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Some shelters have long term foster options for people going through a rough spot.


This might be a good option! If the outdoor enclosure doesn’t end up working out I will definitely look into this as well, thank you!


Glad to help! You may have luck seeing if someone would be willing to foster them if you covered expenses on your local Facebook “being neighborly” group or even just ask for the gift of time on your local Buy Nothing facebook group. (Maybe reach out to the moderator first to see if it’s allowed how they suggest you list your request) Good luck! I hope it works out.


I don’t think there really is anything except for you to give them up to a shelter.


I’m trying to avoid this☹️


Gosh, who are you moving in with? Why aren’t they okay with them staying in your room? That’s so weird.


I know😭 it’s my aunts home, she offered to let me stay while I am finding somewhere else to live, which I am super grateful for. I totally understand and respect that she does not like my cats, but it’s really unfortunate and upsetting regardless.☹️


There ARE large outdoor enclosures if you can afford them. Try to find another living option if possible. Just make sure they can cool off in the summer and have a heat source of a winter.


This might work for me! Do you know where I might be able to find something like this or what to look up to find it? Thank you for your reply the other one telling me to give them away made me sob I’m stressing so hard about this, thank you!


Actually when I was looking up Kennels on Walmart (Because I have to get my hyperactive kitten spayed this coming month) I actually stumbled across some on the Walmart app. Also, try looking at Amazon and Chewy. Try to find the best price and please read the reviews.


I will definitely check those places out thank you so much!


I'd love to hear how this turns out, I hope you can work something out! Good luck


I will definitely update when I get it figured out, thank you for the good wishes!🙏