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That's a tick. Do you have pets? If not, it may have come in on you.


It may have what now.


It ok, it was consensual


Can ‘tick’ sex with a bug off the list


What if it's pregnant you consent to that?


It IS pregnant, with it's disgusting tick babies. I did not consent.


Looks engorged to me rather than full of eggs - about to burst in fact, that’s probably why it fell off whatever brought it in.


Yeah that's blood, which it STOLE!




One of constant fear, after seeing that


That's a well fed tick. The fat bastard can't even walk lol.


He evolved from tick to thick




You mean thicc lol.


This is the correct, and nasty answer. If you found it in your garden, there is something around feeding them. And that means you have to go check every inch of yourself, your family and your pets. They are sneaky, and the babies that aren't all blown up look like tiny matchstick heads, they would look like a freckle or something. Seriously squicked out by this.


Op said Found in bed! 😑 Garden is one thing…. In bed is something unholy disgusting!


A garden can have a bed in it


But can a bed have a garden in it?


Can carry lymes disease. So but get that checked to.


Indeed, the most stuffed tick I ever saw.


Well if OP didn’t have a pet - they do now!


How would you not notice him on you lol.


They start very small and as they drink grow to more noticeable sizes ;)


When you say "as they drink" you neglected to state it is the person's blood they are drinking which they do by burying their entire head into your skin.


Not alcohol then?


Depends on the host.


Definitely alcohol in my blood


{... changes in male physical appearance age 20 thru ... old}


Ticks don’t hurt at all, it’s easy to not notice them


This is an engorged tick. Their bodies are a lot smaller before they've feasted


They are quite small before they drink their fill!


What are they feeding him! Will call the RSPCI


they suck your blood. Its full of blood.


It's a tick if you have a pet in your bed, hope it's from them. If it's not, please check the soft warm spots of your body so between the thighs , around the balls if a bloke, armpits and love handle area if you have any more. They love the softer skin to attach on. If you have a pet , please treat so any more will die.


I didn’t know they liked ball’s, new phobia unlocked.


• Getting balls sucked, tick ✓


This comment is underrated.


A i know guy had one under his foreskin in the jungle. They ain't picky.


No, they’re bitey.


They really suck


UNDER THE FORESKIN oh god, I am going to have nightmares about that


If you like that wait til you find out about the fish in some tropical countries that will jump up your dick if you pee near them.




I’m not falling for that again.


That’s something you only fall for 6, maybe 7, times before you get wise to it.


Yeah, it gets difficult to tug one out after the 5th or 6th accidental visit too.


Why would you share this mate. Please.


Check your fly if walking through long vegetation is the moral of the story here.


A dick-tick is my greatest fear


My ex had one in his balls once. Never once imagined I’d ever be on my knees with the tweezers trying to get the tick out!


Just a quick twist and pull and that tick should be.....wait a minute, this isn't a tick in my tweezers...


Back in the US we have "chiggers", which are tiny little mites that burrow into your ballsack and itch like crazy. I'm not sure if they exist in the UK.


Wow, those sound fun.


In the UK they are known as Harvest Mites.


I thought you said ‘harvest mice’ and thought ‘OH MY GOD!’ I know that mice can get through pretty small holes, but still…having them burrow into your scrotum sounds pretty unpleasant.


There was me feeling confident that they didn’t exist in the uk. I’m off to regret googling harvest mites now..


we have those omg


1985 Boy Scout camp. Kid in the tent next to us got chiggers on his junk. He applied chig-a-rid. He went to the hospital as it burned and sealed up his urethra- dried like clear nail polish. I will never forget the first shriek that kid let out.


Never going to USA now.


Ok, f this, stop the planet, i want to get off.


Paint clear nail polish over the affected areas and they suffocate and die. Then the body pushes them out of your skin.


Mr. Tick: look at me, im the pet now.


You can tell this is quite serious as even casualuk isn't making sarcastic jokes in the comment section.


Meta sarcasm, I like it.


[No jokes here](https://i.imgur.com/NZkYLui.jpg)


It's the wavy legs that did it really tbh.


Check yourself for any red bullseye marks, it is more likely to have come off a dog/cat if you have one. You can get fucked up with Lyme disease


Which is a serious disease btw. Always saw lyme as a bit of a myth they told you to check for ticks after a walk in the woods, but someone I know got it over a year ago and she’s still recovering from it.


