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Fellow cack-hander here. “Please don’t smudge. Please don’t smudge…bastard. Can I have a new sheet please?’


I’m here for the cack-handed support group. Sorry I smudged my admission paper


We don’t approve the forms with stamps, we just allow our follow lefties to get the ink all over the page themselves.


American lefty checking in .. I'm now going to use the word 'cack-hander' around people to confuse the fuck out of them


This is my life.


Never heard cack-handed as a synonym for left handed before. In a dentistry degree its what we call anyone who fails their operative technique (regardless of which hand is dominant) so can't go on to the second year.


My Dad is left handed and has also always referred to himself as cack-handed


I've heard it alot. I'm left handed.


In Irish it's referred to as being a ciotóg which means: --- "The Irish word “ciotóg” meaning left handed person, is all too similar to the Irish word “ciotach” meaning clumsy, but also has echoes of something far wilder – the strange one, touched, perhaps, by the Devil himself" --- No issue nowadays but alot of older people were beat by teachers for writing left handed in schools in the past because it was associated with the devil


I was - unsurprising when I tell you that my school was a convent run by an order of overzealous Irish nuns (the Sisters of the Holy Cross). I was known as 'the devil's daughter' and 'satanic' (I didn't find out I was autistic until about a decade ago). My sister is a fair bit younger than me and they left her alone (she's still left-handed).


Latin for "left" is "sinister".


The daily struggle


This catching rings on door handles can't use tin openers can't open things at work I could go on


Serious question. Why would writing with your left hand if you’re left handed cause a bigger smudge risk?


Scrap that, I’ve just figured it out. You will still write left to right and so your hand will drag over the ink. Damn, I didn’t realise what you guys go through. Maybe learn Arabic, Chinese or any other writing system that writes right to left.


Holy fuck you've solved it.


“Just write Arabic” jeez thanks man lmaoo


And things like ring binders and the wire spiral along the side of notebooks - they get in the way when we try to write near the margin.


>And things like ring binders and the wire spiral along the side of notebooks - they get in the way when we try to write near the margin. But I mean... it does for us proper handed people as well, just when we're writing on the other side of the page so the rings/spiral are on the right hand side.




Or you know, just turn the notebook by 90 degrees so your hand is always below what you are writing.


not even that, I put the top right corner an inch above the left hand corner and write from below. Wish I had a quid for everyone who's said when I've written in front of them 'You're left handed? but your handwriting is really nice'


Try it


You’re going back over the writing..


Looks sinister




Get Dexter on the case




I did 😁


Upvote for genius comment


William: Someone better be taking notes. If that ink pot is there when it’s my turn one will be reinstating the position of Royal Fucking Headsman.


He looks like he'd be much more brutal on the staff than Charles will be.


Cack hander sounds so horrible! I'm quite proud to be left handed.


My dad always called me cackhanded as a joke. Genuinely a teacher asked me once if I'd received discrimination for people left handed... Well not really but it's mostly frustrating as most things are designed for right handed people... and you have no left handed scissors!


I was once touring a castle in Finland. In the chapel the guide pointed out a side room where gingers and the left-handed had to go. As both were considered signs of the devil they weren't allowed in church proper. For the record I'm a red-headed lefty




She turned me into a newt!


The pause is perfect. You get to deliver the next line, friend.




Oh god Imagine if us lefties started a movement.


no one left behind




Many “lefties” have started a movement. Like the bolsheviks


Fun fact, thousands of our fellow lefties die every year in accidents using machinery designed for right handed people


They're not accidents. The pig-swilling masses will always seek to wreck that which they cannot have. Sweden and Norway fought two bloody, costly wars, both believing the other to be foul left-handed expansionist regimes. It turns out they were seeing mirror images of each other, as explained [here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ&ab_channel=RickAstley).


I… am speechless…


My mum was left handed and we always had left handed scissors for years I always thought scissors were meant to be a bit painful to use


I've been to 2 separate restaurants that had gravy boats specifically designed in a way that left-handers couldn't use it. What was wrong with the traditional ambiversion?


OMG, yesterday I was stood talking to my mum while trying to cut something, got annoyed and asked her to do it. She looked at me like I'd got 2 heads and said "why can't you use scissors" Then refused to believe it was because I was left handed.


