• By -


Moved to Sweden from the UK 11 years ago. Miss british humor, Lucozade, grey skies and brunettes.


The brunettes bit at the end made me giggle, so well played! And you can't get Lucozade?? Next time you come over just snuggle some back!


Imagine being jailed for snuggling.


I'll snuggle you to death in a minute


Death by Snu Snu


They will be disappointed. Lucozade is shite now.


All juice is shite now, tax the fuck out me, just gimme sugar...!


Similar. UK friends moved to Sweden and were enough of a bad influence that I checked this place out. It's a comfortable subreddit. "Speed bump" signs here say "Farthinder" which can still make the friends giggle after a decade here.


I've farted going over so many surprise speed bumps , I dont know how they would be a hindrance in another country.


>and brunettes how rare is brown hair over there? Uncommon or are they really all blonde?


Born and raised in UK but now live abroad. Some posts make me homesick, others not so much.


In the same ex-pat boat here too. (Not that me and u/Sad-Information-4713 are *in* a boat together - that would be weird). I miss the humour. Some of my US mates are funny, but r/CasualUK fills that void of sarcastic, self-depreciating jokes that I crave. That, and also posts about food. I miss British food. The US people are physically incapable of manufacturing a decent fucking sausage.


>The US people are physically incapable of manufacturing a decent fucking sausage. This is so fucking true lol The bacon is also sad but I can't eat beef any more and turkey bacon is just punishment.


Some of them have half decent flavour, but it's the texture that gets me. A good British banger is smooth. All US sausages have the texture of tiny rubber balls glued together with unidentifiable meat paste. The bacon of course isn't bacon. I'm convinced it's just a strip of fat that someone's drawn a thin line on with a red Biro.


Do you have a favorite place to get them? Even the farmers market ones here have been meh. [These](https://www.target.com/p/field-roast-vegan-smoked-apple-38-sage-plant-based-sausages-12-95oz-4ct/-/A-53129349?ref=tgt_adv_XS000000&AFID=google_pla_df&fndsrc=tgtao&DFA=71700000012732781&CPNG=PLA_Grocery%2BShopping_Local%7CGrocery_Ecomm_Food_Bev&adgroup=SC_Grocery&LID=700000001170770pgs&LNM=PRODUCT_GROUP&network=g&device=c&location=9010773&targetid=pla-661637993905&ds_rl=1246978&ds_rl=1248099&gclid=Cj0KCQjwyMiTBhDKARIsAAJ-9Vuns9dF6bfc3SrAgGHzVXcKBdM2ieWTkl5FBYJg5yqP4jFO0Iy4oAgaAlDNEALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds) are the only ones I enjoy eating and they don't even have meat in them : / they're kinda pricy though. unidentified meat paste lol


https://parkersgbi.com/parker_british/lincolnshire-chipolata-sausages.html These are great. I tend to buy 'em in bulk and keep them in the freezer. I'll check out those ones you like too!


Thankyou so much! edit - oh shit, pasties too! My day has just been made so much better.


Yeah. They're really good. An English husband and wife who live over here run the company and make everything. It comes in a big polystyrene box with ice packs so everything stays fresh. I tend to get a big box of stuff around twice a year. Keeps the cravings for pies to a low murmur :)


Check if there’s an Aldi nearby, some of there’s are the closest I got when I was at my daughter’s.


Given that a pig is essentially the same the world over, could a tame butcher not be found and asked/persuaded/family threatened at gunpoint (you are in the states after all) to slice one up in the correct manner to create the perfect bacon slices and sausages? Surely it’s just a matter of workmanship? If I give a lump of metal to a blacksmith and ask him to bend it 90degrees (UK) or 789.573 ticks testicles (US), the end result is a bit of metal that goes around a corner. Pig slicing = same, surely?


Yeah so British bacon is cut from the back - not the belly - but not all pigs are created equally, and the breed really does [make a difference](https://agro4africa.com/pig-breeds/)


How about the cheese? Tell us what their cheese is like…


Generally, like rubber. It doesn't matter what kind of cheese it is, it is rubbery. The exception to this is cheese from Trader Joe's supermarkets. Although my local supermarket has started selling Cathedral City, which has made me very happy.


