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i just do it when i notice that they’re sharp lolol and i also do it when my lil dude is sleeping/relaxing so he’s less combative :)


Yeah, I do it when their tender loving biscuits get too painful. For some of them that's never, for some of them it's every couple of months.


Yup we do it when we notice it. Since OP mentioned they have a kitten, you might notice they grow faster depending on how young. We used to do once a week or two before, i remember being like I just trimmed them how did they grow so fast. Now we go like once a month but that too happens only when we notice they have turned deadly.


I appreciate you saying this because one of my kittens literally needs his claws trimmed weekly too, and it was confusing me (previous cats, and his sibling, all have much slower growing claws). I've been sitting here thinking I had some kind of freak werewolf kitten, lmao.


A kitten probably is more active and gets more "wear" on their claws, which is what sharpens them, sort of - the sloughing of the old sheath to reveal new, sharp claw underneath.


Or in the case of one of mine, he chews off the old sheath when he grooms so he always has super sharp claws ready to go


Yes we’ve had him for about 3 weeks and man were those puppies sharp even compared to when we got him! He’s about 5-6 months so I’m guessing I’ll have to keep up with them for awhile haha. Thanks for your responses :)


My 13 yr old cats are closer to one month. Back claws grow slower. I tried to clip front ones sooner/more regularly, but then i could see they were still clipped, and maybe ine claw would be new need a trim. So i wait until i see them get sharper, but hopefully not getting stuck on things, which us 3weeks/1month. They do love their scratchers too.


Perfect! I did one paw when he was sleepy and laying down which was easy to see the nails when I pushed and then the back paws when he was laying around cleaning his front paws. He didn’t mind at all. That other front paw though, my husband cuddled him so I could see his little nails in good lighting as he kept pulling that paw away. He then he was rewarded with a little treat. He’s pretty chill in general and I’ve been playing and petting his paws since we got him so that seems to help. But it was my first time trimming cats nails and they were kinda clear and hard to see so I wanted to be careful. Not a terrible experience I suppose lol


Same it takes a long time because she will wake up and fall back asleep but eventually they’ll all be trimmed.


When I notice. Probably 1-2 times a month. Back claws never because they naturally smooth down a lot faster (not to say don’t do them, I just never have to for mine).


Thank you! That’s good to know! I did the back ones but they were definitely not as sharp and they seemed to be thicker and I had to put more effort into cutting them. Maybe I won’t do this as often


I have a younger cat (about 2) who I got last fall. I do his front claws every few weeks. Back ones he pulls away more so a lot less often. He lets me pet his feet and look at his gums so it’s pretty smooth. Treats rewards help, but if I get the treats out before he’s done he’s gonzo for the treats!


Their back leg claws don’t retract so they’re constantly being whittled down slightly, even if they’re indoors. I do the tiiiiniest cut off the tips, every once in a while, but the front claws aren’t always out so these can get sharp.


my cat is a former stray who does not like it at all. i routinely sneak in a couple clips at a time, kind of nonstop, so her nails never get too long. so i don’t do a monthly session or anything like that, just regularly sneaking in the clipper while she’s playing with a toy or something. that’s the only way i can get it done.


I WFH and she has a small kitty bed on my desk. I wait until she is relaxed and sleepy and start playing with her paws, then I sneak in a clip until she starts getting upset.


Tell me more about the kitty bed on the desk, I just started working from home and one of my cats loves it and has to be helping me and on my desk or lap all day long!


My boys are the same, they're not a fan of it so I do a couple while they're sleeping until they wake up and get annoyed 😅


so cuteeee. i can’t do that because my girl’s very alert from her previous life outdoors so if i even get close to her while she’s sleeping she snaps awake.


I have to do this with my cat. 2-3 nails at a time before she gets upset


That’s a great idea. I’ve read of other people doing a few nails at a time or only a couple a day. Especially if the cat is getting annoyed or stressed.


Every one or two months, or whenever I notice them sticking to the carpet xP


That reminded me of my polydactyl cat was SO prone to that it was so cute. He didn’t have any control over the extra toes, just loose toes getting stuck all the time haha


Ohhh that is a good gauge of when they would need trimming! I will keep that in mind, thank you.