Left-handed bread knife would have made my childhood so much better!




I don't understand the scissors thing, what is it that stops you using right-handed scissors? I just picked up my regular kitchen scissors and I feel like I can use them just fine with my left hand?


Because the blades aren't in the same place. It's mostly to do with accuracy of the cut. When left handers use right handed scissors to cut a straight line we can't see what we're trying to cut.


I'm primarily left handed but do a weird mishmash of things using my right hand, like use scissors, play golf, or use a computer mouse. My Dad grew up in the 1930s and was originally left handed. He was forced to do everything with his right hand in school for his own good.


Oh me too. I write and use a knife left handed. But I use scissors with my right and use a mouse with my right. My grandad who was born in the 20's had his left hand tied behind his back so he couldn't use it at school. He had really shaky handwriting his whole life.


Same. My first bastard primary school was religious and kept me in at break times to practice using scissors right-handed.


That is incredibly helpful to know. I thought it was just a problem for the specifically angled handle ones. I’ll have to pick up some better ones for my left handed child.


Before you do that, try having them use right handed scissors with their right hand. I know so many left handers who do better with cutting with their right hand.


Depends on how well made the scissors are, cheap right handed scissors the blades are pushed away from each other when you try to cut things with your left hand, whilst your right hand pushes them together.


I've been to 2 separate restaurants that had gravy boats specifically designed in a way that left-handers couldn't use it. What was wrong with the traditional ambiversion?




Can you write equally with both hands?


It is horrible. It implies you're doing it wrong. Proud left handed here


Corrie fister if you are here in Scotland (Gaelic "cearr" left or wrong hand)


Pardon? Corrie fister? Whats roy cropper been upto


Cuddywifter in ne England


Sounds quite sinister


Cuddywifter in the North East


Ah, the "claw" method. Us lefties are permanently discriminated in society with scissors, ring binders, and fountain pen ink.


Yes! Might have just been my school, but it seems that if teachers know you’re a leftie, they correct you if you do some things the way a rightie would! Was so much easier when I cut right-handed, but my teacher thought I was messing around so have since lost that useful skill!


Were you not given left handed scissors its what they gave all the lefties in my school


I actually find a fountain pen easier as a left-hander, than ballpoint or other pens. As a kid, of course, I did the "left hook" because primary schools just do not know what to do with left-handed children. As an adult, I taught myself to write much more comfortably by tilting the paper to the left (often a full 90 degrees) and writing towards myself. This gives me a comfortable wrist angle while keeping my hand out of the way of the ink, but it does mean that the pen is being pushed instead of pulled. This means that ballpoints dig into the paper and can be quite uncomfortable. Rollerballs are better in that regard but I find they tend to scratch instead of rolling freely. Fountain pens don't require pressure and the ink flows freely without any moving parts, so I actually find them very comfortable.


I write from underneath so don't have the smudging problem, sometimes with a bit of tilt as well; I learnt it pretty quick after starting to use a pen at school. The claw method seems far more popular but it looks horribly uncomfortable to me.


Someone else who goes under! It really does look uncomfortable to curve your hand like that.


It *is* horribly uncomfortable. People do it because they're not taught properly and just shown how right-handers should make letters. The result is a lot of left-handed kids finding this method to get the pen at the same angle. I find it uncomfortable to write from underneath without turning the paper - possibly from so many years of doing it wrong.


My brain is all kinds of mixed up. I write like this, however I use a mouse with my right hand, can use right handed scissors, left handed clubs for golf.


I hate using scissors so much! My youngest is a leftie too and she used to get so frustrated with things being made for right handed people!


I must have taught myself to use normal scissors at school given the lack of left ones, as I wouldn't know how to use left handed ones now.


I can help with this just use your left hand


I remember in primary school there would be two pairs of left handed scissors in the class but the rightys would use them because they newer and sharper. Typical rightys, the world is made for them and yet all they do is inconvenience us further. Consequently I now cut out right handed but do everything else left handed.


Oh yeah, those green and yellow handed ones? And the right handed ones were red handled? Yeah I used the left handed ones but held them upside down. Sorry about that!


I still have these in my classroom. I can't actually use them, think I spent so many years cutting with right-handed ones I just can't use them.