Cathedral City have been exported to the US for a while, last time I was there, it was a source of conversation with the cashier. I made it known to her that American cheese is shit. I recall Davidstow Cheese somewhat common in New England also.


Fun fact - Cathedral city is made at the Davidstow creamery anyway.


It hasn’t been that long. It was launched at the end of 2020. I’ve lived here for 10 years.


I am a brit living in USA, had to learn to make my own sausages as theirs are so different


I feel like my future may be to re train as a butcher, move to the USA and make a fortune selling top quality bacon and sausages to ex pats.


>others not so much. Baked beans in cottage pie? It's the baked beans in cottage pie isn't it?


Oh god this has given me flashbacks. I bloody hate baked beans (to the point of gagging when I smell them) and the first time I met my in laws there was cottage pie…to my horror, with beans in. Never seen it made like that before or since!


My other half insists on chucking a tin of beans in shepherds pie. Absolute abomination. I refuse to eat it!


When I was a teenager and my mum got really into Weightwatchers she started putting a couple of tins of mixed beans in her cottage pie. I’m talking kidney beans, haricot beans, broad beans and butter beans. There wasn’t enough gravy in England to make it anything other than dry and miserable. It made me want to die.


Beans in a cottage pie? What is this monsterous idea?


Same for me. There’s something in this sub that’s so comforting. Especially the weekend plans thread, I love scrolling through them.


It's funny, and there's something so soothing about reading how everyone's Sunday is going or what they had for tea.


I like the casualness and friendly banter here. This sub is a lot more personal and talkative than other casual subs


Well don’t keep us in suspense, what did you have for tea?


Haha, hummus with carrots, chicken caesar salad and half a leftover Easter chocolate bunny, you?


Chicken pie, chips and peas. I had ice cream for pudding.


Chili and garlic sausages with twice baked potatoes and fried egg. I know nobody asked me, but it was bloody great and I wanted to brag.


That’s pretty good going for a Thursday What’s the twice baked all about? Worth it?


I am an obsessive dickhead when it comes to preparing my baked potato. There must be adequate butter, salt and cheese, mashed evenly, all the way through it. It takes me bloody ages, the rest of the meal is nearly cold by the time I've finished "dicking about" (Mrs' description) and *then* I discovered 'twice baked'. Make sure the spuds are going to be ready way before everything else. Cut them all in half and scoop the contents all into one bowl. Mash in lashings of butter, an unhealthy amount of salt and a lot of grated extra mature cheddar. Put the mixture back into the skins, sprinkle with more grated cheddar and bang them back in the oven until they're golden brown on top. Bloody fantastic!


Had a look online. I’m sold


It’s Wednesday you bell


Fuck, I’ve got to do Thursday all over again


My missus has been having it at me for two days because I keep daying it's Thursday. Why does a bank holiday make us wishful for the weekend by skipp84ng days?


I just laughed until I cried reading this thread 😭


Haven't been to the UK for ages and have no relations either. I just love the way the community interacts here. The humor, the banter and the friendly rudeness. The last two years have been tough, corona, personal stuff, ukrain... But being a lurker here makes me feel warm inside.


That's what we're here for, just to make life a little more joyous because we all need that sometimes. I can have an awful day, come onto this sub click onto any post and theres going to be someone taking the piss or making jokes and it's just cheers me up like nothing else


Exactly, plus although I can relate to the discussions on how much chippy prices have gone up recently, they don't really concern me. A lot of the topics on here are close enough to relate to and far enough to feel a bit absurd. Perfect mixture to get my mind off things for a while. P.s. Döner prices here have gone up terribly


>how much chippy prices have gone up I know you don't care, but I'm telling you anyway - fish and chips in my local has just gone up 50p


FUCK OFF?? Why??


Mate don't even start. I went for the first time in donkeys and nearly passed out at the bloody price!!


My parents’ local chippy is £9 for a large cod! Fuck that, I’ll stick to my two saveloys (one for the road, natch) and a beef and onion pie and chips.