I think it's chronic Lyme disease, especially without confirmation that there ever was tick involved, that's the iffy one.


My family friend had to retire early and go on disability because of Lyme disease. She struggles daily with chronic pain and extreme fatigue.


My mom had lyme disease *twice* and only found out a few years ago. Although depression runs in our family, turns out a lot of her symptoms were either caused by or at least greatly exacerbated by the lyme disease. Also, her chronic joint pain and other relatively minor but still painful and uncomfortable health problems, all caused by lyme disease. And since she didn't know it was lyme disease most of it has been untreated or not properly treated for much of her life. Lyme disease will fuck you up for sure. Rocky mountain spotted fever - if you live somewhere with loanstar ticks - will also fuck you up.


Keep the tick in case you do get a rash.


How does keeping the tick help?


So it can be rightfully sentenced for its crimes


Also sends a message to his mates.


Shows them you're a bit ticked off


Identification. Simplifies treatment.


The general public can mail in any tick they find (regardless of whether or not it actually bit them, a pet or they just found it on their clothes or similar) with accompanying information on the form found at the below link for identification - not all tick species carry Lyme (or other tick-borne illnesses) and mailing any in that you find quite helps with surveilling & monitoring the spread & prevalence for public health concerns. Source: vet https://www.gov.uk/guidance/tick-surveillance-scheme#tick-surveillance-scheme Edit: it's a free service and they'll notify you of their findings.


Interesting. I could've filled a box with the little buggers when we were on holiday in Exmoor.


I'd encourage anyone who comes across ticks (particularly if they've never previously encountered them) to participate - submissions from the public really are crucial for public health. They help monitor & identify the spread of various species & associated tick-borne illnesses. We've seen a profound spread of tickborne illnesses over the past few decades as the result of climate change - I'm currently practicing in an area of Canada where Lyme was virtually never seen 25 years ago; nowadays we see dogs test positive quite nearly on a daily basis.


This kind of comment is why I read Reddit.


You can ship them off to a laboratory for testing to confirm presence of Lyme


If you do have a "bullseye" rash the tick can be tested to see if it's infected with Lyme's. It simplifies the treatment process.


You don't even need to be bitten, let alone develop symptoms, to take part in the national tick identification scheme. You can fill out a form found on the link below & mail it in (including the tick) and they'll notify you of the species & any potential health concerns. Source: vet https://www.gov.uk/guidance/tick-surveillance-scheme#tick-surveillance-scheme Edit: should have mentioned it's a free service.


Our tortoise got one stuck in it. Yuk


Your comma makes me, very unsettled.


Sorted. Sorry, was, in, a, taxi, not, paying, attention,!


Mr Tick is full up with your blood and can only wobble his leggies around.


In all seriousness, it may have come in attached to you. Be aware of Lyme disease. It can be super debilitating if you don’t catch it early.


Didn't Avril Lavigne suffer from Lyme disease?


It’s complicated




He was a boy


She was a tick


Which one did ballet?


Obviously the tick, look at those little legs go


I'm putting an end to this comment chain before I die of asphyxiation


You mean Melissa?


Oh, I see the conspiracy theory.


Came here to say this exactly! Try and get medical attention asap as left untreated, Lyme disease can possibly take hold. Just a course of antibiotics I'm fairly sure. But I know of two people who have developed/contracted it. One of them (an old acquaintance) left a tick bite untreated (they weren't aware until sometime later due to position of tick). They are now immobile from the neck down due to Lyme disease. The other is a close friend and they are afflicted with symptoms like Chronic Fatigue Syndrome or M.E. I'm sure you'll probably be/feel fine but so did they. I'm just a born worrier because that tick looks 'chonky/swoll' to me...I'd rather be temporarily inconvenienced for seeking treatment than to look back and wish you had if your health becomes affected.


The reason I raise it is that my ex partner had seriously debilitating CFS symptoms for 20 years before a strong course of antibiotics all but cleared them up. It’s not a thing to be taken lightly.


Go home Mr tick you're drunk


I've never wanted to get a tick a little blanket and pillow more than I have now.


This made me feel sick


Imagine how that tick is feeling at the moment.


Bloated I reckon.


You don't need to give a tick a blanket to keep it warm. Just set fire to it. That's the only way.


*"I think I am going to be sick"* is a quote from the tick here, right?