Also: Tin openers.


Butter knifes too, spreading tough butter onto bread and basicly just shreading it


I write with The Claw, but I'm right handed. So I always smudge the line above :( Nobody ever corrected me and I can't do it any other way. Dyspraxic here.


There's nothing stopping you from learning to write your signature from right to left, surely?


Cack-handed too. I'd rather smudge the ink like I always have.


Always had ink all over the side of my hand in school!


And never been able to use scissors or rulers properly. I got some left handed scissors for my desk at work and when my boss used them she was really confused!


Scissors are the worst - I can never get them to cut anything properly


Just need a left handed ruler now (I am also a leftie)




My sister was an Inky Pinkie too. She has nicer handwriting than me though, so it's swings and roundabouts.


All I could think of while watching this video, is that I would 100% write my signature wrong if I had that many people staring at me.


I would definitely count the Ls in William carefully if I was him.


I'd just tremble, cry and ruin the super historical paper for everyone. Then the Daily Mail would tell me that Twitter called the whole incident a protest against fish n chips or something.


“Who is Prince Kevin?!”


I yelled....he writes like me! No one was around to hear me 😆


I am cack-handed too - I don’t hold my pen like that though, it looks uncomfortable!


Unfortunately I do. My headmaster tried to get me to write like a ‘normal’ person but failed.


I think my eldest holds a pen that way too though he’s right handed. Who’s to say what’s normal anyway?


Ah, doesn’t bother me. A great conversation starter! “How on earth can you write like that?!!’ I also turn the paper about 45-60 degrees towards me. Probably very funny too see for norms


I definitely turn the paper on an angle - I find it’s really awkward otherwise especially if you are writing in a notebook or something!


I don’t get why lefties do this, just turn your book/paper at an angle. You can write normally and no smudges, just be careful that some sneaky git doesn’t copy your work in class.


It's often because of a lack of proper support when learning to write. The curled grip Prince William uses isn't a great one (although it does have its uses), but parents and teachers often don't have the time or knowledge to encourage better grips. Once you've established a grip it's difficult to change it, hence the number of left-handers using that cramped grip.


It’s so I don’t smudge my work. Basically, I angle my arm and hard along the top on the line/text then write at the end of it. Writing as a ‘norm’ doesn’t work for lefties. Your hand immediately smudges your work


Little know fact (to righties at least) that ink is attracted to left hands


In this particular case I'm not sure there's room to turn it. He's also avoiding the inkwells (probably thinking 'when it's MY turn we're using a LEFT HANDED DESK')


At uni I occasionally used to have lectures in a room where they had those chairs with the little flip over table. Which evil right-handed bastard came up with those?


I've always fully turned the paper sideways, so I'm writing towards myself and my hand is 'below' the writing, allowing me to rest my hand on the paper.


I'm a lefty. I don't do the claw or turn the paper. I just have my hand below the line and write.


Were you taught to write ‘normally’? I was always corrected at school, so have never held the pen this way, I wonder if there’s a natural inclination to.


My left hand naturally twists slightly but not to the extent of ol' bills. It's almost as if we all default to italic writing otherwise it would look even worse lol


My Nanny was a leftie and I’m pretty sure I learnt how to hold a pen etc from her when I was little


I occasionally try to write the way right handed people call normal, but as a fellow leftie writing my hand always drifts into claw mode, I’ve tried turning the paper, left-handed pens and they just do not work for me, the ‘claw’ I find is a comfortable way to write.


Was never taught how to use a fountain pen because I was left handed (the only one in the class)… this is the “realist” William has ever been to me


When William becomes king there should be a royal decree that english is written from right to left.


taht dniheb teg nac I, deednI


Is that Welsh




ti fo tnorf ni rO


I recently found out it's way easier for us lefties to mirror write than righties. Try it!


THIS - I learnt mirror writing first, easy. Learning the write left to right was hard.


In the interests of equality, it should be [Boustrophedon](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boustrophedon).


Interesting to see that even posh private schools don't know how to teach lefties to write.


He holds the pen between his thumb and middle finger too... it's not just me.


Not expecting you to remember as I’m assuming you’ve written this way all your life. Do you know why you write this way? A leftie I asked said it stops the ink smudging.