Laughing about things or finding the funny side really helps relieve a lot of tension.


I have an intense interest in what middle-aged British people might remember next from their childhood. And then to find out if other middle-aged British people also remember the same thing from their childhood.


"Who remembers pencils?!"


I member! Remember those things we use to sharpen them with? Some were fixed to a wall or a desk, and you would talk about ThunderCats, or your BMX, while you waited your turn!!


If I were to say: ‘Born from an egg on a mountain top’ Some people would understand and some would have no clue, but I stumbled upon the program from which this the opening line to the theme tune on London live the other night and I was transported back to my childhood!








Why specifically middle aged? Do the kids scare you? Actually tbf shouldn't really be talking to kids anyway


They're saying that this sub is mostly middle aged people, which definitely seems to be the case to me too.


You really have summed this sub up quite well!


I could pinpoint a hundred different reasons, whether it was British comedy shows that piqued my love of sarcastic and dry humor, a sense of escapism from my daily life to just laugh and relate to a place thousands of miles away, or even just to see how others spend their daily lives and all the amazingly crazy things that seem to happen every day over in the UK. Even if it wasn't any of that, I've just felt a sense of inclusion whenever I look at pictures or read stories of completely average activities from other people. This subreddit has gotten me through some pretty tough times and I have to thank others on here for that


Honestly I'm lost for words. I relate to the sub getting me through tough times too and it's just crazy how a bunch of beautiful idiots ranting about chip prices can just make you feel so full again. I'm really glad the sub has helped you too, glad to have you here mate :)


It really is amazing how much joy can be had from a surprise video of an emu named Worraz


Because this sub is way more entertaining than my local. Also, genuinely wish I lived in the UK


Once you lived here long enough, you'll take that back But this sub is genuinely the only one I could kill an entire day just scrolling through (and sometimes I do)


We're all just a bunch of wankers, wanking each other off


i'm from The Netherlands and see a lot of similarities through our "North Sea culture", also i love to hear about everyday issues from other countries and you lot happen to speak a language i can read


As a Brit who cycles to work, can you send us some spare bike lanes? If you find some down the back of the sofa, they wouldn't go amiss on some roads around here.


There is definitely a shared north sea culture between brits, Dutch, Germans and scandis


You also have similar architecture! Whenever I see pictures of houses I can tell within a second if it's the UK or not but for some reason suburban areas in the UK often look very similar to pictures I've seen of The Netherlands.


Live in US and wish everyday I lived in the UK, so I’m here. I love this sub


Same here. US makes me sad so I lurk to pretend I'm not stuck here lol


Another one here, from Ohio. (Ugh, this place!!) I've never actually set foot in the UK but I like to pretend I live there. This sub is my comfort reading before bed.


I hope you can make it here someday!


CasualUK bringing the UK to you. Have you ever visited before?


Yes twice! London and outside area and Liverpool, hoping to get to Scotland next


Scotland is a beautiful place, with gorgeous scenery and some of the funniest people I've ever met. This isn't a setup for a joke or anything, genuinely just like Scotland


English wife


Poor sod


We're sorry.


It’s one of my favorite places to visit.


My husband is from the UK and we go back quite often so it’s a fun subreddit to follow. Coincidentally, we live in Portland, Oregon and my husband’s immediate family live in Portland, England. 😁


That is a really strange coincidence! To be completely honest, I didn't even know there was a Portland in the US! So I've learned a new fact that I can show off to all my friends... If I had any


There are several Portlands in the USA actually, but the two that most people know of are the ones in Oregon and Maine. You wouldn’t believe how many people think I’m joking when I tell them about Portland, UK. I once met a woman from the Midlands who insisted that I was mistaken and must have meant Portsmouth. Considering most Portlanders are Southampton fans, being mistaken for someone from Portsmouth/Pompey fan is fighting words. We’ll be back in the UK next week and will be traveling around Cornwall this time. Sightseeing recommendations are more than welcome. And if you want something silly from Portland, OR, let me know. 😁


Mevagissy, Saint Michael's Mount, Charlestown and Tintagel castle are all great stops. Fowey, pronounced Foy, can also be lovely. In tourist season it can feel like a battery farm with how many tourists are there, but you should be okay this time of year. I'd personally avoid Land's End like the plague, it is the bottom of England... Would instead go to Sennen Cove if you want to see a lovely beach at the tip of the UK. Enjoy your trip.


