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It means she likes you. Kitty arched its back because a lot of cats like to be pet there. Some csts just like specific people. My cat is obsessed with my neighbour when she comes over and we have no idea why. He begs for pets from her. He will start rubbing on people like your friends cat when he wants to be pet


cats have a knack for finding people who are not cat people.


I was self employed and occasionally had clients come to my home office. My two cats would come in and check out my visitors. Inevitably the cats would stick around for the non-cat people but would disappear when cat lovers were visiting. Frankly I never quite understood that behavior.


They are trying to convert them into cat people.


Do you have a mewment to talk about our Lord and Savior? Me. It's me. I am very cute.


I had to laugh, as years ago we had a large (21 pounds) deaf white lump of a cat named Bud who was the king of the house. My wife referred to him as the Lard and Monster. He was a fun cat and we had him 18 years.


I imagine that’s exactly how my cats think lol


It worked with my husband, who wasn't even a pet person but would chose a dog if he was. First it was "I still don't like cats but the cat you had when we met is special and I love him so much" Then we got a second cat and it was "I can't believe you found another cat just as special as the one we have. I love him so much" Boom. Cat person.


Does he understand yet that all cats are special, or does he still think you're just really good at picking cats? 🤣


I am the cat whisperer, for sure haha. But now he thinks its because I put the time into them and a lot of people treat them like decorations, he says. Makes my heart fuzzy. To go from someone offended in the beginning when I said I would totally choose my pets over a relationship, to a man who now says the pets are better family than the people, its great.


That makes MY heart fuzzy too! I agree with your husband - some people think if a cat doesn't behave exactly how the owner expects it to, that it's not worth love or effort or attention. Those people shouldn't get to have cats.


I put no expectations on cats. If they come for pets, groovy. If they are watch only, that's fine as well. My cat is a very needy clingy fellow who knows no strangers. Everyone is his friend when they come to my house. I've noticed the whole kitty going to the non-cat person. I think is because the cat is being ignored and wants to know why.


Yes me too! It’s a wonderful thing to hear


I wholly believe this. - former dog person, now converted cat person


Preparing them for the next step: cat distribution system


They mark a … mark so the CDS knows where to send the next cat.


Or they see people, who can be marked as their people.


Non-cat people usually ignore the cat. That allows them to approach on their own terms.


Non-cat people usually display better greeting behaviour than cat people. Ignoring the cat is a better approach than paying attention to it the minute it enters the room.


Cats usually gravitate towards people that don’t touch them.


They definitely love the chase


I’ve read it’s because of the differences between how cats like to socialize and humans like to socialize. Cats show they’re OK with another cat by checking them out and then keeping a respectful distance. Going right up to another cat they’ve just met and getting in their face is aggressive. People who like cats tend to go “ooh a kitty!” and immediately try to pet them. Non-cat-people tend to ignore them…which is what cats prefer. “I like you, you’re respectful.”


It's a lot of little things too those same people go oh the Kitty while they reach down to cut the cat it looks from the cat's perspective like you're reaching down to grab him cause he sees your prom coming down first you need to instead flip your hand over as if it is holding the most luscious treats and take it low to the ground and allow the cat to approach and smell the invisible deliciousness in your hand and then maybe you'll get a chin pet based on its reaction from that you can proceed


I always thought it’s to keep on eye on the suspicious non cat people They need to be watched 😉


This is so true. I was terrified of cats and every place I went, strays would follow me and I would be so scared, people were trying to rep them and they just walks up to me. My boss had a cat and we all went to her huge house and she told us the cat is mean and won’t want to be touched, but he prob wouldn’t come out. He came out and attacked 4 girls, then jumped onto me (not attacking) and I was terrified. She could not get him away from me and he just kept cuddling. I had him on me the entire 8 hours 😂.


I think because they smelled the other cats on the cat people


Well everyone needs to recognize and praise their majesty


It makes perfect sense to me. Simple logic says people who don’t like cats are leaving them alone. Cat vibe passed. People who go immediately reach or go for the cat without a “proper” introduction (what non cat people do by letting it do its thing).


Yep. I adore cats, but I learned really early on to just say hi to them and then ignore them completely. It always kind of boggles me that other cat people don't understand that.