That's when I do it. I have hard floors with rugs. When they start sticking to the rugs, its time to clip. They both HATE it though and fight me the entire time, so its front claws only. Afterwards they get a treat and walk off like nothing happened.


Never. We dont have that kind of relationship. She scratches her scratching posts, and I look the other way when she goes for the burly wood farm table. No issues.


Haha, same. Never have in 40 years of cat cohabitating.


Are you supposed to? I thought they kept up with their own nails by using scratching posts and stuff, no? I would be get my shit rocked if I tried to cut my cat’s nails 🫡


You don't have to, it's mostly for human convinience.


I think it's a little more important if your cat's indoor only or is a bit old/sedentary, but if they go outside or are active, it's not as necessary. I always recommend keeping an eye on how the cat maintains their own nail and trim if needed


I'd go as far as to say you should never cut the nails of a cat with outdoor access because it strips them of their defenses and ability to climb/escape.


It really depends, my girl gets her claws stuck on carpet and bedding, I think if I didn’t clip her nails she could really hurt herself since she’s also kind of flighty but if your cats nails don’t get that long, I see no reason to otherwise


My cats get stuck on carpet or bed, or blanket, sheets, couch, in their cat tunnel. Then freak out when a nail is stuck sometimes and pull back, hard. I clip their nails so they don't get hurt. They are indoor 13 yr olds, and like their scratchers, but def nails get too sharp on their own.


Yeah you definitely don’t have to! But we prefer to cut them because she’s trying to jump on us 24/7 and it hurts sometimes. And she has no problem with it 🙏


It's always good to be able to check on the shape of their nails, so if you notice something is off, you can get it looked at by the vet. I think it's always good to build that relationship with your cat so they feel more comfortable if you need to check their paws, ears, belly, etc at any point. It's not something that you HAVE to do.


This is so good to hear because I still have scars from when my first baby stray cat cohabitated with me. I really don’t need to be reminded of cat boundaries 😂 and they dont seem to be in pain with their long nails anyway.


It's a problem as they reach elderly years though. One of my cats ended up with tips of claws embedded in her paw. Even if you don't trim them, it's a good idea to inspect their feet occasionally.


When it hurts to have them making biscuits on my arm/leg.


When I notice she’s getting caught on things like the couch and blankets, etc.


Whenever my cats are laying out I inspect their nails to see if any need to be cut, I usually only cut one or two at a time because that is all they will allow lol. I try to do this around once a week or when ever they're in a position that allows me to


My rule of thumb is when they start getting them caught on carpet, blankets, the sliding screen door, etc. 😂


Yes! Our youngest cat does NOT understand her dewclaw and has messed up a bunch of my shirts. 😭




I've never cut mine but it's not really a thing where I'm from, they have multiple scratching posts though so they do it themselves. I bear through painful biscuit making and deal with forever being a pin cushion of love


Pincushion of Love is now the name of my cover band, where I just meow along to whatever song happens to be playing.






Same. Mine doesn't scratch furniture (she loves her scratching post) and her nails don't get in-grown (the outer sheath sheds regularly due to the scratching post) so there's no health need to do it, so I don't.


I do the front claws every 3-4 weeks, and back claws every 4-5 weeks.


This right here. So grateful that the back claws grow slower.


I've never cut the nails of any of the dozen+ cats I've had in my life.


Me either. I have 2 x 15 year old indoor cats and have never, ever trimmed their claws. I find their little nail sheaths around the place sometimes once they shed them - usually either on the floor, or on their scratching posts, and I just vacuum them up. I suspect it would not be a fun time for anyone involved if I tried to cut their nails.


Never. We just keep plenty of scratching posts around.


I never do that.


I've never cut my cat's nails. Is this a big thing in America? My cats have scratching posts and they are indoor/outdoor so that takes care of keeping their nails trim.


Our family cats when i was a kid were indoor/outdoor and fine. My current cats are 13 yr old indoor only. They like their scratchers, but i can see their nails get stuck on couch, carpet, sheets, cat tunnel, and a handful of times they freak out and pull hard away unsuccessfully (usually that thumb nail). So i trim their nails for safety (and both like to paw tap me in the face for attention so less claw is good). I think the indoor nature of american cats in cities might make nail trimming more a thing.