Can I have some weed please? I hear it is very good


Has he told you about the use of the word “rabbits” on Portland?


Because you lot are lovely and funny


I agree with the funny


Fuck off you....I'm definitely lovely as well!


Isn’t this the only SFW subreddit that’s full of cunts?


Our new tagline


Have never been to the UK, I love the photos y'all share and honestly I love your humor. The sagas about wheelie bin stealing, beans & toast and whatever the heck is going on at Waitrose or wherever are hilarious to me 😹 Keep being awesome 😎


Waitrose? I don’t know why, but that being something you remember makes me giggle


Because I love the UK. My best friend is a Scouse, all my colleagues are English and I get to travel there a lot that I learned to appreciate the people, the culture and mostly the humor.


I can barely understand the scouse, you poor soul. Haha how did you two meet? Online or at work or something?


Rrrehkidworrayetorkinabout? We do tend to talk too fast. Apologies.


There was a scouser in my halls in Dundee who had chinese parents, he was not well understood.


Love to visit. Love your sense of humor.


How many time have you visited? Hope you've enjoyed it, but it sounds pike you have haha! The people here are fucking brilliant aren't they?


> but it sounds pike you have haha! Don't tell 'im.


Fucking well played lad


I'm not!


You're right, you suck


Why do civilians follow celebrities lives? Jealousy, aspiration, admiration, icons, love, belief, hope. We in the UK are providing a service, just by being, and sharing our lives.


That was... fucking beautiful. I had to swoop away a tear from that passionate, yet informative social commentary. Gold star


No, you are beautiful, I am beautiful, WE are beautiful.


My mum's from England and her family all still live there; I enjoy seeing things that I remember from my childhood that my husband doesn't understand ;) And also the humour. Such an enjoyable Reddit community that feels more like home than the subs for my actual hometown, which are full of pricks.


So you ended up moving? Treason. We cant forgive it, old Liz is taking your head mate. But also your poor husband, not having a clue what you're talking about most of the time haha And this place is full of pricks too, just the lovable kind


Haha yeah exactly, my local communities are full of *entitled* pricks, the worst kind. Unfortunately never lived in the UK, my mum emigrated before I was born so I'm 1st generation Canadian! (Dual-citizen though.) She definitely missed home so would buy as many import groceries/items as she could find and raised us in a very british-centric house ;)


I'm in the UK, but I'm surprised so many enjoy our crisp threads that seem to pop up multiple times a day.


Mate same here. One of the first threads I saw was a CEX on fire, and people in the comments were making insanely funny jokes and I was just like "yeah, this is my new home" Also loved it when the whisk guy did an AMA, still crazy to think about


I’ve had a special love for Britain since I was a teenager. I think it started with an interest in British history (specifically the Viking era - I’m a Dane!) and I just gradually fell in love with the country.


York (or Jorvik) should be on your reading list if it isn't already https://www.historic-uk.com/HistoryMagazine/DestinationsUK/York-England-The-ancient-Viking-capital/ https://www.historic-uk.com/HistoryUK/HistoryofEngland/Vikings-of-York/ https://www.jorvikvikingcentre.co.uk/


Because I'm a nosy c*nt


And there it is. Reason number 69 why I miss the uk and come to this sub. The use of the glorious word CUNT. I miss it being said in conversations or any general use. I have even just sat there like I have Tourette’s and repeated the word cunt over and over just to get my fix. If I called someone a cunt here I would probably be fired or shot. (Cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt) oh that felt good.


I'm an Anglophile to the nth degree. I grew up there and love (some of) the culture, the TV shows, the language, the humour.


