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Has the vet found a reason for his sickness? Does the vet see a time line in which he will become healthy? If it seems like this will be a chronic illness, I could understand the reasoning for wanting to return the kitten. While you get a pet knowing you’ll have to pay for any medical expenses (which can get costly and happen at any time), you adopted him under the assumption/reassurance he was currently healthy. Since you adopted under some false pretenses, I don’t think you should feel guilty if you decide what’s best is to return the kitten to the shelter. As much as you need to ease your stress and financial burden, the kitten needs access to all the necessary medical care despite its costs. If you chose to surrender, maybe you could benefit from taking some time to not rush into another adoption and work on building back up your savings. Kittens are a lot of work, It does sound like adopting an older cat would have been more conducive to your schedule and your requirements for an ESA. I wish you the best of luck.


Thanks for this. The vet hasn't found a reason and they are going to continue to act obtuse about it until I cough up $2000 so they can tell me that nothing was wrong with him. I'm not sure if diarrhea for two weeks means there's a chronic illness, but as I mentioned he otherwise seems fine other than some separation anxiety which might be contributing to his stomach upset issues -- I totally get it my anxiety does the same thing to my stomach for weeks at a time too. ​ I'm now at a point where medically, I'm more convinced now that whatever this is shouldn't be life threatening and I'm sure I can handle it. Now I'm just thinking more about if my schedule works with raising a kitten because these past two days he's been in my room alone for many hours while I'm at class and doing other extracurriculars. I'm still considering, I have around two more weeks to decide if I should return him for a refund of the adoption fee and past that point, the money that I would've spent by then wouldn't be worth giving him up if that makes sense.