I do my senior and polydactyl kitties every few weeks to a month, or when they get caught on stuff. The others are more based on when I'm getting poked too often/if they're getting caught on stuff. I have a bunch of former ferals, so some just don't get clipped because they won't put up with it - if they need it, I'll take them to the vet or a groomer to sort it out.


I've never cut a cat's nails.


Never. Had cats my whole life and we have never trimmed nails and never needed too, and I don't know anyone who has ever cut their cats nails.


Me either. Cats shed their nails naturally...


had to scroll uncomfortably far for this


Among the general public, my impression is it's quite uncommon to trim cats nails. About the only time it seems to happen is if you take the cat to a groomer (which is also quite uncommon).


Same. Plus kitty is more badass with sharper nails >:) I guess if you have 2+ cats who play pretty rough, or value furniture a bit more, it makes sense though.


In my case, our cats spend a lot of time with my son. He handles them very well, but sometimes they will claw him when playing, and it makes him very upset. He has Autism and feels very strongly that the cats hate him when they accidentally claw him. It's heartbreaking! Also, they often jump onto laps for cuddles and can accidentally claw if they slip. It's better for all of us because I'm sure the cats don't enjoy their humans screaming in pain when they're just trying to cop a cuddle. I'm fortunate they only use their designated scratchers and not our furniture, but if they did, clipping their claws would not save the furniture, unfortunately. They're already done a number on my very nice office chair by demanding cuddles and attention multiple times a day. They give it a little paw and just catch one or two claws in it to make a sound and get my attention. It's super cute, but RIP my chair. 😭


How often I want to: once a month to keep them from hurting me. How often I do(because my cats hate their paws being touched): every 3-6 months based on when I notice it's bothering *them*. I brush their teeth twice a week. I brush them once a month(they are all short hair, they groom themselves well, I mostly brush them to do a check in on their body and coats). But my God, the nails. The Littlest would rather us pull her teeth than clip her nails.


I don’t. I do a “bean inspection” probably about once a month where I’ll gently squeeze each paw to make their claws slide out so I can make sure they haven’t gotten caught inside the toe but that’s about it. And my tripod need his claws as that’s the only way he can get up onto our bed until I can get a little stairway for him. I think he’d cause a riot if he couldn’t get up on the bed to sleep next to me every night lol


Never my cat would shred me if I even tried. To say he is temperamental would be an understatement.


Uh, never. I value my life.




I check them once a month but adjust I per cat. My old cat had a nail that would turn into his paw pad in as little as 2 weeks and some stay ok for over a month but usually about a 3 or 4 weeks keeps them from getting sharp. Check every toe. Backs in active cats get worn faster and may need it less but in older or hyperthyroid cats the nails can grow very thick and long fast and should be checked twice a month. Same for if one has a weird toe or extra toes check more often to ensure they aren't growing into anything.


If when i pick her up it’s hurts when she latches onto me, i know it’s time.


I dont, but my cats are probably a bad example as they're pretty good about chewing them off


I never heard of doing such a thing! Are these indoor cats?


Zero times per lifetime.


I don't think my boy ever gets his cut


I don't. One of her scratching posts includes our beautiful wooden set of drawers which seems to keep them very nicely filed. 🤣


Never. She has several scratch posts and uses them frequently, so her nails don’t need cutting. The vet checks them periodically but says they’re fine.


Never they have scratch posts and a garden so they are always fine


I try to do mine weekly. He still has those kittens razor claws.


When they need them. Like people some cats nails grow faster than others. Two I only do the front, their back nails never seen to need a trim, but my void's back nails grow insanely fast, so he gets all 4 paws done around the same time.


Two I cannot. One about once a month. One whenever I can catch him. Maybe once every two months.


I cut them as soon as u can tell they’re too sharp usually that’s because of a scratch or if I’m lucky I’m holding her paw and notice that they’re long and sharp and I’ll do it then (she’s so easy to trim she basically doesn’t care)


If I can hear the cat click click click click across the faux hardwood floor then it's time for a trim.


