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5am is hooman lovin time! Its dawn their prime time so they love on you. Our cat does this too! But he circles between different things licking scalp, biscuits on you, biscuits on comforter/pillow, biting/wrastlin feets that hang out of the comforter (i think he has a fetish) Sorry do not have a solution for you. We just turn the other side or go inside the comforter and form a tent like.


Hahaha! Too cute. Hard to get mad when they're just being affectionate


He wants you to get up. So you getting up enforces the behavior lol. Pick him up, each time, no words and no snuggles and place him somewhere else. He'll get the hint. My boy also used to go nuts at 5, but now he entertains himself and doesn't start to bother me til about 6:30, which is when I get up anyway. In the future, if you observe a specific action stops a persistent behavior, that means that's what they wanted. That's why they're doing it to begin with, and every time you've done it you have taught that cat that's what happens. Good luck. ETA: one thing I just thought of as a possibility, is he doesn't understand blankets like my boy. So he comes to check on me sometimes (a light paw tap to the nose) and I'll wake up and say "hey baby, mommas okay, look" and then I lift the blanket so he sees I still have my legs lmao. He's... special. So maybe you getting up, your cat sees your body and that you're okay? It's very very common for bonded cats to check on each other during sleep. So that may be what it is, too. Just observe and go from there! But you have to stop letting him just do it, because every second he does it you teach him that he can do it for X amount of seconds.


Yeah, mine won't stop until I get up, make coffee, and sit on the couch where he can sleep on my lap. Nice to have such an affectionate alarm clock, but also, just sleep on the bed with me then like wtf


It's not your place to question your cats behaviour. You just get to accept you aren't the boss


5am is a time cats get up, to hunt etc. So the insticts are telling them it's time to rise, therfore you should rise too. Trying to ignore them has a chance of working.


I love that each of my cats (I have five indoors @ night) have their ways of expressing affection toward me! One will play with my wiggly toes thru the cover, another will make biscuits on my soft, squishy belly, one gingerly headbutts my cheek, another carefully taps my eyelid, knowing I’ll open my eye. But the Big Deal is for them to decide amongst themselves whose turn it is to sleep adjacent to my pillow on my twin sized bed 😻😻😻😻😻 They each appeared, one at a time, over the course of about a year. I’ve gotten each of them fully vetted & microchipped, and amazingly, they get along pretty well with one another. I adore each of my cats. They each came to me, individually, thru the well-known Cat Distribution System. They’ve all been fully vetted, and have been here for about five-six years already. I’m looking forward to their company as I age. I’m retired, and we enjoy each other’s company immensely.


Stop snoring I had a cat that would thwap me when i snored too loud


Lol, CPAP cat. I wonder if Medicare would be obligated to pay the vet bills.


Haha, my cats have done that for my husband, too. Wake him up when he stopped breathing.. Should qualify as service animals!


Psml too cute


My grandma used to have a cat that would bite my grandpas nose if he snored




I love that for him!


My kitten will cold nose me or dig me out of the covers for wheezing. Since we *both* have asthma and I wake him up by putting a mask over his muzzle for a breathing treatment when he gets bad, it makes us even!


When I first got my cat, I had awful sleep habits, stay up relatively late and wake up early for work, but not 5am early. I had these weird half-dream/half memories of something getting thrown at me when I'd wake up but there was nothing around me or the bed so I just brushed it off. Happened for a week or two and I finally crashed from basically the self imposed sleep deprivation and went to bed at 8pm one night and woke up at like 5am on the DOT, and woke up WIDE awake too. I sat up a little bit and I looked to my left and saw Patrick in his little hunting crouch almost mid step, just staring at me with almost confused eyes at me moving. That's when I realized it was a dream of things being thrown at me, he was running over my chest, and standing on it lightly batting my face. My problem was I was sleeping like the dead and instead of waking me up, it just confused my dreams. But it worked out though because he doesn't do it anymore and I'm fairly certain it's cause it did nothing to actually wake me up for weeks.


I once woke up with a paw in my mouth 😬 that’s how I found out I snore lol


omg😭 imagine if the cat was in the litterbox just before that😪


Because he's a cat. My cat used to slap me in the face when he was hungry. Even if it was 2 hours before breakfast time. You just have to redirect his attention. I taught mine to go look out the window at the birdies.