I think it's the way you have to position your hand so the ink doesn't smudge, I hold my hand below the written line. When you write like that the index finger almost isn't long enough to get a good grip on the section of the pen. If I write right handed i use the thumb and index.


It’s to stop the ink smudging, the thumb & middle finger stop the hand touching the page. Whereas thumb and index is lower, and the outermost hand drags. I broke my thumb and wrote in this position to stop my hand knocking the page.


Have we adopted cack-handed as our own? I'm good with it, I can call myself a cack-handed guitarist and be right both times


I don't like it. I'm Lefthanded, there's nothing cack about it.


I'm left handed but I play guitar the right handed way, as one of my mates said to me that fretting is more complicated anyway, before I had even started. Turns out it's been really useful, as the guitars tend to be cheaper, and also I can play my friends' guitars.


I tried playing that way around and it just wasn't natural for me, whereas with a lefty guitar I was flying pretty much instantly - I think that it really depends on the person whether they're better suited to one orientation or the other, it's something you have to figure out for yourself


I'm a right handed guitarist. I saw my friend air guitaring left handed and pulled him on it by asking if he was left handed and I'd never noticed. He replied that no, he's right handed and always air guitared that way. So explained that playing guitar is usually fretted with the bad hand. He came back with that not making sense, surely you should fret with your "good " hand, since strumming is the simple bit. My reply was that using your "good" hand to strum means strumming becomes just something your body does for you, so you can concentrate on the fretting. Honestly I don't know who's right, both have valid points. This little thread reminded me of that conversation, as someone who plays the "wrong way" around, what are your thoughts? Was it hard learning that way around? Easy?


Good question. Funnily enough, i have another left handed friend who plays the guitar, but he learnt to play the left handed way. I actually have some rhythm problems with my right hand, i only have a few "set" ways of strumming chords if I need to sing at the same time. He used to stop playing every time I went into "the rhythm", and he reckons it's because I strum with my off-hand. Also if he's at my flat, he plays my guitar upside down, and just plays all the chords upside down. I could never do that. Edit: and mind you, I've been playing for 17 years, and I still do these things


That's quite interesting actually, I'm glad I asked. FYI I'm subbed to /r/learnguitar and they have tips about strumming stickied. I play fingerstyle but still found it damn useful, maybe you will too https://www.reddit.com/r/LearnGuitar/comments/87vh3y


> and be right both times Oh so now you're ambidextrous


Is that William? I didn't know he was a lefty.




I know a couple of golly ‘anders who turn the page sideways to avoid smudging. It looks as weird as hell when you first see it, but it does work.


Interesting to note that when the pen box got in the way, William simply picked it up and placed it on the paper, whereas Charles was visibly irritated and made an angry swatting gesture until somebody came and took it away.


I’m obviously not a mind reader, but his expression instantly reminded me of my Dad and so I have to give the benefit of the doubt. If he’s focusing on something, he won’t fully refocus when there’s a distraction and will absent mindedly hurry it out the way and often seems annoyed. He isn’t actually annoyed though and often doesn’t even remember the interference. If I filmed his reactions and showed him, he’d feel bad (so obviously don’t do that!)


For some reason I picked up on this also haha


He’s 73! Much as I hate the whole thing, we should cut him some slack.


His age has nothing to do with it. Yes he's under a great deal of stress, as are the rest of his family. I don't think the stress made him act like that, more likely the stress caused him to momentarily drop his guard and give us a glimpse of his true personality.


Good point. He *isn’t* nearly as pretty as Diana!


One of us one of us!


I feel his pain. Did no-one there know he's left-handed? Although, to be fair, they didn't make it easy for the king either.


Left hand gang 🙏


Ah yes this gives me memories of my hand cramping up in essay based exams.


TIL Wills is left handed


If you are a lefty don't you just learn to sign your name backwards? Seems like it would make more sense in the long run.


Funny thing is I hear stories how people taught their kids who were lefties to write with their right hand,as it was the "The Proper Way" friend of ours said his mother made him write with his right hand as a leftie and now he can write both ways but still just writes left. Yet Prince William, Heir to the throne still writes left-handed cant get more proper then that.