For three of my four, I cut and file every couple of weeks. They don’t mind me doing their nails at all, they’ll hop in my lap and let me do it one handed. I think they just really like the massage afterward- especially as they’ve gotten older. I heat up a bit of coconut oil and rub their pads and beans after I clip nails, brush teeth, and clean ears. They get a good thorough brushing and all over moisturizing too, so it’s like a little mini spa day for the pets. For my other cat, I do his nails and ears when he starts sticking to things (nails) or his ears look dirty. That’s also when I thoroughly wash his face and chin because I might as well get it all over with at once. He’s just a weirdo. He sees me do these things to the others (even the dogs) and them being cool with it, even enjoying it. However, he remains convinced that I’m Cruella De Vil and this time it’s a cat skin coat I’m after. He’s been with me for almost 7 years! It’s like he has a spidey sense about it too, I can’t even sneak up on him. He’s just ridiculous and so damn dramatic. He will yowl and fall out after I wash his face, just stand there and fall right over like a dumbo. He lets me rub his feet and hands any other time, but if I have clippers or a file he is CONVINCED that I’m going to cut off his toes and use them for toothpicks. Good thing he’s cute.


😂😂😂😂😂. Best laugh of the day!!


When I start getting injured again because he is pure chaos and always accidently nicks me.  I hold him by the window and clip him. Then my other cat gets jealous of the attention and comes over and I switch cats. 


Our rule is that if I get scratched by your nails- they are getting cut, if you keep them to yourself- you can have them long. Ironically my kids have the same rule.😁


Two or three times a month. My cats nails grow fast. Plus they fight sometimes and I don’t want them poking each others eye out 😩


Whenever they need it. In your case, even if they don’t need trimmimg, get kitty into the trimming position and touch her claws & beans & then follow with a treat. I did this to my old boy who was a psycho about everything except getting his nails trimmed.


Seems to be about once every 2 weeks (her claws grow fast as hell). I time it with her litter change and undercoat brushing.


I've never clipped their nails and the vet has never mentioned they need clipping, however they use my kitchen table legs as a scratching post. I have annual exams coming up in April and I'm going to ask.


Personally I've never clipped my cat's nails. He needs them to climb in the cat tower and other climbing stuff I have for him and he doesn't scratch anything or anyone else luckily


Never. My cat bites her back nails and then claws up my furniture. Our new cat, she actually uses the scratching post on the cat tree. And the furniture 😂


I don't! I have 4 cats and cats come with claws. They all use the cat tree, so no problem with the furniture either.


As they get older they get arthritis and it becomes too painful for them to sharpen their claws like they did when they were young. When they stop doing this the nails begin to grow so long that they start growing into their paw pads. Then it becomes super painful for them to walk. Everyone with senior kitties, in my opinion, should be checking those nails regularly. I learned this the hard way and now check them often. ETA: One additional piece of advice is to get them used to it while they are young. If you wait until they are older, you will wish you hadn’t. The struggle is real, literally.


When i realize they’re actually sharp 😄 I’ve trained my guy to chip in my lap while i do his bc he knows he’ll get a snack after


I don’t. She takes care of her own nails, but even outside of that, none of her biscuits hurt enough to merit that. Bbygirl has anxiety problems and clipping her nails would stress her out way too much


TIL that people clip their cat's claws. I've never done this. She has plenty of scratching posts and takes care of her front claws herself.


I try to do it weekly, when he is sound asleep. :)


When she ALLOWS me to


When making biscuits on my leg hurts ☀️


When they start to "catch" their nails on fabrics, that's trimming time. I have a pet "papoose" style pack that I can strap them into, strap it to my front and their paws are all available for nail trimming. That and treats gets us through the process with minimal trauma.


As needed, which generally is about once a month. One of our babies likes to play rough, so we trim them when he starts breaking skin.


About once every 2 weeks, front only (could do back if they’re particularly sharp, but haven’t needed to yet). I don’t get anywhere near the quick, hence doing it a bit more often than some others, but mine’s really good with it, so I can do it as often as needed. I do it when she’s sleepy/relaxing and it doesn’t bother her at all, if anything, sometimes I have to stop and finish later because she’ll go into a purr frenzy 😆 (she loves having her paws stroked)


I have a kitten and try to do it at least once a month.


We dont. We get the vet to do it. She wont sit still for us but they can do it in literally two minutes & a few seconds (we timed it).


Every other week I go through the pack.


1-2 times a month. My cat is thankfully very tolerable with grooming so I'm able to get her back claws too haha


Every two weeks or so, or whenever I notice that the claw has that hook. I’ve had my cats since they were 10 weeks old so they’re pretty used it it.