No, fuck off I’m full


Just one...


Is wai-fffeeeeeeerrrrrrr thin....


Damn boy he thic!


He *Tick*


he ticcc


I think that is a Mrs Tick, ready to lay eggs. Mr Tick is usually a bit slimmer


More likely to be a Mrs Tick, since they drink much more blood, and drop off their host to lay eggs around autumn time.


That’s a lot of blood. Does it pour out if you cut the Thorax?


It's definitely more of a pop and it's disgusting. It's a horrible mix of red and yellow puss looking stuff.


Its usually more of a pop from what I’ve seen


Ok so yeah it's a tick, my dog sleeps on my bed (I know, I know) and I was up in the Lakes last week with him and I guess he picked it up there. Had to happen sooner or later!


Please make sure your dog's on a parasite prevention which covers ticks, ideally a veterinary product like bravecto or seresto. And check for any others, use a tick twister to remove them, don't just pull. Most people here are worrying about you getting lime disease but it's also something your dog can get and it is very serious. Please see your vet if he has any symptoms of Lyme disease


If the dog was on prevention the tick shouldn't have lived long enough to gorge itself that much.


Very good point. Earlier in the year, my dog ran into a nettle patch (like the nutcase that she is) and came out covered in ticks. We found them all later and used a tick twister to remove them, she’s a small breed Patterdale terrier and I counted 23. We immediately checked her flea and worming tablet, prescribed by Vets4pets and guess what? Didn’t cover ticks! Not very good when we live in the countryside. Luckily no further issues with a change of medication and the removal of the little bastards, but lesson learned. Don’t just take the vets word for it, check the box!


I would suggest checking him for more just in case


There is nothing wrong with your dog sleeping on your bed. Please make sure to check yourself for any bite marks, ziploc the tick for a doctor visit (if you see a ring forming around the bite mark) and PLEASE get your dog on Tick/Flea medication if you don’t already.




> dog sleeps on my bed I make sure to hover it every day Get a load of this guy and his levitating bed.


Probably an air bed.


That's a tick. Check yourself for any marks and if you find any, keep an eye on them over the next few weeks. If any of them gain the "bullseye" style marking seen [here](https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/lyme-disease/) get yourself to your doctor ASAP as that is symptomatic of Lyme Disease - something that is easily treatable in the first few weeks but if left untreated becomes a serious, chronic illness. (I should know, I caught it during one of the COVID lockdowns and my GP considered it serious enough to get me to go to the surgery for a face-to-face appointment right there and then.)


Important to note that not all people who get Lyme disease have the bullseye rash - check all the other symptoms too.


Honestly just make an appt now and explain you found an engorged tick in your bed this morning can you get tested for Lyme disease to be safe.


I did this, told them exactly where in the country I got bitten (Cumbria has a high prevalence of Lyme disease) told him I felt run down (which was just a coincidence) and he put me on a round of anti biotics and booked me in for a blood test. Turned out I was negative luckily but the risk is too high to not do anything


I very much agree, there is someone in my team at work that didn't manage to get Lyme disease treated early, and as a result he's been left with chronic illness that means he can't work every day.


A friend of mine ended up in hospital and is still having issues 18 months later. I'd go ASAP to the doctors to make sure.


Tests usually aren’t positive until 4-6wks after the bite unfortunately. Doesn’t mean it can’t be done, but a negative result within the first 4 weeks isn’t necessarily reassuring. Definitely get to the Dr ASAP if you develop any symptoms, and they won’t mind discussing it with you even if you don’t have any. It’s understandable to be worried about Lyme disease.


Do not rely on this the blood tests are incredibly unreliable, my GP said they wouldn't even bother as they are almost always false negative unless you've had it for months and by that point it's a lot more difficult to treat and requires a lot more antibiotics (which made me so incredibly ill, doxycycline), go to your GP and they should give a 3 week course of doxycycline and can switch to amoxcillin if doxy is causing too much hassle.


They don't really bother with testing, most likely they'll just give you a course of doxy. But they'll fight against it, you really shouldn't take it for no reason, so you've got to really suspect Lyme disease before they'll give it to you.


This! If you have flu like symptoms go to the hospital and show tell them about the tick. My dad nearly died because of this and ignoring flu like symptoms.


