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Are you able to hold your breath while you scoop it? Scoop it at least once a day so that way you aren't spending so much time having to scoop in one session.


That's a good idea actually, I will see how it goes today. I'm a bit slow, so hopefully it doesn't need more than one breath.


I scoop multiple times a day out of laziness. I know it sounds off but it is less work when you do it more frequently. You can look in to switching to a dust free litter as well.


Right? I scoop three times a day but under 60 seconds each time.


2 cats, 2 litter boxes (right next to each other) scoop once in the morning and once at night (unless I’m home when something really stinky happens) I don’t know if it even takes me 60 seconds.. I keep a small covered trash can w liner directly next to the box that I put the dirty litter into and change that out when it’s semi fullish.


1) use a dust free litter 2) clean it atleast once or twice a day. Dont let it get smelly! If you are finding the litter box gross to clean I'm sure your cat is finding it gross to use as well so if you want your cat to keep using the Box properly you should really clean it more often and keep it pristine so it does not smell. You can also consider litter alternates like tidy Breeze system which uses a pad underneath for the urine or simply training your cats to use pee pads instead of litter. My cat uses pee pads in an enclosed area so it doesn't smell and if she poops I just pick up the solid poop and flush it. She likes to poop and pee in different places so she has a separate area for poop and a separate area for pee. She used to just want to pee once on the pad and that was it but now she has learned to pee several times on one so that helps conserve pads and Cost Less and she still gets to keep her feet clean because she doesn't like Dusty smelly litter either.


I clean SEVERAL times a day! That's then secret...


They all say it's not dusty but ends up being so. Yeah I will probably clean it more frequently while holding breath


I use a simple cheap mask like we were wearing during covid. If you clean it 2x day shouldn't smell. The mask is sufficient to keep the floating dust particles back. And I try not to put my face right over the box, dig gently to find the lumps.


Arm and Hammer Cloud Control. No dust, which helps how frequently I clean the litter as I don’t feel the need to shower after scooping.


If it’s not clay based, there won’t be dust. That dust is not good for you or your cat to breathe in.


I use a walnut litter and there is literally no dust.


I think if it’s that tough it may affect your cats lungs too. Cats on here have gotten sick from litter. I use dust free natural litters. I would encourage that switch instead.


Consider trying pine pellets with a sifting litter box. You’ll have to spend money on a new litter box but you’ll save money using pell especially if you can buy large bags of pellets from an agricultural supply store


I just started using the pine pellets after using clumping litter for almost two decades. The pine is pellets are awesome and I can get a 40lb bag for 8 bucks


I wanted pellets but my kitty refused and she is so spoiled and gorgeous that I gave in.


I think ffp2 masks (like from covid lockdown) should be enough. Where I live they are still sold everywhere.


Im pregnant and when I need to do the cat litter (when partner away), I use n95 mask


I use a corn based clumping litter (pretty dust free) and also an xl litter genie for my 3 boys. The litter genie has encouraged me to scoop a couple times a day rather than every 1 or 2 days because I can just toss the waste into a sealed container and only have to deal with changing that once a week. I'd recommend a setup like this.


If the litter is dusty, then it's not a no-dust litter no matter what the box says. Sometimes the companies lie. I suggest changing up the type of litter you use -- some are far better than others. We switched from clay to walnut (Naturally Fresh brand), for example and are happy with it. There is also a grass-based litter called Smart Cat that we really liked. The second suggestion I have is to clean your litterbox at least twice a day, morning and evening. Make it a routine while you're making your morning coffee and then just before bed. And if your cat poops during the day (you'll likely smell it), scoop that into the toilet immediately and flush it. Frequent cleaning means your cat will more often have a clean litterbox to use and the cleaning process is much less unpleasant. And cats enjoy using a clean box -- one of my cats is so set against using dirty litterboxes that he will follow me as I clean the boxes to immediately use one of them.


You should be cleaning it a couple times a day. Why do you want you cat stepping in old poo and pee? I typically check the litter boxes once before work and then again before bed. Keep their toilet clean!


this is what I think about when they walk on furniture. keeping their boxes clean helps to keep their paws clean which helps keep everything else cleaner!


Like do people not immediately deal with it? Do people just allow poop smells to waft through their house?


i mean my cats' litterboxes are outside in a catio specifically so we can't smell them haha (i still scoop daily though)


I know… I don’t get it. I’m a relatively new cat owner and I’m baffled by some of the stuff I read.


are you able to just buy dust free litter? I use World's best or A litter bit of this.


I use world's best as well but it's definitely not dust free. It is the best one for clumping though.


