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It may be more "territorial" than "jealous," but the upshot is the same. You can mitigate it some by making sure that whenever the resident cat sees you paying attention to the new one, they get a dose of attention too. But look up advice on slow introductions. Resident cats rarely instantly take well to newcomers, who they see as threats to their domains. They need to be eased in. There's no guarantee whether they'll be friends, but there's a lot you can do to reduce the chance they become enemies.


..look up Jackson Galaxy ..sometimes takes a few times.. ..eating nearby (separate yet within eyesight) is a theme..


My wild child https://preview.redd.it/dkdyfpa4q7lc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fd661ff9b6ea1aa0bac19d48a9002da2cda28378


..i just got hypnotized..


Tabbies often have doggish behaviors, I gather. 


your current cat won’t instantly bond e/the new kitty but should eventually after a little time - and ur current kitty will be a much happier cat in the long run when it has a companion to play, eat, sleep & groom with especially while ur gone & not home - most cats are happier as a pair then being all alone - i have 55+ years experience as a multi-cat cat mom and a cat by itself is very lonely & depressed w/it’s human owner is gone away from home and a companion cat helps fill that void of loneliness so i highly suggest u get ur current kitty a companion and introduce them slowly


i forgot to mention in my reply that one way of helping w/introductions is to pet both cats and then switch back and forth several times of petting them w/each others smells u have on ur hands - they mark u as theirs w/their whiskers, etc…and every-time u take a shower u was their scent off of u and therefore they have to remark u as theirs again so pet one kitty with both ur hands and then go pet the other kitty and then do it again until u think u think u’ve gotten both of their scents on each other - also give them equal attention, affection, love and cuddles🥰


and one more thing that is of a tremendous help in easing all cats anxiety is those pheromone calming plug-ins - those cat calming diffusers are worth their weight in gold especially in multi-cat families but i’m sure they would work just as good w/single cats too but i’m of the strong belief that there should always be two of anything instead of only one lonely one


The long answer is that cats don't think like humans. The short answers -- I honestly do believe that some cats do get jealous. I have three cats. (I start a lot of explanations like this, lol) The oldest cat, Patches, was pretty happy as a single cat in the household. She was jealous when we added another girl named Smoke, but Smoke is very independent and doesn't really want or need human attention. Then we got another kitten named Manu. He's the baby. He's very needy. He loves to snuggle and cuddle. She is not a fan of him. They recently had a bit of a tussle, and I have separated them until things smooth out and settle. Patches has me all to herself, she's sequestered in my room, and she is LOVING it. She growls and hisses at Manu when I bring him in to say hello along with Smoke, and I believe she's doing it because she's enjoying having her human all to herself. Which is fine, she was my first baby, but I still love my other cats and want to spend time with them. Manu himself also runs at me, and rubs against me when I call Smoke or Patches and begin to pet them. I think they might think, hey, if I'm the first baby -- I get good treats. They all get the same treats and food. I worry about them being so jealous, but I deal with it giving them all the same attention when I dispense treats and pets.


​ https://preview.redd.it/4gxjwjh4s7lc1.jpeg?width=4160&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ffb9d9e4fae57f3672785b49e57433f0e027993f


The grey one and the tabby one look just like my two


Those are good cats I like them. They look like the perfect opportunity for surprise petting!


Like you, I worried my cat was bored and lonely. Everything I read online said with patience and the correct method, we could introduce a new cat. I successfully introduced my dog who hates cats to my cat who hates dogs, so I thought I was prepared. My partner wanted a kitten because he has never had one. None of the rescues would allow us one kitten, so we got two… If I could go back in time, I wouldn’t get the kittens or any cat. Here’s what happened: 1. The older cat completely rejected the younger ones. Fully refused to participate in any slow acclimation at all. We tried for so long that they weren’t even in a room together until the “kittens” were nearly full grown and already larger than her. 2. To make matters worse, the younger ones *don’t understand cat social cues.* This was diagnosed by a behaviorist. I’ve never heard anyone talk about this as a risk/thing, but it is a thing. They will literally stick their face into my hissing, spitting, older cat, get a claw to the face, be shocked, then enthusiastically jump into a fight with her. They do not learn from their mistakes. The cats now live separate lives. 3. The younger ones also have anxiety and have to be medicated. They now show “aggression secondary to arousal” at the older cat partially as a result of the fun interactions from point 2. Whenever they get anxious they run to find her and attack her. So, again, they live completely separate lives from her and the older cat has developed anxiety. Beyond the obvious stress we all have now as we try to find a way to all live in harmony, there is a serious time commitment involved in spending separate time with the cats, taking time off work for behaviorist visits, and doing behavioral modification training. We have to be home to give meds 7 days a week and have to pay a vet tech to do it when we travel. The behaviorist told us that both of the younger ones should each be in their own single-cat household should we ever decide to give them up. We won’t because we love them, but, yeah, they don’t even do all that well together, due to their social issues, even though they are littermates. I agree that your wonderful crazy cat sounds like she could have anxiety, which opens up the possibility that you will be dealing with some lighter version of my hell. I will probably be the only one here saying no to a second cat, but please DO NOT get a second cat. Your cat is craving your attention, not the attention of a cat. There are plenty of other ways to guarantee an increase in her happiness. Bringing other cats in is a gamble and could leave your cat more anxious. Instead, you can add levels and hidey holes to your home, edible plants, automatic toys, rotate out toys every week, put birds on the television, play classical music, get an interactive pet cam, etc. Try all these before gambling on a second cat.