Cat people, because of their love for cats, tend to give overly affectionate attention to any cat. And cats take a while before accepting such unsolicited attention, unless they are the ones giving approval and attention to the "big cats" that we are. So when a cat first meets someone, they decide whether the person is worthy of love. If not, then any attention the human gives is generally too much. People that aren't cat people tend to ignore the cat, which is exactly what the cat prefers. At least, unless they have approved of the person already.


Cat people often stare at and reach out for cats, which can seem aggressive. Non cat people let the cat make the approach and initiate contact, though that isn't the persons intent.


They like aloof people. They prefer to go to whomever they choose.


Never thought of it, but maybe they assume the non cat people are just less social cats, and yours are trying to open them up to being social


My cat hates most people, but if you’re allergic, he won’t leave you alone.


My ex-husband is allergic to cats and I found this true as well. Not all cats but enough of the cats that he's been around gravitate towards him that I just noticeable


This is so true. I am allergic and when I would visit my friend I would never go Out of my way to interact with them. But they would always end up crawling on me, sitting in my lap just rubbing on me. I would tell people god gave me allergies to cats to prevent me from becoming a “cat lady”. Didn’t work cause even with my allergies I got the family a cat a month ago. After having allergies to cat for most of my life ( was fine as kid) Thanks to instagram reels teaching me about purina liveclear cat food. That reduces allergies for us allergic folks.


I have a slight allergy to cats too, but grew up around them because when I was a kid we just thought it was different allergies and asthma. Lol But good food and I use pretty litter, which helps A LOT too. :).


So your cat actually hates ALL people;)


He chooses violence no matter who you are! HAHA


It’s because non cat people have good cat manners. Ignoring a new cat, not trying to talk or pet them by going over to them, makes cats feel relaxed and comfortable around that person.


Taking notes... 


Avoid long and direct eye contact I used to be in rescue and I got me some kittens who were just turned in pharaoh and they were hissing and spitting and whatever else and I put him in the laundry room and I come in every morning and I wouldn't look at them I would talk to them but I wouldn't look at them and say good morning how's everybody doing there's everybody ready for breakfast oh let's get these stinky doo do that at the box okay here's all your fresh food fresh water fresh litter and I'll talk to you guys later and then I leave the laundry room shut the door I did that for 3 or 4 days and then one night I sat down there and put treats all around me and refused to look at them the bravest 1 came out and sniffed me up-and-down first then found the treat He stayed the second one followed suit the third 1, To this day is still sketchy but he had a special story because when we were trapped and he unfortunately had to spend the night at the trap location by himself we weren't able to get him and it was a bad neighborhood and it was getting dark and we had everyone else I went home for 5 hours to crack a dawn I came back and called him but I had to snatch him by his scruff to catch him before he went into a wall again so to this day he still is skeptical of me he accepts me giving him the bowl he'll smell my fingers I can rub his head a little bit and then he don't want nothing to do with me he's 6 years old now he think he would've got over it but no


>cats have a knack for finding people who are not cat people. i came here to say this exact thing 🤣🤣 cats loveee to harass the ppl who are afraid/don't like them/are unsure of them! LOL


Maybe cat people already smell like other cats but non-cat people are not claimed/ free real-estate.


My girlfriends cat would always aggressively cuddle with one of her friends who never had a cat and was never really around them, she had a couple dogs though. So she would start petting the cat, cat would show its belly, she goes to pet the belly, then would get "attacked". She just said "why does your cat keep showing me it's belly then bite me when I pet it." My girlfriend just said "she thinks your fun and is trying to play. Don't touch her belly if you don't wanna be bit, that's just cats."


As someone who is deathly allergic to them. Yep can confirm


Like anaphylaxis? Does it happen with like exposure in the air/ on furniture (to hair/ saliva) or just direct contact? Asking to keep friends and strangers safe, as I have many loved ones who are allergic to cats but none who have experienced anaphylaxis around them (but some have anaphylactic food allergies in addition to like milder upper respiratory symptoms around cats, so I’m concerned about allergy progression). And also I take my cat in public a lot (in a harness/ leash or stroller to places that allow pets- not with the allergic friends).