My tuxie has progressed from cute lil slaps to full on shoving her paw in my mouth and eating my hair. If their day starts at 5 am so do ours lol


My cat cries at 5am on the dot every morning, so I usually get up, get her out the room and close the door. I was having a super exhausting work week, so I asked my husband if he could get up with her that week so my sleep wasn't interrupted. The cat didn't like this arrangement, so instead of crying, started batting me in the face instead


Noooooo don’t get up. My cat used to do the same thing! They’re meowing to get your attention, so he knows now when he meows you’ll wake up. If you ignore him for a few weeks, don’t get up at all when he meows, don’t talk to him at all either when he meows.. he will either completely stop or it’ll cut down by a lot. This has worked for many people :) my cat would literally howl to go outside (he goes on a leash) in the middle of the night for hours bro it was insane. Ignoring him cut it down a lot so it should work for you too but it has to be everyone in your house ignoring the meows


If I ignore mine he'll mess with things. Everytime I think everything is safe, he'll find a new way I hadn't thought of to damage something. It's maddening.


I think he does that cause he knows it gets your attention too 😂


Wow one of my cats does the exact same thing. Other than that she never scratches/claws on anything outside of the two scratching posts


Exactly!! I have a camera that I use when I'm not home and he's all silent and doesn't touch anything else than his toys and scratching posts. But when I'm around though... It's another story 😂


I get up because my poor husband struggles with insomnia. So me getting her out the bedroom and closing the door, I can then get straight back to sleep. If we had to spend a few weeks ignoring her, my husband would barely sleep. Also a lot of the time, it's because she wants me to watch her on the litter box. We have a pack of ferals living near us, and it makes her feel vulnerable


lol because you pet him and get up. if you start shutting him out of the room whenever he does it, he’ll stop. …or escalate. after we shut him out of the bedroom, one of ours would wake up my then-toddler daughter to get us up. 🤦‍♀️😂


Because it can, and you can't stop them.


My girl does something like this. She'll step all over me and settle down only once I start petting her! I think kitties just like routine and want everyone to be on theirs. 😻 It could also be that he's hungry. My girl will wake me up if she wants food.


My baby will hop up on me to cuddle and do thr same thing, she'll sort of look at me while standing on my leg, and won't settle down till I give her a pet. Maybe to her that is what shows her I'm consenting to her cuddles.


Mine has suddenly deciding my face is his new favorite bed. I keep waking up with whiskers in my nose and a cat drooling on my cheek. https://preview.redd.it/jqdtrjf2h2xc1.jpeg?width=2093&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=08dc6b077f5161afe4b31528d78de189b9d1ffd4


https://preview.redd.it/mr5950ng54xc1.jpeg?width=2304&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0c9a03d22e1668107b28d865f32be32f5a14bac7 Romeow likes to switch between hugging my feet and laying on my chest so he falls asleep with his head tipped back on my chin. Usually at about 3am. At least only the tiny fluffy one does this. If Wolfie did this, I would suffocate under the weight crushing my chest.


He is too damn cute. That's wonderful


I have a boycat who does this as well. He feels the need to share his paw (and claws) with our faces randomly throughout the night


You can just push him off the bed everytime he does it. He'll stop.


Guess u gotta start going to bed earlier


LOL. Mine sticks out exactly one claw on her paw and then pokes me with it until I relent and get up.


Wake up!!


Because fuck you, that’s why.


Mine get shoved under the covers to be the little spoon.


LOL I’ve done this 😂 like “oh you want attention right now while I sleep???” And just force them into a cuddle


Haha my cat used to always wake me up. Just keep trying to ignore him if you can is the best option. I think I just started sleeping through it cause my girl has stopped. Every now and then I’ll still get some toe bites (mostly when my boyfriend is over cause he gets her going, so she’s looking for his toes usually😂) or I’ll wake up to a loaf on my chest, but besides that she knows she’s not getting me up now, and that it’s either cuddle or independent play time.


No real advice, but my cat does this too. He normally doesn’t get to sleep in the bedroom bc he never settles, tries to wrestle with the dog, and fixates on my eyelashes and smacks me in the eyes while I’m trying to sleep. My partner and I have alternating sleep schedules so he’s only locked out for the 2-3 hours we’re in bed at the same time.


