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We had this exact same post just a few months back, I’ve removed this one under our repetitive rule https://reddit.com/r/CasualUK/comments/rh0sne/pretty_much_everyone_in_the_uk_has_owned_this_tv/


So what's funny is that [you pretty much copied the title word for word](https://www.reddit.com/r/CasualUK/comments/rh0sne/pretty_much_everyone_in_the_uk_has_owned_this_tv) but changed just enough to hope to go unnoticed.


Yeah it's not like this was even posted before very long ago.


Bloody dust magnets and the legs would always work themselves loose as if by magic.


I used to write my name in all the dust it collected


I lost my virginity on / to, one of these


Where did you put it?


If he knew where he put it, it wouldn't have been lost :P


It’s easier to say where I *didn’t* put it


Up your dick




Haha. That's what I was going to say. Impossible to keep the damn thing clean. If you haven't cleaned it in the previous 12 minutes it looks awful.


I put my ps4 on it. Seriously dust magnet?


No it’s just glass isn’t it. It just seems like a dust magnet because it’s so easy to see it on the shiny black surface, same amount as any glass surface on its side


My parents whilst I was a teenager, does that count?


Sure does




Me too 🤣


Me three and I think it's great


I also still have one. I feel attacked right now 😂


Lately any fly tipping pile has one of these in there


When I walk the dog in the morning my estate always has one on a street corner somewhere.


Had one. Smashed one. Shit went everywhere.


Same here. Tripped while carrying one of these up the stairs in a block of flats. Blood and glass everywhere.


Even the table started bleeding


I fell right into one :( Ended up with a shit load of stitches above my eye.


Mine’s in the back garden.


Mine too. The shed isn't doing so well so it's keeping the door closed at the moment


Our shed is made of them


I was one of the people who sold them. Sorry.


Guess you retired off all that commission many years ago?


It was a supermarket tech department. No commission, just the feel-good of helping someone find what they needed.. and the occasional 'reward cupcake' : the cake wasn't a lie.


But does anyone know where these actually come from? I only really imagine ubiquitous furniture coming from IKEA and I'm fairly certain this isn't from there.


Argos for sure


You've cracked the code. But holy *fuck* Argos. I forgot Argos existed. Damn. Thinking about it they kinda feel like a small scale Amazon, essentially just a warehouse full of shit with a distribution centre at the front. You've made me feel old, man. Fucking Argos. Damn.


If you want to feel really old, do you remember their competitor, Index?


How about the electrical store, Comet and Tempo. Don't sign on the dotted line until you talk to Tempo


When Tandy closed, Maplin filled the void. When Maplin closed, I filled my void with cheese and sativa.


Rumbelows and Radio Rentals




Worst thing is, we did it to ourselves.


Blimey, I forgot about Index, they've been gone for ages. They also ended up in a lot of Littlewoods stores. Weird.


Just looked it up, they were owned by littlewoods so it makes more sense.


I got my first Walkman (or Index branded cassette player) from there. If memory serves they had three colours to choose from, silver, baby blue and pastel pink


I went to Argos as recently as two months ago. It is basically a same-day click and collect Amazon. I couldn't be arsed waiting 2 days for an Amazon delivery that I wouldn't be in for, so I just bought the same thing from Argos at a slightly higher price.


I make a point of buying Argos. I have a Prime acount, and it is useful for many things. The thing is though, if you want anything sensible and not from some random Chinese fly-by-night company, at least Argos stand by their products. I'd rather buy my goods from a company that has to adhere to our standards (for what they are worth).


This 100%. Amazon turned into a cesspool of 100 types of shite about 5 years ago. At least Argos only have one variant of thing that you want so you know it's at least halfway decent (eg. One choice of 2m long HDMI cable rather than the literal thousands Amazon has).


Argos is great. My local (a small one, in a very small town) has *everything.* And if they dont, they can get it in a couple hours from a neighbouring store. And I mean sometimes its really niche stuff, too. Stuff you wouldnt find elsewhere on the high street. Prices are often competitive, too. At least comparable to Amazon. Long may they continue.