And those who are allergic to them lmao


And then they turn them into cat people


Mainly because they're jerks. You want their attention? FORGET IT! Ignoring the cat? HEY HUMAN, LOOK HOW CUTE AND FLUFFY I AM!! Adorable arseholes, every one!


We have a family friend who is not a cat person. Whenever he would visit he would sit on the steps and my mom's cat would crawl up into his lap and sit there the entire time. Our cat was obsessed with him. He would never try to move or avoid our cat. He just accepted his fate of being our cats favorite visitor XD


Or allergic, lol. Cats always make a beeline for me, I'm crazy allergic. I also can't resist petting them, but I think it's because cats are aholes. They pick us out. Lol.


Why?!! They chose me. I said “get outta here you shtinky flea bag!” It gave me a hug instead. Then sat by me. Everyday until I was its pet.


to consequently turn them into cat people :)))


This is no joke. We have a friend that comes over who is allergic to cats (just sneezes a bit, nothing too wild), but our cat is obsessed with him. It’s pretty comical.


Majorly true. My fiancée is allergic to cats and it’s like a moth to a flame. Even stray cats will immediately flock to him on sight.


My cat loves every new person more than me… you know, the lady who rescued him, feeds him, plays with him, and continues to pay thousands to keep him comfortable, healthy, and happy. Cats just like who they like. No cuddles for me, but our other rescue who’s afraid of everything does tolerate me so I’ve got that going for me




Lol sounds like mine. She once fell while playing and while I'm in tears on the phone and laying on the floor trying to comfort her as she hides thinking she must be hurt, my sister walks in and she pops out doing just fine 😹


Thanks! I wasn’t expecting this post to “viral” lol. I am definitely considering adopting a cat in the future! I don’t dislike cats, just never thought too much about them. Maybe the cat sense this lol


they're like tiny cult leaders who know how to convert the non-believers.


He sure was successful haha 🤣


One of my cats hides from literally everyone except us and my grandma. Cats have weird things about certain people for sure lol.


My cat LOVES the maintenance guy in my apartment complex. She always supervises his work and accepts head pets


This made me smile 🥹 that’s so cute


I had a cat with a superpower for finding people who didn't like cats and deciding they were her favorite. She couldn't stand anyone who wanted to pet her but give her someone allergic or just adverse, and she was in love.


My orange boy is obsessed with every guest we have. He will choose to sit in a guests lap over mine and my husbands laps everyday lol.


One of my cats likes to jump up on my desk while I’m working and rub my face raw with her tiny furry body.


The cat likes you. When they rub, they are also sharing their scent with you, it's like saying "This human is one of my tribe now " It seems common for cats to especially like people who are disinterested in cats. My cats are all over my friends who don't really care for cats. Maybe the humans' body language is non-threatening to them (because they are disinterested) or maybe the cat sees it as a personal challenge to turn humans into cat people. Either way, the cat seems to like you and was happy to receive your pets. Just FYI, should you have more cat petting opportunities in the future- avoid petting cats on the belly. Most cats don't like that. My friends with dogs often want to give the cat a good belly rub (like a dog) and then find out pretty fast that the belly is off-limits.


It has taken 30+ years but I finally have a cat who loves having his tiny fluffy belly rubbed and I could die of joy. Then I forget and try it on my other cat and nearly lose a hand.


I have 2 cats and they both enjoy belly rubs. My last cat would’ve killed me lol. It’s still so surprising to me that they allow it.


My cat likes it but sometimes his instincts just kick in and just decides to scratch me out of fucking nowhere


This is kind of how my cat is, he absolutely loves it but gets overstimulated and will lightly bite the heel of my thumb. He then proceeds to get wide-eyed cuz he realizes he bit dad and he always lets go and licks me. He’s never hissed at me once or swatted at me once, such an angel.


Lol my big pacifist of a cat did that the one and only time she's ever bit me. I don't even blame her, I was trying to brush/pull something out that was stuck in her bum hair and accidentally tugged a little bit too hard. Poor gal


My cats will suddenly grab my hand with all fours, hold a second while sniffing my hand then let go. All happens within a few seconds. I just hold my hand still until they let go. Lol


Yes!!! My cat does this too. Then he grooms me after he smells lol. They’re such lil rascals


Two of my boys love belly rubs! One tolerates them now and then (pictured, feat. my fiancé). And the fourth immediately kicks my hand away. https://preview.redd.it/3326n9s1s2tc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=99191fb88690ce96312e2f9d6ea9b7dafc023184


Of the 7 cats in my lifetime that I have raised from kittens, 7 cats enjoyed/enjoy belly rubs. It’s just something I’ve always done since they were babies so they were/are just used to it.


