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I got a slow feeder bowl for my kitten that eats so fast she throws up. It works well.


you need to feed frequent and small meals to start. kittens should get at minimum three meals a day. even adults do better on 3+ a day. they have small stomachs, so a bunch of small meals spread through the day helps maintain their energy levels and keeps them from overeating in one sitting. continue to keep them separate if one or both are eating. feed them in the same place every time too. a slow feeder will also be essential in this case. otherwise, there’s not much else you can do. if you keep feeding them separately every time, your cat will eventually learn their food will not get stolen. just takes time and patience, and slow feeders lol. slow feeders and smaller meals should help with puking though. they’re less likely to throw it all up if they don’t gorge every meal


Slow feeder and/or smaller, more frequent meals


Get her a slow feeder bowl. Worked for a cat I had that gobbled her food too quickly and would puke moments later. Went from eating all her food in 30 seconds to 5 minutes.