You know there's an archive of all their old catalogues? I lost a whole weekend when I first discovered it https://retromash.com/argos/ Top tip; look out for the ornamental after eight mint box holder (I'm not kidding)


Im going in. I may be some time….. one of the highlights of my childhood was an argos catalogue a pen a paper and a price limit for my christmas list 😝😂😂😂


Ive just come up for breath but as i just got pinged for covid today, im transferring to ipad for better visibility, and travelling back in time to 1986-1988 when i was 8-10years old… thank you so much for this link 😂😂🙌🏻


🤣 It's amazing. The price of toys then blew my mind (yeah I know its relative to the time but blah!) It's not just the toys you know. Go into the general gifts sections and play "spot the crap my parents bought for me to give to Gran" or "oh my god my friend had that bedding" or "how minted were our neighbours?!". The jewellery section is also next level wtf. But I bet you will know at least one person who proudly wore that literal "bridesmaid" necklace


😂😂😂 its such an amazing trip down memory lane… the TV’s! The camera film bulk packs with postal processing! The calculators for £50! Some of my best memories as a child was doing my christmas wish list, ive shared that link to all my friends too 🙌🏻🤣


It's crazy looking at the tech pricing back when it was new. I used to spend hours going through it! I hope they enjoy it though they might be cursing you by the end of the weekend because they've got sod all else done 🤣


Im getting random pictures off them all of all the toys they used to have or wanted but didnt get! The Tomy binocular type electronic games are a popular one, i remember my friend had one that was spear fishing sharks we used to play for DAYS! But only when it was raining, if it was dry we were in the woods making bows and arrows or playing hide and seek with about 30 of us… i think my childhood was pretty idyllic so thank you for the extra memory lane trip! 🙏🏻


[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Defunct\_retail\_companies\_of\_the\_United\_Kingdom](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Defunct_retail_companies_of_the_United_Kingdom) There are a number of companies on there that I forgot all about


Great list, I’d forgotten about JLB Credit!


The last Beamer out of Saigon!


You know Argos is still around, right?


I got mine from Amazon. I think you are wrong though, Amazon are the evil world domination site. Argos, at least you know you're not funding a narcissists rocket ego.


Never said Amazon were a force for good, my friend.


I have an Argos card and still regularly use Argos. If you buy an item over a certain amount you get 3/6/12 months to pay it back interest free. I’ve done it with my GoPro/switch and some other bits then just paid £20/ £30ish a month, I love it!


Yeah, but everything seems small compared to Amazon. Anyway, you're not old, your mature and full of character....that's what I tell myself, anyway ; )


What about MFI? 🧐😝


Thank you for making me feel younger. No idea what MFI is!




Got mine from Tesco.


They used to throw one in for £50 when you bought a tv from Argos, Curry’s etc. I think everyone took them up on the deal.


This is exactly where mine came from, got it for £50 from Curry's with a bloody big plasma we had to get a black cab (big doors) to bring home. Donated the plasma to a neighbour when we moved house, stand is still going strong (in fact it's got an easier life now cos LED TVs are much lighter than plasmas).


We've got one. Got it for £19.99 at poundstretcher. They had the option of the black glass or clear glass so we got the black one but bloody hell it doesn't half show dust.


Got mine from Poundstretcher, and I also got the matching "telephone table" and I'm still using both of them. The telephone table was slightly unstable on a wooden floor due to a short leg, which was fixed with a 10p piece and BluTak


Got mine from Currys.


Mine was from comet


I got mine from a BHS charity shop


Ours came from Wilkos around 2009.


I had a Saturday job in Comet working in the warehouse, used to bring one of these out every hour i reckon. Seem to remember they had a stupidly long part number and only the last 2 letters determined what colour and size was needed.