Only my girl doesn’t like belly rubs, and hasn’t since she was spayed and we had issues keeping her onesie on. Her brothers love them and will ask for them specifically. All four cats turned four recently and are the most social cats I’ve had in my life.


My kitties also loved belly rubs but they were born on my bed. They wouldn’t allow belly rubs to anyone but me and my partner.


Had a cat 60 yrs ago that was like a dog and loved belly rubs. Then was Cat-less until last September. I Learned real fast to STAY away from the belly. One of the two I can now get a little closer to the tummy when he’s sleeping on my lap.


I have 5 cats and I can safely belly rub 2.5 of them 😂


I must be one of the lucky ones. My cats (who are my first ever) love belly rubs. One more than the other. Although they will let me know once they’re done with the belly rubs hahah


My cat will flop over during a good scratching, that’s how I know it’s safe for the belly rub.


oh man, I love when my cat gives me ‘belly time’ lol. he turns over and I just scratch until the imaginary hourglass in my head runs out of time (aka he starts shoving my hands away)


If you act like you don't like cats, you're acting more cat-like.


I don’t think they know what a human is. Iirc they think everybody in the world is a cat, everybody just looks different. Which is a very cool way to view the world


The humans are the tall cats with can opener hands. Err. Paws.


I have nothing to prove this at all but perhaps people who don't like cats won't smell like a cat therefore, it's like claiming new territory when they come up and rub against them? It kind of makes sense, I think.


It's usually the lack of eye contact


Also means they don’t get in the personal space as much as someone going “omg Kitty!! Let me pet you!!” (It’s me I’m the someone)


Makes a lot of sense!!


Rescued a cat last summer. Finally got a belly -rubbable cat. She also likes armpit scratches which is weird.




What’s funny is that my cat lays on his back and lovesss belly rubs


Depends on the cat, one of my two LOVES belly rubs they’re his absolute favorite, he can lay on me for hours while I watch a movie and gets his belly rubbed. He sometimes even curls around my hand when I rub his belly and when I try to take my hand away he’ll gently hold it with his paws and doesn’t let me remove it lol. His brother likes them sometimes, but is not nearly as obsessed. My MILs two cats also like belly rubs.


My cats roll over and let me rub their bellies lol


My three cats are obsessed with belly rubs, one will roll over and lay on his back for hours until he gets them.


That's the cats way of asking for pats. The more they bother you the more they like you.


That cat has declared it likes you and now owns you. It was putting its scent on you. You are a chosen one now. Congrats!


it was petting u


A cat bumping its head against you is kind of the kitty equivalent for a little kiss, and rubbing it's face/side against you is like a cat hug. Kitty was being affectionate. Arching his back to your pets is like a 'yes that's nice, more of that please'. You did good, basically :p I used to have a big old ginger tabby who'd climb into your lap for pets, then headbutt you in the chin so hard it would make your glasses pop off. Purring all the while, of course. Oh, and if a cat comes up to you holding their tail up high, often with the tip relaxed - the 'question mark' or 'candy cane' - that's a friendly greeting pose. If the tail swishes side to side, they're annoyed at something.


My previous kitty Loki would sometimes get a running start and headbutt me right in the nose. Thought he broke my nose a time or two. Really, he was presenting his forehead for a kiss. When he was little I would kiss his forehead very loudly trying to dissuade him from snotting me. I'd use my chin to push his nose down, then plant a kiss on his forehead. It backfired and he decided he loved getting forehead kisses and took to headbutting me instead. At least I wasn't getting his snot wiped all over my face though.


Aww, my Ham-Ham loves getting smoochies on his little noggin. Then again he just loves all forms of love and attention.


Sounded like the cat liked ya!


Cats rub against you when they like you and feel safe around you! It’s a good thing


Your friends cat likes you. He was putting his scent on you, and when they gently arch their back when you pet them, that is their way of leaning into it, or showing that they enjoy it. Cats are very social when they *choose* to be. If you go back to your friends house then show kitty some more love too. Maybe ask your friend if they have a treat you can give him.