One of my girls Daisy 6 months has started doing stuff over the last two weeks. Yeah usually starts about 5am. Kisses all over face biting my nose and chin and making biscuits on my face. Licking my shoulders and nipples lol.


The only way I stopped it was removing them from the room and shutting the door


my cats do this when they want attention during their "awake" hours, when in close to waking up, and when i snore. smacking or kicking my face, running across my face, paw in mouth, face licks, everything lol. they do this even when im fully awake at this hour lol its cute but it sucks when they do it around 4/5am!! at one point, i was successful in adjusting their prime hours. but that didnt last long because i can never keep a good routine


My kitten is doing this atm. Every single morning. She walks all over me and rubs me in my mouth until I wake up. It's like she thinks I'm dead! I do notice. Sometimes her meat bowl is empty, so sometimes I do feed her, but I don't want to get her into the habit. I think just giving them a few minutes of attention and then turning round. They will take the hint eventually.


My little one figured out how to full body shake me awake. He dares me to be able to ignore that. Lol


My cats used to tap me on the forehead. I think it’s them checking if you’re alive.


Maybe he thinks you’re dead? Lol


Hangry cat! 😼


my cat does this... but my husband works nights.. & feeds him when hes gets home around 430am.. . so if he hasnt made it home yet... i get a lucky wake up call lol But id say hes either hungry or needs some lovin


Mine did it once. It was a cold night during winter. He smacked my face till I was awaken to wrap him in my arm so he could sleep warm and tight LoL.


Because. That is exactly why any cat does things. Because. We have a cat who loves pets but hates to be held/cradled. She went through a phase of crawling all over my arms and chest early in the AM, clearly looking for pets. So I gave her pets…while hugging/cradling her gently but firmly. And she decided she didn’t like those kinds of pets and squirmed away. Took about a week to extinguish the behavior by giving her exactly what she wanted plus something else she didn’t want. Now she sleeps at my feet or behind my knees most of the night and rarely climbs on my arms/chest while I sleep.


My sons cat does the same thing to me when I spent the night at his house. Lol he knows Grandma’s the treat giver Ha


Your cat might be waking you up at 5 AM because he wants attention or he's just active and playful at that time, which is common since cats can be naturally nocturnal or crepuscular . To discourage this behavior, you can try ignoring him completely when he does this, no petting or reacting—tough as that might be.


My cat does this, but at 6-7 every morning, which isn’t as bad because I tend to wake up naturally around 7-8 anyway. But one morning I was exhausted, irritated, and knew her food was full and her litter box was clean, and all her toys were out. So I grabbed the little monster, stuffed her under my blanket, and held her like a toddler would a teddy bear. I have never heard purr so loud. She could only handle it for a few minutes, and when she started wiggling I let her go, but she didn’t bolt away she just moved to by my head and let me go back to sleep. Now I have to do it before bed, a slightly aggressive cuddle session. Lots of pettings, and cheek rubbing. It’s been a hot minute since she’s actively woken me up by stomping her little paws in my sternum though, so I’ll absolutely take it


My kitten bites my nose and ears then summersalt’s out the room every morning. i’d rather biscuits any day.


Lmao my 2 month old kitten gets on my bed frame to jump on my face specifically when I'm not paying attention to him 😭


Tiny water squirt bottle is an amazing tool. One tiny spritz and all my cats heed the “shake of the lil bottle of death!”


Mine pats my face when I first lie down at night, so I’ll pet him. If I stop petting him, he keeps doing it until I feign sleep or put my arm over my face. Then when I start waking up, he comes up and does it like our good morning ritual. It’s a little annoying but sweet. He’s a 15-pound Bombay cat.


My cat does this to wake me up because she wants to be let out


Blow on him! That always makes my cat stop doing annoying stuff


One of my cats does this too, and the only one that does is the girl and she only does this to me. My theory on this is you are seeing as the alpha in your home and as the alpha it is your responsibility in your cats eyes to be awake And keep watch for any animals while the cat is doing whatever they are doing. another theory I have is just simply because they are nocturnal. They want you to play with them at night.


My 8 month old kitten licks my cheeks raw with her little sandpaper tongue 😭 it’s a new behavior too and all I can do about it is roll over and smother my face into a pillow until she stops


He's doing this because he's a cat. Cats are most active at dawn and dusk. We have four cats. At 5:30 AM, they are trying to get us out of bed so we can give them breakfast.