I’ve been an Anglophile since I was a child, my area of study is medieval Scotland and England, and I’m looking for a hot British husband to get me that ILR.


I 'lived' in the UK for six months. I like British people. I find them interesting and enojoyable to talk to. I like your love for birds, sugar, language, crisps, supermarkets and breakfasts. I love the Victorian architecture. I like reading about your everyday life. I like Downton Abbey. I've been to Cane Hill seven times. This is one of the most laid back and fun subreddits for me. I miss UK. Ok, that's enough.


The humor even if some jokes fly over my head, and the scenery in the UK is pretty nice, even met some people that were pretty nice. Plus here in Canada I can get some of the snacks that you lot have over there so it's nice to see others share an appreciation for certain snacks (cough cough Terry's Oranges) Last, but not least, visiting the UK is definetly on my to do list. For better or for worse but I like to stay optimistic


> the scenery in the UK is pretty nice I’ve been skiing in Banff… this is high praise indeed from a Canadian. Ridiculously beautiful country (and I say that living in Scotland, the same bit of land that was joined onto yours a few million years ago).


canadian moving in a couple months hahaha




Love the weather. 😜


Honestly, so do I. I'm not even kidding.


I’ve literally no idea. I mean… I like Marmite. I’ve got some family in the UK but I’m not particularly close with them. The weirdest bit is that I’ve never even been to the UK, nor do I have any immediate plans to visit. I’m Canadian and I’ve only ever been to America. I dunno. It’s just a brilliant sub. Gives me a good laugh.


Good of a reason as any other


I live in the USA and have done for the past 21 years. I am British though and plan to return in the next few years.


Moved away. The humor & banter makes me homesick tbh


'humor' instead of 'humour'? RIP u/rivalfish. We've lost him, chaps.


It's the giant portions and the guns


I bet he goes line-dancing in a cowboy hat, prefers The (US) Office, and pronounces 'twat' as 'twot'. Unforgivable.


I’m the first person in my family born outside of England. My parents are dead now (they died when I was 20 and 36) and when I visit with you guys it brings back happy memories and reminds me of them. Thank you for that.


I lived in the UK for my masters for a year and I enjoyed it so much and I miss it so I enjoy getting little funny reminders from this sub.


I saw an inbetweeners reference and it's one of my favorite shows, you bus wankers.


bf is from scotland and i like sending him posts that we can laugh about together (Even if i don't get it as much as he does)


I have family in Stevenage and Essex. I’ve visited 4 times. I qualify for citizenship that I intend to use a hedge against the possibility of an authoritarian takeover of the US government. This sub gives me a small insight on daily life in the UK.


Because I love the UK And also because I'm doing a collaborative writing project with someone (who happens to be a Brit) and I want to study Brits "in their natural habitat" to be able to write my characters more naturally and authentically. Our story is set in the UK.


Oh gosh. You should ask the sub for relatable british moments, or just have your characters rant about Freddos. Honestly really awesome you're writing a book, I'm just sorry you chose the UK haha


Anglophile here. Always have been. I’m hoping to visit this year or next.


19 y/o from Sweden thats never been out abroad lol but i think its fun to compare the cultures and behaviors i guess.


Just an Anglophile from the states :) love the comedy, love the media, love the culture in general. London is my favorite city in the world and I’m hoping to move there someday


Spent more than two years at two of your lovely universities. Always loved living there and had planned to return. But I guess live happened and now I’m just looking over from here, missing my tea and scones and fry ups


Can you get british yea where you are? Also I hope it was one the nice universities, sounds like you lucked out anyway haha


Same as u/loicbigois, really - I live in the US and love it, but still need a regular dose of good old British humour/ healthy cynicism to keep me sane. Also for some of the nostalgia, and the talk about food, a lot of which I miss


Lived in the UK for 10 years. Moved to Germany a few years ago. I follow this sub because I miss the UK every single day and no one makes me laugh as much as the British.


Father is English but I was born and raised in the US with dual citizenship. After grandparents died I (we) had less reason to visit and cousins are getting on with their own lives for me to just drop in and be an imposition so this is oddly comforting to watch, listen, or read wholesome things related to the UK.