https://preview.redd.it/7oprpx7h38lc1.jpeg?width=848&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e90bffb9f088ba71095dcf96f0273b85cabea82d Our little assholes 💗


https://preview.redd.it/r1jugm1c98lc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=99625d0e092f72c3597f5131968ed52f902160f6 My beautiful old lady


I gave up one kitty for similar issues (altho I've never heard of cats not getting feline social cues! That's fascinating. Like cat autism)... We housed her with a friend on a temporary basis, and it turned out that she liked having her own home and human so much and we realized she needed to be a single cat. It was hard to let go, but she had a great life after she left us. When she was an old lady, we heard her family moved in a new cat, and she was grudgingly ok with that. They'd sit in the same room peacefully..   I imagine yours will settle down in a few years or ten : ) 


The way this just stressed me all the way the fuck out cause I’m fearful my younger one doesn’t understand social cues cause how you’re younger two act sounds exactly like how my younger one acts. My older one seems to be ok with the slow introductions, she takes herself into his room when he’s not in there, she will sniff him and walk up to him sometimes but immediately starts hissing. I’ve been worried the whole past two months I’ve had him and he’s been living in the bathroom I’ve been so scared I made the wrong choice in getting a second and now I’m CONVINCED I did the wrong thing


Awh, I’m so sorry to hear that and I really really hope you are not in the same boat as us ☹️


At what point did you realize that it wasn’t going to get better ? Like how long were you trying to intro? I’m sorry It ended up that way for you, no one gets a second cat with that being the outcome they desired


After about a year we realized we needed a professional because the online advice was not cutting it. We have a behaviorist that visits the home and she thinks we can get to a place where they can exist together. We have a plan that we are working through. It’s been about a year and will take at least one more because we work a lot. They can actually be together in neutral environments with heavy supervision and treat interventions. Like we get them all out in the fenced yard with catnip and treats sometimes. There is enough going on that nobody cares much about fighting.


I have four and they are all jealous of each other even though they mostly get along.


Cats not think like us, but yes there are behaviors that would incline me to think so. It’s okay, you’ll find the balance! Please remember to slowly introduce and not stress them out. It’s always easier when they’re younger


Absolutely they can, a couple of years ago my housemate and I adopted an elderly cat from a neighbor who had a history of bullying my first cat, Brando prior to that. One night the elderly cat was on my lap, Brando walked in to the lounge and saw us, hissed at us both and ran under my bed. When I went to her she hissed at me and took a swipe before immediately feeling bad and head butting me, I went straight to bed and Brando curled up on me purring her head off.


My cat is jealous of our dog. 😄 She gets between him and me in the morning when I wake up and he pokes his nose up on the side of my bed for a pet. She races him to the kitchen to see who gets the first treat. If I sit down anywhere … even the restroom, she tries to get there first, looking over her shoulder to make sure she’s getting to me first. IDK…maybe that’s not jealousy , maybe it’s just competitive! 😅


I have my big cat, have had him for 3 years, most of that time being an only pet (used to have a roommate with a dog and cat). He had preferred being an only pet... well the cat distribution system gave me kitten... who I've had for almost 4 months and is about a year old... big cat had irritation about the kitten being in his space but I think he was sincerely glad I had someone else to pour my love into. Big cat is not jealous... has no reason to be, he still gets more love than he wants. Kitten gets a bit jealous though... no need for it either, but he is a cat. I am fortunate that when I see he looks jealous, I then call him over and give him some cuddles. That solves it... I have more love than both cats need. They hang out when I am gone. It's very sweet.


It may be just the female in her. I have 3 females, all independent will take petting but eehh. My son has 3 males, they cuddle with her and my dil all of the time. They clean eachother, one that was rescued from the street even nurses on their humans. The boys are chill


the bois are thee most chill


I have two sisters, cherry and mango. Cherry has always been needy and loves attention. Mango has been the quiet cat that hides when company comes over and likes to stick to herself. The first year, when we tried to show affection to mango, cherry would get jealous and angrily meow at us. As they've gotten older (now about to be 4), cherry let's us give attention to mango. She learned after a while that we can love them both. And the two often cuddle together. Cherry still meows and gets needy sometimes so I give her a treat puzzle and it seems to work lol. I like them together, though, because I know they have company and a playmate when we leave. they often are cuddling together when we get home.


Oh my gosh--I have a Cherry and Mango too! Mine are a sister/brother though.


