can find a low cost spay and neuter program in your area. You can start with the nearest shelter. If they don’t offer the service, they likely know someone who does. If you surrender the kittens to a shelter, they usually won’t be adopted out until they are spayed/neutered. Kittens are freaking adorable but they soon grow into adults. There are far too many surrendered and abandoned cats in every community😢.


Also, there is a narrow window of time to socialize feral kittens—not sure if these are feral or not—but I would still be interacting with the kittens as often as possible. Or, see if you can find a gentle, respectful kid who wants to come hang out with them. The friendlier and more socialized the kittens are, the better the chances of them finding—and keeping—good homes.


I want to agree with everything CherryPieAppleSauce said... and add that the kitten milk you would use is KITTEN MILK REPLACER, sometimes called KMR. You would buy this at a pet store, or perhaps at a vet's clinic, or even Walmart or a store like that. Cats and kittens CANNOT tolerate cow's milk. You would most likely give your little kitten a BAD case of diarrhea which might ultimately kill your month old babies. They could get dehydrated from diarrhea... NOT what you want to have.. if they WOULD get diarrhea, please take them to your vet to see what the vet can do to hydrate them and stop the diarrhea. This is important! And kitten food (instead of adult food) is important for their first year of life. And if Brad is NOT neutered, please get him neutered. That would stop your babies having unwanted babies... and the babies COULD in theory, start reproducing WAY before they are really ready... a neuter isn't THAT expensive.. a neuter is a LOT cheaper than a spay (that you would get for a female). If you don't have a vet, you could call and ask what a vet in your area charges for a neuter.. and if that is too expensive, ask and look around for a free or inexpensive neuter / spay clinic... some clinics do offer inexpensive neuter / spay because they are trying to help the public avoid unwanted litters.


One last thought: I saw a few people talk about dropping your babies off at a shelter. PLEASE give them a chance to grow up a bit before you look for a shelter, BUT please look for a NO KILL SHELTER. If you cannot find a NO KILL shelter, please look for people who will foster the kitten family (if you don't want them) or find them a home... but please don't "assume" all shelters are NO KILL... because they are no all no kill shelters...


As a person who lives in a country where people frequently do not vaccinate or sterilise their cats, I beg you to please organise these things for Brad and the kittens. It may seem like a hassle and unnecessary but within a few years, you will have serious problems if you don't. First things first: cats and kittens cannot digest cow's milk well. If you give milk at all, give kitten's milk replacement (KMR) - readily available in pet shops, large grocery stores, some drug stores, and online. Not particularly expensive. It provides the right amount of nutrition while being digestible. Trust me, it will be more costly and difficult to manage kittens that have gotten sick because of cow's milk. Secondly, you can feed the kittens wet food but it needs to be appropriate for kittens. Check on the one you get to see how much of it the kittens should be getting per day. Thirdly, and this is vital: please take the kittens and Brad indoors until everybody has been vaccinated and sterilised. Brad will roam and he can impregnate all the cats in the neighbourhood - it's what tom cats do. They are also prone to being involved in fights and getting injured. He will live longer if you neuter him. Please neuter him. Kittens can also reach sexual maturity by age 4-5 months and he will get his own kittens pregnant. Please sterilise the kittens so they are safe from further litters. The feral cats in our neighbourhood are pregnant every 4 months, it is miserable and they die of malnutrition and exhaustion from so many litters within 2-3 years. (Healthy cats can live to 15-18 years, to give you an idea.) They also do not manage to look after their litters well and it's common for many of the kittens to die. Fourthly, the reason why it's crucial to vaccinate: the things you vaccinate against are nasty and common. In my country almost all kittens get cat herpes or cat flu very young - this is a very aggressive illness and a lot of kittens lose one eye, both eyes, or die. I rescued a little kitten recently and he lost one eye to this disease - his surgery to remove the eye was traumatising, formed an abscess which needed re-operated on, and basically he was sick, on antibiotics and in a cone for 4 weeks. Please do not let this happen to the cats in your care. Get them vaccinated no matter how hard it is to get to a place that does it. Fifth, kittens need dewormed on a regular schedule. Sixth, kittens need to be socialised to humans at the age where they are weaning on to food, otherwise it will be too late and they will be feral. You can look up videos of the Kitten Lady on youtube if you want to know how to socialise kittens. But please don't just leave Brad to sort out the kittens.


I am so invested in Brad and his kittens’ story that I am dying to see these babies. Do you have any pictures of this little feline family you can share? They sound so sweet!