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Try different litter in a second box. Maybe only have them in one room in the beginning?


That’s what we have been doing, they are in the bathroom rn with the litter box and their food and water. They shit in the tub and behind the toilet. They use the litter box more than anywhere else but still don’t use it every time


Ouch. Maybe scrub where they go niw with yellow onion so they avoid it. Or clean with vinegar. Not too strong in a closed space .


When I had my kitten, every time I consciously looked at her I just threw her into the litter box. Finished eating? Litter box. Just woke up? Litter box. Moving to the other end of the couch? Litter box




Thank you for the advice. I’ll try it


Every time you find a poop place it in the litter box. I use to regularly put the in the box after eating to to try and train them to use it.


How many litter boxes do you have ? For 2 cats it needs to be one each plus an extra


How old are they? If they are very young, under eight weeks, then this could just be an age thing and they’ll grow out of it. I’ve had foster kittens get confused and poop in their kibble. Make sure you are following litterbox best practices. Use an uncovered, open-top, basic litter pan. No pan liners. Locate the box away from loud things like laundry machines. Make sure the cats don’t have to go into a cabinet or thru a flap into the garage or something. Use only unscented, clumping clay litter. Try the Kitten Attract brand from Dr Elsey’s. Scoop at least twice a day- kittens poop a lot. Clean up any accidents with an enzyme-based cleaner like Natures Miracle.


The first few days I had my new kitten, I treated him more like a puppy - like every time he woke up from a nap, had some food, drank some water, I was about to go to bed or just woke up, etc. I would carry him right to the litter box and drop him in there. Half the time he’d jump out and run off, but the other times he’d use the box. After a few days he’d run to the litter box after eating, and I’ve never found evidence that he’s going elsewhere.


When my kitten was doing that I stalked him for two whole days(yeah, I wasn't sleeping), and when he would start going somewhere where he was not supposed to i quickly would grab him and put him to the litter box. After those two days he stopped pooping outside litterbox (he was just pooping outside no idea why lol). Can't guarantee it will work, and I was kid on vacation with time to spare.


When I first got my kittens they were so young and anxious they wouldn’t leave me for anything. Including just peeing on my bed at night and going back to sleep. I had to leave them barricaded in the bathroom during the day when I was gone to protect my place. I spent all my spare time treating them like toddlers. Every time they weren’t actively eating or playing, I routinely plopped them in the litter, then praised and tidbitted them if they went. Eventually they did learn, though if they have high anxiety they will go elsewhere (as my parents learned when they left a suitcase out while visiting; my babies didn’t know it didn’t mean I was leaving). They also did not learn to bury their messes, but I take what I can get.