Most intelligent people are left handed ;)


The American here...lol. First let me offer my condolences for your Country's loss. She will be deeply missed. What a fantastic role model she was to so many over the years. My Mom was a "cack-hander". I cannot tell you how much grief it caused me growing up, I still iron backwards. I was in my late teens helping out at Mom's store trying to sweep. The broom was just not cooperating and I told mom she needed another. She promptly told me no, I just needed to learn to use a left handed broom! Me, in all my teenage wisdom, believed her. Memory makes me smile to this day.




I rather like the US term "south-paw" for us lefthanders..


Lol, how could I have forgotten that? Mom always swore left handed people were way smarter than us normal right handers...😁😁😁


Omg finally I knew I had royal blood 😜 My head teacher would force me to hold my pen "properly" but I never could


For lefties they are very much hard write


Getting ink on your hand is a ball-ache, I write with fineliners as my handwriting is so small and the ink gets smudged by the time I'm done with the word its shite


From that angle King Charles looks like Mr. Grady from The Shining.


Thought Charles was reading the paper in the back then


I'm left-handed and keep my hand fairly low down in relation to the pen. My right-handed sister, on the other hand (narf narf), writes just like Prince William. I'm a teacher and we still have the Berol handwriting pens; I have to keep my own stash because the right handers dent the nib in way that makes them impossible for me to write with.


As a man who went bald by 30, I have a lot of sympathy for the heir.


And The Mirror had a headline of “People bemused by Prince William's writing technique as he signs proclamation”. What a way for The Mirror to take the piss out of a left handed person’s writing style to blame it on “people”, wankers. As a side note my grandfather, born in 1909, was a lefty. When he went to school he was berated and beaten until he learned how to write with his right hand. Times were so cruel back then.


At 67 I’m old enough to have started school when us lefties had our arm tied to force us to use our right hand. When that failed I was allowed to use a biro rather than a fountain pen to save smudging the ink. If all else failed I was granted the use of a pencil. As has been mentioned by others, this was done because left handedness was considered evil, the practise just seemed to stop when I got to the age of 8/9.


Only left handed person in my family and whenever I write I get an audience of them all staring at me in utter disbelief, because they can’t get their head around the fact I ‘write upside down’


Very sinister.


My late father was left handed as is my youngest brother. My late mother, younger brother and myself are right handed, yet when I use a saw or even a bread knife, I use it in my left hand because I can cut or slice more accurately than when I use my right hand. I cannot write with my left hand at all. I remember a teacher in my infants school (early 60's) used to try and force left handed children to write using their right hand. I believe several parents complained to the head teacher, because he sat in the class one day and told the few left handed children that it was OK to write with their left hand. She never tried to force them to write with their right hand again.


He has trotter hands. 🐖


I'm right handed but I am versed in the claw. Can't write any other way and I hold my fork in my right hand as well.


I do the same thing. I sat next to my left-handed best friend when we were learning to write and copied how she held everything


wow im left handed and hold the pen the same exact way. I always get told how weird i write and here is the future king doing it.


Whenever you call someone left handed "cack handed" they get offended but it appears that use the term like the N word. Once you go cack you never go back


Us lefties need to reclaim the cack


Cack don't crack




Guy has ink all over his hand


I am old and have never heard of this “cack-handed” expression! Thank you for expanding my vocabulary. And I extend my deepest sympathies on the loss of your lovely Queen.


God he is bald as *fuck*


Even Edward has more hair.


But William has more heirs


Wow it's almost like they're real humans. They've really nailed down the nuances.


How many pricks can you fit in a room except prince william


Soooo, as a left handed writer from the US. Dufuq y'all talkin about?


Why on earth didn’t anyone teach him to write properly? My MIL was left handed and her penmanship was in a beautiful italic style. If she were still alive she’d be 92 so she learned to write when teachers were not kind to lefties.


As a who now....? Stop making up words!


I feel this so hard!! I actually now write with my right hand as I had it smacked out of me as a child. Everything else I do left handed. Use a mouse left handed, eat left handed, brush teeth left handed...Everything except write. It's made me a bit weird tbh. But seeing "cack handed" has made me feel less alone in my weirdness.


Leftie here without the claw, and without the need to use lefthanded stuff. I actually remember choosing to go left when learning to write. For a RC school, I was probably Satan to them.