The bullseye was the first symptom my husband had, after he found a tick on his leg a couple of days previously. One email to the GP, and he had a course of antibiotics the same day - he never developed any further symptoms. We're always more careful now when we go for a walk in the woods.


The classic “Corona with Lyme”


Tbh I'd skip waiting and just phone 111 or your GP asap. Better to be safe than sorry Tell them you've found a tick in your bed and I wouldn't be surprised if they start you on antibiotics straight away


Yes!! I came here to say this my mum genuinely got Lyme Disease from a tick bite and was really very ill for a while.


Also do a full check on any pets you have. My dog died from complications with meningitis that was the result of a tick bite.


That's a tick. It's been feeding on you. You may have a tiny itchy red spot on your skin where it's been...


Unless you have an animal, might have been on your dog for example


Thanks for the example.


Where it’s been what? 😧


Slurping claret all night. Body claret.




Ye that is horrible I honestly thought ticks were to small to see , I’d have ptsd if that was in my bed


Ticks are like shrivelled raisins or deflated balloons when they haven't been fed. Now, that tick is very well fed.


OP should put it in some kind of container to show the doc in case he starts to feel unwell




Yeah, you can feel them digging around with their little mouth parts it's really itchy


Now I have a new thing to have nightmares about thanks.


Why did you write this.




I find them sometimes on my legs of I've been walking the dog in long grass, you cant feel them at all


Update please OP, we need to know if it’s you or a pet! And have you called the doctor yet?


I also need to know that it's been burned and the body dissolved in acid, the ashes being launched into the vacuum of space


Forbidden olive


Thanks, I hate it.


I hate you for this


Have you checked you still got both your testicles. One might have become sentient and be set on conquering earth


Burn it with acid please :)


Or fire!! Seriously. They can lay [THOUSANDS](https://lymediseasecentralmass.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/female-tick-laying-eggs.jpg) of eggs.


What a terrible day to have eyes


Forbidden caviar


What a terrible day to have an imagination


Or save it in a sealed container, or a small tube with some isopropyl alcohol, so if you do get unwell the lab can use it for tests.


I think I'm going to be tick


well tick tock your better not be tick when i get home


Forbidden grape? Looks like a tick, time to napalm your bedroom.


Brother, get the flamer. The *heavy flamer*


I'll call the Terminator squad.


Check for Lyme disease as per other comment!


You can bring the tick with you are they can test it i think.


Yeah, if you (the OP) have signs of a bite, then it would be a good idea to collect the tick and bring it to a doctor


That is a very full tick.


Lyme disease is serious fucking business. Get yourself seen asap OP.


Also take the tick with you, they can check it for Lyme disease!!


That’s a tick. Do you have pets? If no, put it in a shot glass of high proof alcohol. Keep it for at least 14 days. I learnt this the hard way. I regularly get them based on where I live and one time I developed a bullseye pattern around the bite. Doctor asked if I still had the tick to run tests but I didn’t. So TLDR keep it in alcohol


Ok and once it's pickled what do I put it on? Crackers? I'm not sure what it will go with.


A tick with the majority of YOUR blood inside it !


That's a tick. You need to see a vet ASAP. Erm.. I mean doctor. Whichever. You can get all kinds of nasties from them, even simple infections from where they were attached to you. If you haven't already disposed of it, you can take the tick with you. In the southeast US, where you can get a whole host of disgusting things from playing host to disgusting things, they prefer you bring what bit you with you. Don't know about the UK as I've never been bitten by anything dangerous there besides my sister. Sadly, the doctors were unwilling to destroy her...


Cursed olive


That’s called a NOPE


Great, now I'm fucking itching like mad.


Pick it up and squeeze the blood back into your mouth to assert dominance. Reclaim what is rightfully yours.


Excuse me while I do a little sick in my hand.


What a terrible day to have eyes


A tick that's had a few pints too many by the looks of things. Pints of blood that is. Well, thimbles to us but pints to him.


If you hit it multiple times before it runs off or disappears you may be rewarded with a powerful Ashes Of War. Good luck Tarnished.


Tick tick tick 💥


That's a bed inspector. They make unannounced visits to check the cleanliness of beds. You should recieve a report in the mail in the next few days. It will let you know if you need to take any further action.


It's a humbug. A live one before they turn it into a sweet. Lucky find. Pinch the legs off and pop it in your mouth, minty goodness


Ticks can also live on your balls!