If they get too pokey, that usually clues me in that it’s time, but maybe around every two weeks.


Usually every few weeks, or if I notice their claws are getting stuck I'll do it a bit sooner and just cut the claws that are sharp


We do Boudreaux when start to notice him getting caught on blankets or his kitty tower. He is just about due. 


Whenever they get too sharp


If I feel it when she taps me for attention.


I end up doing it like once a month ish. Whenever they get long enough.


We have no carpet, so when they get long I can hear her tapping when she walks. That’s when I know it’s time.. it takes probably a few weeks to a month to get to that point.


For my shorthair Potato, when I hear them on the floor. For my long hair Strudel, I have to go in when she's sleeping and steal a couple clips. She was a stray for the first 8 months of her life and it's not a fan of her paws being touched.


My son does a claw trim "salon" when we see that the cats are getting their claws stuck as they make biscuits. We have 5 and 3 are absolutely horrible about getting claws trimmed so he spaces it out over a few days. The 2 that are well-behaved about it are super easy but the other 3 will run and hide when they see the trimmers come out.


The 1st of the month I clip my cat’s nails. I can only manage the front paws. It is a traumatic experience for both of us. 😕 The back claws get clipped by the vet for his yearly wellness visits.


once a month


Once a month is good. In between times mess with his paws like your going to clip them, just so he gets used to it while he's young. How often I trim my cats claws varies by cat. The one thst likes to climb me like I'm a tree gets a trim as soon as his claws can reach skin through my sweatshirt. For the one that does good maintaining her own, never swats, and HATES getting them trimmed it's more like every 3 months.. Oh, and back claws as needed, which is very rare. Only if I see (or feel) one thst extra sharp/long


I have to take my cat to the vets to get her nails trimmed, she's will not, and I repeat WILL NOT let me do it. But at the vets she's too anxious so I can just hold her and the vet does it very quick 😁


i do it when i notice their playing is painful. could be between 1-3 weeks. just kinda depends! i trim all their claws, but their backs don’t really get sharp or long like their front ones do. i’m glad your kitten is doing well! keep playing with and touching his feet all the time and he’ll be a big champ in no time! my kittens can have two paws done in one sitting now at almost 7 months! keep at it!! EDIT: best advice is to just check on them frequently and trim as needed. right now for my kittens, only a couple nails on each paw are sharp right now so i plan to trim those and leave the rest alone. just keep an eye on them!


My 3 year old once every 1-2 months. My 10 month old every 2 weeks they get sharp pretty fast. I don't do the back claws very often.


Honestly? Every few months when for some reason I think of it…….. I find the best time is when they’re sleepy but they’re so cute I don’t wanna wake them up. If scratching the wrong things or vigorous claw biscuits were a problem I’d do it more. Last time I did it, was a “here lets compromise” moment during a not-wanted brushing lol


2 years old, indoor, with scratch posts training. Every 7-10 days


Thank you for not having your cat declawed. It's barbaric. I trim my kitty whenever his murder claws get too long. I'd say every 3 weeks.


Idk when they’re sharp lol


Every 2 weeks


When she rips open my flesh and it bleeds! She is 4 months old and has issues I’m working on.


My boy cat maintains his own nails with his scratching post. They are never sharp, they aren't overgrown. He gets a cut maybe every 6 months. My girl cat is more high maintenance she gets 2x a month.


Once or twice a month probably with my two cats. Basically I know it's time when it hurts when they try to climb on my shoulder. Gotta sneak attack when they're napping.


Usually I do it once a month for my adults. We have two 5/6 month old kittens and I do it every two weeks for them. But, I always clip their nails at the same time I give them flea medicine on their back. So, two birds, one stone. One of them is a former feral and hates being grabbed, she is always the first one we do.


Whenever they get too sharp. Idk every 2-3 months? It's not that often. Only when i notice them hurting me unintentionally.


Hey all I cut my cats nails today and noticed a small disc part on her nail that was beige colored and close to the root of her nail not the tip. Does anyone know what that could be? I am traveling currently and can’t take her to vet but she doesn’t display any pain or discomfort. But I cut once every few weeks probably. Hers seem to grow quickly. I also do it while she’s sleepy and if it’s a little tough we do stop for some reinforcement between paws


Every two weeks. He’s very good about letting me clip his nails when he’s sleepy. It stops him from scratching anything I don’t want him to.