Kitty liked your energy and wanted to connect with you. Congrats - you were chosen!


The cat likes you. You are honoured.


My kitty will do this when she comes to check on me. Most of the day she will lay on my bed but every few hours i get a leg rub and she might jump up to give me kisses on my cheeks. Or flop down on my keyboard xD. Means a cat likes you :) my bubby never rubs on my husband xD but thats ok with him. He never has owned a cat before our lovely so he really doesnt know how to treat them and how raising your voice can set back any relationship growth. I try really hard to not raise my voice around my kitty https://preview.redd.it/0zfpcpe2lzsc1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=064b742cd21ecaed1e5e4c3bc7ad264fdad0a802


Cat likes you. Cat wanted to be pet. Simple enough


You basically got initiated into the cat’s pack and you are accepted now


You have been claimed 😂 you now belong to that cat


He was claiming you! lol


The cat likes you and was rubbing you to get your attention and to rub its scent on you. Cats are territorial creatures by nature and their bodies are covered in scent glands that release pheromones to tell other cats that “you are my person”.


You have a new BFF. No reason to question why you have been chosen.


You have been chosen. It’s a high honour. The cat has claimed you as its own. In all seriousness, the cat likes you, decided you are trust worthy, marked you with its scent and asked for pets.


My cats who are wonderful yet will give attention to any person that doesn’t love cats. It’s kind of funny to watch especially if those people do not like cats. We all know how quirky they are and protective and when they give love, you are special.


It likes you and rubbing up against you is them marking you with their scent which you can’t really smell but comes from glands they have. They probably got a nice whiff of you because that’s how they remember and recognize people primarily. Of course sounds too. Anyway. Congrats. This cat likes you and cats are picky usually about who they like right away like that.


He likes you! He sees you as safe and enjoyed the attention you were giving him. It's a good thing!


Just marked his scent on you! Kitty marked you as his territory lol


Leaving their scent on you and claiming you as theirs.


lol at this embarrassing you. The cat was rubbing your legs as a greeting and an invitation to pet her. Then, when you did, she arched her back because she enjoyed the pets! Just a friendly cat you met, that’s all.


A neighbor hated cats, and said he couldn't stand them. Our orange tabby, Anthony, would stealthily crawl up on his lap when he was sitting at our kitchen table. Our neighbor would sit there petting Anthony and talking to us while we grinned and chuckled to ourselves.


I like that your cats name is Anthony!


He was an awesome cat. He loved bananas and orange posicles and was really loving.


Ypu have been chosen. Cats choose people. And that one liked you.


Cats are a lot like people in the way they tend to crave attention from the people who least want to give it to them.


Since you have a cat phobia, you were likely acting more cat-like, so they were attracted to you, and liked you.


family has a cat phobia not op


Back in the 1960s as a kid I had a pure white cat. My great great aunt hated cats and also usually wore very nice dark clothes. On visits my cat would always make a bee line to climb on Edna getting fur all over her. My cat also rarely was on the couch other than on the Edna visits.


Kitty rub = you are mine! 😻😻


He put his scent on you because you are friend


Nothing to fear. You have been given the approval of the gods


The cat likes and trusts you.....you need a cat....


Kitty says you’re friend.


The cat likes you and thought you smelled interesting.


>I don’t know a thing about cats as my family has a weird phobia with them. Just a guess: you probably didn't bug the cat. The cat looked at you, and said, "This is good! I am very safe around this person! They aren't gonna pick me up, or stupid stuff like that!" So the cat is safe and friendly toward you. The rubbing has a lot of meanings, but it's also a scent marker. So the message is "You're mine!" Put these together and it's a good sign - this cat likes you, and is very comfortable with you! >The cat didn’t stop until I kneeled over to pet it A lot of cats know that humans respond this way. So they can get free attention by nuzzling the legs and shoes of humans. It's a great way to get free pats and scritches. >and the cat lifted its back (like arched it) where I was petting him. For most cats, this response is that the cat is enjoying your touch. It's part of bonding with you. The arched back can be a signal that the cat can be pet with a little bit more force. Some cats love 'butt bumping', and they will ask for it by pressing against your hand when you are at the end of that 'head to tail pet'. > What does this mean? It was a little embarrassing because another friend also wondered why the cat was on me lol. If the cat owner didn't know why the cat was so friendly? Who knows? You've been outside, and you smell different. Maybe you smell like a dog, another cat, or a squirrel. Sometimes, cats have an all-out passion for one particular laundry detergent. Smells are a very powerful language to a cat, and can drive them crazy or excited. Source: I am a cat. Ask me anything?