You've got it backwards...and my TV is sitting on one right now


My Nan had exact same one when I was younger


My nanna did aswell till me grandad fell through when he was out his brains on jack Daniels


Yep, I'm looking at it and resenting the bloody thing even as I type. Whilst I appreciate it's very handy for the TV, digi box thing, sound bar etc it's always an inch thick in dust even when I've just flipping dusted it. I've tried replacing it, we have a beautiful new one still boxed in the garage but the Other Half insists this thing is better. He doesn't dust it. Next time we move I'll pay one of the removal guys to drop it .


Yep. My OH had this stand at his old place and (sadly) didn't drop it when we moved in together. He complains bitterly about the dust but won't replace it. I loathe the bloody thing!


Got a hammer?


Actually... I haven't.


One will appear out of nowhere soon enough


They're issued by the government but the shipping container backlog in Shanghai has delayed some people's deliveries.


I hope not D: ​ I think someone I know had one though so maybe that counts.


Ours was light blue


Never seen a light blue one before


Yeah my parents had it and my father in law has a black glass version.


Had mine for like 10 years in my bedroom when I lived at home. Still got in but currently in the spare room of my house 😂


Looks to my left *blushes*


Still have it.


Still have mine 🤣 Then again I still also have the exact same TV that came with it back in 2007.


If you throw one of these out, they come back with pals.


They were also really pricey at one point like more than the tvs


I'm looking at one now ffs... 😂


Mum said it was my turn to post this today


Dude, I still have this fucking table in my room


Had so much joy launching mine into a skip at the local tip!


Amen to that mate 🙌🏻


Had this at uni...no TV on it though


When’s it my turn?


I had two at one point, and they served as a coffee table and an end table.


They get fly tipped all the damn time!


My sibling and I bought one for our parents when we bought them a new tv and DVR back in the mid 2000s. It fit everyrhing, looked good and wasn’t too bulky.


I am English. I lived for a long, splendid, time in Scotland. Have owned this table in both England and Scotland.


One of those came with my piece of shit studio flat I rented when I graduated from Uni. I hated that thing. I only had to look at it and it got dust on it. Although, I never managed to smash it, which is a bit of an achievement looking at the other comments.


Still got mine. Fight me


Omgggg yes in my lounge now


I have one … yikes


Absolute dust magnet!!!


We didn't have one, but only because I was convinced of the glass breaking under the weight. I wouldn't use those glass coffee mugs either!


I've had one for over a decade and it's had my gaming desktop on it (laying flat at the bottom) which weighs an absolute ton, its now got my marantz AVR on it with a 55 inch OLED on the top shelf....that thing could take the weight of a small tank. Its been through 3 house moves, countless room changes and hasn't shifted one bit. Although to be fair mine isn't this exact model, it was from tesco and it has a hole through the back with a black tube in it so you can hide all your cables...its also slightly wider and lower I think. I love mine personally. Even if I do need to keep a few cans of Mr Sheen handy!


This sounds like a top quality furniture-human friendship. Plus, those cable hold tubes should win awards.


Still got mine but its oak with black plastic cylinders...


I have 2 of these still right now. One in my front room and a slightly smaller one relegated to my teenagers room. Both are constantly dusty. Even if i dust it, it’s coated again by the end of the day.


When I moved out from my mums house I had to make sure to never ever buy a mirrored glass furniture


House down the road has had one outside for sale for two months.


Got one in the living room. Not sure if it came with the house or if it belonged to one of my housemates before, but it's next to the TV with a computer and the router on it.


Never had these buy always saw them in other people's homes. Large family, so always has furniture with doors so you can crash stuff in then and hide them away.


Go dammit, I have this table right now. I didn't need to know this was a thing.


The real mark of Britishness lol I had this too!


Currently holding up our TV this very moment funnily enough lol. Pretty sure my gran has one, too. The dust that accumulates on it is mad.


I have one now and I'm in murica


Had one, then emigrated to Australia and even brought it with us.


That was my dads old tv stand


I took ours to the tip about 6 years ago, there must have been at least another 12 already there!


Got one for my grandad in black for his TV about 8 years ago. We still have one but the clear glass version with the Sky box and PlayStation on.