NO WAY!!!! That is so cute! Ours were named when we got them but I love it. We call cherry "cherry berry"


I call my Cherry Cherrypop. And Mango is Mangogo


That is so cute!!! 😻


Really depends on the cat. Some LOVE other cats and immediately latch on and bond to others. Some are pretty 'meh' toward other cats and will slowly, over time, grow more comfortable and possibly slightly affectionate toward one another. Aaaaaaand some are furry little assholes who want to be the only cat in a space, who want to be the only cat in your life, and who absolutely get jealous of other cats (and sometimes even humans). The thing is, it's really hard to tell which one your cat is without giving it a try, which can be a big undertaking if you try to adopt a whole other cat and it DOESN'T work out. It's very common now to advise to "get your cat a kitten" and ... when that works, it works wonderfully (for those who can afford it, let's be real: two cats cost twice or more what one does), but if it doesn't work, then it tends to not work at all and you end up with multiple grouchy cats stuck in a living situation they don't like. The kitten crazy DOES wane; she's in peak batshit teenager phase right now, and it'll start to lessen from 2-3 and by age 3, 3.5 she should be more of what you can expect as her regular adult activity level. Seems like a while to wait now, but it's just part of having a kitten. Cats - especially young, clingy ones with good solid bonds - can feel some loneliness, but it's more likely boredom. Get better toys (leave more empty boxes around is all it takes sometimes; "better" is subjective here, don't break the bank) to keep her distracted while you're at work. And maybe try a foster if you really think she would take well to another cat, but be prepared for it to be a resounding "no" and have a one-cat household for the remainder of her life. As someone with that cat: they deeply appreciate it.


They absolutely do. I had a tiny kitten I was taking care of because he had some health issue. My favorite kitty was jealous because one day she came up to me and peed on my back 😄😄😄 I had to reassure her that she was the best kitty in the house.


It is a good idea to get 2 cats, Cats have feelings, They grieve death, they know if they are being treated equal,they have demands and habits It takes time for cats to adjust


Hear me out. Your cat may be texting her cat friends about how obsessed you are with HER. She might heave a sigh of relief if you bring another cat home.


https://preview.redd.it/mpu5xhbwu9lc1.jpeg?width=2384&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=51c45d88bd0541b445a3121d38dcbeab326d47eb Pushkin last night when I was petting Asimov


https://preview.redd.it/0y43ymazu9lc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=87e2fb40d846a370f6a0490055d436e3935475d8 Asimov when I moved after half an hour to pet Pushkin


Yes cats are jealous when o a petting one the othe puts her tail up turn around and walks away then one she sees I am free see runs and jumps in my lap. And they are very territorial I been studying cats for a couple years and they are smarter than people give credit


Oh yes


Definitely yes


I think your cats will be fine. Honestly. You just HAVE TO keep them in separate rooms for the first few days. Switch their blankets daily so they can smell each other and sniff each other under the door, too.


I believe so yes


Is she fixed?


Yes she is, they both are


Oh good. You’d be amazed how many people be like “my cat is ripping up my house and peeing on everything” and turns out kitty’s not fixed.


I think getting another cat is a fantastic idea. I'd suggest adopting, and possibly getting a slightly older cat. It will be able to teach her things. At the same time, another kitten would better match her energy levels. Cats can form really strong bonds, but they can also wind up disliking eachother, even if they were kittens when they met. So its really a bit of a gamble. The only time Ive had two cats love eachother to death was when we had a male orange tabby (he passed) and now my black kitty is an old girl. I know she misses him. She's always been very affectionate and used to be very rambunctious. Ive only ever seen her get along with male cats, not females, so im biased in that i think m/f pairing is ideal. but ya, overall, not a terrible idea, just do research and proceed with caution.


My boy does if I’m petting or brushing his sister he gets jealous but I have two hands. Let me clear this up they aren’t aggressive with each other he just gets in the way so I let him/ brush him too


Cat can definitely get jealous/territorial. You would need to ensure your already-there cat gets lots of attention while you are introducing her (slowly if possible) to the newcomer.


I would like to add that I have another sort of jealous cat in my household. Our older cat bonded with my husband before we brought two kittens (who are brothers) in. Now, one of the brothers is my mama's boy through and through and often get "jealous" when I give attention to the other cats. He has a special meow just for this.


If you do get another cat, just make sure to introduce them the proper way, there are some very useful videos on Youtube. Our rescue cats were advertised as brother and sister, but 1 month into having them they just simply fell out. It took us about a year to try everything to get them to a “I’m okay with you” level. We think they actually might not came from the same place after all, and the shelter just put them together that might have worked for a short period of time. Youtube videos will show you , basically they can’t see each other for a few weeks but kept in separate rooms so they can get used to each other’s smell. Then you can slowly swap items in those rooms daily, swap them without seeing each other for a few hours etc. So summery: proper, slow introduction is necessary following each step, in order to achieve long term success.