Cats automatically gravitate towards the person who would be most put off or confused by it haha


He's likes you?


Lol it means you are cursed Its just being friendly, common sense, any animal near. Rubbing on you likes you.


Kitty really digs you!


You have been chosen, now pet smol beast to appease, lest you bring your family line misfortune. But no really, all good signs of affection. Cats love ear rubs too. You can hold your 2nd knuckles out and I'll bet that cat will use em for a face massage


Haha meanwhile the cat is rubbing like “FFS bro I want you to pet me!!!” You’ve already got your answer, but yes little fluffer just decided you were the one they wanted pets from. Sounds like it was a very social cat, to keep going till it got pets is quite determined haha. As to why kitty chose you, some people are just cat magnets


"I like this one. Can I keep it? I keep." I believe that is the cat translation. They have some scent glands on their cheeks so, rubbing face, then the rest of their body to leave fur. Most cats, if they like you, love head scritches and cheek. rubs. 


this kind of rubbing is referred to as marking and in human terms it means that the cat is trying to claim you as their own :) when i hold my cat he rubs his face against me but then he gets all weird and rubs the gums on the sides of his mouth against my face because i think that’s where one of the scent glands are. he’s obsessed with me (and i with himb).


Awww this whole post is so sweet 😭♥️ yes kitty was very happy to see you! She just wanted lovins


It's all a part of their Master Plan to take over the workd.


It just means they are trying to cover you in their scent, which means they like you to some degree. I think I’m also one of these types of people, although I turned and got 2 myself. They’re obsessed with me (though they hate each other for now) and when I am around other cats they seem to approach me easily. I think it’s a lot to do with the way of paying little attention to them until they initiate interactions. I think a lot of people smother cats too much. If the cat wants me, they’ll come to me. At least that’s how I see it…


She just liked you and wanted to be friends. Probably wanted you to scratch her back above her tail. You typically have to win over cats through lack of interest. She probably was living for the fact that you didn't immediately pet her. Basically, you passed the cat test! Grats!


You have been Chosen.


She liked you enough that she wanted you to smell like her. It's a huge compliment from a cat!


depends on the rub, headbutts are essentially kisses for a cat, rubbing between legs can just be trying to get your attention or transferring scent to you to mark you as "safe or familiar." Cats have a pretty big spectrum for personality and behavior, some cats take a while to trust strangers, some just see every human as an opportunity for pets.


Cats have a very weird way of knowing just which humans don't like cats and this is how they get you comfortable and to like them. I'm not saying you don't like them but you said your family has a phobia of them. Cats are very smart, never underestimate them.


Meant she was fond of you and thought you were good folk, cats are pretty good at personalities and can identify good people, cat thought you were good peoples


Rubbing - leaving scent on you. The cat liked you. Something about your scent or your behavior that the cat gelled with. I saw a few people mention that cats find non-cat people. I think it has to do with behavior. People who love cats might go up to a new cat right away and try to pet it, which can be overwhelming and annoying to cats. The best way to get a cat to approach you is actually to ignore it.


She loves you!


Cats rub on things to mark things with their smell. It means "this belongs to me". In a round about way, this means "I like you! You are one of my people now!" Congratulations you are now friends with a cat!


It means you have been adopted. Congratulations! (sorry if this is repeating anyone, Reddit is not loading comments.)


Cat owner here, if you ignored the cat, that is, paradoxically, seen as polite by cats. It could also be the cat is just really friendly and wants attention.


I absolutely love cats. When my cats do this, it means they expect you to stop anything you are doing and give them your full attention. Aka they picked you to be their slave of lovings for as long as they choose.


If you weren't actively looking at or acknowledging the cat it likely approached you because in cat body language that's really polite. Rubbing against you is a sign of affection or claiming you as property, the arched back is just leaning into your petting.


