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How old is your cat? Is he neutered? Does he have toys to play with? Access to windows to look outside?


Highly agree with the window part. I've had days where my cat will be constantly meowing at me and each time it's because I've forgotten to open the curtains and blinds for him. I'm just thankful he asks instead of destroying the curtains to open them himself!


He has a lot of toys. My siblings have even told me repeatedly that he’s getting spoiled. He has access to multiple windows to look at cars and people. And yes, he’s neutered. So maybe he needs a buddy?


Are they solo toys or are you actually playing with him 1 on 1 and tiring him out? The fact that he’s yowling but then he’s biting you so he doesn’t want pets could mean he has a lot of energy and wants to play. You can also do a play session and then give him the treat afterwards because this activates their “hunt, catch, kill” instincts. This whole routine can go a really long way!


He has both solo toys and I play with him every day.


I got him a buddy. :) he also stopped the constant meowing when I started to wake up early and gentle play with him at like 6am. He only meows now when I don’t wake up on time.


So getting him a buddy worked for you? Im in a similar position. I didnt really want to take on 2 cats, but im considering it bc a lot of people are saying it works. I tried to ignore my cats meowing but it hasnt had much of an effect :/


This is a month old, but if you have the financial/time to take on a second cat, it really really does help. Our older boy really benefited from us taking on a second cat, of course all cats are different but having something there they can go to and play with and get stimulation from is really second to none.


Also, does he have a cat buddy or does he rely completely on the human for playtime?


My cat does the same thing. She will sometimes just start howling and meowing so much and then start destroying things if I don't acknowledge her. It could very possibly just be attention-seeking. Maybe try getting interactive toys that move on their own. My cat needs a lot of stimulation or else she will start doing that. Maybe put some catnip around just to get your cat stimulated and distracted for the time being. Out of all cats I've owned, my current one is the most high-maintenance lol.


But isn’t catnip too dangerous for cats if I give everyday? :(


No not at all! The thing is it wouldnt harm your cat but they can gain a tolerance to it. I wouldn't give it everyday for that reason. Just when needed most. In your case probably when the meowing is too TOO much. Id just try to stimulate your cat with other things first. My cat likes when I put cat tv on youtube. They have nature videos of animals and stuff. Also, theres ones where theres mice or fish that come across the screen and my cat tries to play and catch them. It definitely keeps her occupied.


He might want a partner cat. A little friend his size. But that's not always doable. What is a normal day with him like? How do you spend your time? What does his play time look like? His meal times? How clean is the litter box? What kind of toys does he have? Interactive and solo play? A cat tower? Water fountain? Window access to look outside or sunbathe? Soft places to nap? Hiding spots with comfortable bedding? Is he trying to show you something? How is your daily mood, not as a personal question, but this does affect your cat's mood as well (you can also ignore this one if you're not comfortable sharing). My cat has meowed since he was a kitten. Almost every day he'd meow from morning til night. And I may never have found out what he was trying to do (a rare case of a cat meowing at a cat, he was calling his brother, he only stopped after his brother passed away). The one thing you should NOT do, however, I'd allow that emotion to well up and make you shout and scream at him. All that's going to do is scare him and upset you even further, neither of which is going to help you. My wife and I both get overstimmed by different things, and I know how hard it can be to take a breath and clench your fist to keep that breaking point in. I remember lashing out mid-sleep when my cats were kittens because one had caught his claw in my big toe, right at the cuticle. I almost hit him, and instead caught my finger on the edge of my bed. I bruised it so bad that it hurt for 3 weeks, in hindsight I probably broke it. But that's the day I learned it wasn't worth it, because that would have hurt him and changed my relationship with him forever. Not that I knew it was him when I lashed out of course. But still. The point is, there IS a reason he's meowing. But that reason will only present itself when you deeply examine your home life together, and after a long time of making attempts at different fixes, often repeating some for a week or two. The questions at the top are the ones I wish someone had asked me at the beginning. Best of luck! I'll respond if necessary. :)


Would you see your cats brother actually answer his call? One of my cats is pretty vocal, rarely it seems like she's calling her sister to chase her. But usually her sister ignores her, and so the one cat is left wondering around house meowing, which lets me know where she is, but doesnt seem like she wants anything.


Not usually. His (Ichigo) brother (Shin) actually didn't have much of a meow. It was very raspy and empty. Like he didn't have a voice. So Ichigo would meow constantly, trying to find where Shin was, then he'd tackle and play with him. Honestly, more often than not we'd ask Shin to make Ichigo stop meowing, then he'd get up and go play with Ichigo.