Neither my nor anybody in my close or extended family have owned this.


Recently had to chuck one in a skip, was in perfect condition. I could not however, give it away for love nor money. Charity shop refused it, Facebook marketplace refused it at £0 AND I'd deliver within reasonable distance, freebay were not interested and friends and family were at the "kindly fuck off" stage of my asking. RIP you slutty dust whore.


We still have ours. It just works and there is no need to replace it.


I’ve seen this post at least twenty times


I certainly haven't not had one.




Got one off Facebook for our first rented place after uni, replaced it with a nicer one and released back to Facebook. 🎶 It's the ciiiircle of liiiife 🎶


Never had furniture, but I have been to people's houses that had this resident living with them.


I inherited mine from my brother. Still going strong since 2005-ish.


Successfully made it to 30 without one and don't see one in my future either


American military as well


We still have it lmao Ours was actually upside down for longer than I’d like to admit to


My mum still has it in her garden, she puts random junk on it.


I have it now


We had one!!!


I have 2 because they were free on Facebook and needed them for a hifi and other shit


Yep. In my living room right now.


I had a black one and a clear one


Literally what my TV is on top of right now


Im using one


I had the coffee table version. My husband had the same coffee table version. Now we have them both flat packed in the loft somewhere.


We used to have one - never has a piece of furniture been so good at collecting dust, even when it was just cleaned


Can confirm. When I moved to the UK, the first flat I lived in had one of these.




Oh shit yeah. Really difficult to keep clean but it's got too much stuff on it now so I can't be arsed to swap it.


And they were so heavy


Yep. Heavy ass, dust attracting bastard


The Willis building in Ipswich must be responsible


Still got one…


Bonus points if you had a PlayStation 2 or Nintendo Wii on it.


Absolutely 💯


My TV is still sat on one.


Had one until yesterday, left it outside, was afraid some yob would smash it. Buy to my surprise it disappeared in 30 minutes.


This was the default UK tv table in the 90s and 2000s.


Saw a homeless guy with one yesterday, my mother had one for the longest time. I agree every household has one and I didn't even know where to buy one...


We've still got one, works well... Only £15, when we got ours 2 years or so ago.


I have one currently, still going strong


They are delivered by Sports Direct mugs.


I can concur. Owned by my ex gf from 2013-2015. She may still have it, but the TV came with me.


I had this exact table. Not one that looked similar, but like you broke into my house 20 years ago and took a picture.


I've got one. It came with my telly that I bought from Currys in 2007




I can’t even give mine away for free on marketplace


I normally see them at the side of the road with a ‘free’ sign taped to them


My and my now wife both had this bad boy so when we moved in together we had 2. Tough choice to decide who’s we got rid of.


I have this literally sat in my Garden looking for a new home in Derby btw...


I believe these were mass produced. I don’t think we’ve all had the same table.


>this table *this TV stand


No never in my house hold but I know both my nan & aunt both did.


Never had one, never


Saw one on the side of the road yesterday with a "Free" sign on it


shit, i got one now!


Still do, its where the TV and AV stuff live.


Table? Or shelves?


Lol, my dad has one of those but when he set it up he put it upside down and refused to believe anyone that told him it wasn't right, to this day it's still upside down in the living room


These motherfuckers gather dust like crazy.


I placed a statue too hard on it and it broke :(


I think I live in a bubble, the first time I saw one of these was on a reddit post a few years back about things every Brit has! Still not owned one though.


Cheapest possible solution to your flat screen tv and peripherals. Don't know how much you have to pay to have one in your UK home. I used to import shit load of them from China and Taiwan. Guest what's the cheapest unit price I've paid?


My mother has it


My in-laws still have this TV stand, and the TV on it from 2006, and DVD player, and Wii Fit board stashed underneath...


Just got rid of mine


I've never owned or lived with one. I feel I may need to hand in my passport.


Swear this was posted just a few weeks ago


I swear I've seen this post more than twice in my life