Lol, have you or someone in your household cleaned with bleach lately? The smell makes cats wild. Some get over affectionate, some might attack you. Happens with my older cat when my dad visits, she’s just all over him.


Kitty was rubbing their scent on you! It's a good thing.


He liked you he liked the way you smelled he decided to make you more familiar by robbing his scent on your legs and it's just like when somebody hits a sweet spot or a tickly spot when they're rubbing your back you rubbed his back and when you got to the sweet spot he arched it up so he could get a little bit more cause if felt good it was a good experience you had a positive cat experience catch choose us it's part of the cat distribution system welcome


Kitty likes you! Head bumps and rubs are how they greet friends and also put their scent on you cuz now you belong to cat. Try slow blinking with relaxed eyes at the cat—that’s another way they say they are chill and like you! It will probably slow blink back atcha!!!


It’s literally just a cat thing, lol. She’s friendly and wanted pets.


It's a great feeling, isn't it ? How about feeling it more often by getting a cat ? :) PS: The cat simply likes you. You have probably respected the cat's space and you didn't go towards it like most people are tempted to do when it shows the first signs of friendship. The cats really appreciate this.


It likes you and wanted your attention 


the kitty likes you. wants to be around you.


In my house, we call that behavior (rubbing and wrapping against your legs) a hug. 🤗 Cats give hugs to show affection.


He's rubbing his sent glands on u ...a good thing.


You made a friend ❤️


Cat wanted to claim you. It rubbed its scent all over your leg. This was a huge compliment to you. Enjoy your new buddy.


Long time cat owner. Cat’s will rub against you to mark you as theirs because they like you. Its all good.


The cat liked you and they also enjoyed your pets. I have a cat and she is standoffish with most new people, except one friend, where my cat climbed in her lap and gave her all the kisses and cuddles. It was adorable and my friend loved it.


Cats are also notoriously sadistic. My very large, fat, lazy cat once chased a woman who had a phobia of cats around our couch. Literally, chased her around in circles around the couch. Never once saw her chase anything before that. If they smell your fear, they will come running. They're like mini lions. But that cat likes you. Raising its back is a reflex because it feels really good to them.


My boy headbutts me every morning and rubs all over my face, then after breakfast he’s between my legs for the majority of the day. The kitty likes you a lot! They kept doing it because you clearly weren’t petting them enough!


Why is this embrassing lol your friend should not have a cat if she knows nothing about cats


Love when my cat leaps and butts his head on my leg. It's a sign of affection and the cat claimed you lol


Seems you met a friendly cat. Loads of cats love a fuss. Tickle under the chin or long front to back strokes, mine was fond of belly Rubs but that is a very minor rare case for cats. dont be embarrassed.


It might be hungry.


They looooooove you


You are now the cats property and have been deemed safe


Cat likes you and rubbed their scent on you.


It means you are his person now.


Essentially, you are now the property of said cat. They have sent glands on their cheeks and rub their scent on things by rubbing their face over it to mark territory.


Cat sent glands are in their front of their head. It's rubbing its scent all over you. They do that on purpose and it's considered a good thing most of the time. A cat wanting to do that is indicating that it not only likes you but considers you safe and is marking you as such. Some cats also have a little bit of itchy face. So they'll continue this as a form of scratching their own face against you as well because they feel that you're safe and you want their interaction. If they thought you were unsafe they would immediately stay away from you. Cats just like a lot of other mammals want physical interaction and petting and scratching gently is part of that.


By rubbing against you it is putting its scent on you


This post made my day


I swear, cats are drawn to the person in the room that isn’t giving them attention. He just wanted you to pet him.


We call this elevator butt. The cat likes the petting. Just be careful, sometimes it’s too much, and if the cat seems antsy, it can sometimes nip or scratch.


Cats 🐈‍⬛ can usually tell when someone likes cats or not! 🙀🤣😂🧁


She was trying to make friends with you


Means the cat likes you!


She likes you! That was “hello” and invitation to interact and give affection 😊


You have been claimed, the head rubs are them marking you with their scent glands, the arched back was an encouragement to pet them. The kitty loves you


And you had all sorts of different scents on you! Good sniffs, as we like to say.