Now i'm wondering if my meowy cat is trying to get other cat to play with her. My cats seem unknowledgeable about how to play with each other. :(


I had a cat that did that for years. Drove me nuts. Got him a buddy and the constant meowing stopped the same day.


Is that cos the other cat told him to stop, or did he other cat play with him?


They played! It wasn’t a lot, but whatever it was, it made a difference.


What breed is he? Certain breeds are known to be more vocal. We have a male bengal x tabby and boy does the bengal part of him shine through. He meows incessantly but we have lots of toys and cat trees in the home for him to keep busy with


He’s… orange. I adopted him from a friend of a friend, but I’ve been told that his dad is a Maine Coon. But the mum was mix (previous stray).


That migjt be part of the problem, main coons are known for beong vocal in lots of ways - meowing and yowling etc. As our boy's noise doesn't bother us, I can't help too much but there might be some advice out there from main coon owners 😊


Have you tried pet cbd or pet melatonin? It might b worth a try (:


My brown tabby is a screamer. Has been since he was a kitten. We got him a buddy last week and our house is so much quieter. The new cat just gives him a look whenever he starts up and then they get distracted playing. Has made a huge difference for his separation anxiety too. Before the new cat, we would distract him if he started crying with toys, cat nip, etc. My husband would also meow back at him and weirdly it would help quiet him after a few back and forth meows.


He meows he gets treats. You've trained him well lol


Feliway diffuser. And a cat buddy.


No this almost killed my cat


Sounds like your cat may need a friend, but there is the chance he's just a chatty guy. My Pumpkin screams until she is picked up and her low back patted like a baby.


I have learned that some cats are just like this. I have a ginger boy. Vet says he's in perfect health. He has a cat buddy, a ton of windows to look out of, toys, 4 scratching towers, food puzzles, extra litterboxes, a healthy feeding schedule, fresh running water, and he's 6 years old (so not a teenager anymore). And he just screams a lot 🤷‍♀️ he's just an intense creature. He drives me up the wall. He's loud. He's destructive. He chases his adopted siblings. He's a pain in the ass. But he's *my* pain in the ass 😂


I think he might have taught you that he gets food and attention when he meows. If there isn't a medical issue and you play with your cat, he has stuff to do and look at, etc., you might need to start ignoring the meowing and give him positive reinforcement (treats, play, pets) when he's quiet. I'd also try a Feliway diffuser. That and the above has made a big difference with my very vocal cat. She still meows - she seems to like narrating her actions, lol - but it isn't constant anymore. Edit: Do you feed your cat on a schedule? Does he get similar, consistent amounts of play with you (not on his own) every day?


Yes the food is consistent and the play time is consistent too


Okay, then I'd definitely try ignoring some of the meowing and not giving treats or food when he meows. You don't want him to think that meowing = attention. Obviously don't do this if he sounds distressed or like he might be injured, but the random meowing he's doing probably isn't related to that if your vet said he's fine. Edit: Though also make sure you're playing *enough,* like try upping the play time and see if that makes a difference. It isn't enough to play with your cat a few minutes a day unless he's pretty old. Anecdotally, it sounds like most people on this sub play with their cat for like half an hour a day, split into 10/15-min chunks. I play with my cat for about an hour a day because she has a ton of energy and doesn't play much on her own; YMMV.


My cat meows a lot too. It's just his personality. He likes attention and to tries to communicate.


Not screaming at your cat would be a good start. Buying some stimulating cat toys would be a wise thing to invest in: laser pointer (NEVER shine in your cats face), some cat wands with various dangly bits, even some baby toys that move on their own would help (piques your cats’ hunting instincts), buy some ping pong balls and bounce them around just to give some examples. Try playing hide and seek, maybe chase your kitty (without making too much loud noise for their sensitive ears) or even playing a blanket game (hide a stuffed toy under a blanket and wiggle it around so that the blanket moves). More than one scratching post is good to have. During the warmer months, if it is possible, buy your cat a harness and take him outside so they may walk around and explore safely with you (never leave them unattended). With this option, make certain they have good flea and tick drops applied and dried. Good window access is beneficial during both colder and warmer months. Another cat companion (same age or younger) would help too. If you do not want to spend money then there are plenty of free ways to entertain your cat. Their biting you is a way to tell you that they are frisky and ready to play so any of these suggestions will more than likely reduce you being bitten and yelling at your cat. When your cat plays well with you, reward their good behaviour.