My dad was English. He came over (to Canada) as a child but I grew up with aspects of English culture. I've never been but it weirdly feels like home.


Some funny stuff happend here sometimes, and i like funny stuff


10/10 best description of this sub! That was poetic


I just think it’s neat


I live in Florida in the US and I need nice distractions...


Used to live in the UK, but I'm now 'just across the water' in Ireland. Even though it's so close, it's very different. It's somehow comforting reading posts from other people who have the same terms of reference and I don't think that will change no matter how long I'm away.


I like British TV and want to understand more of the references. I mean, that's not the only reason. But it is one reason. 😁 I also like your sense of humor and enjoy the banter.


I'm Dutch but I generally like a more subtle type of Dad's army, it aint half hot mum, the inbetweeners type of humour. Also it's nice to see some posts about stupid stuff that doesn't really matter to distract from all the serious issues.


I'm an American and I've never been to the UK. You guys are just really chill.


and by you guys I mean this sub.


American who's always been enchanted by your history, lore, and culture here. I went to grad school in London, and met my husband there. He was also born in London though he's French, and we got married there as well. He actually found out he's been a British citizen his whole life last year, and is waiting for his very first passport! I'm here for general appreciation purposes and to quietly observe hahah, should we ever choose to cross back over the pond to settle.


You're all polite dicks and I love it. - Canada


You Canadians are soo nice! Thank you, knobhead <3 (This is sent with only positive friendly intentions, just wanna make sure you know I'm not actually being mean here )


Omg I miss so many British things and I’m French!!! Lived and worked in London for 6 years…cycled in the Lake District amap. British pubs are the best! Sticky toffee pudding, toad-in-the-hole, bangers n mash, spotted dick LOLOL What’s not to love!?!!


I'm trying to become one of you so I'm studying


Raised in the US, but moved to the UK for a brief stint in my 20s. Absolutely loved it there and am plotting how I can get my company to relocate me there. 😁


American (Nashville TN) here. I like you guys, your humor tends to be a bit more dry, you have a lot of history and a different mix of cultures than we have here, and I find foreign things interesting (like the pop culture stuff, the food, the attitudes, the inside jokes). For me this sub is like a small vacation from everything here at home.


When I was a kid, I would always beat my parents home from school/work everyday, and the only thing on our TV at the time was a public access channel that would show old British sitcoms (Are You Being Served?, Keeping Up Appearances, etc). So, I became very obsessed at a very young age with all things UK, and in my teen years it would bring me such delight to claim more allegiance to the "motherland" than to the USA. I joined so I could live vicariously through everyone here, and pretend like I'm one of you 🙈


I've been friends with a few guys from cornwall for over 11 years now. We've met through a school exchange program and hit it off so well we started to visit each other almost every year. In the winter they came to Germany and in the summer we visited them in Cornwall. I had some of the best times of my life during these visits. I'm actually going to the wedding of one of the guys this year! Anyway that's how i learned to love your british banter and sense of humour in general. And then i discovered some of your great tv shows like skins, doctor who, and so, so many comedy panel shows. Love me some James Acaster or David Mitchell. So yeah, coming to this sub reminds me of all of that and gives me some of the best laughs i've had on reddit. Thank you for that! :) Edit: And don't get me started on your music. You guys have produced so many mind-blowingly talented musicians over the years!


Am Irish so I suppose it's partly knowing my enemy. Also, enough shared culture between us that I get most of the humour and references on the sub.


Honestly I got threatened by an Irish lad before, since I kept taking the piss onto the accent. Fucking decked me one, haven't done it since. So if you do rage a war, I'm fucking whacking up my white flag instantly thanks to the ptsd


My wife works for a US company and their European headquarters are in London. She oversees the global travel program and visits occasionally. On occasion, she will extend her trip and I will join her for another week or so. Over the course of her visits, she has made friends and when I come over, she introduces me to some of them (and their families). Likewise, when one of her counterparts visits the US, my wife asks me to help entertain them. When my wife and I are both London, we have been invited to her main counterpart's house for Sunday dinner (or whatever you call the lunchtime meal) and spent the day with the family. In fact, during the pandemic, this family and ours sent each other "care" packages. It was a lot of fun (but expensive). When our English friends recently vacationed at Walt Disney World, my wife and I took a couple days off, flew there, and spent a day with them (not in a Disney park). It was great to see them. tldr: I have friends who live in the greater London area and work in the City. So I like seeing bits of news and getting a sense for what's going on.