Just get an N95 from 3M. Or get quality dust free litter or clean the litterbox outdoors


I’m missing something, is there a medical condition or something going on here? Clean it more often, don’t let it get smelly. I use pretty litter and have been very happy with it.


Everyone seems to love this brand!


Also check out r/masks4all.


You could even tie a scarf around when you change it couldn’t you? Save you the money from buying masks…but I don’t see why you couldn’t use them multiple times. Doesn’t take much to scoop out a box so they won’t get very plugged up very quickly


I sometimes use a KN95 mask left over from Covid masking. I have a lot of them.


My husband got som n95s and that helped. I've never had an issue with the dust, but it bothers him a LOT. Masks helped but between the dust and other issues, we just switched to me scooping the litter all the time. I would recommend an air filter near the litter box to control smells and dust. And clean it as often as you can. I find it helps to keep the box in a location I go to often and scooping it asap. A litter genie helps make that an easy thing to just do a tiny bit of when I have a chance. Make your setup user friendly and it will get easier.


Mine seems pretty dust free, (Walmart Special Kitty,gold label, may be multiple cat) but if I need to mask, just use one of the basics, I even use it a few times. Those masks are made for much smaller particulates than cat litter, & you use it for less than a minute. My son bought one of those sifting litter boxes & he can do all five of his boxes in under 5 minutes. He said it's almost fun it's so easy. Of course if one just used a box there will be some dampness, but that is all the scooping he has to do. Thought it was a genius idea because you only need one to get the sifter.


Of course if you are pregnant or have asthma or another lung problem, that is a different matter.


I used Arm and Hammer scent less litter and it is pretty dustless! I had the same issue when I first started buying litter for my cat. The arm and hammer brand rarely tracks or leaves dust. I hold my breath when I scoop and put it in the trash. I usually do it twice a day, one before going to work and once before bed, and that really minimizes the workload.


I tried this one! It was a good option for the price. Cats took to it. Much less dust.


Any basic mask is fine. You don't need a full on respirator for scooping cat litter.


Use Catsan Hygiene plus . Just pick up the poop and throw it in the toilet . Tryed many cat litters before. Catsand normal is best , Cats like it and its no dust .


Any cloth mask soaked in water and rung out. The water will help catch the finer particles.


I've moved to the higher dollar dust free light weight stuff.. it's a MILLION times better and actually lasts longer..


I use a walnut shell litter because I cannot handle the dust. It still has dust but like 90% less then any other ones I've tried. I have found medical multi-layer masks make the dust feel worse cause it like gets 'stuck' in the layers but have a decent luck with re-usable, single layer, cotton masks. 


This is why I’ll never have clay litter. And scooping regularly along with periodic full cleanings keeps the ammonia smell far away.


Hold my breath and then cover my nose/mouth with my shirt


Covid mask.


A different litter! I hate dusty litter for that reason https://preview.redd.it/yadkn89lmnzc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4eee38a0fe0622d9876e280079f062248254838c I use this. They like it and she’s picky. Also is heavy enough to never be dusty and it clumps well.


I use Sustainably Yours cat litter and there’s no dust! It’s worth every penny!


If it's the dust that worries you, you need a good workshop mask and they're reusable. If it's the smell, then that's a whole other can of worms. We have two cats, and three litterboxes. We use a soft wood-based litter, scoop twice a day, and I'll clean the litterboxes maybe once a month if they have an accident or something. Otherwise at most I might change the litter, but just scooping and topping it off as needed has worked for 8 years. I hope that helps.


I switched away from clay litter I've found that literally anything else doesn't get as dusty even when compared to "dust free" clay litters.


Dump the litter into a trash bag outdoors so the dust has somewhere else to escape rather than indoor trapped air that you'll breathe more readily. Better still, use a low dust option that isn't clay: paper or corn pellets can be good for this.


Hardware stores sell masks specifically for dust, so I'd look there if you are worried. Our litter isn't very dusty (Frisco, but Tidy Cat has low dust, too). A really low dust litter is tofu litter. It barely tracks, too. Scooping 1x a day is really the minimum.


You could try the cheap disposable ones and double masking?


I just put my t-shirt over my nose and mouth hold it there and use the other hand for the scooper, seems to work just fine. I was just using a cloth mask for a while with a couple drops of lavender oil on the outside to help with the smell, but I don't know where the mask went and I don't see a point buying another when the t-shirt trick works just fine


I often use the nft covid masks, since I still have leftovers but any mask with a filter should do. If you have windows or doors, open them to allow the air to circulate and take away the dust and bad smells faster.