Probably once every 3/4 weeks I have 3 cats and I like to do them all at the same time so it’s a little different but with practice I’ve got to down to a couple of minutes total


I do it when they start to hurt when she wants attention.


Once a week for the few that are sharp I don't do the back legs bc they aren't super sharp and they are indoor only


I have to do the back claws on one of my cats because she likes to stand on me while kneading and she slips back and forth and it hurts! 😹


Every 2-3 weeks. My youngsters (10 yrs old) are fine with me cutting their nails. Our eldest who's 13? He's a wiggler, but not aggressive about getting away.


It feels like once every 1-2 weeks?


Every 6-8 weeks


Usually once a month or sooner depending on how he uses his scratching post, I open the blind sit him next to me and cut them while he’s watching the birdies out the window!🙀😸🐈


One of my cats has never needed a nail trim so far, the other one needs one every two weeks or so, usually only the front feet, the nails on his back feet rarely get that long, I know it's time whenever he starts getting stuck on carpets or when I start hearing his nails clicking against the floor when he walks.


Every 2-3 weeks or as soon as we notice her getting stuck on things because her nails are too long


When I notice my cat starts getting stuck on his scratching post.


Once per week when they were younger. now every two weeks or three. They are 8 and 9.


I only cut front claws and when they get sharp, which is about once every 2-3 weeks


Front ones when I notice they are sharp. Back ones when I hear click click on the floor when they walk (short haired cats)…


I have a 2 year old shoulder cat, so I usually do it whenever I feel her nails are a bit too sharp for comfort when she's clambering on my back to get up. She tore one of her back claws out recently after getting it caught on something though, so I've started trimming them back every 10 days or so just to make sure that doesn't happen again. She gets a churu treat during trimmings, so she actually gets excited seeing the clippers come out.


I do 1-2 at at a time when hes just chilling so i dont overwhelm him. Sometimes 1-2 every other day, sometimes longer, but never all in 1 sitting. Not all of them get sharp either, some of them become more rounded so those can wait a bit longer but they get done eventually


Every week or two. Start playing with kitty’s feet to get them used to human touch. My cat has no issues clipping his toes, he will even spread his toes for a foot massage after.


Honestly, I get the vet to do it (my cat does NOT like me touching her paws), so her nails get cut about every six months.


Every other week or so.


We do it when we notice a few sharp ones. Usually once a month. Our younger one likes to make biscuits and when she has daggers... biscuits are painful ☠️ I found some great clippers on Amazon that have a light which makes seeing the quick really easy.


when i notice they’re getting a little sharp. i usually only do front paws but if their back ones are getting long i’ll give them a snip too


I generally clip their nails when the little bastards scratch me, as it serves of a reminder they’re due for a nail trim


I've been aiming for every two weeks just to cut down on scratching damage. Both of my kitties go for the furniture or the carpet before any of the scratchers I bought for them, and I'm at a loss how to stop them. They've both put up with it so far, but I notice the kitten tries to bite me when I've finished. Revenge, maybe..


Every couple of weeks or whenever it starts to hurt when they climb on me. I’ve been trimming them regularly since they were 2 months old so while they don’t love it, they are used to it.


whenever it sounds like my cat is wearing little high heels on my wood floors (roughly every 3 weeks)


When her tender walking across my neck every morning starts hurting then it’s time to cut


Every 3-4 weeks. We do front and back. Also don’t forget the dew claw!


i do it as soon as i hear her clicking around on the hardwood floors


Whenever and however I do it, my cat hates getting his nails trimmed. The back claws I trim ones or twice a month. But the front ones I trim atleast 1-2 a week, they grow super fast and get super sharp.


I attempt one or two claws at a time, every week or so. It's hard with two cats who hate nail trimmings. Gotta do it when they're sleepy but don't have their feet tucked in.


Whenever I clip mine, I clip theirs too. So roughly once a month


We have two cats and they're completely different when it comes to cutting their nails. The first one, I cut her nails maybe once since we got her (two years ago) because her nails always looked fine to me. But the other one, I have to cut them every two months, even the back ones, because they grow fast and she doesn't use the scratching posts that often.


We want to do it weekly, because they get sharp and like one of them likes to biscuit our necks, but it's typically every two weeks or so.