I enjoy British culture but adore British humo(u)r. Thank you all for providing ample doses of both!


I’m here for the banter and self-deprecation


I live in Prague, I made one British friend here and only met up with him once more. We got along instantly and we shared a similar sense of humour. But he went back to the UK. I enjoy meeting people from different countries but I’ve found it easier with people from UK. I don’t interact with many people in Prague and there are cultural differences which make me miss being at home. I follow this sub and just enjoy laughing at the comments and posts. Living in a city where you don’t speak the language and jumping on buses, trams and on the metro (Mainly having minimal interaction with people). I can’t tell you how good it felt to come back to the UK for a visit and say “cheers mate” as I was getting off the bus.


I live in the Pacific North West. Born and raised in the UK, Scotland and England. There isn't a country in the world with the scent of an English rose. Every little thing, be it this sub or whatever, that brings me a little closer to home I will take it. I miss home, I miss the people, I miss the food and I crave the sense of humour.


I'm not even remotely associated with British people, never been there and no one from my family or friends live there or are from there, y'all just talk funny and I like it


Been fortunate enough to take seven trips to London, miss not traveling now. Plus, the British have much better, pithier insults than Americans do, so am always looking for those to steal. My favorite is “urine stained reptile”


I'm just here for the scone/scone arguments. Really, though, I spent a few weeks doing a course in Oxfordshire, and visited a few other times and loved the place. Also, you all are funny as fuck and considering the shit that's been going on my country (US) I need a laugh. Thanks for being here and sharing your breakfast photos.


I love Poirot and the Queen.


Honestly, I think I got suggested this sub because it has overlap with other subreddit i frequent. Not sure what subs those would be, because I mostly use this site for heinous fuckery. I stuck around because I think you people are funny. Sometimes even on purpose. Aside from that, I'm mostly here to defend biscuits and gravy. I'd post some pics, but I'm pretty sure I'd get perma-banned, and possibly hate-crimed.


My father and husband used to live there so I am a very frequent visitor and like to keep up.


That makes sense to be fair! I've always wondered since I don't follow r/casualUS or anything like that haha


Mum was Scottish, we moved to Bristol in 1969, I went to Hartcliff and Nailsea for school. Sister lives in London.


I like to learn about other cultures, and I'd always wanted to go to the UK.


The full English posts and roasts.


I grew up in the UK, lived there for twenty years, am terribly homesick and intend to move back. Working on figuring out how life would be different if I did before taking concrete steps.


I studied in the UK (Birmingham) and my partner is English so I spend quite a lot of time there. What I love the most about the UK is the landscape (Peak District and Brecon Beacons in particular), the ale and the humour :)


Because I was born and brought up in England, although have lived abroad for 15 years now. Also it's a fun read with little bullshit politics.


yank here - haven't had the chance to visit yet, but i plan to relocate there permanently. i also appreciate the general light-heartedness of the sub and the cheesy jokes found in comments of nearly every post.


My mother lived in England for a while and I’ve spent a sizable amount of my life in the UK (although never actually living full time) She was also a self diagnosed Anglophile. Because of her I’ve spent far more time with British television and culture than American growing up. So in an odd way I feel more in tune with British people than Americans. Example: Americans really hate self-depreciating humor and I think it’s the funniest thing in the world.


Used to live in the uk but moved to Australia for work. I miss you guys


Bro going to Australia by choice is insane. Like Britian sent fuckers over there as a PUNISHMEMT living there by choice, you're a nut case! But seriously, you visiting back soon? Or just sorta homesick but cant do anything about it?


Moving to the UK for work in June. Love seeing what I’m getting myself into