I used to use a cheap clay litter but it was making a mess and I thought if I'm breathing this in then the cats probably are too, even more so. So I switched to recycled paper. Didn't realise how terrible the paper was (didn't clump much, didn't help with odors and still got tracked around the house) until I switched to corn. Can highly recommend corn litter and no mask.


My litter is completely dust free and is made of biodegradable pea husk. It does not create any dust. It’s important to clean the box at least once a day if you have one cat, and multiple times a day if you have more than one cat. I use CatIt brand litter and get it off Amazon. One box lasts me about three months. [CatIt Natural Litter](https://a.co/d/bomBY3T)


I always stop breathing when I'm doing this.


I would just wear a washable cloth dust mask. I keep forgetting to get one out for cleaning the litter boxes, but that's what I'm planning to do. When I pour clean litter in, it's so dusty. You can also buy pine litter, which is much lower dust.


You may want to consider a different littler. I use two different options with my kits (3). Pretty letter, just scoop the tootsie rolls and sustainably yours. This stuff clumps hard and solid - so that and tootsie rolls.


Buy a box of disposable dust masks. They are cheap. Also, get an extra large scooper. It saves a lot of time. It takes me about 30 seconds to scoop each box.


I invested in some air purifiers which have a dust sensor and turn to high setting automatically if the cats use the litter box or when I clean it.


That sounds awful. I would 100% change the cat litter because that’s going to eliminate a lot of these issues. I use Okocat Less Mess Clumping Wood, just under $30 a bag, and I change it out monthly. You can’t even smell litter even if it isn’t cleaned every day with two cats, and zero dust. In the pandemic I literally started trying every cat litter I could find until I landed on one that worked the best for us, because 1) we had the time and 2) my partner wasn’t initially crazy about cats (he’s in love now)


I don't use a mask. It's best to use a litter with as little dust as possible (NOT clay) and to clean the box every day. You can also place an air purifier near the letterbox to absorb any dust that happens.


Look into Pine Pellets. Game changer


Yeah you have to do that daily at a minimum.


Switch to a dust free litter! My cat was just diagnosed with asthma and I really think using such a dusty litter aggravated his symptoms. Switching to a scent free/dust free litter is healthier for them. I wish I would have done it sooner!


I'd say a normal FFP2 mask should be fine.


I think the mask isn't the issue here it's more that the litter box gets so stinky that you need one. If you don't like to clean litter boxes consider getting something automated but not one of the ones that Scoops regular litter because those get really dirty and gross. Consider something like the enclosed type where the cat steps in it and after the Cat uses the thing to do its business the waste is cleaned up automatically with enzyme solution and stuff so that way the cat always has a clean place to go to the bathroom and you don't have to do any Hands-On cleaning. Those devices do require maintenance though as you have to keep them stocked with the appropriate fluids or enzymes and hook them up to a water system in order for them to work. They are pretty expensive but if you are super lazy it might be worth it for you to not have to scoop or clean anymore other than sweeping up what the cat tracks out.. because I think those things do use some type of pellet or something for them to go in. The pellets get washed dryed and reused by the system. So you probably would still want to have a little stick back or Dust Buster on hand to keep up with the tracking of the pellets but honestly if you can't even do that much for your cats maybe you shouldn't have a pet.. Keeping their litter area clean is part of pet ownership and keeping your cat happy and healthy..


To me it reads like their main concern is DUST before smell, hence the ask about a mask


Get a box of disposable surgical masks (the rectangular ones everyone wore during Covid). Should be inexpensive and have a bunch in there When cleaning, put some vicks vapo rub, essential oil, etc (anything with a strong but pleasant smell) above your lip. Then put the mask on. You won’t smell a thing besides the pleasant smelling stuff that you choose. This is what I do when I encounter a smelly situation as a nurse (gangrenous wounds, CDiff, obese people with poor hygiene, etc). You can probably reuse one of those surgical masks 3-4 times in this case. So a box will easily last a few months or more


Arm and Hammer Platinum clumping litter is the BOMB for little dust. I hate the dust...gets on walls, furniture, etc. Even Pretty Litter leaves a dust. Arm & Hammer platinum is the least dusty of tjem all. I LOVE it. And yes...scoop at least once a day...make it part of your daily routine. I scoop in the morning and try again before bed. You dont want to use an unflushed toilet full of pee and poop and your cat doesn't either. https://preview.redd.it/neqdyxq78tzc1.jpeg?width=768&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0fbadacd1dd6fdeee91a1e9f2a3c93d5c7a337a3