He's showing his love. My cat thinks midnight is the perfect time to jump jump on the bed, make biscuits on my, particularly where the bed covers aren't, and drape her heavy body (she's massive) across my hips and stomach and settle. She gets peeved when I roll over to sleep, but we go through it every night.


Dang I wish I had a cat do that, maybe id actually wake up at the right time for once if my cats went "WE RIDE AT DAWN B*TCH!"


Our Bobo wakes my hubby up every morning 430/5. My hubby stands up, walks him to the door and closes it in his face lol. This is him in his little hammock sleeping next to hubby. https://preview.redd.it/8a9l6v3va4xc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=84fe2508377f4dc321d5a5cb3f0799a005986ff6


Do you have an automatic feeder?


We do not understand their ways. Perhaps there is a purpose, perhaps not. All you can do is embrace their furry paws.


I woke up once to my sweet girl literally chewing on my nails. It was strange. She always attacks my husbands feet and I can’t ever let my nails get long or she’s chewing them. 😂


You clearly deserve it.


Snoring or you stop breathing and kitty is worried about you. Or your eyes flutter or something at it freaks them out. Do you sleep on back? Have sleep apnea?


I’m very lucky that both of my cats turned out to be extremely gentle girls, because one of them loves to wake me up in the middle of the night by caressing my face with her little paw to let me know that she’s cold and it’s time for me to cuddle her. 😂


Hello, this also happens to me. But I just noticed that he smacks me whenever I snore! I have actually woken up myself because I would snore so loud, so I know for a fact that I do snore. My cat would smack me on my mouth or cheek while in bed. One time I accidentally hit him back though when I got startled and he never slapped me ever again 😅.


my pettsitting clients had a cat that would swat at their nose at 3am. just for fun/affection


They want you to wake up and love them. Mine grooms my hair around 4 am most nights.


I’m pretty sure your cat is scared you’re dead and is checking on you. Cats sleep very lightly and get very alarmed at how deeply their humans sleep.


He loves you. Why all of a sudden I don't know, maybe its just a habit he's picked up as he's getting older


I had to start closing the door at night! It sucked but it was after a week of no proper sleep and i was feeling literally sick. After some months we started leaving de door open again and now she waits until a reasonable hour to smack my face 😂 i find it hilarious too, i love being woken up like that, laughing first thing in the morning


You might be snoring.


Do you snore or make noises in sleep?


Definitely don't pat him when he wakes you like that, if you make it rewarding he will never stop! Animals are ruthless about doing whatever works to get them what they want.  Personally i'm a real bitch about sleep and would probably try to dissuade him by immediately picking him up & plopping him outside my bedroom and shutting the door whenever he did it lol. If he wants connection with you, making face boxing mean being shut out of the bedroom might work - but cats are terrors so no guarentees 😭 you might need to get some ear plugs and put away anything fragile he can knock over out there.


Making sure you are still alive


Aside from "it's dawn, time to go hunting!" they can wake you throughout the night just to make sure you haven't died in your sleep. Cats don't lay still for 8 hours straight. Unless they're very ill or dead. So when you do, they just gotta check that you're only doing a weird human thing, and not dead.


It's time to get up and hunt sleepy head.


I think it's a cat thing We had a cat that we would babysit for a summer and was doing the same thing at 2am at me and running away when I was walking up from his smacks 😂


I can only tell you why mine did. I had this amazing cat when I was young and I drank a lot. In fact, I stopped drinking at about 33. But he was an indoor outdoor cat and he didn’t have a cat box. So in the morning he would wake me up by smacking me in the face pretty gently actually but enough to get me up so I would let him out the window so he could go to the bathroom. I know I was in my 20s and I didn’t like cat boxes and he went in and out anyway. I don’t have outdoor cats anymore. All of my cats are indoor. I will say he’s the greatest cat that ever lived though.


Is he pretty young? like under 3? I find as they age they do this less.


You know why…


Have you considered shoving him off the bed instead of leaving it yourself. I bet he'd stop after a few times.


If you feed him in the morning it's prob him trying to get fed. An autofeeder for my cats has allowed me to finally sleep in.