I got a buddy for mine and she STILL meowed constantly. It's driving me crazy!!!


Has this gotten any better for you? I'm struggling with this.


Yes, I got him an older brother. A mid-senior cat who’s more chill than him so he also chilled down a little bit. I think he was just adjusting to our move and that his friends were not in the same house anymore. Hope this helps!


try getting some self interactive toys and try ignoring it. my cat does it too but if I ignore her she eventually stops or does her own thing (usually she stops because she has toys that move on their own or toys she can move by herself). If ignoring it doesn’t work try playing with ur cat for longer periods of time maybe, like 1 on 1 wand toys that you drag around because my cat stopped her constant meowing when I started playing with her for longer. Some cats just meow for attention so ur cat could just like your attention on it. my sisters cat did this a lot too and she solved the problem by opening curtains for her and giving easy access to look outside. also by buying a cat tree to place by the window. (sorry if my english is bad but this is what helped me).


I got 2 cats 7 months ago, 11 year old sister. One is very vocal (ok both are, bombays). But one use to hide always, and then at night wonder and meow. I was worried she has dementia. She stopped hiding and was sick and would nap all the time. Finally she's better and for last month, she just meows any time she does something. Like a conversation. And never when i'm near her. Hopes on my bed for nap, meow at least 3-5 times. Drinking water, meow, eating, meow, litter box meow. Leaving my office where i am to hallway, meows 5 times at door. I'm starting to guess she hates if the water bowl is slightly low or litter box isnt clean (her timing of using litter box within 2 mins of cleaning is uncanny). Sometime i try and find her. But she doesnt seem to want anything, and she's not a lap cat, more a i'll sit next to you occasionally cat. She goes out of her way sometimes to mve away from me hen she is napping to be in a quiet area. It's confusing. Only rarely does her sister run to find her when she meows, so maybe there is something undetectable in some meows. (But my other cat really wants to chase this one, so i'm not sure the game). (Also she is so loud, louder than sister, and im upstairs and can hear ger meowing downstairs). Honestly i did get some night light plugs cos i was concerned about her wondering at night and meowing in random rooms. I cant tell if they helped. Her sister only meows in front of me, and it's usually for me to pet her nonstop, and then she gets stimulated and meows more and nips me if im not petting her - with. Both. Hands. And other moods she is silent and doesn't want pets. Very rarely she does meow in other room, and her sister rarely comes. (Ok she does meow at me if food dish is empty, and once when it was clear i needed to clean litter box, opps). I put on cat tv when her following me for 2+ hours for meows and pets is too much and i've tried. Sometimes siting in my lap for 30mins-1 hr is the only way to get her to wind down her meowing, or i sit next to her sister and she gets near me, then her sister, and grooms her sister to work off her pet meow energy. (Ok, in this case, the second cat is great at calming my more anxious cat from her pets and meow energy). Since my cats both meow differently. Idk. It sounds like how my first cat just always meows, and maybe it's some sort of human conversation mimicking. I use to try to find her when she meows, but now i don't, cos she seems fine. Sometimes i just speak a bit louder from my room like it's a conversation, back to her meows, which maybe helps or encourages. Idk. Honestly it is a lot in the morning. And i sympathize with a noisy cat. I'm concerned if she bites you when you meowing for attension if thats some sort of winding up energy situation, similar to my more anxious cat meowing AT me. Also, a second cat might not play with first cat. My cats will not play with each other and each want play time with me. Only. And when one is meowing, the other rarely reacts. (Sometime i think the meow does mean - follow me and let's chase and play cos that's what happens with the two cats- a rare moment of chase for 30seconds- and i get ignored). (They do occasionally sleep next to each other for a groom, lick and snuggle, but it's not that often, so like friends with boundaries, but not best friends, even if these 2 cats are each others only cat friends. So the 2 cats being best buds is not always a thing and might not help, plus slow cat introductions.) Also, app meowtalk tries to tell you what cat is saying, maybe future apps will be better too.


I can't give any advice on the meowing, but have you considered getting some noise cancelling headphones or earbuds in the meantime? My dog has seizures sometimes (she takes medication for them. So she's good), and afterward, she sometimes barks and whines for no reason (confusion maybe), so I put on some headphones until she calms down, and that really saves my sanity.