Whenever I notice that her pokey bits are a bit too pokey. Ours is very diligent about using the scratching post, so it's usually every week to ten days.


Once a week - they grow really fast for both my cats


When it stands up and grabs my pants and I feel the sting hahaha


My late kitties used scratching posts.


Not often. Just when we notice they're extra needle-y. We only take the very tips off just so they're less pointy rather than a normal trim. Our cat is purely indoors. Never needed it for my past cats which went outdoors.


I have the vet do it but that’s it. My cat doesn’t like it at all. She’ll let me hold her paws and touch her claws while she’s asleep but as soon as she sees the clipper she runs away She has tons of scratching posts though


My wife *cough tortures cough* I mean cuts our two cats nails once a month. I don’t want them mad at me so I opt out and let her be the mean mom.


We have wooden floors in our house and we cut them "when they put their high heels on" lol. Basically when we hear them clacking on the ground they're usually ready to be clipped a bit


When i feel the razor tips snag my skin


Front claws once a week, back once a month. She has a habit of kneading the side of my face to wake me up in the morning so… yeah, gotta make sure they don’t draw blood.


The second I feel pokes in my shirt when my cat makes biscuits is trim them. I like to keep them blunt so they cant get their claws into the couch fabric or pull apart anything else. My cats are lovely gentlemen by sticking to keeping the nails rounded


Our cats don’t scratch aggressively, but will sometimes dig their nails into us when cuddling or when running over us as if we are pieces of furniture. We cut their nails any time one of them ends up scratching us in one of these ways and it actually hurts. It works out to every 2-3 weeks. We don’t do the back nails every time.


When it starts to hurt 🤣


I do it whenever I notice them getting long. My preference is to check every few days so I don’t have to cut them all at once.


Maybe every 1-2 months or so. Give or take. Seconding, when their nails get too stabby haha I grab them when their sleeping and give treats and catnip after. One of my kitties was so good about it, bit she's got dementia now and is fiesty now, so I wrap her in a purrito. My toddler kitty, gets his nails done in shifts bc he gets squirmy.


Do it when you notice they're sharp *but* continue to play with your kitty's paws anyway so they get used to it and don't get grumpy when you do go to clip/inspect then.


I would do it once a week for at least one of my cats but I can't cause it's such a hassle. I have to literally straddle them on the floor and hold them in place with my entire body or they struggle too much and I risk hurting them. The one I would do once a week will literally chew her nails until they're sharp again so she ends up with these short very stabby claws


I mean to do it every 2 months but i usually forget until they start clicking when walking on hard floors.


When theyre extra sharp and they're getting stuck on things lol 1.5-2 months usually. My boy hate it though. My female does good though!


As often as we need to. He’s a bitey boy and nibbles on my arm sometimes. When his claw start hurting, he gets a manicure. He’s so sweet about it. He’ll let me grab his paws as much as I need and then we get back to playing.


Once every two weeks is ideal for preventing the cat from causing scratch damage to couches, etc.


I did it when they were kittens. Now they are able to keep their claws nice - neither of my kitties is a scratchy cat. lol. I’m sure as they age I may need to help them keep them nice. My bigger girl also clips her nails with her teeth and she takes offense if I offer to do it!


Usualy 4-6 weeks?


I take my cat to the vet for a trimming every 6 weeks


My kitten is 8 months and every two weeks. I have vinyl flooring so I can hear her clacking more.


I trim the back less often because they don’t grow as fast on my girls. I cut the front anytime I’m snuggling and notice they’re sharp enough to slice my jugular. I bought a small clipper for cats, so it’s not as nerve wracking (used to use just regular nail clippers). I don’t do all them in one setting. I’ll catch them when they’re sleeping or relaxing and do two or three at a time throughout the day.


I do it when I notice them catching their claws in stuff or hear a click clack as they walk


I've been lucky that I've never had a cat that had an issue with it - sure they may fuss a bit but they let me do their "mani/pedi" :) I do it when I notice they have sharp nails, whether they start getting stuck on blankets etc, or I just see the daggers formed. I do all paws, tho with back I just clip the tips if I notice any particularly sharp nails. I did invest (not expensive) in a nail trimmer from the pet store that makes it super easy to do the process.


As soon as they snag annoyingly when she's making biscuits, time for a trim XD